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Title: What is the theme of this story?

I. Background
Give the reasons why this is a problem.
What is the pain that we are addressing?


V. Improved Future State

What do you want to do to reach the goal?

Explain how your countermeasures will address
the root cause.

II. Current State

What is the process today?
Use visuals: charts, graphs, drawings, maps,

VI. Implementation
What actions to take?
Who will be responsible for each?
When will it be due/reviewed?
How do we measure progress?

III. Goals/Targets
What do we need to achieve to call this a

Think visually use a Gantt chart or similar

diagram to show progress

Include a way to measure it

IV. Analysis

VII. Followup

Determine the root cause(s) of the problem.

What were the outcomes vs. our expectations?

Are there still issues to address?

Be visual use a problem analysis tool that

clearly shows the cause-and-effect

Continue the cycle of PDCA

Share learning throughout organization
Created by Georgia Tech 2012

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