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This journal is mainly stating the vertical asymmetry of river
channel cross-section. It is explaining the formula devised by Knighton
which involve three indices to calculate and measure the degree of
asymmetry of river cross-section form. With the support of other
researchers influence, the original formula was widen to be more
specific. A* is the first index. This index considers the differences in
area between the two parts of the channel from the center line, this
index is simple and scientific. However, it neglected the sign of vertical
asymmetry which lead him to formulate another indices of A 1 and A2 .
The next index A1, Knighton was dissatisfied again due to this index
also excluding the incorporated vertical component. This index will only
valid under the circumstances that this river is perfectly rectangular
shaped and not in any other possible shapes. Lastly for the index A2,
the vertical component is ignored when the channel is horizontally
symmetry. As a conclusion, the three indices formulated by Knighton
failed to signify the value of the of the incorporated vertical component
and only were able to fully solve the horizontal asymmetry problem.

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