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CLASS: IX (A, B & C)

Maximum Marks: 70
Subject: English Communicative
Time: 3 hours


General Instructions
The question paper is divided into three sections.
Section A:
20 marks
Section B:
Writing & Grammar
25 marks
Section C:
Literature & Long Reading
25 marks
General Instructions:
Attempt all questions.
All answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper.
Ensure that questions of each section are answered together.
Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.
Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question.


Section A
(Reading: 20 marks)
1.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Jambheshwarji was born in 1451 at Pipasar in Nagpur Mandal of Jodhpur state. His father, Lohat, was a panwar
Rajput. His mother was Mansa Devi. He was the only son of his parents. As a child he was known as a thinking
boy. People felt surprised to listen to his deep talks. When he was seven years old, he was made to graze the
family cows. After the death of his parents, he left home. He spent most of his time in the company of saints. He
adopted Goraksha Nath as his Guru. Through meditation and inner devotion to God, he obtained self
realization. Jambheshwarji Maharaj was aware of the problems of his age. He saw communalism and moral
downfall around him. He took it upon himself to rid the Hindu society of superstition and other evils. He
preached the necessity of social peace. He also put forth a life of selflessness and love for others. Jambheshwarji
founded the Vishnoi sect in 1485. He laid down twenty-nine religious principles for his followers. The main
principles included worship of Vishnu, performing of havan, fasting on the moonless night, cutting no green
trees, making animal sacrifice and drinking. Like a great prophet he realized the importance of vegetation. In
those days no one knew much about environment. But Jambheshwarji Maharaj tried to bring this knowledge.
He told his followers that environmental pollution was a great danger to the health of the people. He asked them
to keep the environment clean. It shows that he was much ahead of his times. He also told the people not to fall
in the trap of common social evils. These are like theft, robbery and drinking. He spoke about the importance of
both inner and outer purity of life. He also preached the importance of truth and honesty in day to day life.
a) Give two reasons why Jambheshwarji took it upon himself to cleanse the Hindu society?
b) List the main principles laid down by Jambheshwarji for his followers.
c) What did he do about the environment problem?
d) What did he do for purity in life?
e) How did he obtain self realization?
f) What was the great danger to the health of the people?
g) Whom did Jambheshwarji adopt as his guru?
h)What did he preach people?
2.Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
Millions of people in the United States are affected by eating disorders. More than 90% of those afflicted are
adolescents or young adult women. Although all eating disorders share some common manifestations, anorexia
nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating each have distinctive symptoms and risks. People who intentionally
starve themselves (even while experiencing severe hunger pains) suffer from anorexia nervosa. This disorder,
which usually begins around the time of puberty, involves extreme weight loss to at least 15% below the
individuals normal body weight. Many people with the disorder look emaciated but are convinced they are
overweight. In patients with anorexia nervosa,starvation can damage vital organs such as the heart and brain. To
protect itself, the body shifts into slow gear: blood pressure rates drop, and thyroid function slows. Excessive
thirst and frequent urination may occur. Dehydration contributes to constipation, and reduced body fat leads to
lowered body temperature and the inability to withstand cold. Mild anemia, swollen joints, reduced muscle
mass, and light-headedness also commonly occur in a norexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa sufferers can exhibit
sudden angryoutbursts or become socially withdrawn. One in ten cases of anorexia nervosa leads to death from
starvation, cardiac arrest, other medical complications, or suicide. Clinical depression and anxiety place many
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individuals with eating disorders at risk for suicidal behavior. People with bulimia nervosa consume large
amounts of food and then rid their bodies of the excess calories by vomiting, abusing laxatives or diuretics,
taking enemas, or exercising obsessively. Some use a combination of all these form of purging. Individuals with
bulimia who use drugs to stimulate vomiting, bowel movements, or urination may be in considerable danger, as
this practice increases the risk of heart failure. Dieting heavily between episodes of binging and purging is
common. Because many individuals with bulimia binge and purge in secret and maintain normal or above
normal body weight, they can often successfully hide their problem for years. But bulimia nervosa patients
even those of normal weight can severely damage their bodies by frequent binge eating and purging. In rare
instances, binge eating causes the stomach to rapture; purging may result in heart failure due toloss of vital
minerals such as potassium. Vomiting can cause the esophagus to become inflamed and glands near the cheeks
to become swollen. As in anorexia nervosa, bulimia may lead to irregular menstrual periods. Psychological
effects include compulsive stealing as well as possible indications of obsessive compulsive disorder, an illness
characterized by repetitive thoughts and behaviors. Obsessive compulsive disorder can also accompany an
orexia nervosa. As with anorexia nervosa, bulimia typically begins during adolescence. Eventually, half of those
with anorexia nervosa will develop bulimia. The condition occurs most often in women but is also found in
men. Binge-eating disorder is found in about 2% of the general population. As many as one-third of this group
are men. In also effects older women,though with less frequency. Recent research shows that binge-eating
disorder occurs in about 30% of people participating in medically supervised weight-control programs. This
disorder differs from bulimia because its sufferers do not purge. Individuals with binge-eating disorder feel that
they lose control of themselves when eating. They eat large quantities of food and do not stop until they are
uncomfortably full. Most sufferers are overweight or obese and have a history of weight fluctuations. As a
result, they are prone to the serious medical problems associated with obesity, such as high cholesterol, high
blood pressure, and diabetes obese individuals also have a higher risk for gallbladder disease, heart disease, and
some types of cancer. Usually they have more difficulty losing weight and keepingit off than do people with
other serious weight problems. Like anorexic and bulimic sufferers who exhibit psychological problems,
individuals with binge-eating disorder have high rate of simultaneously occurring psychiatric illnesses,
especially depression.
(i) On the basis of your reading of the passage answer the following questions briefly:
a)Write the names of some eating disorders which have distinctive symptoms and risks.
b) What are the serious medical problems associated with binge-eating?
c)How is stomach and heart affected by binge eating?
d)How can vomiting be fatal?


(ii) Answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options:
a) Fatalities occur in what percent of people with anorexia nervosa?
(iv) 30%
b) Which of the following is not a statement about people with eating disorders?
(i) People with anorexia nervosa commonly have a blood-related deficiency.l
(ii) People with anorexia nervosa perceive themselves as overweight.
(iii) The female population is the primary group affected by eating disorders.
(iv) Fifty percent of people with bulimia have had anorexia nervosa.
c) According to the passage, which of the following is true of bulimia patients?
(i) They may demonstrate unpredictable social behavior
(ii) They often engage in compulsive exercise
(iii) They are less susceptible to dehydration than are anorexia patients
(iv)They frequently experience stomach raptures
d) Which of the following represent up to two-third ofthe binge-eating disorder population?
(i) Older males
(ii) Older females
(iii) Younger males
(iv) Younger females
Section B
(Writing and Grammar: 25 Marks)
3. The increase in the garbage dumps has assumed alarming proportions in the Himalayas with
thousands of tourists walking the hill tracks, floating down the rivers, and landing in tinyairfields in remote
valleys leaving them littered with plastics, cans, discarded equipment, etc. This results in falling of these dumps
into rivers resulting in the pollution of the river water and affecting the lives of thousands of people. As an
environmentalist you decide to take up this matter and write an article for a newspaper depicting the extent of
damage caused to river Ganga and calling for a joint effort of theGovernment and the environmentalists to
control this menace.
[Type text]

4. Write a story in about 150-200 words based on the following cues:

As I looked out of my bedroom window I was shocked to see a strange looking man stariing at my house. He
slowly shifted his gaze towards me .........
Strange features
Suspicious movements
Reaction of the people in the neighbourhood
How you found out his secret
Was an evil scientist with evil designs in his mind
Your reaction
5.Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:
Human life (a) ______________ be described in terms of the four seasons. The spring season (b)
____________ mans youth. The summer is like (c) _______________ mature behavior.
6.In the following passage one word is missing in each line. Write the word that comes before and the word that
comes after it in your answer sheets.
Before Omitted word after
The class monitors job to
a) .. ...
ensure discipline the class
b) ...
in the absence teacher. Usually
the best student of the class is the monitor.
d) ... ..

7. Rearrange the following words and phrase to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done for you.
e.g. 18 and 65 years / donate blood / between / can/ any healthy person
solution: Any healthy person between 18 and 65 years can donate blood.
a) screens / the blood bank doctor / before / donation/ all donors
b) cause weakness / donating blood / or discomfort / does not
c) donate blood / after / three months / one can / a gap of

Section C
(Literature and Long Reading Text: 25 Marks)
8.Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
Those who saw it said the dog knew it instantly. He never jumped on Chuck again. From that moment, he took
up a post beside his masters bed around the clock.
a) What was it that dog knew instantly?
b) What was the name of the dog?
c) What had happened to the master?
Read the extract given below and answer the questions / complete the sentences that follow.
Oh! Im fed up with the place.
a) Who spoke these words to whom?
b) Which place is she fed up of and why?
c) Pick out the word from this line similar in meaning to depressed.
9. Answer the following questions in 30-40 words:
a) It was like lighting a fuse. Duke shimmied himself U-shaped in anticipation. Explain.
b) Why did the grandmother depend on her granddaughter to know the story of Kashi Yatre.
c) In the poem, The Road Not Taken where is the poet and what did he see in front of him.
d) Why did Juliette hang the sign at night to sell her villa?
10.I am independent. Based on this statement of the grandmother, write a paragraph on the topic Education
can make one independent in about 80-100 words.
Today we live in a business world full of cut-throat competition. In this world, only those who are smart and
resourceful can survive. In the play Villa for Sale, the character of Gaston may be labelled as someone who is
very cunning buta good businessman. Based on Gastons character sketch, write a paragraph on the topic
Business should not be all about exploiting opportunities highlighting the values of honesty and fairness. 4
Attempt the question no. 11 (in 150-200 words).
11. The novel Three Men in a Boat involves neither great adventure nor great humour, yet it is an amusing
story that conveys a moral. Elaborate.
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Each character in the novel is quite amusing in his/her own way. Whom do you like the best? Give reasons for
your answer.

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