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Vietnam National University - HCMC University of

Social Sciences and Humanities Faculty of English

Linguistics and Literature


Description of the class

Students: Briefly identify the age, grade level, and previous English experience of your students. Include anything that would help
other teachers understand who your target students are.
(What aspects do Ss good at or bad at. Ex: bad at grammar and good at vocabulary).
Setting: Include the type of institution (private school, public school, university, other institution?) Include the number of students in
the class. State how often the class meets and for how long. Please include anything that will help other teachers understand the
situation where the lesson will be taught.
Goals (for the whole course): Students will be able to
Develop their grammatical knowledge of future expression in English.
Develop their communication skills in English.
2. Textbook: Author. Year of publication. Title of the textbook. Place of publication. Publisher.
Lesson background:
Describe briefly what kinds of lessons have immediately preceded this one. Are you expanding a previously learned/practiced point?
beginning a new module? offering extended practice? What are going to come after this lesson?
If this is the first or the final lesson, be sure to say so. Include anything that will help teachers to visualize the lesson context. The
lesson may focus on one particular skill (listening, speaking, reading, or writing) but that skill should be integrated with other language
skills as required by real life communication. The lesson may teach one or two grammatical points, but the activities should aim at
giving learners practice in the 4 language skills to get fluency in using the structure(s) taught, rather than just doing exercises or
explaining the rules.
(Describe the activities that had been used to teach those lesson.)

3. Objectives
Describe how Ss will improve or change as a result of this lesson. Include what students will be able to DO as a result of the lesson.
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
(3a) Distinguish different ways of expressing future time
(3b) Use future time expressions in describing their plans, making predictions, etc. (3c)
(Combine this section with the content which will be taught. Describe how to integrate skills)

4. Methodology
1. What language teaching approaches/ methods are used in the lesson.
2. Why you are using/applying these approaches/ methods in the lesson.
(List the activities that go along with the characteristics that belong to the method and explain why using it can achieve the objectives)


Materials and Sources

Materials: List any objects or realia that you need to make or collect. List any authentic materials that will be used, and whether you
need to prepare or enhance them beforehand. List any needed worksheets or written instructions.
Be sure that any materials you mention in the Procedures section are also listed here. Include worksheets or handouts as
attachments in 10-Appendices.
Sources: List where your materials or realia came from so that others may find them.
(State the material belong to the textbook or the source if you use something not come from the textbook)
6. Procedures

List all main stages with stage aims and list step by step what you will do in class, and what you expect the students to do. How
will you provide opportunities for students to talk to each other, for example with group or pair work? Make sure that you include
the use of authentic materials/realia AND pair/group work appropriately. Be sure the time that is allocated is appropriate. The
reader needs to be able to visualize how the lesson will proceed.

Your lesson should be about 45 minutes long. Try to divide the steps logically, where the teacher moves to a different
Class activities
(plus teaching aids, techniques
(Explain why and how
answers to
problems (ad
used, etc.)
these activities
exercises (KEY)
hoc solutions/
/techniques/ aids will help
activities that T
T & Ss obtain the lesson
may predict)
or (Warm-up,

Explain the purpose of using relias, objects
o Must be consistant with overall objectives stated above.
o To separate warm- up activities and lead in activities in Pre Reading
o To show the page of the activities that T want Ss to work on
o To give details how to group Ss: individual, pair, group, whole class
o Why using pair work or group work?
o What skill can be obtained?
o What is the advantages?
o Why peer correction, self correction?
o Which strategies will help?
o Show the connection between While reading and Post Reading

Why make students do sth would help them achieve the objectives?
o If it is too long, put it in the appendice section

7. Additional possibilities
8. Homework/ Assignments:
9. References


Appendices (handouts attached):

Acknowledge all the materials and sources that you will use in your lesson.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3 etc.

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