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A sphygmomanometer (/sfmomnmtr/ SFIG-moh-m-NOM-i-tr),

blood pressure meter, blood pressure monitor or blood pressure gauge

is a device used to measure blood pressure, composed of an inflatable cuf to
collapse and then release the artery under the cuf in a controlled manner, [1] and
a mercury or mechanical manometer to measure the pressure. It is always used
in conjunction with a means to determine at what pressure blood flow is just
starting, and at what pressure it is unimpeded. Manual sphygmomanometers are
used in conjunction with a stethoscope.

Mydriatic/Non-Mydriatic Hybrid Digital Retinal Camera

The CX-1 is equipped with five different photography modes, including Color, Red-Free, and Fundus
Autofluorescence (FAF). And as the operator can switch between these modes with a single touch of a button on
the operation panel, the speed and overall efficiency of retinal image capture is greatly increased. The nonmydriatic, FAF mode of operation in particular has been widely praised by medical community for its ability to
reduce both examination time and patient stress.

Computer Use in the Medical Field

Why Are Computers Useful in the Medical Field?
Computers are important in many areas of life. They allow you to store ample
amounts of information in a quick and easy fashion. Because they tend to work like
the human brain, they are very advantageous in the medical field. 1 Using computers,
we are able to hold all of patients' information in a more organized fashion. With so
many patients and their information, files and records would occupy too much space.
Computers allow people in the medical field to store information without using
needed area. Medical history, current heath status, family history, and more can be
easily accessed and looked up within a few short minutes. 1
A patients prescribed medications (past and present) can also be stored in a
computer system in a hospital.2 This makes it much easier to transfer any
prescriptions and data that a patient needs to local or national drug stores or
hospitals. Past hospital visits and billing information can be stored and kept for
further use or future hospital experience. For example, doctors keep a computer
handy anytime they perscribe a medication.2 They can use the computer to find out
what medicines the patient may be allergic to or what medicines may interfere with
one another. Important information is at the tip of their fingers and this can be very
What Other Important Things can Computers Do?
Computers have a large capacity of memory. Not only do doctors and employees
need information about patients, but also information required to treat patients.
Computers keep record of this importnat information. Computers also connect
poeple in the medical field and permit them to share findings that may be useful. 3
Extensive research has been done and it is a necesity that medical professionals
have easy access to this research. Computers allow accelerated connection to

unimaginable amounts of research and data. Aside from patient information other
useful things can be found on computers as well:




Employees and doctors may need to have quick access to information pertaining to
specific diseases or illnesses that a patient might be suffering from at that time.
Computers are also useful in the administration and administrative processes of the
Types of Computer Techniques in Hospitals
Computers are used in many of the diagnostic tests that take place within the
hospital. The monitors and devices stationed throughout the hospital work due to
complex and specific computer programming. These computers allow us the take
pictures, x-rays, scanning, and other useful tools needed to view the human body
and produce a diagnosis. Some of these process include:

Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT or CT)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Functional MRI (fMRI)

Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

Magnetoencephalography (MEG)4

Use of Computers in Medicine

Computers can be used to perform research in the health sector. Research studies
can be performed using different appellations on a computer. Studying certain types
of cells, micro organisms, bodily functions, etc. are done through computer. You can
easily save important information and open it up later.4
Also, this information can be easily displayed through presentations and google
documents, or be sent to whomever needs to view it. Web conferencing can be used
to guide new trainee doctors or others for certain proceeders. Doctors are able to
freely communicate across the world using computer based programs and internet
What is Another Interesting Way to Incorporate Computers into Medicine?
Another way computers are used in the medical field is through "population science".
This is the study of health and illness within a groupd or groups of people. This is
esspecially useful during major epedimics or outbreaks in different areas. New
technology has allowed this science to evolve and revolutionize within the medical
field. Physicians of all different types are able to evaluate patients on a larger scale:

Death rates of a population

Life span of a population

Frequency of a specific or group of illnesses

Physical health and obesity

Issues with cancer and heart disease

Through the use of population science, doctors are able to use large-scale data to
find more efficient ways to cure major epidemics, rather than focusing on treating just
an individual. You can also use these studies for clinical use, and make evaluation of
how to update and improve medical procdures.
Thank You, Internet.
The internet is what helps to make this all possible for hospitals. Communication is
much faster and easily accessible. Patients and doctors are able to communicate not
only within the hospital, but outside of the hospital at a much faster rate.
Also, the public is able to access so much information involving the medical field and
all the parts that go along with it. We are able to perform our own research before we
even go to a hospital, and educate ourselves or possible concerns, illnesses, or
procedures. The addition of computers in the medical field has made a tremendous
impact on our world today.

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