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Drill String


Procter and Collins Ltd

Specialist Drilling Engineers

Revision P1

Stuckpipe Prevention


Drag and Torque and Stuck Pipe Mechanics Theory

1.3 Buckling
1.8 Creating a drag chart
1.9 Buoyancy and drag when stuck
1.11 Backing off

Written by

Procter and Collins Ltd

Specialist Drilling Engineers

421 Union St, Aberdeen

AB11 6DA, Scotland.
Thanks to Ian Pettit and Kees Langeveld forhelping to edit this document.
1998 Procter & Collins Ltd
Photographs Ray Procter Collection 1997

Revision P1

Stuckpipe Prevention

Drag and Torque and Stuck Pipe Mechanics Theory

This section covers the theory required to understand the mechanical aspects of
sticking a string in a wellbore and the forces required to free the string. In this
section string refers to a drill string, casing string or any other string run into the

1.1 Surface String Weight - The Buoyancy method

The formula for calculating the surface string weight for a vertical string using the
buoyancy method is shown below:

StringWeight = L W BF
String Weight


------------ Eqn 1

tension in the string at surface (lbs)

length of string (ft)
specific weight of string (lbs / ft)
buoyancy factor for the mud weight in use.

This assumes the buoyancy force due to the density of drilling fluid is distributed
along the whole length of the string.
Example of calculating string weight using the buoyancy method
Question: What is the surface string weight of 1000 ft of drill collars that have an air
weight of 150 lb/ft, when they are suspended in 520 pptf mud. The mud gives a
buoyancy factor of 0.847.
Using Eqn 1 StringWeight =1000 ft 150lb / ft 0.847 = 127050lbs
If this method is used to calculate the tension ina vertical string at any other depth
then the formula is as follows:

Tx = x W BF



Eqn 2

string tension at position x along its length (lbs)

distance along string from bottom up (ft)
weight of string (lbs / ft)
buoyancy factor

When x = L, Tx = String tension at surface = Surface string weight

Once again this formula assumes the buoyancy force due to the density of drilling

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Stuckpipe Prevention
fluid is distributed along the whole
length of the string (Archemides
Principle - Ref13).
If we use the buoyancy method to
calculate the tension in the string
at depths A and B (Fig 1) we get
the following results
Tension in the string at point A
At A, x = L , therefore
Tx = String Weight
Tension in the string at point B.
At B, x = 0 , therefore from Eqn 2

Tx = 0 150 0.847 = 0

note 1

Fig 1 - Schematic of pseudo tension in a

drill string in a vertical well.

Archimedes Principle states that upward force is equal to the weight of the displaced
fluid. However, this is a simplification for calculating the total effect for the whole
submersed body. To calculate force in the middle of a submersed drill string the
vertical component of all the pressure area forces acting on all the surfaces must be
integrated (added).
In the case of a vertical drill string the only surface facing down (ignoring tooljoints) is
at B (Fig 1). Here the hydrostatic force equals 520 psi x cross sectional area of the
string (assume 45 sq inches). This will be 23400 lbs, which is a significantly different
result than obtained in the above calculation ( Tx = 0). This illustrates that Eqn 2 is
only valid for tension when x = L.
Calculating the actual tension in the string using the buoyancy method is only possible when x=L, and the tension in the string at surface is being calculated (ie,
the string weight). The tension calculated using the buoyancy method will therefore
be referred to as pseudo tension to distignuish it from the real tension in the string
In order to remain consistent for subsequent equations, Eqn 2 is now renamed as
shown below:

pTx = x W BF


where pTx = pseudo string tension.

When pTx = 0 , x gives the position of the buckling neutral point.1
Note: drillers call this the neutral point See Section 1.3.1

Eqn 2.1

1.2 Surface String weight - The Pressure Area method

The formula for calculating the string tension for a uniform vertical string using the
pressure area method is shown below:

StringWeight =(W L) (MW L CSA)

String Weight


tension2 in the string at surface (lbs)

length of string (ft)
specific weight of string (lbs / ft)
mud weight (psi / 1000 ft) [pptf].
cross sectional area of string (inch2)


OD 2 ID 2

----------------------------Eqn 3

Example of calculating string weight using the pressure area method

What is the surface string weight of 1000 ft of drill collars that have an air weight of
150 lb/ft, when they are suspended in 520 pptf mud. The dimensions of the string are
OD = 8 , ID = 2.5.
Using Eqn 3

StringWeight =(150 1000) (520 / 1000 1000 45.36) = 126414lbs

If the pressure area method is used to calculate the tension in a vertical string at any
other depth then the formula is as follows:

Tx = (W x) (MW L CSA)


-------------------------------- Eqn 4

tension in the string at x ft from bottom of the string (lbs)

length of string (ft)
distance along string from bottom up (ft)
specificweight of string (lbs / ft)
mud weight (psi / 1000 ft) [pptf].
cross sectional area of string (inch2)

Tension should not be confused with axial stress ():

tension = A dA

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Stuckpipe Prevention
If we use the pressure area method
to calculate the tension in the string
at points A and B (Fig 2) we see
the following results:
Tension in the string at point A
At A, x = L
therefore from Eqn 4:
Tx = (150 x 1000)
- (0.52 x 1000 x 45.36)
= 126414 lbs
Tension in the string at point B.
At B, x = 0, therefore from Eqn 4:

Fig 2 Schematic of tension in a vertical

Tx = (150 x 0) - (0.52 x 1000 x 45.36) = -23585 lbs
This value is a negative tension, indicating a compression. It represents the force
due to the mud hydrostatic pressure acting on the bottom of the string.
Question: Where is the tension in the string equal to zero?
Answer: By re-arranging Eqn 4 we can solve for Tx = 0


Tx + ( MW L CSA)

-----------------------------------Eqn 5

When Tx = 0, Eqn 5 becomes



----------------------------------- Eqn 6

Using the values as before we get:

x = ( 0.52 x 1000 x 45.36 ) = 157 ft
The tension = zero point is therefore 157 ft off bottom or at a depth of 843ft.
This result is significantly different to the pseudo tension result obtained using the
buoyancy method. The pseudo tension is always zero at the bottom string provided
the WOB is equal to zero.

1.3 Buckling
Buckling occurs when part of the string is in
compression and the amount of compression
is sufficient to bend the string. This bending
(buckling) may or may not permanently deform the string. When the string is permanently deformed due to buckling it is
plastically buckled. When the string is temporarily deformed due to buckling it is elastically buckled.
The minimum force required to buckle the
string is referred to as the critical buckling
force and is calculated using the Dawson
Paslay equations (Ref 7 (deviated > 5 degrees)
or Lubinsky equations (Ref 8) (vertical < 5
degrees) depending on the hole angle.

Photo 1 Plastically buckled

drill pipe

Depending on the compression applied the

buckled string will take on a sinusoidal shape
or a helical shape as in Photo 1. The critical buckling force is dependent on the
angle of the wellbore. The critical angle for a given force is determined using Cheatham
& Chen equations (Ref 9).
For example, the critical buckling force (Fcrit) for 5 20.89 lbs/ft Grade E drill pipe
at an inclination of 1 degree in 10.19 inside diameter casing is 2.5 klbs.
For the same drill pipe at an inclination of 24 degrees Fcrit = 20k lbs and 32 klbs for
drill pipe at 90 degrees. (Source - Wellplan for Windows TDA module calcualtion)
Four different stages can be distinguished when a drill string is subjected to an
increasing compressive load above the critical buckling force:
1. Sinusoidal buckling.
2. Transition from sinusoidal to helical buckling.
3. Helical buckling.
4. Permanent deformation of the drill string
The occurrence of these modes of buckling are all indicated by the Wellplan for
Windows TDA module as part of a normal report.
The drilling team are mainly interested in items 3 and 4 above.
3, because this is the point where it becomes more difficult to obtain the required
WOB for motor drilling or to run into the hole with a drill string, coil tubing (lock up

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Stuckpipe Prevention
can occur with coil tubing) or in some special cases pre-packed screens or liners .
4, because this is the point where the string is damaged.

Buckling Neutral Point

The buckling neutral point is the position in the string above which buckling cannot
occur. Below the neutral point the string will only buckle if the critical buckling force
is exceeded. It is not the position in the string where the tension equals zero.
Whats in a name.
In Section 2.1 the buckling neutral point is called the pseudo tension = zero point.
It is also well documented that a drill string will only buckle below the drillers neutral
point (Ref 10). This drillers neutral point refers to the same point. For clarity it will
be referred to in this booklet as the buckling neutral point.
How can the position of the buckling neutral point be calculated?
Wellplan for Windows TDA module calculates both buoyancy method pseudo tension, pressure area tension and critical buckling force results. These can be referenced on any normal report from the TDA module.

1.4 Introducing WOB into the tension equations

In Section 1.1 it was established that the buoyancy calculation method is only used
to calculate the tension in the string at surface as it is not valid for any other depth.
The buoyancy method is used for one other very important calculation, the buckling
neutral point. (i.e. the pseudo tension = 0 point).
From Eqn 2.1 the position of the buckling neutral point can be established for a
vertical string that is off bottom. To take into account WOB the formula is modified
as follows:
Using Eqn 2.1 for the pseudo tension:

pTx = x W BF WOB


Eqn 7

pseudo string tension at position x along its length (lbs)

distance along string from bottom (ft)
specific weight of string (lbs / ft)
weight on bit (lbs)
buoyancy factor for the mud weight in use.

For the actual tension in a vertical string the pressure area equation is used. It is
modified to take WOB into account.


Using Eqn 3 for the tension:

Tx = (W x ) (MW L CSA) WOB



Eqn 8

tension in the string at x ft from bottom of the string (lbs)

length of string (ft)
distance along string from bottom up (ft)
specific weight of string (lbs / ft)
mud weight (psi / 1000 ft) [pptf].
cross sectional area of string (inch2)
weight on bit (lbs)

NB The above formula Eqn 1 to 8 are for a perfectly vertical string. Once the string is
no longer vertical the formulae become complicated and can only practically be
performed with the aid of a computor program such as Wellplan for Windows TDA


Revision P1

Stuckpipe Prevention
Example of calculating the position of the buckling neutral
point and tension = 0 point.
Data: 1000 ft of drill collars that have an air weight of 150 lb/ft, are suspended in 520
pptf mud. The dimensions of the string are OD = 8 , ID = 2.5.
When 10k lbs WOB is applied:
(a) Where in the string is the buckling neutral point?
(b) Where in the string is the tension equal to zero?
Answer (a)
The buckling neutral point has moved
up the string from the bottom by a distance equivalent to 10k lbs of string
weight as in Fig 3.
We know pseudo tension = 0 at the
buckling neutral point so using Eqn 7
and setting pTx = 0 we have:

pTx = x W BF WOB
0 = x 150 0.847 10000

= 79 ft
150 0.847

Fig 3 - string pseudo tension schematic

when WOB is added.

i.e. at a depth of 921 ft.

Answer (b)
The tension = zero when Tx = 0 in Eqn 8.

Tx = (W x ) (MW L CSA) WOB

0= (150 x) (0.52 1000 45.36) 10000

0.52 1000 45.36 + 10000

= 224 ft

Comparing the two results illustrates that the tension zero point is not in the same
position as the buckling neutral point. The tension is zero 145ft above the buckling
neutral point.
Note: when no WOB was present the tension was zero 157ft above the buckling
neutral point. The discrepancy between the results of the two methods (pseudo
tension and pressure area tension) decreases as the points move towards the surface, where the results are the same.
Example Question A
Consider a simple vertical drill string hanging off bottom, in mud. The tension in the
string is simply the weight of the string below any chosen point, minus any net
hydrostatic forces acting on the string and minus any WOB.
A drill string consists of 100ft of 8 by 3 Drill Collar weighing 147lb/ft and the mud
weight is 520 pptf. The rig has a top-drive weighing 30k lbs. The Buoyancy factor for
520 pptf mud is 0.847. The critical buckling force (Fcrit) for these collars in a vertical
well is 21.8 klbs.
If the above string is 100ft, 1000ft and 10000ft long, fill in the answers to the questions in the table below:

What is the weight in air?

What is the buoyant weight?
What is the upward force on the bottom of the string?
Is the bottom part of the string in compression?
Where is the zero tension point? (above bottom)
Where is the buckling neutral point? (above bottom)
What is the hook load?
What would the surface mesured weight of the string be?

100ft 1000ft 10000ft

____ ____ _____
____ ____ _____
____ ____ _____
____ ____ _____
____ ____ _____
____ ____ _____
____ ____ _____
____ ____ _____

Table 1
You will notice that the lower part of the string is in compression. The compression
forces can be large, even inexcess of the critical buckling forcefor the string component and the string does not buckle. This is due to hydrostatic restraining forces
acting all around the string. The critical buckling force is only allpies to forces over
and above hydrostatic forces, i.e. WOB. This is why pressure area calculations are
not used for establishing the buckling state of a drill string.


Revision P1

Stuckpipe Prevention
1.7 Drill string tension when tripping in and pulling out.
Fig 13 has three separate curves showing the tension in the string in a deviated
wellobre while moving the string up, down and rotating off bottom with the bit at
7500ft. The tension in the string while moving the string down (down weight) is less
than the tension when moving the string up (up weight). The difference comes from
the interaction between gravity and friction.
When the string is moving up both gravity and friction are acting down. When the
string is moving down friction is acting up and gravity is acting down. Thus we see
more drag when moving a string up than when moving it down.

Trip In: Tension
Trip Out: Tension
Rotate Off Bottom: Tension


Tension Forces (k lbs)



















Depth [ft]



Fig 13 - Tension vs depth for tripping in, out and

rotating off bottom in a deviated well.


Tension Forces (k lbs)

-140 -120 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20




80 100 120 140




80 100 120 140



Depth [ft]


140 120 100 80




Fig 14 - Typical String Tension

Plot when tripping in, out and
rotating off bottom in a horizontal well with the bit at TD

Trip In: Tension
Rotate Off Bottom:
Trip Out: Tension

Fig 13 is the typical tension plot created during well planning. Unfortunately, it tells
us nothing of the risk of buckling, margin of overpull etc. It tells us only what the
tension in all parts of the string will be when the bit is at 7500 ft.
In general for both vertical and deviated wells the tension at surface, shown in this
type of plot (Fig 13 and Fig 14), will indicate the highest tension that will be seen
while drilling the well. However, in certain cases such as in horizontal wells, (Fig 14)
this type of plot does not show the highest tension and if used could result in significantly less margin of overpull than expected! Fig 14 shows the highest tension to
be 130k lbs while pulling out at TD. The drag chart for the same well - Fig 16 shows
the highest tension (bit is at 5600ft) to be 200k lbs - 50% higher!


Revision P1

Stuckpipe Prevention
1.8 Creating a drag chart
Creating a drag chart from actual data
By measuring the up weight, down weight and free rotating weight every stand a drag
profile can be created for the well being drilled, simmilar to the example in Fig 15.
Measured weight

Note the drag profile lines start at

the travelling equipment weight, not
at zero klbs.
The trend information within the drag
chart is essential for the rig team to
evaluate what is happening down

Bit depth
Fig 15 - Shows an example of a
manualy created drag chart

Historically, drag trends were recorded by the driller in his tally book.
The drag chart is a more systematic
and defined way of recording the data.
Creation of the chart can be done for
the driller by the mud loggers or the
wellsite drilling engineer. A drag chart
should also be created for running
casing, liner or coil tubing.

Surface weights are monitored when the string is being pulled out of the hole or run
into the hole without rotation. If the string is rotating, such as when reaming in and
out, then drag values must be accompanied by the torque and RPM values for any
of them to be meaningful. A note should be made to show whether the pumps were
on or off when the readings were taken. The rig travelling equipment weight is also
required for each well, this should be recorded on the chart.
When this drag profile (Fig 15) is combined with a set of lines showing:
the maximum allowable measured weight (yield strength),
the onset of buckling (sinusoidal),
the minimum allowable measured weight, [the onset of damage due to buckling (plastic deformation)],
a complete drag chart is obtained (Fig 16).
The parts of a drag chart that cannot be measured on site are the maximum and
minimum allowable measured weights. These should be calculated at the rig site
using Wellplan for Windows TDA module. This requires the use of friction factors,
which should be back calculated from actual well data.


Creating a forecast drag chart

To create a drag chart in the planning stage of a well the up, down and free rotating
measured weight values are calculated by a torque & drag program and are plotted
in, for example, 200ft bit depth increments. This will result in three curves representing the up, down and free rotating weights for the string at all bit depths in the well, a
similar result to a manually created drag chart. Wellplan for Windows TDA module
can be used to automatically create a drag chart. Ref 11.
It is common practice to produce only the TD tension (Fig 14) when planning a well.
However, a drag chart gives more information than a TD tension plot, since the highest tension at surface is not always when the bit is at TD. With the types of wells
currently being drilled it is advisable to always calculate a drag chart.
A drag chart tells the user four main items of information.
1) The drag profile expected on the well. Note: the maximum tension expected in
the well may not always be at TD!
2) The maximum allowable measured weight, which is not always dependent on
the surface drill pipe, for example when a mixed string is being used!
3) The minimum allowable measured weight at which sinusoidal buckling starts to
4) The minimum allowable measured weight at which buckling causes the string to
fail plastically.

The component parts of a drag chart

NB: In Fig 16 the vertical axis represents bit depth, not distance down the string.
A The traveling equipment weight.
B1 The plastic buckling line. When the measured weight at surface reaches this
value buckling will cause plastic deformation of the string. In Fig 16 line A and B
overlap. This suggests plastic buckling will not occur at any bit depth or measured weight for this well.
B2 This is the onset of buckling line. When the measured weight at surface reaches
this value the string will start to buckle (see Section 2.3 for establishing exactly
where in the string the buckling occurs).
C The trip in string weight line.
D The free rotating string weight line.
E The trip out string weight line.
F The maximum allowable string weight line taking into account a safety factor.


Revision P1

Stuckpipe Prevention

Measured Weight at Surface1

Horizontal well


100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500




C: Trip In

Depth [ft]

E: Trip Out
D: Rotate Off Bottom
B1: Min Weight Plastic
B2: Min Weight Buckle
F: Max Meas Weight



Vertical Section Graph


Horizontal well

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500




4000 Depth [ft]



100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

Measured Weight [kip]

Vertical Section


500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

Vertical Section

The measured weight at surface includes the weight of the

travelling equipment. See Ref 3, page 55 for a full list definitions.

Fig 16- A Typical Drag Chart for a Horizontal Well

Generated by Wellplan for Windows

The high maximum allowable measured weights at bit depths shallower than 1400ft
are due to the BHA components being in the rotary table.


Measured Weight at Surface

Deviated Well



100 150

200 250

300 350

400 450


Vertical Section Graph

Vertical Depth [ft]









Vertical Section [ft]

Trip In


Actual Trip In
Trip Out
Actual Trip Out
Rotate Off Bottom

Bit Depth [ft]

Actual Rotate Off Bottom

Min Weight Plastic
Min Weight Buckle
Max Meas Weight




100 150

200 250

300 350

400 450


Measured Weight [kip]

Fig 17 - A Typical Drag Chart for a Deviated Wel
Generated by Wellpan for Windowsl
Fig 17 shows a typical drag chart for a deviated well with the vertical section shown
in the inset. THe maximum allowable measured weight line has been ommited in
this example.


Revision P1

Stuckpipe Prevention
Torque at Surface
H o r i z o n t a l W ell
Rotate On Bottom
Rotate Off Bottom


Bit Depth [ft]









T o r q u e [ f t - lbf]

Fig 18 - A Torque vs Bit Depth Chart for a Deviated Well

Generated by Wellplan for Windows

Fig 18 shows the expected surface torque while drilling for bit depths down to TD.
The two lines shown are the on and off bottom rotary torque assuming an on bottom
bit torque of 1000 ft.lbs.


1.9 Buoyancy and drag when stuck

When stuck, the drill string does not loose its buoyancy. The string remains immersed in a fluid and therefore still has buoyancy. The sticking mechanism may
absorb all the buoyancy and other forces (those transmitted from surface for example) applied to it, however, if the internal forces in the steel are to be calculated
buoyancy must be taken into account.
[Imagine a balloon filled with hydrogen. The balloon will float up wards until you catch it in your hands.
Where does the buoyancy force go then. Of course it goes into your hands. The buoyancy force is
still present, it is purely absorbed by you - acting as the sticking mechanism.]

There are circumstances where buoyancy is lost - The Gulfax concrete platform structures
were floated out to position, placed on the seabed and 15m steel skirts on the base of the
storage tanks are sunk into the mud. The storage tanks above were then evacuated
causing the water hydrostatic pressure to push the structure down into the mud - this is
effectively loss of buoyancy. Similarly a drill string in a deviated wellobre can loose a small
percentage of its buoyancy when it is differentially stuck or if the string is run into green

When a string is free and the up weight is applied to start pulling out of the hole, the
tension in the string increases from its rotating weight by an amount equal to the up
drag and the string moves upwards. When the string is stuck (or the hole is tight)
and an overpull (i.e, over and above normal up weight) is applied, the string stretches.
The tension and therefore the drag in the string increases to a higher level than when
the string was free.
Conclusion: When applying overpull the effective drag is higher than when the
string is free. This increase in drag has nothing to do with the mechanism causing
the overpull.
Consequence 1: The down hole overpull is always less than the surface overpull
applied. The difference is the extra drag due to the higher contact forces.
Example 1: If 100k lbs overpull is applied at surface, depending on the drag profile
of the well, only 80k lbs overpull may be seen down hole. (a setdown is defined in
Ref 3 as the amount of string weight slacked off below the down weight). The
downhole value of setdown is more than the surface setdown (see Chapter 2.6).
When the string is set down the tension throughout the string decreases thus the
drag decreases and hence the setdown is larger.
Consequence 2: When applying a setdown weight the effective drag will be less
than the down drag. In a highly deviated or horizontal well the drag in the high angle
sections would need to be overcome before any force is transmitted along the string.


Revision P1

Stuckpipe Prevention
Example 2: If 50k lbs setdown (ie 50klbs below the down weight) is applied at
surface in a well with inclination less than 45 degrees, depending on the drag profile
of the well, 60 klbs may be seen down hole. This is because the tension in the whole
string is lower so the down drag decreases.

Force at Stuck Point Chart


Stuck While POOH


Stuck While RIH






Up Weight



Surface Weight Indicator Reading (klbs)

Fig 19 - Force at Stuck Point as a Function of
Surface Weight
Fig 19 is a schematic of the Force at Stuck Point vs Surface Weight. There are four
areas of interest.
Overpull (surface weight > 150k lbs in Fig 19).
Hysterisis (Surface weight 80 - 150k lbs in Fig 19). The force transmitted to
the stuck point is changing from tension to compression or vice versa and the
friction in the well is in the process of changing direction. This hysteresis loop
has minimal effect on the force at the stuck point and is not computed in the
Wellplan for Windows stuckpipe module. See Chapter 2.10.
Setdown (surface weight 80 - 40 klbs in Fig 19)
Buckling (surface weight <30k lbs in Fig 19). The surface weight is sufficiently
low to allow the string to buckle. From Fig19 there is no way of telling where
in the string buckling will occur, a normal report fromk the wellplan for windows
TDA module is required to show this.


Fig 20 shows the force at stuck

point for a vertical well. This force
(in this case a compression) can
increases faster than the slack-off
weight is applied. .

Stuck Pipe

As the measured weight reduces

from 200k lbs to 100k lbs (100k
lbs difference) the compressional
force at the stuck point increases
from -12k lbs to -126k lbs (114k
lbs difference).

100 k lbs


114 k lbs
Force [kip]

This will not always be the case,

especially if the well is highly devi150
ated or horizontal. However, it is
important to understand how the
friction in the well is behaving. This
type of calculation can help the drilling engineer understand what is
happening in the well. This analyMeasured Weight [kip]
sis is useful not only when the
Fig 22 - Wellplan for Windows example
string is stuck, but also when
Illustrating the Downhole Force is Greater
shearing down hole pins or bolts
than the Surface Slackoff
etc, Operational experience confirms that shear pins often require more pull than expected to shear. This extra
pull required is often extra drag due to the 100k lbs overpull required to shear the

1.10 The Wellplan for Windows Stuck Pipe Module

When the string becomes stuck the bottom part of the string is effectively fixed in the
wellbore. Conventional torque and drag programs are not capable of modelling this
situation. The Stuck Pipe module (STU) of Wellplan for Windows is designed specifically for this task.
The input for the STU module is the same as for the TDA module; BHA, survey,
casing scheme, friction coefficient and mud data with the addition of stuck depth, jar
position, maximum and minimum applied weight.
The output data includes:
- The force at the stuck point.
- The force applied at the jar.
- Surface force required to Back-off.


Revision P1

Stuckpipe Prevention
The STU module graphical
output (Fig 23) provides the
force at stuck point result for
measured weights down to
zero lbs. It may not be physically possible to have this
force at the stuck point due to
buckling. The STU module report must be viewed to determine whether buckling is occurring and if so the measured
weight at which it occurs.

Stuck Pipe
Horizontal Well

In Fig 23 the flat area of the

line is not at zero as the stuck
point chosen for this example
was not at the bit. This results in the stuck point absorbs the weight of the string
hanging below.

Force [kip]

String fails in tension

String buckles


Force Applied At Stuck










Measured Weight [kip]

The driller can usually find the
measured weight to cock the
Fig 23 - Force at Stuck point Chart
jars by trial and error, by
watching for the flat spot on
the weight indicator. This flat
spot will correspond to the one seen on the Force at Stuck Point chart only when the
depth of calculation is the jar depth. (The flat spot, as all those who have squeaked
know, is the point when the string is being slacked off but the measured weight
indicator stops moving momentarily as the jars close or open). However, this observation of the flat spot becomes very difficult if not impossible in a highly deviated or
horizontal well and when jars with a central latched position are contained in the


1.11 Backing off



When a back-off shot is used to

break a connection down hole the
tension at the back-off point
should be close to zero for best
If the tooljoint is held in either
compression (or tension), the pin
and box are forced together
(apart) when the shot is fired and
friction prevents the string from
backing off. However, a small
amount of tension (say up to a
maximum of 5 klbs is often used
as a rule of thumb) forces the tool
joint to part when the back-off shot
is fired.

Tension = 0
Tension in the string
(Pressure Area Method)

Fig 24 - Tension in the string

prior to getting stuck

Jars (except those with a central latch) give an excellent indication of the position
where the tension = zero, as they open and close when the zero tension point
passes from below to above the jars and vice versa. If no jars are present in the string
or the stuck point is above the jars, a calculation must be made to establish the
surface weight required to place the zero tension point at the back-off depth. This
surface force depends on the direction of movement of the string immediately prior to
backing off, the position of the stuck
point, the position of the back-off Compression 0
point, the string weight and the drag
above the back-off point.
For a perfectly vertical well this calculation is relatively simple but as
soon as the well becomes deviated
the calculations are complicated and
are best done with the Wellplan for
Windows STU Module.
Fig 24 shows the tension in a free drill
string hanging off bottom. Fig 25
shows the same string but now stuck.
The tension in the string is effectively
frozen until some action at surface is
taken to alter the tension.

Stuck Point
Tension = 0
Tension in the string
(Pressure Area Method)

Fig 25 - Tension in the string after

getting stuck


Revision P1

Stuckpipe Prevention


Fig 26 shows the tension in the

string after slacking off the string
weight at surface to place the zero
tension point just above the stuck
point - the point where you may
wish to back-off.
In a vertical well this surface weight
is equal to the string weight in air
of the free portion of the string.
As this sentence has caused considerable misunderstanding in the
past as it does not appear to be in
agreement with the opening statement of Section 2.9 it will be fully
explained with the aid of a calculation.

Stuck Point
Tension = 0
Tension in the string
(Pressure Area Method)

Fig 26 - Surface Force to Give Zero

Tension at Back-off Point

Calculation of surface string weight required to place zero tension at the

back-off point.
Tx = pstA.x - pm.A.L
Tx=L = ( pst - pm ).A.L

surface weight (Eqn 4)

Tx=BO = pst .A.BO - pm.A.L

(Eqn 3)

Surface weight for which Tx=BO equals zero?

SW (Tx=BO = 0) = Tx=L - Tx=BO
= pst .A.L - pm.A.L - pst .A.BO + pm.A.L
= pst - pst .A.(L - BO)
= pst .A.D

= back-off depth from bottom

= density of steel
= L - BO



= back-off depth from surface

= mud density

When the back-off shot breaks the connection, the hydrostatic force acts on the
freed part of the string. The zero tension point will then move up the string. This is
illustrated by the example below.
Example of the position of the zero tension point before and after a back-off
shot has been fired in a vertical well.
Bit Depth
Back-off depth
Mud weight

= 7000 ft
= 6000 ft
= 520 pptf

Stuck point = 6100 ft

Drill pipe length = 6500 ft.

Drill pipe details. 5 19.5 lb/ft G, NC50, Cross sectional area = 5.275 inch2, actual
weight = 21.92 lbs/ft.
Before the shot is fired the surface weight (SW) to place the tension = zero point at
the back off depth of 6000ft, will be:

length of DP x weight of DP = 6000 x 21.92 = 131520 lbs

After the back-off shot has fired, but the connection has not yet fully unscrewed, the
force on the engaged threads will be:

= (520 / 1000) x 6000 x 5.275 = 16450 lbs

If back-off is succesful, the surface weight (SW) would drop to:

SW = 131520 - 16450 = 115062 lbs ( the buoyant weight of the free string)

If a back-off has apparently not worked, slacking off by the hydrostatic force acting
on the string above the back-off point while holding in left hand torque may be required to back-off the string.
Horizontal wells
When the wellobre is deviated or horizontal the buoyancy situation requires a different solution. Calculating these results is only practically possible by using a computer model such as Wellplan for Windows STU Module. In Fig 27 the stuckpoint
has been assumed to be at 6900 ft MD. To place zero tension on the back-off point
at or close to this depth would require the surface string weight to be increased.


Revision P1

Stuckpipe Prevention

Horizontal well

Tension Forces























Depth [ft]



Measured Weight [kip]

Rotate Off Bottom: Tension

Fig 27 - Tension in the string when initially stuck and when applying
zero tension at the back-off point (6800ft) for a Horizontal well with
a stuck point at 6800ft.


Ref 1

Ref 2

Ref 3


Revision P1

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