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metaphor/telling a story (150-250 words)

1.The Kangaroo
The Kangaroo cannot jump backwards
It can only move forwards.
It can not look back
It can only look ahead.
A month after conception, a month pre existed
the baby emerges into its mothers pouch.
Its legs but stumps
its eyes still blind, unable to look ahead
and unable, to jump backwards.
Whether a Kangaroo or a Wallaroos
within two years to four
the marsupial will be grown.
Tall and rough, all on its own
it will take its jumps forward.
Although we may attack it.
It might flee to the water.
And its only choice?
It moves forward.
With love for its offspring
it moves forward.
With powerful legs
it moves forward.
Across desolate highways
it moves forward.
Towards sanctuary, and shade
it moves forward.

With partnership to the Outback

it moves forward.
With respect to its lands
it moves forward.

Through struggle and strain

it moves forward
Through pain and the past
we move forward.
2. talk about a grade teacher and then try and get as far away as possible from that subject

2. Winnie the One

Mrs.Mcloughlin loved Winnie Pooh
She loved it much more, than just me and you.
She spoke and she teached with ultimate pleasure
For class of cartoon was the children's best lecture.
For Winnie the Pooh, she loved at their age
As the same reasons they did, like a wonderful plague.
And so we enjoy what we like, no matter our age
No matter our gender, no matter our stage.
This world can share stories, this world can share bliss
We can all come together, through likes and interests.
To come together the goal, to be one is to be
Because I am you, and you, are me.
3. what if the souls is indeed outside the body

3. The Watcher
What if Im not Brett?
My likes, my values, my passions
These things I call my
This thing I call I
This thing that rhymes that
I cannot describe.
Where does it rest?
In my head? In my chest?
Is it inside my body?
Or is it somewhere else?
Where does it go
My things
This I

This thing that might die

I cannot describe.
There is not one answer
That gives me some peace
Is there not some great God
That this I will then meet?
If my soul's not my body
I cant see it
It hides
So I can only hope
Near anothers body
One day it will be outside
4. poem about either birth,sex, or death

4. Before Birth
They describe a light, but I dont remember it.
Hospital lights, perhaps, but I dont remember it.
And what before that? What dont I remember?
Grown in my mother, I dont remember.
Conceived months before? I surely dont remember.
So what before the lights? I want to remember.
Why did I choose this life? I want to remember.
Did I pick to be me? I want to remember.
Or was it because of another me? Id like to remember.
Was it because of my actions? Id like to remember.
Or was it just chance? Id like to remember.
What if just is just it? Id like to remember.
For some strange reason, I feel I remember.
Some far away intuition, I feel I remember.
Theres something to remember, I feel I remember.
And so I sit and remember, and I start to remember.

5. 20 minute meditation poem outside and take back your observations to a memory

5. Hug
I sit and my thoughts are hard to control they come and they come
I focus, and focus my brain into silence
And to listen, and listen
Just listen...listen

Wind from a direction softly glides over

And it is felt throughout the body
The sun is present and warm
It warms the body
But the body is not paid attention
It just is, as is the brain
Thoughts run through in a natural current
They are observed with awareness
A memory
The body and brain where twelve
The last day of that years grade
The classroom, the dim colors
The last moments of good year
It was the first hug the mind holds dearly
The surprise of warmth and love
Mariyah was her name
She was good the mind

An amazing feeling
The body and brain should remember more.
6. make a poem out of the lines from other people's poems and it has to be x2 the number of lines you wrote down

6a. From Calvin & Hobbes, by Bill Watterson

Explorers are we, intrepid and bold,

Out in the wild, amongst wonders untold
Equipped with our wits, a map, and a snack,
Were searching for fun and were on the right track!
6b. My rendition:
Im going to Mars, for science with risk
With the stars and the space, I surely cant miss
With a passion for journeys, for adventure, for joy,
To mars I will go and I cant wait to deploy!
With friends we will go, together and tight,
Ready for hardships, both heavy and light
And so we shall explore, the space, and the matter,
What we will see will make planet Earth chatter!
7. Realizations:
The planet Earth is orbiting the sun at 67,000 mph
Yet I feel still.
On average, the sun is 93 million miles away.
Yet it feels right above me.
It takes eighteen minutes for the suns light to reach our skin.
Yet it feels like its always been there.
The Earth is 4.6 billion years old.
Yet you can only think back __ years.
An average notecard is roughly 650,000 atoms thick.
Yet it feels like one thing.
Those atoms came from stardust, made into elements in exploding stars.
Yet they feel like theyve always been me.
I am made of conscious stardust.
Yet I feel insignificant.

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