Minimum Plumbing Fixtures PDF

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PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FIXTURE FITTINGS TABLE 422.1 MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES continued) ms seven] Conia Twe oF waren cLosets avaronies | “Showers occurance? | rnxrunes en renson®| “TUNES PER rune remvenson) | eorunes. | ,fACIMES.,| OTHER otra | POTURES IAS Asconblyoceo [Wale Fale [Wate Male Female T1350 —[Terace roses ousdoocactei fi:t tao fist2sfiriioo fir 200 fisi 100 281 300 fsink or fisorsporing — {2: 101200 [2:26 50 fa: 101 200 f2:201 400 [2101 200 501 750 flaundy tay sens) amasement {2-201 400 fs:s1 100 fs:201 400 fasaot 750 fe: 201 300 pas, grandstands and [101 200 |: 201 600 5301 500 sadiume e201 300 e301 250 fs: 301 400 [ORer, a are OWE Ow JOVEE TOY wT GS er 750,388 foreach addtional $00. |1Sxturefor or each additional 20 xt for males and fiat for [each adtonl males nd | fixture for ech adios fschadditonal 125. [S00 males. [each adional 200 500 persons. emis. females. Bases capa Male Female Male Male Female par 150 [Tener fotice protssonater fs firtts—fisii00 — fisias— fist so sink or fericegpetanse [2:51 100 f2:1630 fa:101 200 fa: 76150. [2:31 100 laundry way ions) banks,vetcin {3:101 200 fs:31 so. fs:201 400 fseisi 200 fs 101 150 ics hospital cr wach, |4:201 400 [2:51 100. fa: 401 600 [4.201 30 [151 200 Banks beat sales, fs: 101 200 5: 301 400 [5.201 300 amu est are 11: 201 400 é:301 400 facilities, sundries and [rer400, add 1 Fixture Over 600, add [Over 400, add 1 fixture |dry cleaning, educa lor gach additional $00 |1 fixture for — for each additional 250 tional institutions J males and | fixture for each additional |males and | fixture for above high sehood, orn eitonl 150. [s0dimales. [each edition! 200 raining facilites not | reales, ierales oated within soo, post offices and print ng shape E Eicon acer — Male Female Na vale Female pers Taare Josey private orpuo |i perso fiperso fiperi00 — [iperso [rperso sink or ft schools laundry ray FT, Fa Focosy or Male [Female [Male Female —[Tahower or JET 250 [Tense Fndastat occupancy fts1's0 fist 30 itso |ietso.— feachisper. 2251300 fsimeor fabicaing orasem [2:51.25 2: 5175 esi 7s fa:si 7s Jrns exposed ft: 501 250 lady tay hip wore 76 100. [3:76 100 f:76100 [3:76 100 ftoercessve eat orto skin i poison tei lover TO aed Ta lover To at Tae over 750 288 foreach additional 40 foreach addtional 40 inure for pesos. pesos. ech tonal 500 person. Tet Tstaona acer Mateos [Male ]Female [Tp ]rper 0 seer frases trouses more. [I pers ftper ts ports |iperts ink or than 16 persons one aun way pt hour bas) sub stnce abuse costes, essed living roup ere or retenial UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE a PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FIXTURE FITTINGS TABLE 422.1 MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES" continued) feariruas on], DRINKING ‘TYPE OF WATER CLOSETS: URAL LAVATORIES: ‘SHOWERS FOUNTAINS! occupancy? |irurunes ren pensow? [TURES PER | rune rem venson) | (riunes. | ,FACKTIES, | OTHER pe pensony | TURES P [eas — rosa PrperToom TperToom Tpervoom | per 50 — [Tense cca oc |and cen ink or ancy medicing homes lansdy poy nvidia iy ie surgi fooms and cal or ward room T per § patients T per 10 patients oad | pero Teese oo wating o- Nistor Rooms smployes [Male ramale ate Fomate luse vis fitis Tpera0 [pero b:i6as fs:t63s bi36 55 _ fess ss lOverS5 add Ture Tor cach atonal 40 persons. [Fst — Pons perce Tpercell [I per 20 fper ea fons occu bock oor Jpascy —Yoomes JT per TperTo en oa touses tions sink or nore han S nore hans Neti laundry [peor Jor juvenile tray [Employee [Mae ——]Femate Iwate Female Te ise tis fits frperao |i perdo i635 fs:i63s b:36 55 fecs6ss [Over55 add Rare or ech ditional 40 persons [PF asaonatooa Nate female ate | Femate Tperis0— [Teco Jrncy (any agethat fistis— ict Is Uper40 [pero ink or feecivescareforless fs163s fs: 163s anadry thas 24 hous) b:36ss__|a:3e ss ay [Over35, add Toe ech atonal 40 persons. IM Mereanits ou |Wiale Female Jae [wale Female rT Teaviee Jrncy he sale ofmer fist 100 fist 100 fort 200 fici200_ fist 200 b:2s1 500 sink or Ehandse and acesibe [2 101 200 fo: 101 200 fi: 201 400 fz: 201 400 |2:201 300 S01 750 flsndry he pai) 201 400 fe: 201 300 301 200, iy 6: 301 400 [era wT HOWTO OWA wT lover 750,a007 fea aitiocal 500 |1fntare fer for each additional 500 ture for exch ates and fixe for [each atonal males and 1 fix for addiioce 500 each 200 females. [500 males. leach 00 females, person IRA Residential coma] per sleeping oom T per sleeping room | peraloepiog Teavice ancy inna sty) room sink or Intel, rotels, bed and aay leakst homes ay 4 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FIXTURE FITTINGS TABLE 422.1 MINIMUM PLUMBING FACILITIES" (continued) oaravuss | ,DuNNG ‘TYPE OF WATER CLOSETS | RS LAVATORIES Jonstiowers| Soar | onc cccurancr? _|(erunesrenrenson| “prngoyy "| MNTURESPERFERSOM | (TURES gatas ren PERSON) R-2RET Dormivo [Male Female | per2S [Male |Female [Tp __[TperIs0___|Isenice sak Jacuiat feces |i pert0_ [i pers iper12 |i per 2 or taunry oceu Rad xt Tor each [Over 150,00 [AGG 1 xture for cach ancy ditional 25 mates and 1] fxsure for faditional 20 mates snd tone fixture foreach addi Jeach additonal] fixture for each ad Nem or tional 20 females. |sOmale. tonal 15 females cna [Emp |Nare [Female [Male Female nen fuse fists fist as rper40 |i perso le te3s fs:t6 35 3655 [és 36 55 [Over 55, a8 fate Tor sac additional 40 perso [Anat —]¥ per apanment per aparment per Rishon sn nent rarest pe apartment cst m Tandy oe tawomac sates washer Jonneetion per it or 1 aun ary tay or cots washer connection for each 12 units RS Resident —|Misle Female Male Female] per® ——]T per 150] sevice snk Joceupaney ong pee 10 |i pers per t2 [per 2 ortaunity tay fem or pemanes in psu) Zor soore han FAay Taare Tor each RGR Fatne Tor ah Stat doesnot faddioal 25 males and | adutonal 20 mates and Jesceed 16occu —ffture foreach ad fixture for each ad hans) tional 20 females ona 15 females. R= Residental |] pet one and wo Tay T pe one and wo Tay] per one and Ticien sik occupancy (one and [aweting aweting so amily and auto lwo family liwelling matic lathes awelings) a one ea wo amly vein a Resend |ale [Female aie ]Femate [Tp 8 rper 150 J service snk occupancy siden |I per10_ |i per per 12 |t per 2 or aundry tray fit care or assisted RGA Haare For each [Aad 1 fixture foreach ving) addional 25 males and 1 aditiona 20 mates and xu for each ad 1 sxe for cach ad ional 20 females ional 15 females, 7,52 Sionge —|Male [Female [Male Female 1250 | svice sak Joeupancy storage |i:1 100 fist 100 1200 fi: 200 251 500 for iaundry way lorgoods, ware [2101 200 f2: 101 200 2: 201 400 2: 201 400 sor 750 house, arent |: 201 400 fs: 201 400 5: 401 780 [3401 750, nang, fod prod JOver 400, ad T ixture [Over 750, ada T fixture [Over 750, aa fu, appiances [foreach additional 500, foreach additional $00, 1 xre for rales and 1 Facare for persons each adional each aditons 150 500 persons. Femates Naw "The fgures shown are based upon one fxture beng them n mum regu red forthe numberof persons cated or any fact on thereot 2 restaurants def ned aa bus nets that e food tobe cotsumed onthe prem set 1 The numberof occupants fora dr ve-nrestarant ha he con dred at equa tthe numberof park ng ta = 1 Handnash ng ae esha beava abe nthe kichen for emp ayess > Thetota number of regu red water ost for fence sbi benot ese than the ota mumber of requ red wales oses and ur mas forma ee UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE 28

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