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Question 4/ Test 2

A clockwork orange

Based on the on the book written by Anthony Burgess, A clockwork

orange is a crime movie set in the future Britain. Pointing out the
importance of the social environment for a teen and the powerful influence
that violence has in ones life, the film presents the story of Alex DeLarge, a
young boy mainly characterized by strong moral traits: intelligent and
fearless but sadistic, angry and violent.
After committing many crimes and other illegal and morally wrong acts,
Alex is caught and put into prison. As being the youngest prisoner, he
becomes the subject of a new social experiment, a rehabilitation therapy,
meant to erase all his violent instincts without knowing the consequences
and the troubles that the experiment can lead to. Cured and released, Alex
tries to come back to his ordinary life but he is rejected by all his friends,
even by his family. Surrounded by violence and corruption, he cannot find his
place anymore so he has to choose whether to stay good and peaceful or to
return to his old habits.
Keeping you at the edge of your seat, the films message is about the
importance of humanity and of the right to choose, suggested even by the
title. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man. Playing the main
character, Malcom McDowell impresses by his stunning performance being
nominated for the best motion picture actor in 1999. Moreover, the film has
been Oscar nominated for four times.
I strongly recommend this film as in my opinion it highlights real problems
of everyday life and brings up some interesting points concerning the society
and the need for finding a balance between organic and mechanical, lively
and cold, freedom and discipline.

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