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LANDSCAPE IDEOLOGIES Edited by THOMAS MEIER © BUDAPEST 2006 Landscape in Prehistoric Archaeology: Comparing Western and Rastern Paradigms OLENA V. SMYNTYNA Comparative analysis of landscape comprehension in “Wester” and “bastem” (ie. Soviet and post-Soviet) science reveals at lcest three points, which merk substantial differences in landscape ideology: field af stuelyane acaclemicalliliation of the discipline concucting diachronic lanitseape studies: controversies of and post-modem seienee; definition of human plece in prehistoric landscape. Sovicl researchers studying palagolandseapes pay primary attention to physical geographic problems, such #8 ancient characteristic Land description of their chronological and spatial sequence researchers concentrate mainly on the meaning of landscape conceptualisation in the cultures of ancient collectives. It onds up in a wide diversity of landscape comprehension beginning with its intecpretationasa background (stage), on which man aets, up to the understanding, of landscape as a crucial Factor determining, basic features of ancient population fivelihoeul systems ancl ethnic exlture ‘spe components, ete. Non-Marxist The dispersion of postmodei methodology in palacolandseape studies connected with a phenomenological approsch becomes obvious itt the notion of landscape interanimation and is illustrated by post-structural metheds and by an “artistic approach. For must af the meutioned approaches ta. the comprehension of palaeolandscanes (except far pasleSavicl physicaleeographic studies), uncertainty of spatial and chronological fameworks is typical. That is, why dle term “landscape” is often applied to tecritorial units characterised by fundamentally different taxonornic and substantial features Introduction Landscape is an important notion in the scope of archaeological seience during all Uimvofits exisience, This is especially rue for teprehistoric branch ofarchaeolog which was bom on the margin of prehistory and cultural anthropology. on the ‘one side, and geology und pulieontology, on the olber. In spite of « more than one hundred years’ history of exploration in pretustoric archaeology, the notion of landscape remains one of the most unequivocal in contemporary scientific vocabulary. This situation i caused by an extreme diversity of implications, b1,) SuoIstioMNp pu pOpIALp aq plo aN “oa jpanejal $2 rap! cy Jo Bununq, teas sey uot ss em sed ynoge stapt ano se sey ve SiglerBoo seysusyaidwos sdeasprny nsoacing santazayyip yen unyp{Ua Aa"] AU LL ANUP 234g UOLEIEPISUOD o se sodvaspueyorzonsryard yo aug yo pus supe se Xo sy aur pjay si purs 7h uoa4y SOMALI A821 40 VON ‘sadmpspuay Cruzoduia sous aun atweS 241 18 “DHUC advospue] ain 10 Bursng oro S194 ie quoraue usdsdy S9U2IgU)IP FETITEISANS ‘pu ray (8 9]02 Bande UE UI peas rayssapun ayy yppoaddle-cs oy 2p 20} “29H Jo 9pouL toads ayoTor UE aL see 8-8 rear pops sew adsospue} soumuaa strewn Burang Je atz0ystuand ut poSngua sauydiosgp yeoyyEp it esB YEG PAHOUWDUL puw SoyICOATTE SpoylaUt Joy sien yo 2 W (uae aatssed & se SOLIS peoFojoou oo ayy s0y panna iedaquos adveospesry jo a spaAay 94 se poplar sty A|qeuonpen wlod Jo wa]gord ay amua® cons 0661 LdAVOAYIN pus spsoy ayfpads “sdasoyno peau S902} s ponoye azaa. pur stuencequr eduaspn ‘ue auoas yng Stjucurauad pasn you 12 uoqou adeaspury (e op go wa1t09 | jeuowousyd soFestua WN UE sO, nao jo seq UEyPNIaM jeuocs pue suuMEd or Hons u med ty -adteospun] siyy Burads09 exactons adeaspumy [298 asyenidaotos 2 ye3r8o 1 Jodsono9 217 4} (ELL F661 YAH ~ NA ucyo piss pu wed oop uy youas *Saeaspuey ouyap or TI99}>7, YAMA PUE $=U>4] 24 Atanas sey acleaspuel [eOrEOpooA4sue JO MoNOU yeIaeds 5 sP ,sdvasp. eowBojOOMLY,. “27 puny aad yori on tadeasin po uurop ZsoA9 10Ip SOASII0q 9H AE Jo utnay aysoads w aq pmnoys sack feu) sAaog ‘euoWpEeNSOAUN OYTUOIDS 20g [NN 109 0 pulay ~ ssmeAIG- 149] spne].) 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Pritt ROBERTI AYTON(eds,) (1999), The archacology and anthropology af landscape: Shaping your landscape. London and New York. YFKIICIL MAKSIM — JANNA MATYUISHINA — YLADIMIR MuDVEDEY feds.) (1979), Metudita Palacopedoiogicheskih Iesidyvaniy [Methods of palneopedological investigations}. Kies ATKUICH, MAKSIM (1990), Ornowy Prfucofandshaftovedeniva [Grounds of palagolandiscape studies]. Kicy,

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