1) Summary:: BBC Learning English - "The Way We Look"

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BBC Learning English The way we look

1) Summary:
Neil and Alice discuss about the appearance if it is important because
the New Years resolution of Neil is to get in shape and then, Alice
asks a question: which physical aspect of their appearance were men
most likely to say was their favourite? and Neil says that hair
because he likes his hair.
Alice continues saying that in animals, is important their appearance
too because Peahens prefer male peacocks with lots of eyespots on
their tail.
Then, they listen to fashion historian Amber Butchart describing what
men used to do to improve their physical appearance.
Amber says that they used to wear corsets throughout the 18th
century even into the 19th century and they wore it because they
wanted to improve their status and rank.
Finally, Alice answers the question which was which physical aspect
men most like and its their height and not their hair.

2) Vocabulary:
Get in shape: to get fit
Overindulge: to have too much of something nice
Appearance: the way we look
Genes: part of the DNA
Enhance: improve
Garments: clothes
Status: the professional or social position
Suited and booted: smartly dressed

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