GD&T Circular Runout

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Estimated rns Sar Degen ee Dee Eee eee ac? Describe what runout is, tes oes eo ee ene ce Explain what circular runout is. ee ot earn eee eee ern eer a ee ee eo Determine the naximum amount of axisefiset from a circular runout rod Interpret a circular runout apy ; De eee en ee Page Naber uneut controls are considered composite comiils A composite contro! affects the form, location, and orantation ofa par feature Funout contrale are ofan use! to canta the coatialty of diameters ‘There re twa types cf runout contrals: circular funout and total runout, This lesson covers cteular runout ‘There re two requirements ‘when using a ninout contol oD OK ed Page Naber Funout controls are ofan used to contra the coadalty of diarreter, There are twa types of runout contrale, circular unout and otal runout, This lesson coves circular runout There ae te requirements ‘vhon using a uncut conto 4. Arunout contol must contain a datum feature reference that coil tothe toleranced feature. 2 Runout mist be applied at RFS, Page Naber py El iS) Jandors Comments There ae two types of runout contrale, circular runout and tel runout, Tris lescon coves citeulat runout There ae two requirements ‘vhon using a uncut conto 4. Arunout contol must contain a datum feature reference thats coamial tothe toleranced feature. 2 Runeut must be applied at RFS, ‘Sole This Problem... Problem Indicate f cach statomant is TRUE or FALSE. Runout is considered composite contol two 1 False “Thete are thres types of wnout contia's Cte False ‘Yougeetrem aleonect lekthe FHT acto ts conde ‘Sole This Problem... Problem Indicate f cach statomant is TRUE or FALSE. ‘Armout contol must alvay ba specified at RFS. Tue 1 False ‘Acrunout contol must alvay> contain s datum feature reference, tue 1 False Youge trem steorest cick ne FIGHT aro corte Page Naber Estebishing oDstur Axis for Runout “Thoto ava thos ways to establish datum axis fora runout specication 1. Use a single lometer of suficiant length as a datum ‘eature Acsingle ciamater ean only be Used when itis Lang encugh to ent the par, Va diameter is too short to establich an anic for inspection, the slameter vl nal serve wll a a primary datum feature fr the par Ine asserbly, = 000 0 @ OFF Page Naber Estebishing oDstur Axis for Runout “Thoto ava thos ways to establish datum axis fora runout specication 1. Use a single lometer of suficiant length as a datum ‘eature Acsingle ciamater ean only be Used when itis Lang encugh to ent the par, Va diameter is too short to establich an anic for inspection, the slameter vl nal serve wll a a primary datum feature fr the par Ine asserbly, = 000 0 @ OFF Page Naber Estebishing oDstur Axis for Runout “Thoto ava thos ways to establish datum axis fora runout specication 1. Use a single lometer of suficiant length as a datum ‘eature Acsingle ciamater ean only be Used when itis Lang encugh to ent the par, Va diameter is too short to establich an anic for inspection, the slameter vl nal serve wll a a primary datum feature fr the par Ine asserbly, = 000 0 @ OFF Page Naber Estebishing oDstur Axis for Runout “Thoto ava thos ways to establish datum axis fora runout specication 1. Use a single lometer of suficiant length as a datum ‘eature Acsingle ciamater ean only be Used when itis Lang encugh to ent the par, Va diameter is too short to establich an anic for inspection, the slameter vl nal serve wll a a primary datum feature fr the par Ine asserbly, on ’ KEK Page Naber Estebishing oDstur Axis for Runout “Thoto ava thos ways to establish datum axis fora runout specication 1. Use a single lometer of suficiant length as a datum ‘eature Acsingle ciamater ean only be Used when itis Lang encugh to ent the par, Va diameter is too short to establich an anic for inspection, the slameter vl nal serve wll a a primary datum feature fr the par Ine asserbly, on ’ KEK Page Naber Estebishing oDstur Axis for Runout < “Thoto ava thos ways to establish datum axis fora uncut specication Ey CARS \— Chusk or collet * on ’ IK Page Naber Estebishing oDstur Axis for Runout R Perey 106 2 104 There ars thtes ways to establish datum axis fora 4 runout specication 2 Use two [or mate] exaiial ameters a suficient distance apart as datum features to create 0 eingle datum ais “Two (or mere) diameters ate used ta establish a datum axis ‘when they serve an equal rola in establiching tho criontation tthe part in i's assembly, oD 5 SU KK Estebishing oDstur Axis for Runout Page Naber “Thoto ava thos ways to establish datum axis fora runout specication 3. Use a eurace ac a onary datum feature and use = ameter al aright anole as a secondary datum feature. Acurface primary and a diameter secendery are used ‘when the surface orients the patt and the diameter locates tho pam in tho ascombly. When the surface is used as a primary datum featur, tho diameter srould be vey ener. Page Naber Estebishing oDstur Axis for Runout “Thoto ava thos ways to establish datum axis fora runout specication 3. Use a eurace ac a onary datum feature and use = ameter al aright anole as a secondary datum feature. Acurface primary and a diameter secendery are used ‘when the surface orients the patt and the diameter locates tho pam in tho ascombly. When the surface is used as a primary datum featur, tho diameter srould be vey ener. oOo - KKK Estebishing oDstur Axis for Runout Page Naber “Thoto ava thos ways to Datum plane A aa rc 3. Use a eurace ac a onary datum feature and use = ameter al aright anole as a secondary datum feature. Acurface primary and a diameter secendery are used ‘when the surface orients the patt and the diameter locates tho pam in tho ascombly. Datum axis B When the surface is used as a primary datum featur, tho diameter srould be vey ener. on ’ KEK Page Naber Complete each etatorart by Connecting the wor atthe fight the Blank in each statement There are three ways to establish o “The ana ill anly stay when its placed inthe comect box Ta connect aes cick and holt the ltt mouse baton, ‘move ihe cursor tothe dosted ‘cation, ar lease the mouse button ‘Youre Conec A setae onda donee oOo - KKK red Ps ireutar eunout is a composite contral that affects the form, orientation nc Iooatian of eroular clemante (indhicusl y) of a gat feature tala toa datury axis Cireulet runcut ie typically spplied to pats with coastal diameters. Circular uncut applies independently 10 each circular lamant ofthe telrancod ‘este Page Naber Completa the statsmort by selecting the best answer ie a composite ‘arial at arects the frm, tientation, and location of circular slerents indvduslly) of pattfesture relative to 3 datum avis F Gireular runout PF Tolerance of position F chreutariy F Coneonuicty ‘You Care! Chea rant isa Conenstecerkdtte aerss te fern, areriaon,aniocien Ceua loneresciaduay of @ at futur relavote aden a Circular Runout Tolerance Zone Tolerance zone shane argnaiston ne Page Naber ‘The chapo of th toleranco Zone fora circular nau canal applied to ameter is oaclly vcualzod Ibis two coatdal circles whose caters ate located on the datum avis “The radial distance between circles equals the runcut tolerance value on ’ KEK Circular Runout Tolerance Zone Tolerance zone shane argnaiston ne Page Naber ‘The chapo of th toleranco Zone fora circular nau canal applied to ameter is oaclly vcualzod Ibis two coatdal circles whose caters ate located on the datum avis “The radial distance between circles equals the runcut tolerance value on ’ KEK Circular Runout Tolerance Zone Tolerance zone shane argnaiston ne Page Naber ‘The chapo of th toleranco Zone fora circular nau canal applied to ameter is oaclly vcualzod Ibis two coatdal circles whose caters ate located on the datum avis “The radial distance between circles equals the runcut tolerance value co = 000 0 @ OFF Circular Runout Tolerance Zone ‘The chapo of th toleranco Zone fora circular nau canal applied fo ciamater is oOo - KK eK) ‘Sole This Problem... Page Naber Indicate f cach statomant is TRUE or FALSE. CCreular runout spplias to each Groular element independently. two 1 False “The tolerance zone fr cirulat runout agplied faa diameter is two coaxial cylndars, D Tue © False ‘Yougeetrem aleonect lekthe FHT acto ts conde Page Naber Veriyina Circular Runout a 625 7 ‘A ialindicator ie oten used to very a ninout contra a Fist, the par elated ina chuck ar ealet to estan dalum avis A. ‘A dialindicators claced on the surface being checked ‘As the par is rotated 360°, the dial indestor movement isthe runout value of the circular lament Several independent dial indicator readings are made at diferent places along the diameter oD 5 SU Kak) Page Naber Veriyina Circular Runout a 625 7 ‘A ialindicator ie oten used to very a ninout contra a Fist, the par elated ina chuck ar ealet to estan dalum avis A. ‘A dialindicators claced on the surface being checked ‘As the par is rotated 360°, the dial indestor movement isthe runout value of the circular lament Several independent dial indicator readings are made at diferent places along the diameter TSAR autors Commonte Glossary) oOo oO © Ont Page Naber Veriyina Circular Runout a 625 7 ‘A ialindicator ie oten used to very a ninout contra a Fist, the par elated ina chuck ar ealet to estan dalum avis A. ‘A dialindicators claced on the surface being checked ‘eth a i tata SE. the tame fa eens ost See SE Seer ndepeent dl "Ce oaumae indstereasings 70 mods acer esse saueul cus SKK Veriyina Circular Runout re b CL cetumace a Page Naber et Ay 5 Ineo, ckeuar rou piso ea cust Inpactce the epectarchecs as many pes Gerecassary tc ke confer thet the reaurarert hae bn mat. ‘here ao rany ways ctcuat inoue can be etna. Ts eee Tr kee eve Pups, Sever others coud work equaly a well or eter For sean, decked a ages 3 ica usedto very ckeuer raat a awe KK ‘Sole This Problem... Page Naber Indicate f cach statomant is TRUE or FALSE. Circular nou is often verted vat a ail insicator two 1 False ‘When weijing runout, the part is held stationary Cte False ‘Yougeetrem aleonect lekthe FHT acto ts conde ‘Sole This Problem... Page Naber Indicate f cach statomant is TRUE or FALSE. ‘When weiying circular runout, several independent ail indicate reacings are made at itera places tue 7 Falco “The dial indcator movement ie the amount of circular runout Tue [ False Youge trem steorest cick ne FIGHT aro corte Page Naber uncut Controls as «Composite Control fa Drawing (On a crewing cf a par that contains caavial dlameters, & ceanterine is shown, “The centetineropreserts the callectio of cenetines - one foreach coaxial ciamater an the par. Ech diameter ona pat has its oun centeine, The draving species haw much ofset is allawed between the corterines. This can be done with a unout coritel. runout cortrel defines the exis cffset ane the tul-of roundness of pat diameters. or Ye eal I Page Naber uncut Controls as «Composite Control fa Drawing (On a crewing cf a par that contains caavial dlameters, & ceanterine is shown, “The centetineropreserts the callectio of cenetines - one foreach coaxial ciamater an the par. Ech diameter ona pat has its oun centeine, The draving species haw much ofset is allawed between the corterines. This can be done with a unout coritel. runout cortrel defines the exis cffset ane the tul-of roundness of pat diameters. = 000 0 @ OFF uncut Controls as «Composite Control Drawing (On a crewing cf a par that contains caavial dlameters, & erlne is shawn, defines the exis set and the tul-of roundness of pat diameters. a awe SKK Page Naber Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control a Creulr runcur i eansisered a corpse contral because i Fimts the circularity, entation, and avis ofeet of diameter ‘When waiving runout, the dial indicate reading includes several types of pat ettors ‘err oianation, and laestion (exis ofsen. “The patt shown is imoncionos with 3 circular runout contol willbe used to shove how cicular runout combines sovorl typos of part enor ints 8 dal kilestor reading on ’ KEK Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control beg? 101 yes =209 yo reading (unout value) eaval to 20 Greular elements potest rours ‘Datum avs and feature axe are coax a wD BD Page Naber ‘On this gar, the cireulat elements being verfed are perfectly ound and perectly ‘axial With the datum axe, ‘As the part rotates 360° about the datun ax, the dial indiester movement will be “his chow thet ifs parts circular element was perectly round and perfectly coaxial, i ‘would provda a dial indestor racing (or cuvout vale) af Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control ef] Prez Page Naber Now let's look st ancther example Once again we willuse pin 123. This time the circular flere au-otround {Isbod). The out-of ound ‘sreulr element is sil Within the size hits ofthe diameter In this example, the axis of tha circular eloront ig ctl peffecily ezaxisl wth the datum ars ‘As the pat is rotated 360° faut the detum 2x9, 4 {al indicator reading ot runout arcr ie cbiained The indicator wll read the tut-atround ofthe circular Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control ef] Prez Page Naber Now let's look st ancther example Once again we willuse pin 123. This time the circular flere au-otround {Isbod). The out-of ound ‘sreulr element is sil Within the size hits ofthe diameter In this example, the axis of tha circular eloront ig ctl peffecily ezaxisl wth the datum ars ‘As the pat is rotated 360° faut the detum 2x9, 4 {al indicator reading ot runout arcr ie cbiained The indicator wll read the tut-atround ofthe circular | Page Naber Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control fa (lobed). The outofround A] ‘irculr element is sil Aes Within the size mits ofthe diameter wt In this example, the axis of wos =208 the ckeula oomerti stl —! Inder enn una vale) eno 02 petfecily esaviel wth the datum axis nie a 909988 As the pat is rotated 350° 7 ‘bout the datum aris, a {al indicator reading ot runout ancr is cbiained The indicator wil read the otafround ofthe cular be Prez element as a runout error. as Tris type of runout err ie produced fom a form oror Page Naber Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control “y Nolet ok et enter example Once again, in ef As TBoalbs ose oa This ime, the circular wt lament being verified is hess aee perfectly round, but tho Inder axis is fet fom the datum ans, In this example, a5 the part is rotated ED? around the datum ax, a dil indicator reading at runout error 6 obtained ‘Tre entre runout eres produced from the axis ose. An avis offset of 115 produces a dal indicator Page Naber Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control “y ‘ ef Alps clement being veified is C materi al Inder Inthis example, as the part ae pa is rotated 360° around the ‘ datum ax, a sal indicator datum axe reading of runout errors obtained ‘Tre entre runout eros produced from the axis ost. An avis offset of 115 produces a dal indicator reading of 3 Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control Circular element indicator Is perfectly round sy [+ Aude of toleranced slometor Axis of ereular element must be located and oriented \ within this zone (Max ont or eccentnety possible) Datum axis / PIN 123 Page Naber This ime, the circular laren being veiied is pefectly round, but the axis is offset fom the datum axe In this example, asthe part is rotated 360° around the datum ax, a sal indicator reading of runout errors obtained ‘Tre entre runout eros produced from the axis ost. An avis offset of 115 produces a dal indicator reading of 3 | Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control Circular element A\-—Inatcator oda (runout vale) equalto 03 is pertecty round [Asi of loronced mater must be leeated and oxented within this zone Nis etatar denen (Max ont or eccentnety possible) Datum axis / PIN 123 Page Naber This ime, the circular laren being veiied is pefectly round, but the axis is offset fom the datum axe In this example, asthe part is rotated 360° around the datum ax, a sal indicator reading of runout errors obtained ‘Tre entre runout eros produced from the axis ost. An avis offset of 115 produces a dal indicator reading of 3 | Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control ef] rol elament BD Page Naber Lets eummarze the information on circu ar runout Tre tial indicator movement (runout arn) ean be a recut af for enor ofthe clamster, Tre dial indicator movement (runout err) ean be a result of axis fofeet ofthe diamates In industry, most parts have 4 combination of frm aot fad avis onset. When the fal indicator reading is taken, eombings saeral typos of cant omors into 3 singe dial id cstor reading Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control tefl Inder er fn ot trancad dameter rev tent © J) ruet i osstoe ans rents rv 22 Page Naber Lets eummarze the information on circu ar runout Tre tial indicator movement (runout arn) ean be a recut af for enor ofthe clamster, Tre dial indicator movement (runout err) ean be a result of axis fofeet ofthe diamates In industry, most parts have 4 combination of frm aot fad avis onset. When the fal indicator reading is taken, eombings saeral typos of cant omors into 3 singe dial id cstor reading Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control _ Indicator reading (runout value) equal to 0.3 ‘xs of toleranced darmoter must be located and oriented | mihin ts zone Axis of circular element Datum axis PIN 128 Page Naber Lets eummarze the information on circu ar runout Tre tial indicator movement (runout arn) ean be a recut af for enor ofthe clamster, Tre dial indicator movement (runout err) ean be a result of axis fofeet ofthe diamates In industry, most parts have 4 combination of frm aot fad avis onset. When the fal indicator reading is taken, eombings saeral typos of cant omors into 3 singe dial id cstor reading Circular Runout a8 @ Campesite Control TA, Indicator reading (runout vatuo) oqual to 0.3 Axis of “ |Axs of toleranced diarnotor must be located and oriented | mihin ts zone Datum axis PIN 128 Page Naber The tal indicator mowernent (runout rn) can be a result at ox'9 vise ofthe diameter In nducty, moet parts havo ‘combination of form eiror and avis ofset When the {al indicator roading ic taken, t combines several types of pat errs into a ingle dial ruieator reading Since the dal indicator reading contains sevatal types cf encro and orcvides 8 single output (unout ror, a tunout Corte is ccamsidered a composiia contro au ‘Sole This Problem... Page Naber Indicate f cach statomant is TRUE or FALSE. ‘A circular unaut veiication ‘will nclude roundness eror of the aleranced diameter. Tue 1 False A circular mnaut vtifestion Will include the avis offeet of tho falaranced alameter. Tuo 1 False A circular wnout yeticaton ‘will clude beth out-of aun and axis offset ofa diameter Tue [ False You ge trem ateonect cckane Page Naber Circular Runout and Axis OFF sot \Whon circular runout ie angled to a ciameter, the maximum axis offeet porricsibio borwosn the datum avis andthe telerancee ‘ature is oneal af the runout twlerance value Ihthis example the maximum axis offset betwoen the diameter ard detumn xis Ale a1 on ’ KEK Page Naber Completa the statsmort by selecting the best answer Inthie application, the maxirum permissible axis ost is Foss ro ros ros Secs eaeeret femmeskle mis offs 15 ck {he RCHT roves conn, on ’ KEK Page Naber Circular Runout Appication a Inte ele cteuar Af runout is applied to 2 surface that is perpendicular tothe datum Tris io not a cormmon acplication, However, the concepts inolved need to be undorctoos In this type of application tho folowing cordtions acpiy = The shape ofthe tolerance zone is nat two coaxial cicles. Tho otionation ofthe toleranced feature is not controled, The suface Circular Runout Appication Page Naber Trisis not a cormmon application, However, the concepts Fvvlved naed to be understoos In this type of application tho folowing cordtions apply Tho chaps ofthe tolerance zone is nat two coaxial circles. ‘The atientation ofthe toleranced feature is nat Certtollag, The surface Cauls be conical chased ‘and each dial incicator easing could be 25%0 Circular Runout Appication Page Naber Trisis not a cormmon application, However, the concepts Fvvlved naed to be understoos In this type of application tho folowing cordtions apply Tho chaps ofthe tolerance zone is nat two coaxial circles. ‘The atientation ofthe toleranced feature is nat Certtollag, The surface Cauls be conical chased ‘and each dial incicator easing could be 25%0 Circular Runout Appication Page Naber Trisis not a cormmon application, However, the concepts Fvvlved naed to be understoos In this type of application tho folowing cordtions apply Tho chaps ofthe tolerance zone is nat two coaxial circles. ‘The atientation ofthe toleranced feature is nat Certtollag, The surface Cauls be conical chased ‘and each dial incicator easing could be 25%0 ‘Sole This Problem... Problem Indicate the statement is TRUE or FALSE. ‘When cieular runout is applied to surface that is petpendicular tothe datum ‘i, the otiantation ofthe surf is cortaled Ttme F False Page Naber Circular Runout Appiations ‘Typical circular nncut anplications are shown here Application Example Click the “Example” button nent to ezch apelicstin to see ‘more detailed explanation, Locate coaxial diameters ona AEE part Create an axis fom coaxtal diameters on ’ KEK Circular runout ‘could be used to locate these coaxial diameters Se Circular Runout Appiations linen caren srcusr nreut spose, Ure sete aot tenet sep hme Fest [nave ecwn ony fw aploatens here ayeticaionsnindisy Second in many cases, oer ceomebic corto: ry inact rl he sie fat ot couarey tte daneor sue hal 9 rane srl may net oe resured Fr exe costo, pote an cu can ove rater corto shar o crcl runt Page Naber ‘Typical circular nncut anplications are shown here Click tho “Exam button nent to ezch apelicstin to see ‘more detailed explanation, ae KK OK) ‘Sole This Problem... Indicate the statement is TRUE or FALSE. Circular urout should be used 1 contol the far of ameter, Pte F False Cong ions See ee ee Runout. tick the (button to return to the CSTR eee See ast ad CSU Cm errs True /Fatse i oy Cees ‘A eiroular runout verfostion includes beth aut-ctvound and axis offal of a diameter. Fite [ Falco Understanding You're Correct! errs Mutiple Choice p a Circular urout ie coneidarad a because tits the relay, atienttion, and axis affect of slametar F composite control F runout contrat TF sinale segment sontot Understanding & formcontrot Mutiple Choice errs aS In thie appliction, wich ono of ‘he ellowng statements i else F The masimum axis offact 02. F The maamum exeutany TF This ie toga specification ‘fron runt The runout contol apptes to ‘simattaneatsy You're Correct! errs Mutiple Choice a a One way to establish a datum ‘nis fora turout contrl isto use ‘as adatum feature Fa gametes primary and a face ‘secondary F three coms ciometors 17 etogle tamer or eercent Understanding none ofthe above errs a a True /Fatse ‘When voriffing ckcular runout, tho pat is usually held stationary Tue F False Understanding You're Correct! errs Mutiple Choice coor Circular urout ie coneidarad a compasite contol because it lt the ofa Siamocor, 1 crcurity orientation, an ti offoot. Fete, orientation, and ate Understanding FF circuit size, ae axis coffe. TF exoutrny, 29, ana covienttion. errs ous a Mutiple Choice Tho inspoction ofa creular unot contyal mcludes ths type of pat 1 concenereny FP sioutrity F stroichtness P extinct Understanding errs aos a True /Fatse ZA tho oxo tor circular ‘rout Tue F False Understanding You're Correct! errs ous a Mutiple Choice Tho shapo ofthe toloranco zona “or enculer runout applied to a ameter two conde eyiners TF aoanaer. P asia FF two coma circles Understanding You're Correct! Mutiple Choice Understanding errs ro In a ciroular runout application, tho maximum possible axis ofset I= quel a TF two.tmee tie runout tolersnee 1 the sur of the sie and runout IF ame.natrine runout tolerance TF the runout tolerance volo You're Correct!

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