Activity Class 9

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ACTIVITY Group : 9

Class 1: 11.07.2016

The name game- Identifying the Personality/ Event/ Concept

Split the Class into Groups. Instruct groups to think of a Personality/ News
Event / Concept write it secretly on a post-it.
Round 1 The opponent Groups ( all the other groups) continues to ask
questions as long as they receive a yes. When the answer is no, they move to the
nest question. E.g. Am I alive, Am I male, Am I a sports person etc. This lasts for
5 questions per group (20 Points)
Round 2 The opponent Groups takes turns to ask one Open or TED (Tell,
Explain, Describe) question. If they mistakenly ask a closed question they lose
their turn. At the end of this activity ( 10 Points)
Round 3 The Challenger group explains the Personality/ News Event /
Concept to the opponent group ( 30 Points)
The usefulness of questioning, for gathering information and need for asking the
right Questions, to get appropriate answer. The game also creates awareness
about various personalities, events and concepts
At the end of the game a student may be asked what management
concepts they has learnt from the game and it will be documented.

ACTIVITY Group : 9
Class 1& 2: 11.07.2016

The name game- Identifying the Personality/ Event/ Concept

Objective :
To develop the Questioning Skills
To gain familiarity about a Personality/ Event/ Concept
Topic Identified:
Contents Prepared:
Learning outcome:

ACTIVITY Group : 9
Class 1: 11.07.2016

The name game- Identifying the Personality/ Event/ Concept

Split the Class into Groups. Instruct groups to think of a Personality/ News
Event / Concept write it secretly on a post-it.
Round 1 The opponent Groups ( all the other groups) continues to ask
questions as long as they receive a yes. When the answer is no, they move to the
nest question. E.g. Am I alive, Am I male, Am I a sports person etc. This lasts for
5 questions per group (20 Points)
Round 2 The opponent Groups takes turns to ask one Open or TED (Tell,
Explain, Describe) question. If they mistakenly ask a closed question they lose
their turn. At the end of this activity ( 10 Points)
Round 3 The Challenger group explains the Personality/ News Event /
Concept to the opponent group ( 30 Points)
The usefulness of questioning, for gathering information and need for asking the
right Questions, to get appropriate answer. The game also creates awareness
about various personalities, events and concepts
At the end of the game a student may be asked what management
concepts they has learnt from the game and it will be documented.

ACTIVITY Group : 9
Class 1& 2: 18.07.2016

Mind Mapping Describing the Placement Plan

Objective :
To develop the Thinking , Presentation and Team working Skills
To gain familiarity on avenues for preparing students for
Topic Identified: Placement Plan
Contents Prepared: Mindmaps
Learning outcome:
An MBA course can sometimes become dull with continuous classes, projects,
case studies, presentations, group studies and the stress of placement. If theres
one challenge that never seems to go away at business school campuses around
the world, its how to keep MBA students motivated, interested, and engaged. Do
not worry, we are here to rescue you and introduce you to the beautiful world of
games that MBA students can play. These games are entertaining and educative
at the same time, so students and teachers do not have to worry about precious
time being wasted. Management games give a sense of practical applicability of
the subject and the concepts that are learnt are inscribed in a better manner
when the students have practical experience of the concept. Some examples of
such games include:

Building Towers: Form two groups and hand over bundles of newspaper
to both. Keep one scissor and tape common between both the groups. Ask
them to make the tallest tower within 10 minutes and the one with tallest
will be the winning team. This game illustrates how both teams use the
available resources, who plays a leaders role and who are their followers,
how they act as a team.

2. Paper planes: Ask each student to write a couple of questions on a sheet

of paper relating to previous lecture. Then each person makes their paper
into a paper plane (or crunches it into a paper ball). Divide the class into 2
teams on opposite sides of the room and encourage everyone to chuck their

planes at the other team. After a short while, everyone must pick up a plane
closest to them, read the question aloud and answer it. This game helps in
recalling the topics of the last lecture and engaging everyone.
3. Beach Ball Toss: Write questions on an inflated beach ball and toss it
around the room. Whoever catches the ball has to answer one question
written on it. The questions can be fun ones such as what is your favourite
dessert or favourite movie or they can be related to a particular MBA
4. The Is Have It! : After a discussion on communication skills, ask the
students to find a partner and for the next 2 minutes, they will be allowed to
talk about anything in the world they want to discuss. There is, however,
one rule THEY CANNOT USE THE WORD I. They can do anything else
they want; they just cant say I. After 2 minutes, discuss how many were
able to talk for those 2 minutes without using the said pronoun as
instructed? Why do so many of us have difficulty avoiding the use of I in
conversation? This game would hence illustrate how we tend to be more
self-centred than we may have thought, and to demonstrate the importance
of focusing on the other person.


Back to Back drawing: Invite

two people and have them sit back-to-back on a chair. Give one person a
picture of a shape and give the other person a pencil and pad of paper. The
person holding the picture would give verbal instructions to their partner on
how to draw the shape without actually telling the partners what the shape
is. After theyve finished, ask each pair to compare their original shape with
the actual drawing, and consider how well did the first person describe the
shape, how well did the second person interpret the instructions and were
there problems with both the sending and receiving parts of the
communication process?

6. The name game: Split the group into pairs. Instruct each person of the
group to think of a famous person and write it secretly on a post-it. Attach

the post-it to the head of their partner. In round 1 take it in turns to ask
closed (yes/no) questions. You may continue to ask questions for as long as
you receive a yes. When the answer is no, swap over. E.g. Am I alive, Am I
male, Am I a sports person etc. In round 2 they must take turns to ask one
Open or TED (Tell, Explain, Describe) question (with the exception of what
is my name or similar!). If they mistakenly ask a closed question they lose
their turn. At the end of this activity, the key message is that despite the
obvious usefulness of questions, for gathering information we find it easier
to ask closed questions but if the questions are not right, we may never
receive the required answer.

Two truths and a Lie: Ask each person in the class to write three
statements and two of them should be true facts and one should be a lie.
Each person in the class should read their statements aloud and the rest of
the class would guess which one is a lie. At the end of this game, the class
would know each other better and in a fun way!

8. The mixed picture puzzles: Divide the class in two teams and hand
them two puzzles but mix some pieces of each puzzle with another one. The
team that finishes their puzzle first wins the task. The key part of this game
is learning how to collaborate with the other teams members to fetch their
own puzzle pieces.
At the end of the game a student may be asked what management concepts he
has learnt from the game. Properly designed games help in ingraining thinking
habits, analytical, logical and reasoning capabilities, importance of team work,
time management, communication and leadership capabilities. Use of
management games can encourage novel and innovative mechanisms for coping
with stress.
If it is not possible to play management games during classes, students should be
encouraged to play some of these in their free time. One of the best business
games available online is at This game provides you an
opportunity to create your own business empire and have fun by advancing your
skills in management, teamwork and strategic thinking. You will learn to make
serious managerial decisions on the fly and learn how to quickly adapt to the
market conditions.

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