Kevin Wolff DWI Police Report

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ot era er Tt es ‘ey c.ouD scion Fee Day Dy vay Jy or acioeT SLID Emer Treat ES setncie Casa (roma set Ac west eo ramet SmNTRAPh CASE REPORT fosomantinee _SARDISIG34S3 suamany (este wa you dat jut sonny nomaton to wy yous ema a arg,cton rec ardcnueat panera ones ney ae pti aa ot enna eee Sl, bivocalson Sow test ResuTan Tis ar namo) nO mS ONMOONSIESOE Vehite in motion ‘While on patrol T was dispaiched to assist A02, A02 was dispatched tothe listed! location for an acident disturbance Upon arial W! stated that AP-V was leaving te scene. ACZ inated a trafic stop, WI advised that AP-V rear ended he ‘chile two separate ties, AP-V was inthe drive trough for Whataburgr atthe time of accident. AP was the diver and only cecopantto AP-V. AP was slang his words together making i a times hard to undersand what AP was tying sy, AP had a noticeable sway to his stand and while walking, A03 called for assistance to evaluate AP's mental and piysie! faults, Personal contac: Upon arval at 0328 hours I contacted AOD end was advised ofthe situation. AP was tanding tothe rear of his vehicle, AP was in his boxers and di not have shoes or sorks on, AP wa holding ono his vehicle for suppor. AP refused EMS, [AP had high blood pressure. AP was taking several medications. AP ook two sleeping medications twenty minutes ag. ‘AP was also taking MIM medication along with several othr medications asked AP why he took sleeping medication ‘and then wert driving AP sated he wanted ogo ge food el ick. AP did not have any specch problems or allergies [AP cid rot have any balance problems. AP had a noticeable swey and was unseady on his fee. AP was nt wearing contacts. AP had four hours of sleep the night before. AP hada noticable sway to his stand between ane 10 £0 inches. A {id not have any prior head taums, AP wae slurring his words together making it times har to understand whet AP we ‘tying to say. AP had his last meal around five thy. AP claimed he had three alcoholic beverages during the night. AP ‘ha his fist rik around five thy. AP state he had hs lst dink around sx. AP hada fst odor of intoxicants coming from his breath while he spoke. AP was at home forthe pat three hours. AP believed the curent ime was one inthe ‘morning. Curert time was after thre thirty. AP was asked to take the SFST, Pre-arrest sereeing: WGN AP showed equal pupil size and equal tracking. AP didnot have resting nystagmus. AP showed sc clues te Hgn test. ‘AP was not wearing contacts, AP didnot show vertical nystagmus. AP was facing away from lights down an empty street ‘AP had noticeable sway to his stand, AP was advised several ies to follow with his eyes. wat [AP was piven and demonstrated instructions on walk and turn test. AP advise he understood and didnot have any ns. AP took twenty steps forward and retuned by taking thineen step. AP could not Kep balance during instructions and separated fect AP did not turn corety by keeping lead fot on the line and taking several steps to turn ‘around, AP missed hel tote multiple times. AP stepped of lie multiple times. AP used his ams for Balance, ous AP was given and demonstrated instructions on one leg stand, AP was hopping to keep balance, AP used his arms for ‘balance. AP was reise his ight fot for tre seconds before filling te the ground. AP as assisted to his feet and the tes ‘were stopped for his safety. AP sated he should not had been operating a motor vehicle to might. ay saPDI61eMss an Anon Potce Deparment sere tae Baiitnaree Case REPORT Pae__ot Leste ono ease ‘SAHARA RAMSEY RD coe 0731-2016 SUMMARY (Das tay dad wt, ud hing incon tah iy 0 tan, a of ing odin of ‘nates eof ele nar fd Sosa nde ed des’ OONDY USE NAMES OR ROOMS OF Due tothe totality of the circumstances I determined that AP had lost the normal use of his mental and physieal culties required to safely operate a motor vehicle due to intoxication placed AP! UNDER ARREST AT 0342 HOURS ON 07/3116 for DWI. I placed API inthe rea of my patrol veel. Tread AP] DIC-24 at mags. AP refuseé to givea voluntary breath or blood specimen. AP refused to sign DIC24. A warrant was obtined for APs specimen. APIs blood was drawn at O514 hours on 07/3/16 e401 Frio {observed the RN rotate the vals of APIs blond 10 es before he placed the vials (E1) in he DPS specimen box that was sealed wit red tape. [took custody of El fom RN. I paced Elin ‘the property room at 41S. AP-V was relessed to AP's wife by AG2. AP was checked by RN at 401 S Frio, W! advised |AO2 that she didnot want o make en accident eport. [API was booked at 40S. rio for DWI, AP was given DIC 24 and D25, AP was given a copy of blood warrant Case #: 16163453 - 1 sina A seoon261 7/31/2016 ood Same 2 vate eed sample A. Press Puauie STATUTORY WARNING 12. | WoLF REV ALLEN a | PHvsicaL DESCRIPTION tuntcerses) Reco: _ sex Mane S08 apne 185 _ ay, HAZ yp BLD. DATEOF ARREST. 319016 _TMEOF ARREST: _O5:!2am_ COUNTY OF ARREST bose 10g psion, at us may ade e wtsgue prosce. You en, pr ec pviege a parla mee, let teen oon ot ea on 180 cay thor of yuo ubeeaunty ponte i fers. yous asmtte eg specimen he oer may apy fo awaract aur 3 ys ere younger tan 21 yours ge a ee yet euro oe yout yt, yer case, prt: prog pct ‘irae upended Hoenn © you tbr nrg paces aan sae hs Specion sews hat oh ‘Pin Oyama Sa jn rare ns soe en ae pr ry were eeaing sos vnie an you eset eth spain ope sana eta oar 9 aa cncntaten bpermore. youre be among rom Sang» comercial mat: venicn tera pd oft se han are yea ‘ouray request Paving o te supe rel Ths rout met be rte byte {ore Tnn fea ha days lr Yo cia pened hav ante radey wit dona x te om ron he Copuine aperiant of Puc Staty ats ac {cerita nae ines yuteth al ari ng fhe conseuareae ofr east taka oa pee or ora ‘crn Ihave proved yeu wih a compan rw ye Be tay wang lam ow requesing a apecinen cfycur EI] Brath (2) Blood sujet onsesatow ear oa specinan an te atta gn ae erage yt ofa Cr extecteisate tion tang a apecien seins by hishersiatie be, See Space Cara cortyta been you amc a se in ‘Seaton 51.02, Fart Ce a above en! foe ‘ecimen ang yur response hae Sean Yortaod "OR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Af BS rears Sa MPIERSON 0950 7 oe Dept ‘eeray Teena We PS Copy-nte rivers Copy-Yeiow NOTICE OF SUSPENSION 25 sa eS aera er WoL REV ALIN a ieee arama pnaeee ies PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Huniconsed) Ace: sexe M _ teigte: $08 waite "85 _ ee HAZ ig, BLD crest ees tis tne earn ot etl Ch proven «sprained a ante hone bun nao cata pn oe ware (Ger oes maine crrtane area veer mart 5 ae ay ta ong he ena ma hie Certo oso sin rear out nies nae tr rig spin eae Ci rnovoeo a secre of tes = od a ar ral al pein stowed eran atl crear 0 err Sons anu asl ney an ae ar ee erg be pan oar wn roman. Di wee norpecuesrE9 70 Sueur sth ning operant an are nig pron char, tb sane bl ua ted mens oe a. 1 yur eas rere ma ofc docren sere Your pony ava pers, nat oe er rei ‘i eraremats a tT Snr teeea iyo ad beaufort ahr oprtan ora ‘tsreise. spr oe poe yeu win ay ny Pogue you nearest eta ry Shet ‘amen expron srpneed incon or date pet ase Seevomthe ee nfeanie soe bam #Fo ra et wi oman eeu wns on ape meas a eon your cae MPIERSON 950 Sun Antoni Poi Deparment 7 210.207-7410 ‘omen eerreresteen erent erent a mnt tem em he Syme ee meme a eee See areas ceereanie ee carmen metempetemremvne Et eee eto ae tee ering Elen ear cmeen rename caren iene Saas Bat hac WARRANT LOG : ee ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS 5 Docket No. Court: ‘COUNTY OF BEXAR 8 SEARCH WARRANT The State Of Texas: To any Sheriff or any Peace Officer of Bexar County, Texas, o ny Peace Officer ofthe State of Texas ‘Whereas, the Affan, whose name appears onthe Affidovit etched hereto isa peace officer under the laws of Texas and did heretofore this day subscribe and swear to sid affidavit before me, wich said Affidavits here now made a part hereof for all purposes and incorporated herein asi writen _verbatim within the confines ofthis warant and wihereas fin that the verfed facts sated by Aliant suid Affidavit show tet Affiant has probable cause forthe belief Affant expresses herein and ‘establishes the existence of proper grounds forthe issuance ofthis Warrant: Now, therefore, you are commanded to take custody ofthe suspect and transpor the suspect toa physician, registered muse, qualified technician, phlebotomist or medial laboratory echnictan stilled inthe taking of blood frm the huran body, in Bexar County, Texas, where the said physician, registered nurs, qualified echnicin or medical aboratory technician sal, inthe presence ofa aw ‘enforeement office, tke samples ofthe Blood from the body ofthe following described individu: Name WOLFF, KEVIN ALLEN > Race: w Sex M DOB: MM Age: 51 Heigit: so Weights 185 tbs Hair Color: BLK, Law enforcement offices are suthoized to ue all reasonable force necessary to assist the physician, registered nurse, qualified technician, phlebotomist or medial lborary technician to take the samples from the body suspect. Aer cbtaining the samples of Blood, the physician, registred nurse, qualified technician, phlebotomist or medical laboratory technician shall deliver te sai samples to the said lw enforcement ofier. Herein fil not, bt have you then and there tis warrant within thee days, exclusive ofthe dey of| 'tsissuanee, with your retum thereon, chowing how you have executed the seme, Issod ents the ayo NL81 26 og S203 orton Rew, cen whch wines Ty fad i a Page 40t6 WARRANT LOG 030082 ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS. 5 Docket No. Court ‘COUNTY OF BEXAR 5 HOR ASSISTAN ION OF. w ‘To any physician, registered nurse, qualified technician, phlebotomist or medical labortory technician skilled in the taking of blood from the human boy, in Bexar County, Texas: ‘Whereas, the affiant whose name appears onthe affidavit attached hereto is a peace officer under ‘he laws of Texas and did heretofore this day subscribe and swear to sid affidavit before me which sid effdavitis ere now made a pact hereof forall purposes and incorporated herein as if wrlten verbatim within te confines ofthis Order and whereas I find tht the verified facts stated by affiant in sald Affidavit show that affiat has probable cause for he belief heshe expresses herein and stablsher existence of proper grounde fer iauance ofa search warrants ‘And wiereus, tis court has issued a warant to seach fr and ecize blood fom the suspect named and deseribed inthe AMTidavit, to-wit Name WOLFF, KEVIN ALLEN o> ie Race: w sec M DOB: IM Ace: st Height: 508 Weight: 185. Ibs Ui Color: BLK ‘Therefore you ae hereby ordered and commanded to cooperate wih any peace officer requesting your professional esstace in the execiulan ofthis warrant. Herein fil not as this order is divcted to any individual whose aid and assistance is requested by the officer bearing the accompanying seurch warrant, i authorized bythe fl authority ofthis Cour fo Jssue warrants and orders to enforce the ews of the Sate of Texas, and Article 18.08 of the Texas (Code of Criminal Procedure. Any individual who fils to comply with this Order when requesed beable for contempr of this Court and subject tall penalties authorized by law. Ordered this the dayof_WL31.2016, at S703 oretock At to erty which witness my Band this day n Page ors WARRANT LOG RETURN A eroRy ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS. 8 ‘COUNTY OF BEXAR 5 “The undersigned AMTian, being Peace Officer under the lava of Texas and being duly sworn, on ‘ath contfes tat the foregoing Warrant ame 1 has onthe day it was isuod and that twas executed on the day of JUL 8.12015, by making the search directed therein and seizing ‘uring Sich search te flowing described propery: ‘Specimens ofthe suspect's blod, AP Se ieee mace laa (JUL 31 206 Subseribed and swom to before me on this day of, Page ot

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