Impersonal& Infinitive

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Voz Pasiva denominada Impersonal, que se caracteriza por utilizar verbos relacionados con la
percepcin (Verbos Intransitivos) como por ejemplo: say (decir), think
(pensar), suppose (suponer), know (saber/conocer), expect (esperar), consider (considerar), entre
Debemos remarcar que la Voz Pasiva Impersonal es un tipo de construccin es utilizado con gran
frecuencia por los medios de comunicacin, sobre todo en la redaccin de noticias.

En la Voz Pasiva Impersonal, al utilizar verbos intransitivos como accin principal, no

existe objeto que pueda cumplir esa funcin y es necesario seguir la siguiente estructura:




It is said

Se dice

It is known

Se sabe

It is supposed

Se supone

It is considered

Se considera

It is reported

Se informa

It is thought

Se piensa

It is decided

Se decide

People believe that the strike will continue for a week.
It is believed that the strike will continue for a week.The police reported that there was a bomb on
the plane.
It was reported that there was a bomb on the plane.

1. Their parents thought that the teenagers were dancing at the disco.
It .
The teenagers
2. Everybody thinks that Bruce Springsteen is a great singer.
3. Ancient people thought that the stars would fall on them.
4. People believed that they had killed the animals during the night.
5. The students all know that Shakespeare was born in Stratford.
6. The teacher helped her students finish the exercise.
7. The headmaster made them sit down and stay there until 5 oclock.

8. Reporters at the airport are expecting that the president will be arriving soon.

9. We saw the baby crawl towards the window.

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