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Define Quran and Sunnah

The Quran:
-Literally meaning the the recitation. However, it also meaning the central religious text of
Islam, which Muslims believe to be a revelation from God.
-Technically meaning book containing the words of Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad
through the Jibril in Arabic and transmitted to us by continuous testimony or tawatur.
-contains of 114 chapters (surah). Each surah of Al-Quran made of few or many ayat or verses.
The revelation of Al-Quran
-was revealed within period of 22 years, 2 months, and 22 days.
- Prophet Muhammad was 40 years old when the Quran began to be revealed and he was 63
when the revelation was completed.
- started on the 15th night in the month of Ramadan
- began on the 15th night in the month of Ramadhan. First chapter ( Surah Al-Iqra) was revealed
in the cave called Ghar Hiraa in Makkah.

-refers to all that is narrated from the Prophet Muhammad, his acts, his sayings and whatever he
tacitly approved.
- Jurisprudents exclude the features of the Prophet Muhammad from Sunnah
-In the ulema of Usul Fiqh : means the source of the Shariah and a legal proof next to the Quran.
-The Ulema of Fiqh : refers to a Shariah value which is not obligatory but falls in the category of
Type of Sunnah
1) Verbal(qawli)
2) Actual (fili or faili)
3) Approved (taqriri)

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