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3rd Speakers speech structure


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Good evening distinguished Mr/Mme Speaker, members of the

house, respected opponents and honorable colleagues from the
Repeat the
Were here today to debate on a burning/ urgent/ hot etc
Motion and
issue/ The motion before This House for today is
provide the case As a 2nd prop team we proudly stand with/ support the 1st G
but wed like to analyze the issue/ motion/ proposition/
resolution from another perspective/ angle/ viewpoint.
In our case we will talk about/ present/ introduce/ bring two
structure and
completely new arguments.
team strategy
First Ill deal with
Then well speak about
GW will elaborate on
But before that Id like to analyze the first half of todays
debates and demonstrate you that the main issues touched
by first two teams support the Gs side.
Analysis of the In the first half of todays debates focused mainly on/ there
1st part of the
were 3 major issues/ 3 areas of analysis.
round/ table.
The 1st major issue was [state as you understand it]. We
believe that it supports our side in these debates because
(add some new reasoning, evidence etc. why you believe
that you should win this area of analysis).
Case Extension Now let me turn to our case extension in these debates,
(your new
which will consist of 3 major arguments
Our first argument is

therefore were proud to propose

for all the reasons named above we proudly propose
for the resolution must stand
we have given you at least 3 reasons why you should stand
by the G
we have clearly shown you why the motion does stand

Within the 1st
minute (before
the first clap)

2rd 3rd minute

4th and 5th minutes

(you can also
reserve the last
minute for the
last, the strongest
Last 20-30
seconds (after
final clap possible

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