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The Department of Defense (DOD) and the white house office of science and technology
policy (OSTP) launched the ADL project (advanced distributed learning) in November 1997.
ADL Initiative's mission is to provide access to education and high-quality training,
customized to individual needs and delivered cost-effectively anywhere, anytime. The ADL
Initiative aims to accelerate the development of large-scale software dynamic and profitable
learning systems, as well as the simulation of the market for these products. This will help
meet the growing needs of governments the academic world and industry in education and
Basic Title for achieving these goals, the SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference
Model) ADL foster the creation of reusable learning content in the form of "learning objects"
within a common technical framework for computer-assisted learning and on the Web.
SCORM describes that technical framework by providing a harmonized set of guidelines,
specifications and work standards based on the number of different organizations in the
specifications and standards related to the learning. These organizations continue to work
with ADL in developing and developed their own standards and learning material
specifications online. Furthermore, these organizations are involved in developing and
This document provides an overview of the following SCORM document, and discusses its
origin, vision, as well as its goals and objectives. It was deliberately written in detail. You can
find technical details of SCORM in three documents, or books, distinct, dealing the Content
Aggregation Model (CAM), the execution environment (EE), and the sequencing and
At the time of this writing, the following document SCORM 2004 is now in its fourth
edition. This edition has been produced to make improvements and correct errors, this
version of SCORM benefited from lessons learned from previous versions and with the
support of the ADL community. This is the most powerful version of SCORM again, the
implementation of ways to share data that was previously shared between the Sharable
Content Objects (SCOs) as well as a new means of navigation.

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