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Essential Question:
Why is working together a
good way to solve a problem?

Unit 2 Week 1

Comprehension Strategy: Make Predictions

Good Readers find clues from the text & pictures
to make predictions and revise if necessary.
Comprehension Skill: Theme

Often authors have a message for the reader,

main idea. Look for key details in the actions
and words of characters to find the theme .

Genre: Folktale
Made up story
Explains nature
Has a problem & Solution
with a moral
Figurative language
Writing: Word Choice
Good Writers give descriptive
details to help readers see and
feel the story.

Vocabulary Strategy:
AntonymsTo find sentence
clues, look for
opposite words or
phrases near the
unfamiliar word to give
you a clue to what the
unfamiliar word

1. sky

2. fry
3. pie
4. tied
5. tight

6. right
7. bright
8. grind
9. child
10. cube
11. cute
12. mule
13. music
14. drew
15. few
16. menu
17. rude
18. human
19. firefly
20. tightly


Essential Question:
Why do people immigrate

Unit 2 Week 2

to new places?

Comprehension Strategy: Make Predictions

Good Readers find clues from the text & pictures

to make predictions and revise if necessary.
Comprehension Skill: Theme
Sequence is the order in which a storys events
happen. It is what happens in the beginning,
middle, and end.
Genre: Historical Fiction
Made up story that
happened in the past
Has a Beginning, Middle
and End
Use the pictures to better
Writing: Word Choice
Good Writers give descriptive
details to help readers see and
feel the story.

Vocabulary Strategy:
SimiliesCompares two things
that are different
using like or as.
Similies dont mean
exactly what they say.

1. heel
2. week
3. creek
4. free
5. green

6. street
7. freeze
8. seal
9. weak

10. bean
11. speaks
12. team
13. clean

14. cream
15. field
16. chief

18. repeat
19. weekly
20. sixteen


Essential Question:
How do people make
government work?

Unit 2 Week 3

Comprehension Strategy: Reread

As they read, good readers reread when they do
not understand and sometimes more than once!!

1. wrap

Comprehension Skill: Authors Point of View

To find Authors point of view, look for
details about what the author thinks not you.

4. wreck

2. wrists
3. wrote
5. wring

6. write
7. wreath
8. knit
9. knife

Genre: Expository Text

Gives facts and info about
a topic
Has headings
Has text features: graphs,
diagrams, labels, captions,
bold words, titles
Writing: Ideas
Good Writers clarify their main
idea by using details that provide
additional information.

Vocabulary Strategy:
PrefixesA word part added to
the beginning of a
word that determines
the meaning of the
Un- not



10. knight
11. knock
12. knee
13. gnome
14. sign
15. gnaws
16. knead
17. knitted
18. wrinkle
20. writing


Essential Question:
How can people help

Unit 2 Week 4

animals survive?

Comprehension Strategy: Reread

As they read, good readers reread when they do
not understand and sometimes more than once!!

1. scrubs

Comprehension Skill: Authors Point of View

To find Authors point of view, look for
details about what the author thinks not you.

4. scrape

2. screams
3. scratch
5. screen

6. spread
7. splash
8. spray
9. streak

Genre: Expository Text

Gives facts and info about
a topic
Has headings
Has text features: graphs,
diagrams, labels, captions,
bold words, titles
Writing: Organization
Good Writers have a clear
beginning, middle and end.

Vocabulary Strategy:
SuffixesA word part added to
the end of a word
that determines the
meaning of the word.
-ful- Full of
-less- having


11. strong
12. squeak
13. three
14. throw
15. thread
16. throne
18. splinter
19. sprinkle

Figure it Out

Essential Question:
How do people figure things

Unit 2 Week 5


Comprehension Strategy: Point of View

To find Authors point of view, look for details about
what the author thinks. Then ask, How does my point
of view compare to theirs?

Comprehension Skill: Alliteration & Rhyme

Alliteration is the repeated use of initial
consonants. Words rhyme when their endings sound
the same. These are used to make poetry vivid.
Genre: Limerick &Free Verse

A funny poem that rhymes

Stanza- has 5 lines
1st, 2nd, & 5th lines rhyme
3rd & 4th rhyme
Free- doesnt always
rhyme or have same line #
Writing: Ideas

Good Writers clarify their main

idea by using details that provide
additional information.

Vocabulary Strategy:
SimiliesCompares two things
that are different
using like or as.
Similies dont mean
exactly what they say.

1. chick

2. much
3. pitch
4. teacher
5. lunch

6. hatch
7. cheese
8. stretch
9. thick
10. truth
11. pathway
12. them
13. fish
14. whales
15. what
16. weather
17. shadow
18. teacher
20. reach

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