Baishali Sarkar

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"Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only

be attained through understanding." By - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Peace is achievable and sustainable if it is reached through understanding and
perpetuated through mutual cooperation that is of benefit to all.
Violence is due to lack of understanding or knowledge of a thing or situation. Violence is
an uncontrolled emotional outburst with an aim to cause injury. Any violent action brings
destructive reactions which are contrary to peace. Peace is born when there are no
more conflicts. Once a through understanding of a subject or an incidence is reached
the outcome is peace. This is equally true for both inward and outward struggles.
Peace is the way...not a situation . It is a state of mind as well as the atmosphere .Outer
peace is achieved through understanding between different minds . Inner peace is
achieved through understanding between the two sides of our own mind - negative side
and positive side ; good side and bad side .understanding is the only way for any kind of
peace .
I believe that peace can only be achieved when humanity has reached a
level of mutual understanding and tolerance, but it is undeniably a near
impossible task. Perhaps, by unity of all countries and the elimination of
separate entities on Earth can peace be achieved.
I think , understanding can create peace. No one would fight if they
understand the other's point of view. However I am not sure that
understanding has to mean the 'elimination of seperate entities on Earth'.
Therefore, my humble conclusion is that the world should be united through
common understanding of the importance of peace, only then can peace be
kept. Not by laws and policing bodies that are deemed correct and right, but
at times may sow discontentedness is a majority of the people.

We may never be strong enough to be entirely nonviolent in

thought, word and deed. But we must keep nonviolence as our
goal and make strong progress towards it.

- Mohandas K. Gandhi

How can we get a better peaceful world without violence,

terrorism and corruption?
World is not a place where we can sit happily and enjoy a sun set . Life in this planet is about
evolution . Their is no terminology called peace in the animal kingdom , all animals have
fought hard and has got a place in this world , same with humans who are also animals ,
have evolved over a million years and all these years have not been peaceful but have fought
hard with other animals , other ideas , nature and of course with our own human race to
establish what we call this 2 legs 2 hands creature which we think are civilized as a social
animal or in other words humans .Everything competes with others apple with Microsoft ,
Pepsi with Coke , Congress with BJP , Hindus with Muslims , communism with capitalism ,
USA with ISIS , etc. Just because we are in one side , we just call the people on the opposite
side as corrupt and terrorist and people on the other side also call us in the same way .
For example , India fought for independence under the British and many freedom fighters
have lost their life in the process of fighting for freedom , even a few British officers have
been assassinated by few freedom fighters , so who is wrong here?, Indians considered the
killer as a hero, but the same guy is sentenced to death by the then British government for
killing , so he was called a terrorist by the government. So who decides whether he is a
terrorist or not.
So their is not a fight between the British officer to a single Indian , its the war of ideas of
who rule the land , when two religion fight , its not just a mob going on a riot , its a clash of
ideas , one will be suppressed and other will emerge superior. This may sounds cruel , we
may ask why should so many people die on a war or on a riot , do u think the same way ,
when u eat a chicken or beef as why a chicken or a cow should die to make you survive ,
same thing applies for vegetarians as well, why should a plant be killed to make us survive ,
just because the plants wont cry and does not have sense does not make it a non living
thing .
The empathy that we have for a human does not come for other living things because , its
our ego , which tells the other human who dies belong to our race.
So what happens here is that humans have fought with other living things and has emerged
victorious so humans frame rules and dominate other living things from plants and other
animals and even other humans who are suppressed . SO the dominated humans decide has
what to eat and what not to , and decides which animal to keep as a pet animal and which
animal are threat and need to be killed.

Like wise , ideas keeps evolving , new religion keeps evolving , new form of governments will
be evolving so everything will keep changing, ideas keep fighting between each other ,
whatever that is capable of accepting the changes and proceed survives and whatever that
could not bare the changes in the environment dies. So the humans who die on wars and
riots are just collateral damage and are part of history.

"The world is not entirely governed by logic. Life itself involves some kind of violence
and we have to choose the path of least violence" - M.K. Gandhi

One of the most ardent supporter of non violence and peace were Mahatma Gandhi.
(His birthday is celebrated as "International Peace Day")
Weak persons can't follow the tough path of truth and non violence. He promoted nonviolence as a weapon to attain self rule called "Swaraj". Swaraj is the only way one can learn
to make peace with him/her self and with others.
So non violence, forgiveness, Swaraj are sine qua non.
Interestingly Ghandhiji asked his followers to prefer violence over cowardice.
Violence must be used only when the choice is between violence and cowardice.
So i believe we must not take violence as an evil. sometimes it may be necessary to save
dignity of yourself and other good persons.
$Peace can only be achieved through negotiation if both sides want peace and are willing to
negotiate in good faith. Whether or not the conditions for peace exist depends on the
interests of both sides.
The thing is: if the conditions for peace and mutual self-interest exist, there would be no
need to negotiate peace except as a declaration of alliance or cooperation. Far too often,
negotiations provide only temporary band-aids that don't or can't address more serious
underlying problems. For instance, what good will negotiation of the Palestinian Problem do
without resolving deeply ingrained Arab antisemitism? Is peace even possible without allout war and clear, decisive, victor?
The sad fact is that self-interests aren't always compatible. There's a wide range of
resources, governments, economies, cultures, beliefs and values represented by the various
nations of the world. So far, certain types of economies and governments, though far from
perfect, are best able to meet the demands of a burgeoning global population: capitalist
democracies. Maybe China will find a way to make capitalism work, long term, without
democracy. It's my hope that capitalism will create demand for democracy in China. But
even if they succeed at creating, and maintaining, a capitalist dictatorship, that doesn't

mean the rest of the world should follow suit.

The profit motive that drives capitalism rewards greed. This is the greatest flaw of
capitalism. And it can't be kept in check, on a global basis, without international
cooperation, watchdogs, and laws. It seems foolhardy to seek a new world order based on
the profit motive but it's happening whether we want it or not. Why not make sure we have
the proper safeguards in place?
Maybe, someday, we'll work out a better way to feed the world. Between now and then, we
should be cooperating in an effort to level the competitive playing field and including all
nations. I think the best hope we have for peace and cooperation is through trade: myriad
We have sleeping giants, like India and China, that have recently awakened. What's to
prevent them from bullying us around? Trade (economic boycott) or violence (military
threat). Assuming an adequate enough international alliance and response to counter superpower bullying, no country will be able to forsake participation in the global marketplace to
pursue hostile expansion or empire building.
The best shot we have for global peace is a truly global marketplace. It's a way of making
every nation dependent on cooperation.

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