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Challenges you experienced during your internship in school.

During semester 8, we were required to have our internship for one month at our former school
in Practicum Phase 3. My partner and I went to school X. The school is place in rural area. I do
not have any problems with the school but there were some challenges that we had faced
during our internship.
The first challenge is the teachers in the school rely too much on each other. They took
advantages on us. There was, an event each teachers will be assign with their work under their
own committee members. Madam Y had been assigned to be the referee for netball tournament
in conjunction with Hari Karnival Sukan 2016. As we the trainee teachers are asked from the
Senior Assistant of Co-curiculum to help the teachers to set up the court. The teacher passed
her job to us. We trained the pupils and we, as the referee of the tournament.
Then, the head panel of English teacher had given us last minute works. She asked for photos
and materials for LINUS for English hut that we decorated during Practicum Phase 3. She
asked us the day before we finish our internship. She kept remind us like every time when she
see us. The materials that she asked for can be found in the internet. There are various
materials that I had found.
The most common attitude that teachers practice in school is I do not know and I do not want to
know culture. This culture happened when the school has large number of teachers. The
teacher refused to take part because she did not know. These kinds of teachers usually pass
their part to the other teacher. They refuse to learn new thing and take challenges. As a teacher
we also have to learn just like the pupils even it is a small things. Learning is a continuous
process where there is no term for us, teacher do not know. We have to try to learn things that
we do not know.
As a teacher we usually urge our pupils to pay attention in class. Whenever, I passed by Madam
Ms class I saw she ignored the pupils who is noisy in her class. She let the pupils to make
noise in the class as she continuously teaching the rest. Sometimes, I found her playing hand
phone during her class. I thought she just played for short of time. She spent 30 minutes playing
with her phone. The class was a chaotic. The pupils jumped here and there, went out from the
class whenever they like.

There was a time after assembly on Monday. For me, this situation made me feel uncomfortable
and feel sorry to the teacher. The headmaster pointed out the teachers fault in front of other
teacher during the meeting. He asked the teacher to prepare excuse letter. He also mentioned
the teacher mistake and said This is not a good example of a teacher. Dont do the same
mistake as he did. I bet this situation made all of the teachers in the room feel uncomfortable.
The headmaster should approach and talk to the teacher privately in his office.
For me, these challenges are normal. This could happen to me again when I become the real
teacher later. I am okay if the teacher asked me to do work because when I posted to school
later, I will be their freshie. As I assume that I have to learn and work sincerely. If I do not know I
have to ask them, who had experienced for ages in teaching profession. I will accept that as my
opportunity to learn.

Relevant leadership theories learned and propose how you, as a professional leader, could
apply the theories or a combination of theories in overcoming the challenges you have
Based on the challenges that I had listed above, there is one theory that I can relate to my
challenges. Behaviour Theory is the theory that can I apply in the future to improve whether in
my teaching profession or as a leader.
Behaviour Theory is a theory on how leaders behave in the process of leadership especially
how the leaders handle their followers. This theory believes that leadership can be trained or
learned formally and informally. There are two behavioural theory which are Theory X and
Theory Y by Douglas Mc Gregor (1960) and Grid Management by Blake & Mounton (1964,
1978). There is nothing inherently wrong with such prescriptions. Indeed, it is valuable to have
the products of academic research and consultant experience. This look at how a leaders
perceptions of what motivate the followers affects the he/ she behaves. By understanding how
the leaders assumptions about the followers motivation can influence the management style.
The leader management style is strongly influenced by his/her beliefs and assumptions about
what motivates the followers. If I believe that my team members dislike work, I will tend towards
an authoritarian style of management. On the other hand, if I assume that my followers take
pride in doing a good job, I will tend to adopt a more participative style. To become a successful
leader Theory Y by Douglas Mc Gregor should be apply where the leader taught his staff as

hardworking, look at the work as a matter of natural which foster cooperation among the
members of organization, ambitious and have a positive attitude towards work. As a teacher I
should take responsibility and are motivated to fulfil the goals that had been set by the
administration or the curriculum. Many of the principles of Theory Y are widely adopted by types
of organization that value and encourage participation. Theory Y-style management is suited to
knowledge work and professional services as example teacher profession. Its principles to
encourage knowledge sharing and continuous improvement bring benefit to the management.
In addition to Behaviour Theory, Blake and Mounton (1964, 1978) showed that the behavior of
the leadership resulted in Grid Management. The Grid Management is separated with two
different behavioural dimensions. The first dimension is concern for human. This is the degree
to which a leader has to consider the team members needs, interests and areas of personal
development when deciding best to accomplish a task. The second dimension is concern for
results or production. The leader emphasizes on concrete objectives, organizational efficiency
and high productivity when deciding how best to accomplish a task.
I would like to apply five types the actions of Management Grid based on the figure shown
below. I will choose few actions to relate with my challenges.

Figure 2 : The Blake Mounton Management Grid

Based on the actions in shown above that relates to my challenges is produce or perish
management. For my opinion, this theory is like authoritarian concept of management. The
leader is autocratic, has strict work rules, policies and procedures, and sometimes can view
punishment as an effective way of motivating team members. As examples, the last challenges
that I had listed above. The headmaster shamed the teacher in front of other colleagues. This
kind of leader focus on the concern of productivity as always human will be put as the last
consideration. This approach can drive impressive production results at first, but low team moral
and motivation will ultimately affect the members performance, and this type of leader will
struggle to retain high performers. There are pros and cons of applying this approach.
As this situation can be balance by country club management approach. This accommodating
style of leader is most concerned about the team members need and feelings. The leader
assumes that, as long as they are happy and secure, they will work hard and perform in their
work. I suggested that to be the result is a work environment that is very relaxed and fun, but
where productivity suffers because there is lack of direction and control.
Combination of these two approaches will make a successful organization. Where the leader
pushes and urges the team members. At the same time, the leader concern with the team
members. Thus, this creates a harmonious work environment and successful management of
an organization. This combination of approaches is called Team Management approach.
According to the Blake Mouton model, Team management is the most effective leadership style.
It reflects a leader who is passionate about his work and who does the best he can for the
people he works with. Team leaders commit to their organizations goals and mission, motivate
the people who report to them, and work hard to get people to stretch themselves to deliver
great results. But, at the same time, theyre inspiring figures who look after their teams.
Someone led by a Team manager feels respected and empowered, and is committed to
achieving the goals.
The leader prioritizes both the organisations production needs and their peoples needs. They
do this by making sure that their team members understand the organisations purpose, and by
involving them in determining production needs. As example, when people are committed to,
and have a stake in the organisations success, their needs and production need coincide. This
creates an environment based on trust and respect, which leads to high satisfaction, motivation
and excellent results. Team leaders likely adopt the theory Y to motivation, as I mentioned

above. The Team management style is often the most effective approach, but there are
situations that call for more attention to one area than the other.
The theories related to leadership trying to find answers to the most effective way to manage an
organization so that productivity able to maximize and costs are minimized. Leaders today must
be responsive to the currents of change brought about by the explosion of information and
technology in order to manage change and innovation happen by using the skills of the 21 st
century in line with Malaysians Blue Print.
(1654 words)


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