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Batman Reborn

It was yet another starry night in a futuristic Gotham. As usual, the
faint sound of crime at work and police sirens could be heard. A gentle
breeze whistled through the vacant parking lots and streets, as the usual
pedestrians were in their own homes, dreaming of better days. Spray paint
littered the walls, and the foul stench of pollution went through the air.
Yet, the first of a series of very bizarre enigmatic robberies would soon
come to surface. The setting would be in the third street level of the city,
above ground level. On the level, there stood a vast and massive mansion on
its east side. It was surrounded by a rectangle of cleanly cut grass. The
mansion itself was covered in new white paint. It was a two-story house with
at least ten individual rooms stored inside of it, and an impressive display of
flowers to decorate the garden. There was even a built-in fountain that held
ground water if necessary.
The entire house including the garden was surrounded by a twenty foot
wall. The only visible entrance would be the two connected golden gates at
the very front. A sidewalk paved the way to the entrance.
Beyond the chirping of birds, footsteps could be heard.
Approaching the gates were young Chelsea Cunningham and her
boyfriend, Marcus Young. Marcus was telling her a story while Chelsea
laughed occasionally but listened, leaning her head on his shoulders. Chelsea
evidently lived there, due to her father being a movie producer and releasing
several successful movies. Chelsea was a star cheerleader of Gotham High
School. Her cheers and attitude were eccentric, peppy, and jubilant, yet a
little conceited, which basically described her physical appearance. She was
of average height, and had a very slim posture, being on a steady diet of
vegetables and protein shakes. Chelsea also wore some blush on her cheeks
and short blond hair only coming down to her neck. She was still dressed in
her usual cheerleading uniform, and walked towards her home like she was
Yep, and thats the story of how my brothers and I almost were eaten
alive by a bear during our camping trip, but thanks to my wicked cool
instincts, Im telling you this right now, he boasted, concluding his story.
Marcus was about five inches taller than her with a light build and some

black hair running down his neck. He was wearing some light blue jeans and
a T-Shirt with the sleeves ripped out to show off his muscles.
Wow, you were so brave, protecting your brothers like that. If I had
younger siblings, I wouldve just let the bear have them. You know me, Im an
only child and Id like to keep it that way, she replied.
Yeah, well you might be a homeless child if your old man finds out
about you and me, Marcus pointed out.
Dont tell me big brave bear killer Marcus is scared? Dont worry, he
wont find out our forbidden love. Daddy was always a hopeless romantic, he
just wouldnt understand anyway, she shrugged.
Good point, you know, what you just said reminded me of why I fell in
love with you in the first place, Chelsea, he remarked.
Funny, at first I thought you saw me as another dumb blond
cheerleader. But, youre not half bad yourself, Marc, for a mechanics son,
she replied.
Why thank you very much, Mrs. Cunningham, he replied in a rich
aristocrats voice, finishing it off with a mock bow.
No, thank you for your ever charming wit and manners, Mr. Young,
she replied, mocking the well-spoken, civilized voice of an aristocrat.
Seriously, I just cant get over those snotty rich folks that come over
to your place, he said.
I know, right. Daddy even makes me act like a civilized and proper girl
when theyre around. Jeez, I can almost see the snot coming out of their
noses, she added. Soon, they reached the gate.
Well, this is it, I guess. I had fun tonight, eating at that new Chinese
place. The rolls there were very exquisite and delightful, he smiled, as they
stopped. She giggled as she fumbled through her pocketbook for something.
It was nothing, I guess. Well, I guess you can thank my daddys new
credit card for that, she said, taking out an identification card and swiping it
against a card slot on the gate. There was a clicking sound and the doors
cracked open a little, and then fully opened up, giving a clear passage.
I guess you dont need me to escort you to your lovely home and
protect you from any bear attacks, right? he grinned.
Nah, I had fun too, Marcus. That was a pretty awesome dinner;
compared to the food my dad buys me. Then, Ill see you tomorrow after
practice, okay? she smiled.
You got it, lady. And, make sure to sound extra peppy, okay? I might
pop up a little early, he grinned, kissing her on the forehead and walking
Boys, she smiled to herself, rolling her eyes playfully before walking
in. The gates automatically closed and locked themselves. She walked
through the narrow path that cut through the garden. Chelsea started to hum
a tune as she bounded up the stairs the led to the mansion. She continued
humming as she took out her house keys. First, she twisted the handle to see
if it was already unlocked.

Surprisingly, it was. As soon as she pushed a little, the door cracked

open unlocked, revealing darkness.
Thats weird. I thought I locked the door when I left, she murmured,
slightly puzzled. She glanced around, but couldnt see her fathers car parked
anywhere. She slowly walked inside and flipped on a light switch activating
the ceiling lights.
Everything looked exactly as she had left it. Fancy furniture, nightstands, and sofas were all lined up neatly in the same place.
She looked at her watch. It was 11:07.
Time flies, Id better get to bed, she yawned, sleepily starting to go
upstairs to her bedroom. But, there was one thing, the window was open in
the kitchen, and on the floor was the security alarm panel, ripped straight
from the wall.
Hello Chelsea, said a mysterious voice, suddenly. It was a mans
voice and sounded very inviting, yet disturbing. She immediately looked
behind her and then all around. The voice had frightened her.
W-W-W-W-Whos there? Chelsea stammered, frightened by the voice.
Dont be afraid, Chelsea, I only want to help you, came the voice
W-W-Who are you, and how do you know my name? she whimpered,
backing into the kitchen. She was now shaking with fear, her heart pounding
I know you better than you know yourself, Chelsea, the voice
responded ominously.
H-H-How do you know me? What do you want with me? she said, her
voice only above a whisper.
Why, I want to help you, Chelsea. Let me help you, it came again,
each time the voice grew closer, like the person was standing right beside
Suddenly, all the lights went off, leaving the shaken girl in complete
darkness. She was looking in all directions, trying to make out anything in
the darkness.
A single light appeared out of the darkness. It was circular.
W-W-W-Whats that? she asked, backing into a wall as the light grew
An adventure, Chelsea, it boomed.
It then started to form a pupil, and greatly resemble a human eyeball.
The direct rays of it suddenly bounced off her. It flashes so brightly that she
had to turn away. When she opened her eyes, the flash suddenly snapped,
confusing her. Her pupils suddenly grew in size, like they were being dilated.
When the lights turned back on, her vision became groggy and dizzy.
The objects in the kitchen seemed to disappear, along with the whole
kitchen itself. It turned back to pitch darkness. Without any logical
explanation, her entire house seemed to vanish into total darkness. When
light finally returned, she was in a totally different location.

She was now inexplicably in a jungle, similar to the rain forest. She was
surrounded by tall grass and varieties of insects and small animals. Animal
noises and birds chirping could be heard, which added more to the confusion.
Colossal trees surrounded her as animals climbed up its branches. A snake
seemingly slithered around her legs and vanished through the grass.
Everything there looked real. Chelsea looked down, shocked to see that
her clothes were now different. Now, she was wearing a uniformed brown
shirt, complete with a small skirt and some combat boots. Her hands looked
like they were covered with dirt as well. The world around here looked so real
and convincing.
Whats going on, here? she demanded.
An adventure, Chelsea, trust me, youll love it. Now, walk, it
NOW! it added with some emphasis. Her body began involuntarily
moving with his voice. She no longer had control over her actions. She was in
a trance. In reality, she was still in the kitchen. Everything was normal.
Somehow, she was in a trance in which she was being fed information that
made all her senses believe that she was in a jungle. She walked out of the
kitchen and through the hallways.
In her reality, she was walking through the grass when she finally
Come on, just keep moving, the voice urged.
There before her, stood a small ancient temple. It was covered with
vines and the structure was weakened by time and roots growing through
the cracks. There was an ancient symbol at the entrance resembling a tiger.
The degrading structure was barely leaning on the right, just waiting for a
storm to hit for it to all collapse.
Go, it said. Gulping, she felt her way through the grass and walked
right in the entrance. In reality, she was walking into her fathers private
study. His floor was covered with balled up paper filled with failed ideas. His
desks were also polluted with crumbled paper and books. There were a few
prized possessions lined up on the shelves, such as trophies or awards. There
were a few paintings of him on the wall as well.
Back in her illusion, she walked through the ancient temple. The walls
were almost completely covered with moss and the floor was just barely able
for her to walk on. Vines drooped down from what was the ceiling. Artifacts,
like spears and handmade necklaces were scattered on the ground. She
finally reached a particular artifact that was held by a long stand. A single
ray of light that peeped out of the ceiling cracks illuminated it. It was a small
idol statue. It was a carving of an old Indian God that was only about five
inches long. It remained untouched by time. That was the exact same
possession that was in her fathers possession.
Thats it, now grab it, the voice commanded. Chelsea had no choice
but to obey. She picked it up and walked out through another entrance,
picking up that exact same idol from her fathers study. Oblivious to her, a
car drove up outside. She was now out of the temple and stopped at the very

edge of the jungle. There, before her, stood a massive erupting volcano. It
was several levels below her, with lava bubbling out of its mouth.
Yes, now drop it, the voice said gently. In reality, she exited the
mansion and was now standing at the balcony that overlooked the levels
Chelsea! came a different yet familiar voice. It was growing nearer.
Drop it, the other voice commanded. The lava was spewing out of
the volcano. She removed her hands from it and let it descend down.
CHELSEA! came the other voice. It was definitely closer. Suddenly,
she was jerked away from behind. That action seemed to snap her out of the
illusion. Her pupils went back to normal, as reality hit her. She was now
looking at her back-yard, and one angry father. His face was boiling hot and
full of fury.
When she finally came back to her senses, her father was holding her
by the hair and was almost a loss for words. The jungle illusion had vanished.
The idol statue descended down to ground level.
Dad, what happened? she said drowsy, her head spinning.
What happened? WHAT HAPPENED? I leave for one business trip, and
you throw my statue out into ground level. Whats wrong with you? That was
an original antique I bought from the Philippines? That cost me 80 Grande. It
was my prized possession, and you just dropped it in the streets like it was
one of your earrings, he snarled infuriated.
But, but, she stammered still trying to get a grip on what she had
BUT NOTHING! I knew sending you to public school were a bad idea,
but this? Now, youve crossed the line, Chelsea. I thought you had more
sense than to just hurl my stuff away like it was nothing, he roared, his
cheeks red in fury.
But, I was home when this eye popped out of nowhere. I mustve been
dehydrated or something, because I went through this really weird illusion. I
was in this jungle, and there was this really creepy voice that kept bossing
me around, she started to explain.
Its bad enough that you had to hurl one of my possessions out our
level, but lying about some stupid mirage to cover it up. Maybe, Mark was
right when he said I shouldve sent you to military school, he said.
But, Daddy, I didnt mean to throw it, you have to believe me, she
Ill believe that Im sending you to military school. Come on, he
finished, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her back into the house.
Dad, I didnt mean to! Chelsea started again.
Down below, the statue was still falling down into ground level. It was
just passing the second level when it started to pass by a hovering vehicle. A
hand quickly darted out and snatched it out of its plummet. The figure tossed
it up playfully and then caught it. A nearby light pole showered that direction
with light, revealing the mysterious perpetrator.

It was a man dressed in an orange spandex suit that covered him from
face to toe. Black swirls decorated the entire costume, with the individual
swirls moving in one direction. He wore black gloves and black boots to
match his orange outfit. His masks design was a black swirl moving in a
vortex fashion. He had a light build, and on his right palm, there was a large
oval-shaped object built in to it. Its appearance was very similar to that of a
regular eye. It was still glowing, but once he pressed a button on his wrist,
the light immediately darkened, and then faded away.
He was sitting in a small, but agile wasp-like craft. The seat made up
most of the vehicle with the back being very narrow and shaped like a wasp
stinger. It curved to face the front, with a laser cannon perched at its bottom.
He had a simple control panel to direct the vehicle. To describe it simply, it
looked like an overgrown jumbo shrimp.
Like stealing candy from a baby! he laughed, as the vehicle rose up,
and then speeded away.
The next day at school went on, as the first tardy bell of the day rang.
Kids of all shapes and sizes hurried along to get to class. Small conversations
could be heard from hall to hall. Janitor robots slid through the floor, pulling
trash and waste into it like a vacuum in order to clean up the floor. The
principal, Mr. Han, finished giving the student body a lengthy lecture on how
to succeed at education, before hanging up at the intercom. Even when the
lecture was still being taught, they were still talking, each spinning one
different tale about what happened to Chelsea Cunningham.
Bruce Wayne and his friend, Jared Martin were walking side by side
through the hallway. Jared Tate was Bruces close friend, an African American
who dressed simply. Jared was about Bruces height, and had some black hair
about a centimeter thick. He was wearing brown pants, with a black T-Shirt
and a green coat to finish it up. He was a very smart and well-rounded male,
in contrast to Bruce Wayne. Bruce was dressed in his usual black pants and
black T-Shirt, along with his usual brown coat with striped shoulders, and
So, whats up, Jared. You havent said much since bio-class ended,
Bruce started.
Its nothing, he answered quickly.
Come on, Jared, you got to be a little excited about your mom
marrying that weapons designer, uh Jerry Tate, right? Big wedding tomorrow,
lots of food, tons of money, a house all to yourself when your parents go on
their honeymoon, you dont seem so excited about that. Plus, youre best
man, why so glum all of a sudden? Bruce asked.
Its not the wedding, its my possible father. The guy seemed nice at
first, but my mom goes through husbands like popcorn, and just about all of
them end up cheating on her and we just get burned at the end. What makes
this guy so different? he asked.
Just try to give him a chance, Jared, he might be a keeper, Bruce told

Sure, he said, stopping by his locker. His hand moved to the number
pad and quickly typed in the five-digit combination. The locker unlocked, and
he pulled the door back, grabbing the necessary books for class.
I still dont get why youre so bummed about this wedding, Jared.
Once your mom and him get married, youll be filthy rich and have enough
cash cards to buy that brand new hover car that flies higher than the FoxTech capitol skyscraper, Bruce pointed out.
Yeah, but its not that thats bugging me. Since he got promoted to
chief executive of his weapons division, hes been ignoring us all of a sudden,
blowing off simple family dinners for these meetings. Plus, he wont even let
me in his study anymore. Like hes hiding something from us, maybe even a
second woman, he explained.
Now, youre being hysterical, Jared. I highly doubt hes playing double
decks behind your moms back. You should be happy for her, Bruce pointed
out again.
Thanks, Bruce, he remarked.
Suddenly, two Gotham Police Department officers walked by them,
wearing their signature light white armor and badge. They gave Wayne a
quick glance before walking past them.
They stopped at the guidance counselors office door. The school
counselor was Ira Billings, a certified teen psychologist. One of them knocked
on the door.
Whats that all about? Bruce asked.
You didnt hear? Its all over the news man. Chelsea bugged out on
her old man last night. I heard she hurled some priceless junk of his into
ground level. Her dad was real steaming hot after that, even threatened to
send her to military school. Chelsea claimed she was under some trance, but
if you ask me, shes getting what she deserves, Jared explained.
In this town, even that isnt weird. But, I dont get why Chelsea, the
richest girl in school, would do that. Thats crazy, even for her, Bruce replied
Well, a lot of crazy stuffs be going on here ever since Mr. Billings, the
new guidance counselor got hired. A bunch of kids have claimed to be in
some kind of trance and hurl their parents junk out for no apparent reason,
Jared added.
You dont say, Bruce said, raising an eyebrow with interest.
The door opened to reveal, Mr. Ira Billings, the teacher. He had a very
skinny statue and a healthy amount of brown hair on his head. He was of
average height and weight for a male, and had slightly red pale skin. He
wore glasses to enhance his vision, and had some brown pants and a
buttoned shirt on.
Hello, how may I help you gentlemen? he smiled with a friendly yet
shy tone.
Dont worry, Doc, youre not in any trouble, we just want to talk to you
about some strange cases of students here committing a series of bizarre

crimes that seem to be linked to your field of expertise. Do you think you can
spare a minute or two for a little talk? one of them said.
Sure, I dont have another appointment for ten minutes. Come on in,
he invited, and they entered his office. He closed the door behind them.
If you ask me, folks are really making a big deal out of nothing.
Chelsea and her dads been at it for months now, arguing about homework
and going to the mall, its about time she finally snapped, Jared shrugged.
Chelseas stuck up and spoiled, but I doubt shed get back at him by
throwing out his movie props, Bruce pointed out.
Suddenly, the bell rang, signaling the beginning of the next class.
Ah man, got to get to class. See you! Jared said, before closing his
locker and walking away.
Bruce looked the other way at the door, and decided to do a little
investigating of his own. He walked up to the door and held his ear against
the wall, eavesdropping on the conversation. He peered out the window to
see the men talking.
Her dads furious about this, Billings, and hesinfluenced us to
investigate about this. We decided first to see what your opinion is about all
this drama. We understand that she attended your appointments with her, so
we figured you would know her the best, one of them said.
To put in simply, this is the same behavior Id expected out of
Chelsea. Since her dads some kind of a movie star, she sometimes feels
alone and resorts to these kinds of things to draw back his attention. Based
on what shes told me, her cries out for attention usually land herself in
these situations. She commits these destructive acts and then makes up
some foolish tale about being forced to, and her father encourages this
behavior by pretending to believe in it. If you want my opinion, Chelseas
committing this acts only to get the proper attention from her father, Mr.
Billings said.
Not to test your area of expertise, but are you sure that Mrs.
Cunningham only orchestrated this whole shebang just to get some respect
from her father? the officer asked.
In other words, she made the whole thing up, the police officer
summed up.
That would be my opinion, Billings agreed. The men stood up.
Well, your side of the story sounds pretty good, so well go with your
opinion, wrap up this case, and move on, the officer replied.
Alright, thats all we need to know. Thanks for your time, Mr. Billings,
the officer smiled, shaking his hand.
Yeah, we just needed to get some input from the school counselor
himself. Now, we can shut this case down and move on, the other one
Well, if you need any more assistance, you know where to find me,
Billings smiled.

Bruce quickly slid to the walls as the door opened. The two officers
walked by him, but not before casting him a glance. They continued walking
Made it up, huh? Bruce murmured behind them, before walking to
The next night, another one of these bizarre crimes would again occur
with the closing of a jewelry shop.
In one of the lower levels of Gotham City, there stood a small jewelry
facility that sold jewelry for just about any occasion at retail price. It was two
stories tall, with dry paint covering its walls.
Two security guards were checking the security systems of the
complex at the front desk, making sure everything was in place. The jewelry
store was closed, and the security guards were checking to make sure the
system was operational before they left.
In the front desk, sat a middle-aged man dressed in a suit. He had
thinning hair and a small moustache. He was of medium height but a little
portly and wide. Between his two lips was a toothpick, as he lazily slumped
back in the chair. He was busily flipping through his stash of credits, waiting
for the store to close so he could go home. His name was John Baker, the
general manager of the jewelry shop.
Hey, Mr. Baker, you mind helping us here? Could you hold this so I can
check the wires underneath? one of the security guards suggested, offering
one of the control panels to him.
Nah, you youngsters can handle it, right? Why, in my old age, Ill
probably pull something, he smiled, an excuse for getting out of doing any
extra work.
Sure, thanks anyway, sir, the other guard mumbled.
By the way, you mind hurrying it up here. Some of us here actually
have a life to attend to, he added.
One of these days, the security guard grumbled.
Lets just get this thing checked so we can leave, the other one said,
and he grudgingly agreed.
I swear, they should pay me overtime for this, Baker mumbled.
Suddenly, a strange light appeared outside the window closest to
Baker. He didnt notice it at first, but as the light grew larger, he started to
notice it off the corner of his eyes.
What the heck? he mumbled, glancing to his side. He then saw the
huge circle of light growing larger as each second passed by.
He stood up and started to walk towards the light to find out where it
was coming from.
Calm down, Mr. Baker, well be done in a second, the other guard
assured, not aware of the light at all.
I thought I saw something, he said to them without looking at them,
quietly moving to the light.
Sure, Mr. Baker, sure you did, the guard smiled, rolling his eyes.

He pressed a button on the window sill. Automatically, the glass

window immediately opened up, eliminating the use of having to pull it up or
down by hand.
Baker peered out of the window as the light started to take shape. It
was the same shape of that eyeball that hypnotized Chelsea Cunningham. As
it blinked, the light seemed to ascend up to reveal its master.
The light rose up revealing the same criminal from before, dressed in
the same black and orange swirl spandex costume. He was sitting on the
hovering wasp craft. The light came from the palm of his right hand, in the
shape of the human eyeball.
Ready for your second shift, Mr. Baker? the hypnotist smiled.
What? Who the blazes are you supposed to be? he demanded.
Just open your eyes, Mr. Baker. Just open your eyes, the man replied,
suddenly holding the glowing palm out to him. The eye blinked once and
then widened, ending in a bright flash like a camera taken pictures. The
mans pupils grew in size too, like they were dilated.
Everything around him seemed to disappear. The mumbling security
guards first went quite, and then completely silent. Everything around him
vanished into darkness, leaving silence.
Suddenly, a huge explosion lit up his face with light.
No, this cant be happening. This is impossible, he stammered,
unable to comprehend what was happening. Light returned to him, but now
he was in an entirely different environment. Another huge explosion lit up his
face, fully awakening him.
Now, he was in a jungle. The whole jewelry shop had been replaced by
towering trees and buzzing mosquitoes. There were several booming
explosions behind him. What sounded like gunfire rang through the trees.
The sounds of seemingly wounded men cried out almost louder than the
gunshots. He could barely see a helicopter hover by him. Somehow, war was
happening all around him. A squad of camouflaged soldiers rushed past him
to confront the enemy. All the sights, smells, and sounds all looked like they
belonged in an actual way. Storms of shrapnel whistled past his body. All he
could do is watch as the carnage continued. To his right, a massive forest fire
started, lighting up a whole line of oak trees. The screams of the soldiers
were almost deafening.
How? This is impossible, unexplainable? It looks so real, but it cant be
happening, he gasped at the sight.
Oh, but it is possible, Mr. Baker, the voice said.
Then, he looked down at himself. He was dressed in a 20th Century
American army uniform complete with boots, a bulletproof vest, and a
helmet on his head, complete with a leather belt tied around his waist. He
had black paint smeared around his cheeks and a mix of dirt and blood
staining his sleeves. There were rifle ammunition clips and grenades clipped
to his belt. It felt, smelled, looked like actual war. He ducked as a limp body
flew over his head.

Another flash seemed to finalize the trance. Baker had, in his mind, lost
all memory of what he was doing and who he was at the present moment. All
his memory seemed to fade away, leaving only the sole purpose of being a
soldier. In his conscience, he had become a soldier.
In reality, outside his spellbound brain, everything was normal. The
security guards were still checking the alarm panel and nothing had
changed, except him.
Baker spotted them head on. Only now, the image of them from his
brain had been twisted around. Instead of security guards, he now saw them
as enemy soldiers. They were different looking Asian men dressed in
camouflaged black clothing and muttering in another language sharply. To
him, they were arming a mine, which in reality was checking the alarm panel.
Quickly, take care of the hostiles! the voice whispered.
Yes sir! he replied obediently walking towards them, with his fists
clenched. In his mind, he saw them as hostiles.
Will you just calm down, sir? Well be done in few more seconds.
Were just wiring it back to the wall, the guard said impatiently, not knowing
of the trance Baker was trapped in.
Swiftly, the banker brought down both of his hands straight on the skull
of one of the guards, instantly knocking him out.
What? the other one stammered, starting to draw his weapon. Baker
was quicker to the draw and sent his fist crashing into his cheek before
slamming his body into the confused guard, sending him flying into the wall
a couple of feet away. He slumped down, groaning.
Now, grab the weapon, the voice added, as he picked up the stun
gun that the guard dropped. When fired, a slim cable would shoot out and
attach to the victim, before a strong charge would be sent via the cable to
the victim, stunning them.
In the virtual environment, another explosion hit the ground beside
him, as he ran through the bushes and tall grass. In reality, he ran through
the doors that led to a corridor. As he turned around a corner, he spotted a
security guard starting to lock the doors to a room, after checking its
contents. To him, it was another enemy soldier guarding a weapon stash with
his rifle.
Quick, theres another standing hostile enemy. Shoot him, the voice
ordered. As the guard turned around, Baker pressed the trigger. Immediately,
two twin cables shot out and attached to his chest. A strong charge ran
through the wire, eventually hitting him. After the first few shocks, he
dropped to the floor, stunned before he could make a move. In his world, he
had just shot another soldier.
Thatll teach you to mess with the U.S, he smiled, wiping a few beads
of sweat from his head. He ran to the room the guard was about to lock and
kicked it open, revealing a room.
The room was full of someone elses personal possessions. It was a
vault specifically built to hold someones deposited items. In the room, there
were several boxes full of cash cards and other records of the person. Behind

the cash-filled boxes were several other boxes full of old jewelry probably
dating back from decades ago. There were entire cases crammed to the brim
with golden necklaces, bracelets, and rings. In his world, all of this was just
another enemy stash of weapons and bombs.
He crept through the room until he found a human-sized mannequin
doll. It was a female mannequin and was dressed in a blue dress with
different colorful patterns on it. There was a pearl necklace around its neck
and glass slippers on its feet. It was probably a dressing dummy to see how
the clothes would look on the user. His eyes saw it, not as a mannequin, but
as an actual human being.
Straight ahead, its a fallen comrade! the voice exclaimed.
It was a Korean soldier dressed in the same uniform as he was. He was
unconscious, with a bandage tied around his forehead and his hands
clutching his chest. He could see blood dripping from his fingers. The man
was slumped against a tree as another explosion hit near them.
Louie! he exclaimed, diving to get him. The spellbound banker
dropped his gun and tackled the mannequin down from its stand, thus
tackling Louie off the tree as a barrage of bullets nailed the tree where his
fallen comrade just was. He dragged the mannequin behind a table for cover.
The table to him was an already dug foxhole.
Above them was an assault helicopter. It opened fire on the meadows
below setting loose several rockets aimed towards that area. They exploded
on impact once hitting the grassy meadows below, setting fire to the natural
environments. A huge fire started, setting fire to the grassy plains in front of
As he stuck his head up to get a better look, he saw another platoon of
enemy troops marching up the meadow, having taking cover from the rocket
assault. They were scanning the area for any surviving Americans.
Stay with me, Louie, Ill get us out of this, he assured the doll,
reaching out and grabbing an empty champagne glass from one of the
boxes. In the trance, it looked exactly like a grenade. He tossed it over their
The glass flew through the air and dropped to the ground. It shattered
into about twelve other shards of glass. In the trance, once the grenade hit
the ground, it exploded, driving back the enemy soldiers.
Now, meet up at the evacuation point, the voice said.
Come on, Louie, were going to make it, he smiled, slinging the dolls
arm around his neck and lifting him up. Baker then exited the room and
turned a corner to leave the facility.
Meanwhile, outside of the building, a massive police blockade had
already formed. GPD officers took cover behind their helipads, guns aimed
directly at the entrance of the jewelry shop. The attacked security guards
had already evacuated the building.
One of the attacked security guards was giving the full report to a GPD

So yeah, we knew the guy for years. Didnt think anything too bad of
him, and then all of a something, he claims to check on something and
comes back a few seconds later and blindsides us, knocking us down good.
The guys off his nut, the guard said.
So, youre saying that after checking on something flashing in the
window, he immediately attacked you? the officer summed up.
I never said it was the most believable story, but its true, he said.
The officer signaled to the other troopers.
Give one more warning shot through the windows. If the suspect still
doesnt surrender, well rush him

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