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“Study at STKIP Silliwangi Bandung”

Thanks to my lecturer who gave us some exercises and one of them, we

had to write an essay about study at STKIP Siliwangi Bandung. It looked like a

simple thing but it was really hard thing for me because I am not a writer, but I

have to finish my story and thanks God finally I could finish it.

Ok, I want tell you about my identity, the reasons why I choose study at

here (STKIP Siliwangi), problem that I face during study and suggestions for this


My name is Ratih Rubiyanti, I have graduated from a vocational high

school in Cianjur (SMKN 2 Cianjur) at 2000. During studied there I was

interested in learning English so I had a wish if I had graduated from my senior

high school, I would had continue my study to the university and the finally term

had come I had studied hard to get good result.

After finishing my study it wasn’t like my hope I couldn’t continue my

study to the university. At first I was sad but it didn’t take a long time because i

could study English in other way. Yes....I studied English in a kind of English

course it is named MEC (Mitra English College), I had been studying there for

about a year.

I thinked that if I would continue my study to the university I had to save

some money so I decided to get a job.

Time by time went around then in 2008, I thanked I had enough money to

continue my study, before deciding continue my study at STKIP Siliwangi I had

some brochures of some university in Bandung, I read them one by one and tried

to get the information about it, after having a long time in thinking I had a

decision choose STKIP Siliwangi as the best decision.

Because of my big desire in learning English. So I decided study English

at STKIP Siliwangi besides that I had some reasons why I study in here, they are:

• STKIP Siliwangi has good reputation

• It has English major

• It has competence lecturers

• Has a lot of students:

It means that the students come from different places so I have a lot of friends

who has different cultures and also different languages

• Has strategic location

We can go there by car or train

• Has own building

• Has extension class

• Cheap in administration

I have been studying here for about eight months; it was many things that I

have got especially in studying. But sometimes I had troubles in achieving lessons

from lecturers. It happened when we (English major 2008) were became in a room

it would be a difficult thing to catch the lessons because voices of the lecturers

couldn’t hear well and using of some difficult word, made Me tried hard to

translate it became a simple.

It has been a nice thing could study here but I have some suggestions that

must be writing here and here they are:

 About the way in learning

Because of English major 2008 have a lot of students so it will be better if it

is divided to be class a, b, c till f? It means that every class has own lecturer so

we can accept the lessons well.

 If a lecturer has absent on that day she/he have to give assignment or there

is someone who takes the place she/he to handle the class.

 Have to buy a book to be our guide but it must be used

 Have to recreation to some place and give a task to speak with the

foreigner to practice our ability in speaking English.

 Have to have a laboratory to practice our listening.

That is all of my paper and forgives me if I have some mistakes.


Writing for General Communication

Argumentative Essay

“Study at STKIP Siliwangi Bandung”

Created by:
Name: Ratih Rubiyanti
Student number: 08220149
Class: B2/Bp
English major 2008


(College Of Teacher Trainings and Educational Sciences of Siliwangi Bandung)

Writing for General Communication

Argumentative essay

“Cheating and Cheater”

Made to fulfill the subject of Writing For General Communication

Created by:
Name: Ratih Rubiyanti
Student number: 08220149
Class: B2/Bp
English major 2008


(College Of Teacher Trainings and Educational Sciences of Siliwangi Bandung)

“Cheating and Cheater”

Cheating and cheater, we usually hear that words. Of is

unfamiliar for us. Cheating and cheater are two kinds of thing which can’t be

solved. Cheating is a kind of bad activity that always does in an examination and

the person who does this thing, it is called a cheater. Almost person in this world

have ever done this thing, it can be done by every one of every ages from

elementary school to college. Many reasons why people do cheating, there are:

1. He/She wants to get a good result in an examination

2. He/She doesn’t understand with the examination

3. He/She doesn’t remember with the lesson

4. He/She ashamed if he/she gets bad result

5. He/She doesn’t want to hard thinking in an examination

I have ever asked to a cheater than he told me the ways to have a cheating,

they are:

1. Read or understand the lesson first after that, make some notes in pieces of

papers than put them into safety place. It can be on your shirt, skirt, pants,

socks, pencil place, etc.

2. We can make our notes not only in pieces of papers but it can be in other,

likes: our hand, our arms, our thigh, our napkin etc.

3. If teacher says you to collect your book don’t collect your book but put it on

your chair than you sit it or you can put it behind your shirt.

4. If you have some troubles to see you’re cheating papers you have to permit to

your teacher to go to bathroom than you can see your cheating papers in the


5. Don’t sit on the last chair but you have to sit in the middle or in the first

because teacher always pay attention to the last chair.

6. If you are not sure to have a cheating don’t do those just give your cheating

papers to your friend and you can be cheating from your friend.

In my opinion do a cheating is a bad thing because it makes someone to be

lazy person and a liar. If we get a good result in our test it is the same as we lie

our self, so it will be better if we get a good result without cheating or I will proud

of my self when I get bad result in an examination than get a good result in an

examination but I have a cheating.

I had ever done cheating when I was on third class of junior high school.

At that time was Mathematic examination because I didn’t understand with that

subject, so I did a cheating. I made some notes in pieces of papers than I put them

into my ruffle skirt and when I did that examination I didn’t use my cheating

papers because I could do the examination without cheating. But at the last of

time when I put my test paper to the teacher’s table, my cheating papers was

fallen down into the floor because of that I was very ashamed and I promised to

my self that I would never do that anymore.


Depend on my own story, I want tell you or I have some suggestions, they


1. Don’t ever do a cheating because it makes you to be a lazy person and liar.

2. We don’t always have a good result when we have a cheating because

when we do a cheating we have to understand the lesson, so if we don’t it is

useless to have a cheating.

3. Cheating makes our ability is not increase.

4. Cheating is a bad thing it is the same as a lie and lie is a sin.

5. If we are known cheating by teacher we will be called as a cheater so

everyone will not trust to us again. It will make us fell sad and depress.

And finally I just can say “don’t ever do a cheating”.


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