Reaction Paper (Legal Med)

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Balatongle, Mary Ann Gellie P.

Reaction Paper
Life and death are something everyone will experience. It is living that only few
will have embraced The video of The Fascinating Process of Decomposition we watched
contain image and discussion on how the human body was decomposed. It is in the body
farm where experts had been studying on how the cadaver looks like when it is being
decay. The environment, cause of death, temperature, age of the dead body and
maggots are some of the factor that affects the rapid decaying of the dead body.
Knowing the process of decomposition of the cadaver will greatly help us as a future law
enforces. By learning it, we can identify the time of death of the person and will lead us
in accurate findings in investigating incidents.
Another video was Voices from the Dead. Autopsy examines how forensic
examiners can help solve crimes. "The Unidentified Torso" a dismembered torso is
identified through its pelvic bones. "Maggots in Evidence" maggots are used to
determine that a death is a suicide by barbiturate overdose. "The Good Doctor" looks at
the case of Dr. John Cavaness who murdered two of his four sons. "The Jellyfish Case" an
unidentified body washes ashore and is ultimately identified through the serial numbers
on her breast implants. "The Angel of Death" looks at the capture of serial killer nurse's
aid Donald Harvey. "The Ron Settles Case" examines how forensics was able to prove
that a star college football died as the result of a police choke hold rather than suicide by
hanging. "A Mother's Instinct" looks at the murder of 4 year old Dennis Jurgens by his
adopted mother Lois. "The Fun House Dummy" a fun house dummy is revealed to be the
mummified corpse of Wild West outlaw Elmer McCurdy. Different evidences, different
crime scene but through the help of forensic science the manner of death was accurately
identified. Forensic science is important because it aids in establishing the guilt or
innocence of potential suspects. Circumstantial evidence and testimonial evidence are
truly helpful in solving cases mentioned above. Forensic Science can be considered as
one of the most important aspects of criminal justice. If there are no known witnesses to
a crime, sometimes forensic evidence is all prosecutors have to work with. For instance,
if human remains are found dumped in a ravine and have decayed to the point where
they cannot be recognized, as one of the case mentioned above, forensic scientists use
DNA from the body, examine dental work and even study the skeletal structure to
determine who the person was. They use the evidence they have to narrow down

possibilities and determine if the person was a male or a female. Forensic scientists can
determine cause of death and if foul play may have been involved.

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