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Name: ___________________________________ Period: _____

Guided Reading Sheet: "Uprising" 1: Yetta

pages 283-290, Florida Collections book
**When you read a vocabulary word from our list, please stand up and try to define the
word from memory**

As you read this entire story, list four facts Haddix refers to from "Flesh and Blood So
Cheap" in Yetta's story. Write the fact, the line number in "Flesh and Blood So Cheap," and
the line number in "Uprising" (Yetta)
Historical Fact

Page and line

number, "F. A. B.
S. C."

Page and line


Person One: Please read the Setting a Purpose information on page 265 out loud, then
read from pages 283- 285, Line 57.
What words did you stand up for?
What implications does Haddix make about the working conditions in the factory in lines
23-26? Please quote directly from the text.


From these implications, what can you infer about the effects of factory work on the
human body?

Person Two : Please read up to line 120 on page 287.

What words did you stand up for?
What two adjectives would you use to describe Yetta's character on lines 90-93?
What two adjectives would you use to describe Yetta's character on lines 100-103?
If there is a change in her character, then what inspired it?

Person Three: Please read from line 120 to line 181 on page 288.
What words did you stand up for?
On line 128, Yetta thinks, "We are on the same side now, Mr. Bernstein and me."
Think about your vocabulary words from last week. Which one seems to apply best to
Yetta's role and interests at the shirtwaist factory? (Really think about it. It's not "softie.")
What were opposite sides had Yetta and Mr. Bernstein been on?
Why are they on the same side now?

Person Four OR Person One: Please read from line 182 to line 243.
What words did you stand up for?
Why does the author put words like "Somebody listen! Somebody's got to tell the ninth
floor!" and "My sisters. My comrades. My union." in italic print?
What reasons might Yetta have for wanting to leave Jacob and a possible escape to run
higher up into the burning building?

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