Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Project Management

The Project Management module is designed to support the planning and executing of projects, scheduling of
resources, planning of materials to be consumed, and other costs incurred.
You can link from this module to other modules - Resource Management, Purchase Control, Sales Order, Service
Order, and Contract Management.
You can also update projects with actual activity, booking time, costs, and material usage to the project with
automatic generation of accounting transactions as well as set up automated invoice plans that can trigger
invoices based on various events on the project.
Keep in control of a project with reporting functionality that includes drill down into project detail to analyze
project performance.


Project Entry
A project can consist of one or more sub projects. Each sub project can consist of one or more activities. There are several types of
activities in the system. Each activity has its own properties and allows you to link the activity to resources, sales orders, purchase
orders, service orders, service contracts, or work orders.
Activities include the following:
• Cost Activities. These activities are used for planning and booking costs directly on the project such as accommodation and
travel expenses. They can be linked to purchase orders.
• Time Activities. These activities are used for planning and booking time directly on a project. These can be linked to
specific resources set up in the Resource Management module.
• Material Activities. These activities are used for planning and directly booking products bought and sold on the project and
can be linked to sales or purchase orders. All of these activities update a project directly with the costs and revenues
associated with them.
• Milestone Activities. These activities are used for planning milestone activities in the project. Invoicing plans can be linked
to the completion of milestones in the project.
• Text Annotation. Additional text can be added to the project for planning and information purposes.
In addition, there are other activity types called Linked Activities. These behave slightly differently from the first group of activities
and provide more flexibility for the updating of the project with costs and revenues. They allow you to link project activities to:
• Sales Orders (Linked Sales Order Activity)
• Purchase Orders (Linked Purchase Order Activity)
• Service Orders (Linked Service Order Activity)
• Service Contracts (Linked Service Contract Activity)
• Work Orders (Linked Work Order Activity)
In addition, more than one project can be linked to a main project for consolidated reporting on multiple projects.


Create a Project Header

To create a project header, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Project File/Enquiries folder, and select Project

1 Enter the Project No., or

use one of the 26 pre-
defined project number 1 2 3
series by selecting a letter

2 Select the project Type

5 6 4
and template. There may
be different Types of 7 8
projects in an
organization. For each
type of project, multiple
templates can be set up to
help you with project
entry. The type of
information that can be
pre-defined in a project
template is dealt with in
the template section. 9
3 Define the project Status. 12
The project can either be
in quotation or project
status. In quotation status, 13
no actuals can be booked
11 14
to the project. Once in
project status, actuals can
be booked to the project.
4 Enter the Main Project to
consolidate more than 16
one project.

5 Type in the customer code

of the Ordering Customer.

6 Enter the Name/object of the project. This standard name is used when searching for projects in the system.

7 Confirm the customer code of the Invoice Customer by pressing [Enter], or enter a new customer code if it differs from the
ordering customer.

8 Enter Delivery Customer text. Details on customer data entry can be found in Chapter 3 - Customers and Accounts

9 Accept the contact person in the Customer Reference field or type a new one. The default name is taken from the
customer master file.

10 Enter the customer’s Purchase Order Number for printing on project related documents, and enter a contact person from
the organization in the Our Reference field.

11 Enter any Project Description information. This can be printed on project documents, if required.

12 Enter the Project Manager for the project. This can be used as selection criteria when printing out project reports and
documents. The User Group can be used to restrict user access to this project. Also, enter the Salesman responsible for this

13 Enter the category in the Project Category field. Different Project Categories can be predefined for reporting purposes.

14 Notice the Estimated start and end Dates are default values taken from the project template. You can also enter them here.
Actual start and end Dates are automatically updated by the system.


15 For quotations, enter the Quote Date.

16 Enter a Site Code which is valid for this project. A customer can be set up with multiple sites.

After project leader information is defined, a menu appears. Some of the settings for the project are determined by the selected
customer; some default from the project or module parameters. Choices include (but are not limited to):
• Sub Projects
• Project Activities
Define Sub Projects
Select Sub Projects from the Main Menu window.

1 Notice the sub projects are pulled into the project from the
template. Select a SUBPROJECT number.
When the Sub Projects menu appears, choose Sub Project

2 Enter basic information in the

sub project header including
the Description, Manager,
and Planned Start and End
Date (change or accept the
default from the template).


Define Project Activities

Select Project Activities from the Menu window. In the activity screen, a list of the current activities for this sub project displays.

1 If necessary, select additional activities. Some of these

activities are reviewed next.

Select a Cost Activity

Default values can be accepted or modified. These values include:

1 Link this activity to a Purchase Order, if required.

2 Enter the Description text and Manager for this activity.

3 Decide whether or not this activity is Included in the fixed

price, if applicable.
4 Enter Planned and Actual dates.
5 Enter an estimated Quantity. For example, the number of
nights in a hotel or number of plane tickets. 2
6 Define the unit Revenue value for re-invoicing the client. 6 7
7 Enter the units Cost and Profit.

8 Notice the system automatically populates the total

Revenue, Cost, and Profit fields.
3 8
9 Update the estimate with order value. The activity
values are updated with the values of any linked purchase 4

If it has been identified that a purchase order is linked to this activity, a Menu window appears. Select Purchase Order to
link to a direct purchase order in the Purchase Control module.


Select a Time Activity

Activities are very similar to cost activities. The main difference is a time activity cannot be linked to a purchase order. However, it
can be linked to a resource.

1 If necessary, modify default values.

2 When the Menu window appears, choose Adjust

It is possible to plan the time for different resources against a
predefined work plan. Work plans are linked to Calendars to
structure the working schedule. The total time planned and the
amount of time remaining to be planned according to the value
entered on the activity header can be seen here.

Select a Material Activity

Material activities are very similar to cost activities in terms of the data that can be entered. The main difference is planned and
actual start and end dates are taken from any orders linked to this activity.

1 Choose whether or
not the order values
should update the
activity in the
project in the 1
Update estimate 2
with... field.

2 Link this activity to a 3

Linked Order
number. It is 5 4
updated with the
number of any
order linked to this
activity for reference purposes.

3 Enter the estimated Revenue from this activity, or set the activity to be updated with the linked order value.

4 Enter the estimated Cost for this activity, or set the activity to be updated with the linked order value.


5 Note that Profit is automatically

If required, link the activity to either a
sales or purchase order via the Menu

Note: The remarks field is updated in the sales or purchase order header.

Select a Linked Service Order Activity

Service order activities can be used, for example, when installation or commission activities are associated with the project. Default
values can be accepted or modified.

1 Enter Description text and the Manager of this activity.

2 Update the estimate of the activity values can be updated

with the values of any linked service order. Rules can be
applied to this updating of the activity:
3 Filter the update in the Updating Rule field. This depends
on whether or not the service order customer is internal or 4 3
1 5
4 Define the Estimation Settings. The update of the activity
from the order can be filtered to update the cost, revenue,
or both. 6
5 Link this activity to a Service Order Number. It is 7
automatically updated by the system with any linked
service order number.
6 Enter the estimated Revenue. It can be updated from the
order revenue.

7 Enter the estimated Cost. It can be updated from the order cost.

8 Note the Profit value is automatically calculated by the system.

Select the Enter/Adjust Linked Service Order option on the Menu window to enter a service order.


Copy a Project
When entering a project, it is possible to copy sub projects and activities from existing projects into the new project.
To copy a project, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Project File/Enquiries folder, and select Project File.
Enter the Project No. When the Menu window appears, choose Sub Projects and then enter [+] to go to the Copy options tab.

1 Select the Project to copy

the activities.

2 Select whether or not to

Copy Activities for each
sub project. 1
3 Select if standard estimates 2
and budgets should be 3
copied in the Copy
Standard Estimates field. 4
4 Select if the invoicing plan 5
should be copied (if it was
set at a sub project level in
the source project) in the
Copy Invoicing Plan field.

5 Select if the project's user-defined database should be copied in the Copy Use Defined Database field.

6 Select if all or part of the sub projects should be copied in the Manual Selection field.

7 If manual selection is
chosen, select Yes or No in
the Copy Status field for 7 8
those subprojects to copy.

8 Select the Target

SubProject - the code for
the sub project in the new

9 Press [F4] in the Copy

status field to select which
activities are copied across 9
for each sub project. For
each activity, you can select
if activities are copied into
the new project.
The copy process begins then.


View a Project
At any time, details of the project can be viewed with a project enquiry.
To view a project, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Project File/Enquiries folder, and select Enquire

1 Enter a Project number.

The screen is divided into
three sections: Actual,
Invoiced, and Estimate.
The Actual and Invoiced
sections are automatically
updated by the system as
costs are booked and
invoices issued.
The Estimate section is
automatically updated as
the planning of activities
was entered. The values
for estimated costs and
revenues are tracked at
the activity level and
rolled up into each sub
project and then to the
project level.

2 Select Project
Costs/Revenue to drill
down into the project.
The project estimates display,
split into categories of cost,
time, material, and linked
activities. It is possible to drill
down into any one of the
categories and interrogate the
project down to the activity
level. You can either select the
activity in the next Menu
window, or select the Full
View option to enquire all


Lock Project Estimates

While planning activities on a project, the system automatically captures the cost and revenue figures for each activity and
consolidates these into an estimate that is rolled up to the sub project level and the project level. The default-starting estimate is
00 which is generated and updated automatically. This is called the initial estimate and is used for report comparisons.
To lock project estimates, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Project File/Enquiries folder, and select Project

1 Enter a Project No.

Select the Estimate

option from the
Menu window. 1

2 At any time, it is
possible to lock the
estimate. To get a
base-line budget, 2
lock each estimate
by selecting the
estimate and
entering [L] to lock
it. A new estimate
is created where all
of the project's
adjustments will go
Any changes to the project now update the estimate 01. The estimate 00 remains unchanged for version control and tracking

Project Update
This section describes various routines used after the project is entered and started.
Book Project Time
To book project time, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Transaction Entry folder, and select Resource Time

1 Select the Resource Code.

2 Enter the Date for which to report the time.

3 Enter the total number of Hours to be booked for this date 1

in the Card Total field. 2


4 Enter the Project, Sub Project,

and number of Hours for this
specific activity.

5 Notice the Line Number value 4

is entered automatically in this
field. If this is a new entry, 7
enter an asterisk [*] to create
a new activity line for the sub

6 Notice the Cost Category specified for this activity displays. 5 6

7 When the Card Total is equal to the Balance, the system can be updated.

Book Project Costs

To book project costs, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Transaction Entry folder, and select Cost

1 Enter the Date for booking

the costs.

2 Enter the PROJECT, SUB

Project, and Activity to which 1
the costs should be booked.

3 Enter the QUANTITY and the 2 3 4

PRICE for the activity if it will
be charged to the customer.

4 Enter the COST of this activity.

Book Projects Linked to Orders

• Purchase Orders linked to a Material Activity are handled in the Purchase Control module using standard routines. See
Chapter 4 - Purchasing and Making Payments. Following the delivery and invoicing of the purchase order, costs are
posted to the project.
• The delivery of sales orders linked to Material Activity is handled in the Sales Order module using standard routines. See
Chapter 2 - Selling and Receiving Payments. Once the delivery is done in the Sales Order module, the project is updated
by the Close Material Order routine. Costs are then posted to the project.
• The updating of service orders linked to a Linked Service Order Activity is handled in the Service Management module
using standard routines. See Chapter 11 - Service Management.
As this order is associated with a Linked Activity, it is handled slightly differently from orders linked to Material Activities. The
order is delivered, invoiced, and closed in the Service Order module. The transactions are then posted to the General Ledger. Using
Account Rules in the Project module, it is possible to pull selected transactions from specific General Ledger accounts into the


Project Management Account Rules

Account rules are used to define how transactions are transferred from the General Ledger to the Project Management module.
You can enter different account rules, each linked to an account number. The transactions are then transferred to the specified
account number.
It is possible to update a project with transactions generated from other modules in the system. For example, subcontractor costs
may only be entered directly in the Purchase Ledger as supplier invoices though you may still want to update the project with
these values.
Set Up an Account Rule
To set up an account rule, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Project Codes/Prices folder, expand the
Account Rules folder, and select Enter/Adjust Account Rules.

1 Enter the Account Rule No.

and the Description.

2 Enter the General Ledger

Account No. this rule
should be applied to. 1
3 Define whether the rule
should be applied to Debit
Transactions in this 2
4 Define whether the rule
should be applied to Credit 4
Transactions in this account.
5 While running the rule,
decide if the system shared
credit Reverse out the
original Transactions and
re-book it to the account
specified in the activity file
prior to booking the 7
appropriate WIP
6 Notice the account rules work with cost accounts. However, there may be some revenue associated with the cost
transaction. If so, it is possible to reflect this in the project by applying a percentage markup on the cost transaction in the
Oncost (in percent) field. After updating, the project actuals display both a cost and a revenue figure, and it can also be
possible to invoice the customer, based on the revenue amount.

7 Update Mode. While running the account rule, define the rule in which the system will allocate the costs to a specific
activity in the project. The following rules can be applied:
0- The General Ledger transaction is reviewed. If it does not contain a sub project and activity code, it is ignored.
1- The General Ledger transaction must contain a sub project, and the activity entered in the next field is used for pulling the
transaction into the project.
2- If no sub project is specified in the transaction, the first sub project in the project is used, plus the activity entered in the next
field, when pulling this transaction into the project.

8 Enter the Activity Code to be used, in conjunction with the settings above.


Run an Account Rule

Cost transactions affecting projects can be entered in other modules and then posted to the General Ledger. Use the following
procedure to update projects with General Ledger transactions.
To run an account rule, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Transaction Entry folder, and select Update with
GL Transactions.

1 Select the ACTIVITY TYPES to pull into the project.


2 Select for which Project Number and Category the

Account Rule No. is run. 2
The project is now updated with GL transactions.

Use the Transaction Journal

A switch in the Project Module parameters defines using the Transaction Journal. If it is used, any costs booked to the project
are captured and held for review prior to updating the project. If it is not used, cost transactions update the project as soon as
they were booked.
To use the transaction journal, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Transaction Entry folder, and select
Transaction Journal.

1 Select the Project Manager, Transaction Date, Project,

and Resource criteria for the transaction journal.
Confirm the printout, and check the transaction list. If the 1
transaction journal is correct, confirm the update to the projects.
If errors are found or changes are required, make the required
adjustments using the Adjust Journal Transactions routine.
Print the list again, and confirm the update of the projects with
the transactions.

Project Invoicing
It is possible to set up three different types of invoicing plans for projects. The invoicing plans can be set at the project level or
within the same project; different plans can be set for each sub project. The plans include: 1) Ongoing, 2) Fixed Price, and
3) Repeat Invoicing.
To use project invoicing plans, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Project File/Enquiries folder, and select
Project File. When the Menu window appears, choose Invoicing Plan.
Enter a Project No.


For each type of invoice plan, different Invoice Events can be set up to trigger before invoice printing. Invoice events include:
• Non Active Event. This is used when it is not yet known what the invoice trigger will be for part of the project.
• Date. The date on which an invoice should be triggered.
• Project Started. When the project starts, an invoice is triggered.
• Sub Project Started. When a specific sub project starts, an invoice is triggered.
• Activity Started. When a specific activity starts, an invoice is triggered.
• Project Ended. When the project ends, an invoice is triggered.
• Sub Project Ended. When a specific sub project ends, an invoice is triggered.
• Activity Ended. When a specific activity ends, an invoice is triggered.
• Hours on a Project. When the number of hours is registered on a project, an invoice is triggered.
• Hours on a Sub Project. When the number of hours is recorded on a specific project, an invoice is triggered.
• Hours on an Activity. When the number of hours is recorded on a specific activity, an invoice is triggered.
• Interval. This is used for a series of repeating invoices within a project. Not valid for fixed price invoicing.
• Final Settlement. Valid for fixed price projects where there is ongoing debiting.
Use Ongoing Invoicing
Invoices are produced according to the actual activity on the project. The timing - when the invoices are issued - depends on the
Invoice Events specified.

1 For the Advance/Init. Amount for

the project, a different tax rate from
other invoices can be applied.

2 Specify an Invoice event for the

advance invoice.
3 Decide if the advance invoice may
be deducted from subsequent
invoices in the Deduct invoice field.

4 Set a Ceiling price for the project

to prevent over invoicing of the 2
customer. 3


Establish a Fixed Price

A fixed price for the project is defined. It can be based on specific stage invoices or ongoing invoicing up to the limit of the fixed

1 Enter the Fixed price of the


2 Set up an Advance invoice

for the project. Different tax
rates from other invoices can
be used. 2
3 Specify an Invoice Event for
the advance invoice.

4 Decide if the advance invoice

may be Deducted fully in
the first invoice or 3
proportionally (in relation to
the fixed price) from all
subsequent invoices. 5

5 Determine if a Retention invoice should be used. This is

the last invoice issued on the project. The value of this
invoice, in relation to the value of the project, is
proportionally deducted from all previous invoices.

6 Select Yes or No for Ongoing Debiting. The fixed price

can be split into defined stage invoices, or invoicing can be
based on actual activity on the project.

7 As different VAT rates may apply to time, cost, and

material activities in a fixed price project, optionally split
the revenue bookings according to these three categories. 7
You can specify a value (or percentage of the fixed price)
which relates to time, cost, or material transactions and the
appropriate VAT code for this.


Use Repeat Invoicing

1 Enter the Start date

for the first invoice on
the project.

2 Enter the date for the

Next invoice on the
project. 1
3 Enter the End date for 2
the last invoice on the
project. Enter 999999 3
if invoicing should be 4
4 Enter the Interval
between each invoice. 6
This can be set in 7
months, weeks, or

5 Enter the Amount of each invoice.

6 Enter the TAX Code to be applied to each invoice.

7 Enter any Text to include on each invoice.

Print Invoice Proposals

In order to create a project invoice in the system, an invoice proposal should first be printed.
To print invoice proposals, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Invoicing folder, and select Create Invoice

1 Based on your
selection of projects in
this screen, the system
interrogates invoice
plans to identify if any
invoice events are met.
If so, a proposal is
created for that
project, according to
the invoice plan.
Selection can be made
on the basis of project
number, invoice
customer, project
manager, etc.
Once the proposal is
reviewed and accepted, the
invoice can be printed.


Print Project Invoices

To print project invoices, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Invoicing folder, and select Print Invoices/Credit
The routine is similar to printing invoice proposals. In the project
list, the system displays a [>] sign next to those projects that
already have a proposal printed.

Close Project Invoices

To close project invoices, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Invoicing folder, and select Close Invoices/Credit
Closing of the project updates the invoice information to the Sales Ledger Invoice Journal.
Recognize Revenue
For fixed price projects working with Percentage Completion, Recognize Revenue is applied. It clears the WIP transactions to
the cost of the sales account and also books the revenue, according to the percentage of the total estimated costs already booked
to the project.
To recognize revenue, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Reports/Statistics folder, expand the Percentage of
Completion folder, and select Recognize Income.

1 Select the Project and the

Date for the booking.

2 Review the current Actual

Costs and Revenues of
the project along with the
Estimated Costs and
Revenues. Any current

3 Revenues and the value
of the Recognised Costs
are also displayed.
Notice that for the
recognition calculation, the 3
system automatically 4
displays the current value
of the Costs booked to the project and therefore, the proposed value of Revenue to recognize.
4 Update the project.


Miscellaneous Project Tasks

This section describes various routines, settings, and reports available for created projects.
Enter a Project Template
You can enter templates with commonly used values to use as a default when entering projects so time is not spent completing
the same fields every time.
To enter a project template, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Project Codes/Prices, and select Project

1 Enter the Project Type and

the Template No.
When the Menu window appears,
select the Template head option.

2 Enter default Descriptions

and Extra Text.

3 Set up default Project

Categories for reporting on 2

4 Enter the Estimated start

and Est end Dates.

5 Enter a default Auto 6

Counter in the template. In
the Project Module
Parameters, 26 different
project number counters can
be set up to help
differentiate between
different types of projects.

6 Enter User-Defined information in the Project Module Parameters, you can set up 10 different User Defined fields used for
whatever requirements they have. They could be used, for example, to categorize projects into different groups or tracking
the phase of a project in more detail through a specific process flow.

7 Enter the invoice Sort Code for this project template. Invoice sorting orders and codes are entered in the Invoice Sort Code


8 Enter the default TAX

Advance Invoice on the
next screen.

9 Enter the Automatic

Accounting Code for this
type of project. 9
10 In the Sales Order
Counter, Purchase Order
Counter, Service Order
Type, Contract Type, and
Work Order Counter
Modules, optionally to set
up different number ranges 10
to be used for different
orders/contracts. Within the
template, you can specify
which number range should
be used and the
orders/contracts linked to
this type of project. This
helps in separating project
related orders from non-project related orders in each of these modules.

11 Enter the WIP method to be Note: The project template can also contain details of Sub Projects and Activities.
used for this project.

Establish WIP Settings in a Project

There are several different Work in Progress (WIP) settings used on a project. It is possible to set up different WIP models for Time,
Cost, and Material transactions on a project (unless model four is used which applies to the whole project).
To establish WIP settings in a project, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Project File/Enquiries folder, and
select Project File.

1 Enter the Project No. When the Menu window appears,

select the Project parameters option.


2 When the Project parameters window appears, select the WIP/Cost

Accounting option.

3 Notice the WIP/Cost Accounting tab appears. Press [F4] to

display the Account Rules WIP/COSTS window.

The WIP settings include the following:

No WIP/Cost Accounting. There will be no WIP or Cost
transactions created related to the project.
Direct Cost Accounting. There will be no WIP transactions or
invoice closing; costs will be booked directly to the cost of the
sales account.
WIP Accounting. When booking costs to the project, the system will create the WIP transactions. During invoice closing, the WIP
account will be cleared, and the cost of sale will be booked.
WIP with Reversal. When booking costs to the project, the system will create the WIP transactions. During invoice closing, the
WIP account will be cleared and the balance reversed into the same account credited in the first transaction.
Percentage of Completion. When booking the costs to the project, the system will create the WIP transactions. When closing
the invoice, the balance will remain in WIP, and only when running the function for recognizing revenue will the WIP
be cleared to the cost of the sale account.
WIP with reversal and variance transactions. It is possible to automatically book variances between estimates and actuals in
terms of either quantity or price or both
Print a Project Quotation
For projects in quotation status,
a project quotation can be
printed from the system.
To print a project quotation,
expand the Project
Management folder, expand
the Documents folder, expand
the Quotation/Order
Confirmation folder, and select
Print Quotation.
The quotation shows the details
of the project split by sub
project and activity type within
each sub project.


Use Drill Down to View Costs and Reports

Invoices from subcontractors may be entered into the Purchase Ledger, or costs from installation work may be entered as service
orders. All these transactions end up in the General Ledger and can be pulled into the Project Module using Account Rules
which updates the project with the appropriate costs.
To use drill down to view costs and reports, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Project File/Enquiries folder,
and select Enquire Projects. Select a project. When the Menu window appears, select Project Cost/Revenue and Oncost
Activities respectively.

1 Select the activity to view

from the list of Oncost
activities. When the Menu
window appears, select
View Transactions.

2 Enter the selection criteria

for the transactions to
Select the transaction to view. 2
Notice when the screen opens,
you can see the General
Ledger Transaction Number,
Supplier Code, and Invoice
No. from the Purchase Ledger.
It is possible to drill down
further and view the details of
the General Ledger Transaction
Line. The supplier file can also
be accessed for enquiry, as can
the invoice details.


Print a Project Report

The Project Reports routine can be used to print a report for a project including all sub-projects and activities, or to print a report
with specific sub-projects or activities.
To print a project report, expand the Project Management folder, expand the Reports/Statistics folder, and select Project

1 Define the Selection Terms for

the report from the available
fields; the account numbers
and the items within the
accounting dimensions assume
integration with the General

2 Enter [n] in the Select

Function field to add a new

3 When finished selecting, press

the down arrow to go to the 3
next section, and select
activities and linked orders.
Add new entries for each


4 Now specify any required criteria

on the PRINTING tab (for
example, parameters and
activities to be printed).


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