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Code: RA 9A04702

B.Tech IV Year II Semester (R09) Advanced Supplementary Examinations, July 2013

(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours

Max. Marks: 70
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

(a) Explain the following:

(i) Step index and graded index fibers.
(ii) V-number and mode coupling.
(b) Explain the following:
(i) Total internal reflection.
(ii) Acceptance angle.
(iii) Critical angle.
(iv) Numerical aperture.

(a) With neat diagrams, explain the light propagation conditions in single mode fibers.
(b) Explain the losses in fiber optic communications.

(a) Briefly explain about the overall dispersion in single mode fibers.
(b) Explain about fiber of connects return losses.

(a) Explain about fiber splicing techniques.

(b) Estimate the losses encountered while coupling power from a source to a fiber due to
mismatch in their numerical apertures and surface areas.

(a) Reason out if the two parameters quantum efficiency and responsively signify the
same properties of a LED.
(b) Explain in detail LED with neat diagram.

(a) Discuss briefly various sources of errors in digital fiber optic link.
(b) Explain fundamental principle of APD detector with neat diagrams.

(a) What are the different system considerations in the design of a fiber optic link?
(b) Determine the rise times for various components of intensity modulated fiber optic link
listed below, these specifications support a 5 km repeater less fiber optic link with
optical band width 6 MHz.
Rise time of LED transmitter electronics
Inter modal dispersion induced
Intra modal dispersion induced
Rise time of detector and receiver electronic

(a) Explain about the cut back technique and why it is called as destructive method.
(b) Define line coding and list its merits.

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