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Using Medtronic as an example, (a) explain how a mission statement gives a strategic
direction to its organization. (b) Create a mission statement for your own career.
(A)At Medtronics headquarter, there is a rising figure wall mural. It communicates
inspiration, and gives employees, doctors, and patients impress about companys mission.
The activities shape an organizational culture. An organizational culture exists, which is asset of
values, ideas, attitudes, and norms of behavior that is learned and shared among the members of
an organization.
( B ) M y m is s i on is p eo pl e ha pp y. It me a n s cu s t o me rs a nd employees are most
important for the shareholder.
2. What competencies best describe (a) your college or university and (b) your favorite
(a) My university named TRINE. It does not need TOEFLs grade. You can easy to get I-20. But
you still study a lot of things. Has the ability to allow a student to expand their knowledge &
creativity by providing them with and education.
(b) The quality of the murali Krishna is good for the price that we pay and they give great
customer service making us one of their best customers.

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