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911 Calls

Wait- remain in expectation

Accident- unplanned event resulting in harm
Police- force keeping public order
Reduce- lessen, decrease

A New Plan For a Safer Dam

Solution- answer to problem
Official- with authority
Funds- money with purpose
Believe- have faith
Breach- breaking of a law
Demand- with object: insist on
Project- plan, scheme

Baby Born at Train Station Sisters Follow at Hospital

Stairwell- stair shaft
Surgery- medicine: operation
Triplets- one of 3 children from a single birth
Pregnant- carrying a foetus HospitalAmbulance- medical vehicle
Impatient-unable to wait

Contractions- metal, etc.: shrinking

Paramedics- emergency medic Deliver-

Birds of Alcatraz
Dodge- avoid: physically
Screech- high-pitched cry
Sanctuary- sacred place GullHabitat- natural environment
Droppings- animal faeces History
Ruins- thing: destroy
Visitors- to house

Cancer Center Announces Expansion

Expensive- costing a large amount
Sum- total, aggregate
Donate- money: give
Serious-earnest, sincere
Treats-behave towards
Expand- grow, enlarge PatientsUniversity- institution
Funds- money with purpose

City Pays Late Utility Bills

City- large town
Utility- usefulness
Upset- emotionally disturbed
Problem- difficulty
Electricity- power
Bill- paper money
Landlord- owner

Power- force
Apartment- residence, flat
Neglect- of child

Company Offers Eye Care to Hurricane Victims

Business- trade
Surprised- astonished
Grateful- thankful
Hurricane- storm
Certificate- for studies completed
Victim- (sb) injured
Plan- scheme
Services- help, assisteance
Nurse- healthcare worker
Exam- colloquial, abbreviation (examination)

Council May Purchase Needles

Vein- for blood
Endanger- life, person: put in danger
Regulated- restrict by law
Syringes- instrument: for injecting fluid
Exchange- reciprocally give, receive
Infect- contaminate
Incentive- inducement
Opponents- sport, competition: opposing player
Inject- give an injection to
Prescription- doctors

County Gets Ready for Emergency

Emergency- situation
Official- with authority
Flood- water

Agency- company that represents

Supplies- provide: (sth)
Warehouse- building
Worst- superlative of bad
Evacuate- exit from, leave: a building
Local- localized, of a place
Relocate- move: office

Couple Adopts Children

Courthouse- law court building
Adopt- become legal parent of: a child
Upset- emotionally disturbed
Split- cause to break
Foster home- childs temporary home
Afraid- scared
Parents- mother or father
Rich- wealthy
Family- parents and children
Program- plan, schedule

Crabs Cause Problems

Weak- unable to exert force
Flooding- water
Collect- gather objects as hobby
Problems- difficulty
Special- exceptional
Dangerous- perilous
Screen- computer or TV display
River- channel or water
Crabs- animal: crustacean
Cause- causation

Crisis Nursery
Wrong- incorrect
Mother- female parent
Suffering- in pain
Safe- secure
Life- lifetime
Parent- mother or father
Daughter- child
Home- house, apartment
Nursery- child care
Alcohol- drinks

Defenders of Foster Children Gather at State Capitol

Foster- promote
Governor- head of a state
Pending- that hasnt happened yet
Diploma- certificate, qualification
Services- help, assistance
Postcard- for mailing
Youth- condition of being young
Bill- paper money
Concern- affect (sb)
Equivalency- *****

Donor Needed for Baby

Honor- honesty, integrity
Multiply- times by a number
Recover- regain
Database- data bank, collection of data
Procedure- steps to follow
Tissue- Kleenex, facial
Volunteer- person willing to do (sth)

Inject- give an injection to

Donor- organ

Earthquake Exhibit at Now Open at State Capitol

Shelter- refuge
Earthquake- seismic tremor
Accounts- money in bank
Swept- clean a floor
Survivors- person still alive after accident or illness
Artifacts- ancient object
Refugees- migrant seeking refuge
Museum- storage and exhibition place
Disaster- catastrophe
Tragedy- tragic play, drama

Energy Changes in California?

Close- nearby
Vote- elections
Producing- that produces
Agree- individual: think same
Difficult- not easy
Alternative- choice, option
Facilities- building, unit
Nuclear- relating to atomic energy
Spent- money expended
Benefit- advantage

Fire in Colorado
Control- authority
Outhouse- outbuilding
Blaze- fire
Destroy- demolish physically

Return- give back

Repair- fix, mend
Looted- things stolen
Firefighters- member of fire brigade
Cabin- airplane
Plumbing- pipes of building

Floods of 97
Homes- house, apartment
Driving- operating a road vehicle
Quiet- not noisy
Roof- on house, building
Indoors- inside, not exterior
Inches- 2.54 cm
Destroyed- demolish physically
Storm- rain
Police- force keeping public order
Downtown- commercial area of a city

Foster Children
Living- alive
Money- currency
Nursery- child care
Home- house, apartment
Raise- height: increase
Parent- mother of father
County- aristocratic
Resource- (sth) useful
Build- construct
Foster child- child placed in the care of a family

Free Food for Kids

School- place for instruction
Concentrate- focus
Lunch- mid-day meal
Breakfast- meal
Food- excluding drinks
Nourished- food: sustain
Children- boy, girl
Participate- do with others
Meal- eating occasion
Free- no charge

Free Gun Locks

Gun lock- handgun
Worried- preoccupied
Dangerous- perilous
Firearm- gun
Agreed- decided
Bought- corrupted by money
Injure- hurt (sb) physically
Idea- an inspired thought
Church- building
Price- cost to purchase (sth)

Freemen Surrender
Decide- choose
Group collection of things
Judge- for a trial
Protected- defend from attack
Arrest- police: take into custody
Government- group that governs a country
President- govemment executive

Involved- closely interested

Director- person in charge
Threaten- to be a menace

Fruit Flies
Kill- cause death
Damage- physical harm
Harmful- substance
Sellers- person who is selling (sth)
Trap- physical: snare
Different- not alike
Tiny- very small
Flies- move through the air
Foud- *****
Poison- dangerous liquid

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