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Blog Task #5

Discussion Questions
January Recess:
1. Frederick made the following statement: Your problem, Werner, says Frederick, is that you
still believe you own your life (223). Why does Werner think he owns his life, and why does
Frederick see this as a problem?
I think that Werner was still thinking his own life because when he leaves orphanage, he was
able to make radio so he can go into the school. He was thinking that he tried something and
earned the think that you want. But the Fedrick thinks this was problem because the German
society was for Hitler, not for him/her self, so that Fedrick thinks this as problem.

He Is Not Coming Back:

2. When Marie-Laure learns the truth about her fathers recent trip to Paris, the author
states, Who knew love could kill you? (226). Evaluate this statement.
The statement that Who knew love could kill you? was when Marie- Laura notice what the
happen to his father in the Paris. When the Marie-Laura's father was send letter to MarieLaura, he was telling that german was doing good thing to him. But after she knows what
happen to her father, her feeling was not good at all because the Marie-Laura's father was
helping Marie from when she being blind so she feel loose when she know what the happen
to her father.

3. The chapter closes with Fredericks brave words: I will not (229). Imagine you were in
Fredericks shoes. How would you respond to this scenario?
If I was same scenario as Frederick, i would do same thing as him. Because they are treat
the people by only different skin, eye colour and other thing, but if we do the samething as
Frederick in that time, we will be rejected by the society and get bullied or get killed by
someone .

4. Marie-Laure receives two letters from her father, one on page 237 starting with We are in
Germany now and one on page 258 starting with The others in my cell are mostly
kind Analyse the significance of these letters. (Hint: connect them to our classroom
lectures and thematic content)
The letter from Marie-Laura's father, i think the Marie-Laura's father wants Marie to not
worried about him so he writes that the Prison was so great. And one more thing that im
thinking was if Marie-Laura's father wrote the bad thing about prison, the German will
censored the latter so he just write like that.

5. In this chapter, the story line challenges the notion that society should actually protect the
weakest members what do you think?
I think the society should protect the weakest member, but also weakest member should
tries hard.The strong member needs to help them to know their knowledges so the their
level will be equal, and also the weakest needs to tries hard to gain the knowledges and
tries to survive in their society.

You Have Other Friends:

6. Werner faces what is called a Moral conundrum What is a moral conundrum? Explain
the ethics behind Werners position to suggest why he is caught within a moral conundrum.
The conundrum is a situation where there is no clear right or no good solution. The Werner
was rejected by society or stay with the society. If the Werner was choose the rejected by
society, he will get bullied like Frederick so I think this is the position of the Werner about
moral conundrum.

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