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Introduction New Round-Up 3 English Grammar Practice combines games and fun with serious, systematic grammar practice. It is ideal for young learners in the preliminary stages of English language learning. Students see grammar points clearly presented in colourful boxes and tables. They practise grammar through lively, highly illustrated games and oral and writing activities. New Round-Up is especially designed for different students studying English in different ways It can be used: in class with a coursebook. Students do both oral work — in pairs and in groups — and written work in New Round-Up. after class. The ‘write activities are ideal for homework. Students can practise what they have learned in the classroom. in holidays for revision. New Round-Up has clear instructions and simple grammar boxes, so students can study at home without a teacher. ° ‘The New Round-Up Teacher's Guide includes a full answer key, quizzes, tests plus answer keys, and audio scripts of progress check listening tasks. Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex CM20 2JE England and Associated Companies throughout the world. © Pearson Education Limited 2010 The rights of Virginia Evans and Jenny Dooley to be identified as authors of this Work has been asserted by them in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Al rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a fetfieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers. First published 2010 Printed in China GCC/01 ISBN 978-1-4058-8890-5 (book) ISBN 978-1-4082-3494-5 (pack) 1 1 ~ o oan Bo Yo HOD English Grammar Practice Contents Plurals of Countable and Uncountable. Nouns Personal pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)' / ‘Can’ f Possessives / Demonstratives Progress Check 1. Articles .... Expressing Quantity Indefinite Pronouns . Progress Check 2... Present Simple .... Present Continuous Prepositions of Place - Movement - Time sitesi Progress Check 3 Past Simple . Present Perfect Past Continuous ... Progress Check 4 The Future (Be going to'/ Wil’ Shall’) Modal Verbs 15. Conditionals .... Progress Check 5... YesiNo Questions ~ Wh- Questions Passive .... The Infinitive /-ing form / Too-Enough Progress Check 6 6... Relative Pronouns sun Adjectives ~ Adverbs - Comparisons Progress Check 7 .. Revision Revision 1 (Units 1-3) Revision 2 (Units 1-6) Revision 3 (Units 1-9) .... Revision 4 (Units 1-12) ... Revision 5 (Units 1-1) ...... Revision 6 (Units 1-18)... Revision 7 (Units 1-20)... Word List Irregular Verbs ... Plurals of Countable and Uncountable Nouns a (> Listen and repeat. oy Listen and repeat. © bananas, dogs, cats, books ‘© bus — buses, hairbrush ~ hairbrushes, fox - foxes, dress — dresses, watch — watches, tomato — tomatoes © baby — babies, lady - ladies © leaf - leaves, wife - wives child — children, foot - feet, fish ~ fish, mouse - mice, man — men, tooth — teeth, sheep - sheep, ox oxen, woman - women, goose - geese, deer - deer, use —lice A. Countable nouns are nouns which can be counted. Most nouns take -s in the plural.|_ B, Nouns ending in -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o take -es in the plural. BUT radio ~ radios piano - pianos photo - photos video - videos C. Nouns ending in a consonant + y + K+ Hes BUT Nouns ending in a vowel (a,e,0,u)+y > -s loy-toys day -days D. Nouns endingin-f,-fe + 3¢-E+-ves BUT root — roots, chief - chiefs, handkerchief ~ handkerchiefs, proof - proofs | . Some nouns form irregular plurals. Oi: radio lady man child handkerchief fly body life Write the plurals in the correct column. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. tomato loaf watch — fox kiss sheep shelf —_ bench (es ES irregular radios, tomatoes, ladies, loaves, ‘men, A-b a Plurals of Countable and Uncountable Nouns Pronunciation Gosp Listen and repeat. is hal | 7] after ft, hi, pl 1, 0) after Il, ks! f/f, 5,21, /3/, after other sounds cits lolipops | foxes bridges | pens meals proofs spots brushes roses | babies records books baths churches mirages | songs rooms CN @ (Joc) Write the plurals in the correct column. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. oat class root fork leat lemon beach cup girl shirt nose peach boy desk potato pen bus box eee cats, beaches, boys, F. Some nouns are uncountable. They have no plural. A / An is not used with uncountable nouns. Some is used with them. These nouns include: food/drinks: butter, bread, meat, cheese, water, tea, coffee, milk, lemonade, chocolate, salt, pepper, fish, etc materials: paper, wood, silver, gold, iron, etc abstract nouns: peace, anger, love, elc many others: money, snow, soap, furniture, petrol, oil, information, news, etc. apen nouns in the plural. an + vowel sound (2, ¢, i, 0, u) an apple | | | |. 8 + consonant sound (b, c,d, ,9, etc.) H. Some is also used with countable | ve got some eggs. @) Uncertine the correct item. 1 a/anorange 4 a/anchair 7 a/some furniture | 10 an/ some apples 2 a/some gold 5 a/somechildren | 8 a/anumbrella | 11 a/anpiano 3 an/ some oil 6 a/somewater 9 a/somebutter 12 a/ some leaves. 4: Plurals of Countable and Uncountable Nouns @ @ Write a/an or some. Then write C for countable or U for uncountable. Say two more countable and two more uncountable nouns. a. berry .C. money W . NEWS .. 16 .....water... 1 6. 2 ..... cheese... | 7 ..... butterfly .. + shit ... 17 agg 3 woman... | 8 s+. OFaNge «++ 18 .....tea. 4 paper... 1 9 bread ... 10... lees 5 ..e.-butter... /10 ..... boy... 20 bottle Guess which one Which is my shopping bag? Ask each other questions to find out. Student A: There is some cheese, some milk, some juice and a lemon in my bag. Student B: Is it bag C? Student A: Yes, itis. Adjectives describe nouns. \t is a new car. (What kind of car is it? A new car.) Adjectives take no -s in the plural. a new record ~ two new records ® Rewrite the sentences in the plural. 1 There is a wooden chair in the kitchen, 6 She is a clever student. There. are. gore. wooden. ahaire. in the kitchet....... 2 She's an old lady 7 Ihave got a new hat. 8 She isa famous actress. 3 Ihave got a big schoolbag 4 Heisa tall boy. 5 Thereisa @ Plurals of Countable and Uncountable Nouns N ti orb Listen and repeat. & iSsau a atin aglass ajug acup a packet ajar of tuna of water of water oftea of rice ‘of honey ae 6 hig (ha (a rd | £ é aloat -—aslice acarton a bottle abow of bread of bread of milk of cola of rice apiece of meat ofscap of chocolate of flour of cheese of furniture Some uncountable nouns can be countable by using the above words. | _ Three 4) .cartone,. Jayne 4). of rice Get two free! All2) of bread half price! of milk for the price of one! ‘of chocolate just £1! Sx5). of jam ! Two7) for the price of three! of onions for just £2! Buy three 6) of tuna! Get two free! All8) of cola halt price! Plurals of Countable and Uncountable Nouns @ @ Underline the correct item. Jeff; Let's make a list of what we need to buy from the supermarket! Alyssa: OK. We need one 1) carton | jug of milk, two 2) bags / tins of flour, 3) a / some cheese and two 4) packets / jars of biscuits Jeff: Have we got any meat? Alyssa: Let me see. .. No, there's no meat in the fridge. Jef; Wellthen, we need a5) slice / Kilo of meat and six6) bottles / cans cf water. What else do weneed? ‘Alyssa: We also need a7) carton / packet of orange juice and 8) some / a chocolate for the children! Jeff: OK! Let's go then! You and your partner are going on a picnic. Go through the decide what you need to buy. Use Ex. 7 to act out similar dialogues. Ren cir echoes c mda asa even aatte | tuna ape Goo bread masiee tomato cheese oer water milk seaeee chocolate GE —.....- A: Let's make a list of what we need for the picnic. B: We need two loaves of bread and .. . Stee Cada What do you need for your picnic? Write a note to your mum. Use the list from the Speaking Activity. Mum, Here's what we need for the picnic: © two loaves of bread | Te Cty CON i iJosp Listen and repeat. Then act out. ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ ause you are Oh! Mum Then you mus a naughty girl! be awiul to Grandmother. Look at herl She's got totally grey halt Aman or a boy is he. Look at him! He is a doctor. A.woman ot a girl is she, Look al her! She is a teacher. A thing or an animal is it, but a pet can be he/she. Look at it tis a book Look at it! It is a peacock. Danny is my dog, He's black and white. (before verbs, as subjects) @ Write he, she, it, we, you or they. 1 table ...(f 6 grandiatherand| ........ 2 youand Eduardo ...... ee. eee 7 brother . 3 John and! . 8 sister 20.2... cee 4 Helen and Mary . 9 git... 5 flowers .. The verb ‘to be’ Negative Questions —— Short answers Long form Short form Im lamnot |I'mnot Am! tali?_—_-Yes, | am. / No, I'm not You're | Youare not You aren't Are you tall? | Yes, you are. / No, you aren't He's Heisnot Heisn't | Is he tall? | Yes, he is. No, he isn't. She's She isnot She isn’t | Is she tall? | Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t. Its Itisnot — itisn't Isittall? | Yes, itis. / No, itisn't We're | Wearenot Wearen't | Are we tall? Yes, we are. / No, we aren't You're | You arenot You aren't | Are you tall? | Yes, you are. / No, you aren't. They are not| They aren't | Are they tall?) Yes, they are. / No, they aren't A: bh Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ @ @ Fill in the gaps with is or are. Then guess who the person is. Jenny 26 \ ome |__10 e erica aie Spanish so Greek er (ERED ee, Ol = cos i 7" nie 1 She... /6.... American, She .../6.... 5 They ......... twenty-six years old. She from New York. ... Jerri. ceseeess @leacher and he. a 2 They.. . teachers. One . doctors Se Meee a. wel American and the other . . 6 She.... ‘twenty-four years old. She vapanese. ....-- a. from Japan 3 They ......... students. He . 7 He from London. He 12and she .........- cversan 12 years old. r eee 8 He .. adoctor. He 4 She .. » Spanish. She «...-+.+ from Athens. from Madrid. ....-...6 8) Look at Ex. 2 again. Fill in the gaps with is, isn’t, are or aren't. 1 Jenny ..(217't.. a student. She ..../2.... a teacher. 2 Stelios ......... 24 years old. He .......+. 26 3. Chad, Alejandra and Adriane . . . teachers. They .. students. 4 Abgjandra ......... Spanish. She .... Japanese 5 Adriane ......... 12years old. She 9 6 Stelios and Jenny ......+.- 26 years old. They .....-+-+ 20. Look at Ex. 2. Listen to your teacher. In teams, correct the mistakes. Each correct answer gets a point. Teacher: Chad is American Team A: No, he isn't. He's British Teacher: Correct. You get a point. A: @ Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ The verb ‘have (got)’ InBi English, we use have got / haven't got / Have | got? | In American English, we use have / don't have / Do | have’ Affirmative Negative ‘American American English English Long Form Short Form Ihave “have got I've got | don't have British English British English Form ‘Short Form Ihave not got | haven't got Youhave — Youhave got You've got You don'thave | You have not got You haven't got Hehas Hehas got He's got He doesn't have He has not got He hasn't got Shehas She has got She's got She doesnthave | She has not got | She hasn't got ithas ithas got It's got Itdoesn't have Ithas notgot —_it hasn't got Wehave We have got We've got Wedon'thave | We have not got We haven't got You have | You have got You've got. You don'thave You have not got You haven't got They have | Theyhave got They've got They don’t have They have not got ‘They haven't got Note: There is no short form in the affirmative for the vert ‘have’ in American English. | Questions ] Short answers American English Do you have a pen? Yes, Ido. / No, i don't Does heisheiit have « pen? Yes, he/she/itdoes. / No, he/shejt doesn't | Do welyoulthey havea pen? _|Yes, wejyoulthey do. / No, weiyoulthey don't British English : - 1] Have you got a pen? Yes, Ihave. / No, | haven't. | | Has he/shelit got a pen? Yes, helshe/thes, / No, helshe/t hasn't | Have welyoulthey got apen? | Yes, weiyoulthey have. / No, welyoulthey haven't @ Fininthe cops as in the examples: - Long Form — > = Short Form ——— a Walkman, Walkman. | black hair 1 black hair. | FM a boat 2 se aboat | «. bicycles 3 -. bicycles. ( blue eyes, 4 - blue eyes, vs @pen 5 =. apen +» @car, 6 a car. Avb Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ & 5b Write sentences as in the example: cea Creel phone postulate bee ir d Pen Gina o v / ary ord hae.(gat).a mak aotldocen't t 2 Edward and Jacob ... 1 Brenda ® Complete the sentences as in the example: 1 . dane. | 2 She. sees Ann, iro... a dressmaker. fens a Z ” v4 (aqt). a sewing ee machine. Luke. . a doctor. -. a stethoscope. dim and Chris. students. = books. PTET el) In 3 minutes write as many things as possible that you have or haven't got in your bedroom. Then tell your partner. Thave got ... but | haven't got ... @ Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ The verb ‘can’ Affirmative Negative "Questions Short answers Long form 1 Short form Ian Jeannot I can't Caniswim? Yes, | can. / No, | can't. You ean Youcannot |Youcan't | Can you swim? Yes, you can. / No, you can't He can He cannot | He can't Cane swim? Yes, hecan./No, he can't. | She can She cannot She can't | Gan sheswirn? Yes, she ean. / No, she can't. Itean lteannot | iteant | Canitswim? —_| Yes, itcan. / No, it can't. We can Weeannot |Wecan't | Canwe swim? | Yes, we can. / No, we can't You can You cannot | Youcan't | Can you swim? | Yes, you can. / No, you can't They cannot | They can’t | Can they swim? | Yes, they can. /No, they can't We use can: © to say what we are able to do in the present. | can run fast © to ask for permission to do something. Can | go out, Miss? @ Write sentences as in the example: iad oto) Sew v v / t.draw. or. vide 1 Sam « PUI # 2 Claire and Tom . Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ @ 8B Look at the prompts. Write questions using Can /? | H So oi | open/ window — : go/ party have /last piece | help / you > Now, in pairs, ask and answer questions using one of the responses from the box. Yes, of course. Certainly. sure. No problem. No, I'm afraid not. No, you can't. &: Gan.go.te the bathroom? B: Yea. of cqure: ® Put the words in the correct order. 1. got / Melek / hair / has / long 4 pencil / got / you / have / a? Melek hae.gat long. hair. 2 quiet / are / the children she / the / find / cannot 3 com Dear Lucy, My name 1)... /2... Michelle and | 2) ....--++ 10 years 016.13) «+++. +++ from France. 14) «+++... long brown hair. My eyes 6) ....-..» brown. l love ballet and16) . dance quite well but |7) . draw very well. My father 8) -. adentist and my mother 9) ........ an engineer. My father 10) . - play the guitar but he 11) .....-.. sing very well. My mother 12) ‘a great photographer and takes fantastic photos with her camera. | 13) .. a brother just like you do and his name 1a) ....0. +5 Pierre, This 16) ......++ Some information about me and my family. Write back soon Nichelle A-k ® Personal Pronouns / ‘Be’ / ‘Have (got)’ / ‘Can’ Choose a photo. In pairs, ask and answer questions to find out who you are. Stella | Lucia re Tony | Micaela Student A: How old are you? Student A: What can you do? Student B: Im 12. Student B: | can play volleyball Student A: What colour hair have you gol? Student A: Ave you Lucia? Student B: I've got black hair Student B: Yes, | am Hil tm Im I've got Write soon. ossessives / Demonstratives 3 © Listen and repeat. Then act out. This isn't my Jumper. It's your 6 jumper isn’t mine. It is youre. That's my jumper. Possessive Personal pronouns Bronouns (before verbs, (after verbs, (followed by (not followed by as subjects) as objects) nouns) nouns) I Me My Mine You You Your Yours He/Sheltt Him/Heriit HisHerits His/Hers) We Us Our Ours | You You Your Yours They | Them Their Theirs oO Fill in the gaps with the correct possessive adjective. 1 ..Hig.. (he) cat is so beautiful! 2 ........ (We) school is in Apple Street. 3 Brenda, is this ........ (you) book? 4 2.2... (I) bedroom is upstairs 5 Look at (she) new dress. t's fantastic! @ Complete the sentences. Use the correct possessive adjective or possessive pronoun. 1. Look at my hat. This hat is ..ine: 2 Karen has got a dog. That's ........ dog, 3 My brothers have got bikes. The bikes are : 4 You and Robbie have got scarves. These # a Peter has got a kite. The kite is 6 Mum has got a new bag. That's . . bag. 7 My friends and | have got sweets. The sweets are... 8 I've got a watch. This is watch, sh @ Possessives / Demonstratives @ Circle the correct item. 1 James has got a laptop. It's her /lis)iaptop. 2 The red pen is my / mine. 3 Mrs Smith is their / theirs teacher. Lisa has got a dog. It's his / her dog. 4 Your / Yours book is green These toys are your / yours. 5 Katie has got a CD. tt's hers / her CD. 10 This is our / ours house. Emma is my / mine sister. This car is their / theirs. Cone @ Choose the correct item. 1 The white coat is... 6 This is her bike. it's (A) mine C me A her C she B my DI B hers D she's 2 Who's....? 7 This is my new dress. Look at ....! A he C his Al c me B him D her | B mine D my 3 I can't find my glasses. Let's look for ..... | 8 John and Liz are very rich. .... house is big. A they C theirs A Theirs C Their B them D their B They D Them 4 This scarf isn't mine. t's .... 9 .... daughter is a doctor. A hers C him A Our C Us B she D them B Ours D We 5 Lindais .... cousin. 10 This isn’t her skirt. .. . . is blue. A him C he's A Hers C She B he D his B Her D He @ Read the email. Choose the right words and write them on the lines. Dear Christian, My name is Emily and I want to be 1) ..YOUr’ . epal. lam seven years old and | am from England. ‘My parents are doctors. | 2)... ‘two brothers. They are students at the University of London. rather got any brothers or sisters? n my free time, | goto the cinema with my brothers or hang out with my friends. My best briend 4) ....... Selma. 5) «+ mother is from India and her father is from Germany. Please write soon and tell 6) . all about your family and friends. 1 A your B yours © your 4 A am Bis C are C 2 A be B can C have got; 5 A She B Hers C Her 3 A you B your C yours 6 AI B me Cc my Avb Possessives / Demonstratives @& 0p Listen and repeat. Possessive Case with people We use ’s with one person. We use s’ with two or more people. BUT We use ’s with irregular plurals. the men's ties, the women’s dresses ) We also use ’s with animals. Jane's umbrella the dog's food Note: This is Jack and Mary's laptop. (The laptop belongs to both of them) These are Jack's and Mary's laptops. (Each person has his/her own laptop.) Possessive Case with things We use of with things. | Note: We can also use of with people. She is a friend of mine / his / hers / ours / yours / thers. the floor of the bathroom | ® Circle the correct item. 1 My(riend’s) friends’ name is Mike. 5 Look at the leaves of the tree / the tree 2 Thisis the cat's / cats bowl. leaves 3 Ourchildren’s / childrens’ Art teacheris 6 ‘He isa friend of her / hers. Ms Black. | 7 These are the girls’ / girls bikes. 4 Look at Philip’s and Lucy's / Philip and 8 My cousin's / cousins car is blue. Lucy new cameras! @® Look at the family tree below. Then fill in the gaps as in the example: 1 Jake is Diane’. husband. He's ...1¢¢... husband. 2 Diane is ......... and .. . mother. She's ......... mother. 3 Lizis Adan ee sister. She's ......... sister. 4 Frankis . father. He's «father 5 George and Theresa ate ......000, eeeeeees , and seers ss . parents, They're ......... parents. 4h 3 Possessives / Demonstratives ® Follow the lines. Then complete the sentences as in the example: f 1 These are Ling’s. gloves... Theyre . her gloves... These ... aloves.are. 2 These are { They're . These... L 3 Tiss egies =: This . = 4 Thisis . It's . vA oO Fill in the gaps with it’s, its, they're or their. John and Mary have got a house in the country. 1) .....//7@i.... house is big. It has got five rooms. 2) garden is beautiful. Paul and Liz are John and Mary's neighbours. See +sssseee friends, too. They have gota pet. 5) ............. a beautiful white cet. 6)... - favounte food is fish tamer ary Look at the diagram below for 2 minutes. Cover the diagram and in teams, say whose each item is. Each correct answer gets a point. po pencil dress hat watch Teacher: schoolbag Team A, Student A: I's Adam's. schoolbag. i's his schoolbag. Teacher: Correct! You get a point. ane 4b Possessives / Demonstratives @ Listen and repeat. GN de2p L these birds We use this (singular) / these (plural) to refer to people, things and animals near us. We use that (singular ) / those (plural) to refer to people, things and animals far away from us. 10) Look at the pictures. Then fill in the gaps with this, that, these or those. (Look at ...//... beautiful dress! Hey John, who's irl over there? (You should buy it « is Jane. She is my sister._/ Lookat......... dogs, ‘an we buy one? @ Possessives / Demonstratives @ Underline the correct item. Hi Henry, Can you guess who 1) my / me favourite actor is? Well, 2) his / he's really famous and people love watching 3) his / him films. That's right! 4) He's / His Johnny Depp. know so much about 5) his / him. 6) He's / Him American. 7) He's / His birthday is on June Sth. That makes 8) he / him a Gemini. 9) He's / His eyes are brown and 10) he's / his got ‘brown hair, too. 11) My / I favourite Johnny Depp film is Pirates of the Carribean. | think 12) its / it's one of 13) he / his best roles. Who's 14) you / your favourite actor? ‘Write back soon! Judy Speaking Activity In pairs, talk about your favourite pop/film star. Who's your favourite pop/film star? What is his/her star sign? Where's he/she from? What colour is his/her hair/eyes? ‘When's his/her birthday? What is his/her best song/film? Writing Activity Use your answers from the Speaking Activity above to write an email to your e-pal describing your favourite pop/film star. Use Ex. 11as a Last week, you asked me about my favourite .. let me tell you about him/her Yours, Progress Check 1 (Units ) — SS ; | @ Read the email and fill in the gaps with I, he, she, they, my, your, his, her or Hi Daniel! Thanks for telling me about 1) . Y2UN". family. Now, let me tell you about 2) family. My dad isadoctor. 3) name is Paul. My mum is a secretary and 4) ....... name is Mary. 5) « have got a brother. 6) . name is Brian and 7) « is ten years old. I've also got two sisters, Ann and jill. 8) . are twins! 9) are thirteen years old. Annis very smart. 10) ....... reads books all the time. jill is athletic and she loves playing basketball. Well, that’s all about my big wonderful family. Write soon and tell 11) ......+ about 12) ......« hobbies. Your new friend, Philip @® write the prurais, 1 wife ......WivVe. 5 man 9 sheep 2 tomato . 6 strawberry 10 baby .. } 3 chi. 7 radio . 11 leaf .. 4 dress... 8 foot... 12. watch | @ Write a, an or some. i. - oranges 5 water OF 227s gee SVMs eZ +. cola 6. . bread MO) es ..eecannes COKE a apple The «+. lemons fil - meat 4 peach 8 » olive ek = cheese @ Fill in the gaps with this, that, these or those. 1... The... isacup oftea. | 2 .......... are grapes. - isa baby. 5 cess... ate helicopters. | 6 .......... are posters. 7k 7 & Choose the correct item. 1 Thisis friend. A we ®our ¢ ours 2 The teacher has got two ...... . A newbooks B new book C news book 3 These are +» pencils. A of Ann's B Anns’ C Ann's 4 Are these comics .. A you B your © yours 5 Those shoes are . *- A mine B my Cc me 6 There's water in the jug A an B some Ca hait.and. brown.eyes, We've gota A packet These are the A boys B ladies’ © ladys She's got three A beautiful hat B beautiful hats C beautifuls hats Paulis a friend of A me Brine © my Mum needs a of bread. A glass B carton C loaf Em @ oN @isp Listen and tick (/) the correct box. Which are Mary's gloves? A Biv 1 What's John's job? 2 Which is Mike's favourite pet? fh je we. % A B 3 Whose bikes are they? -82 4 What can Jane do? £2 aruler an eraser an atlas: The Indefinite Article ‘A’ - @ + consonant sound an + vowel sound (2, e, i, 0, u) We use an before h when itis silent. an hour BUT a horse ‘aeticee the bookcase the chair the armchair the umbrella The Definite Article ‘The’ We use a before u when we pronounce it with ay sound. a uniform BUT an umbrella =, The /89/ + consonant sound The /3/ + vowel sound (a, ¢,i,0,u) «.4.. guitar x oI accordion Violin - organ - piano drum harp ~ tambourine 2 x orange meat animal egg ‘octopus en elephant woman fork dress chocolate Put the nouns in the correct columns. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. baby, apple, ah Articles a Butera Lat) Play in teams. Student A says a word. Student B must then say a word that begins with the last letter of Student A’s word. Whoever breaks the chain is out of the game. Don’t forget to use a/an! Student A; an orange Student B: an egg Student C: a git, etc ] We use a /an: We use the: © with singular countable nouns | ¢ with singular or plural nouns when we are when we are talking about talking about something specific which we them in general. either already know about or it is mentioned An elephantis a big arial for a second time. (Which elephant? We don't mean a The car in front of the house is Ted's. (Which car? ‘specific elephant; we mean Not any car. The car which is in front ofthe house.) ff) iSeriiertain general) © with nouns which are unique. | «after the verbs ‘to be and The sun's shining, (= There's only one sun) have got’. The Acropolis isn Athens ore © before the names of rivers (the Amazon) and He's ool a peticat countries when they include words such as state, kingdom, etc. (the United Kind, We don't use a / an: | ia ee cea) with uncountable or plural | We don't use the: nouns. , ith o adi . We can use some instead. Cee a ee on ie coples Her father is rom Leeds. | want some sugar and some ae ‘strawberries. family names and nationalities take the. The Browns live next door. The Italians eat a lot of spaghetti @ Write a, an or some. 1 2 3 AQIE. tea 4 ......icecream ! 7 ...... sandwich | 10 . bread lemon 5 ...... burger 8 ...... butter Ail tte grape . omelette | 6 ...... egg 9 ...... onion 12.2... juice Anh C3 4 Write the or -. 1 Look at ...>... Layla ae weather is nice today. a Smiths are on holiday. 4 Isthis Tom's cat? 5 Benisin....... New York. Articles ® Choose the correct item. 1 Have you got . onion? Aa ®an C the 2 Whereis ....... supermarket? Aa Ban C the 3 Isthis ....... lobster? Aa Ban C the 4 Are ....... Pyramids in Egypt? Ra Ban C the 5 Mymumis....... artist. Aa Ban C the 6 The children are in ....... garden. Aa Ban C the @ Fill in the gaps with a/an or the. 1. A: Where are you going this summer? B: Well, we want to go to 1) ..2... istand in Greece. A: That's fantastic. Which one? B: We want to goto 2) ....... island of Corfu. A It's 8)....... beautiful island. 2 A: Do you know Justin? B: Yes, Ido. Heis 1) ....... friend of John’s, isn't he? A Right. He is 2) ‘one who wants to become) ....... pilot. He loves planes. 10 There is some cheese in n © haven't got . A Ben has got ...... A A Ann's brother is . ... A ad B: A A B: A B A 6 Whereis . hotel? 7 Dadisin....... kitchen. | 8 Wearefrom....... Italy. 9 .. blue bag is yours. «fridge. - umbrella. I need to C the apple in my bag is fresh. A B An C The a Ban new digital camera a Ban C the -. black dag is ours. A B An C The - doctor, a Ban C the leat 1) ....... apple and 2) .. banana every day, Why do you do that? Don't you know that 3) apple a day keeps 4) . doctor away? What about §) ....... banana then? : Well, I don't know but | love bananas. What does your mother do? She's 1) ....... doctor And what about your father? He's 2) ....... artist ‘: Oh, that's great. A=b Articles 4 @ Read the conversation between Jennifer and Pat. Then fill in the gaps with a,the or-. Jennifer: I'm really hungry. Let's get something to eat. Pat: OK. Why don't we go to 1) ..2/¢... Italian restaurant near my house? They make great pizzas there. Jennifer: That sounds good. After that, we can go to 2)....... cinema and watch 3) ....... film Pat’ ‘I hear 4) ....... new James Bond film is really exciting! Jennifer: Oh, | just love 5) ....... James Bond films! Pat: Alright, then. Are you ready? Jennifer: Give me a few minutes. | need to leave 6) note for my mum. Where's 7) - pen? Oh, here it is. OK, now I'm ready. Pet: Great! Let's go! ®@ Read the following sentences and put a tick (/) for every correct use of the and a cross (X) for every incorrect use of it. 1 Next week, my family and | are going to visit the London. x 2 We are going to stay at a hotel which is near the River Thames. 3 We want to visit all the famous sights. 4, | can’t wait to see Buckingham Palace and the Big Ben. 5 We also want to visit the Tower of London. 6 My mum says that the food in the UK is delicious. 7 So, I'm going to try the fish and chips. | can't wait! ® Fill in the gaps with the where necessary. . Barcelona is 2)...» second largest city in 3) Spain in4) northeast of 5) country. About 3 million there und millions of tourists visit 6) .....- city of Barcelona every year. There are many places to visit including 7) ...... famous building Casa Batllo. I)...... Athens is 2) ...... capital city of 3) city of Athens is in 5) ...... south of the country. There are many important ancient sites and temples in Athens. One of them is 6) .. Parthenon, Millions of 7) ...... tourists vist 8) .....+ Acropolis every year in order to see the Parthenon and 9) Ancient Agora «@ Articles 10) Read the letter and write the missing words. Write one word on each line. Hi Mum, Its so lovely to be on holiday. Paris 1) ../2.. really beautiful. Right now, | am at the hotel. 2) ...... room is huge and I've got an amazing view of the city from here. There is 3) ...... big bed and a sofa with soft cushions on it. There is also a very big bathroom. | have so many things to do tomorrow. | really want to visit 4) Louvre and the Champs Elyseés. | hear that 5) are fantastic. That's all for now. Email soon. Laura ES CLC me Cail sg Imagine you are on holiday and your friend calls you. Choose a city and tell him/her where you are and what you can see/visit there. City: Moscow Student A: Hi. {Where are you? See: - Statue of Peter the Great / Student B: min... — Moscow Kremiin Student A: Really! What can you see there? Visit: - Saint Basil's Cathedral / Student B: | can see . = Red Square Student A: That sounds ote And what can City: Rome you visit there? ‘See: -Coliseum /— Tiber River } Student B: I can visit .......... Visit: ~ Pantheon /— St Peter's Square_| Student A: | hope you have a great time, Bye! Writing Activity Using ideas from the Speaking Activity above, write an email to your mum about your holiday. Use Ex. 10 as a model. Hi Mum, Its so lovely to be here in................. . |have so many things to do tomorrow. | want to see ... lalso want to visit . Email soon! Love, Expressing Q (> Listen and repeat. Then act out. disp Sam, if apples are 75 paren kilo, how many kilos Td buy a lot of chips instead. ee _Unec alot(of /lotsof | alco) | many /how many | much / how much many much untables A lot of or lots of are used in the affirmative with countables or uncountables. There are a lot of / lots of stars in the sky. There's a lot of milk in the bottle. » Many (with countables) and much (with uncountables) are used in questions and negations. Many and much can also be used in the affirmative in formal English. How many friends have you got? There isn't much jam in the ja. Many people leam English. (formal) @ Write a lot of, many or much. Ge a 1 There are ...2./@t.0f... | 2 There aren't 3 There isn't . blueberries. radishes honey. 4 There aren't ......... OPS More's ......0csccaee 6 There aren't mushrooms. jam. apples. a> e@ Expressing Quantity @ Fill in the gaps with a lot of, much or many. 1 There are .@ JF. ef. birds in the sky! 6 Arethere .......... apples on the tree? 2 Ihaven't got .......... homework today. 7 Jane has got ......... money in her purse. 3. John hasn't got -- CDs. 8 Isthere .......... bread in the cupboard? 4 There aren't carsinthe street. | 9 Arethere.......... children in the park? 5 Thereis... sugar in the bow. 10 We are early, We have .. time. Choose the correct item. 1 There aren't .... children in the classfoom. | 5 How... milks there in the carton? A much many —_€ alot of A much B many ~ C alotof 2 There isn't .... cheese in my sandwich, 6 Are there .... trees in the park? A much B many € alotof A much B many C alotof 3 Ive got .... books in my bag. 7 We've got... flowers in our garden. A much B many —C alotof A much B many —€ alotof 4 There aren't .... strawberries in the bow. 8 There isn't .... cola in the bottle A much B many —_C alotof A much B many —C alotof Ann: I don't want 4) Read the conversation between Ann and her mum. Then fill in the gaps with much, many, a lot of, how much or how many. I'm going to the corner shop, Mum. Do you need anything? Yes, | do. | need 1) . .2.!@.f.. tomatoes to make some sauce for the pasta. 2) --eeeceee+++ tomatoes exactly? ; I think 2 kilos is enough. | need some cheese, as well. Of course! 3) .. . do you want? . . Maybe half a kilo. Also, there isn’t §) milk left. Get another litre, please. OK! What about bread? We have 6) ..........+. bread lett. We don't need any more. Can | get some chocolate for myself? Yes, you can but not 7) ..-+.+++.+++ Is two bars OK? :: That's fine but don't eat all of it at once. OK, Mum. Amb Expressing Quantity e@ isten and repeat. Then act out. No chocolate until you wash your kande. But Mum, look at my handel They are clean. Give me some chocolate, ) pleasel Well, Mum. There is dry clearing, you know ive Negative Some No / not any ‘Are there any eggs? —_| Yes, there are some eggs. No, there are no eggs. No, there aren't any eggs. ‘Some is used in positive statements, any in questions and no or not any in negations. Is there any meat in the fridge? No, there’s no meat in the fridge. or There isn’t any meat in the fridge. There are some bananas. Some is also used in the interrogative when we expect a ‘Yes’ answer or when we want to offer something. ‘Can Ihave some coffee, please? Would you like some tea? Any is also used in positive statements but it means ‘it doesn't matter which.’ Which book can | get? Get any book you like! (It doesn't matter which book.) ® Circle the correct item. 1 Isthere some /(any/milk in the fridge? 8 There is some / any fresh juice in the fridge. 2 There aren't any / no children in the park. 9 Would you like no / some sugar in your 3 Can {have some / no cola, please? coffee? 4 Have you got some / any money? 10 You can call me some / any time you lke. 5 There is any / no tea in my cup. 11 Can {have some / any water, please? 6 Would you like some / any chocotate? 42. There isn't any / no butter in my sandwich. 7 There are any / no books an the desk. 4: & Expressing Quantity @ Fill in the gaps with some or any. 1 A: Have you got 1) .. Ay... Harry Potter books? B: Well, I've got 2) If. . of them. A; Really? Can | borrow them? 2 A: We haven't got 1) so. Sugar B: | can get 2) ....... from the supermarket A: Thanks Look at the picture. Then ask and answer the questions with your partner using the words in the list. chairs ¢ fish © cats © flowers © children © milk A: Are there any chairs? B: Yes, there are. Are there... ? Student A: Guess what I've got DTCC Ir} What have you got on your table? Choose 6 things but don't tell your partner. Ask him/her to guess. 4 4g o é 3 A: Are there 1) fridge? B: Yes, there are but we need to buy 2). fruit A: Don't worry. |can get 3) ......... later today. vegetables in the & ‘on my table! Student B: Have you got any eo | apples? , t Student A: No, Ihaven't f $e A~b Expressing Quantity @ ® Read the conversation between Mary and Sam. Then circle the correct item. | Mary: What's for dinner tonight? Mary: Yes, don't worry. We've got 6) a lot of / Sam: How about 1) any /(Some lasagna? many meat. Mary: OK. Have you got the recipe? Sam; What about cheese? Have we got 7) any / Sam: Yes, Ihave, Let's see what we need. First many? tall, we need 2) some / any onions and Mary: Yes. We've got enough 3) much / some tomatoes forthe sauce. | Sam: 8) How much / How many packets of Mary: OK. We've got enough tomatoes and pasta have we got in the cupboard? onions. What else do we need? | Mary: | can see two in the cupboard. Sam: We need 4) some / many oil to cook the. Sam: Perfect! Let's start cooking. vegetables and we also need 5) some / ‘any meat. Is there any in the fridge? Speaking Activity In pairs, decide what you need to make a pizza and fill in the table. Use Ex. 8 to help you. Ingredients > 2 tomatoes } Student A: Let's see what we need for our pizza. b ____ Student B: We need some tomatoes for the sauce i __ Student A: How many tomatoes? ‘Student B: Two. We also need. recipe. 6 definite Pronouns Listen and repeat. Then act out. Mum! There's somethi a running on the bathroom floor hat hasn't got any lege! d2op What are you talking about? Nothing can run without, lege, | Negative anyone no one / not anyone rybods | nobody / not anybody ing nothing / not anything somewhere | anywhere nowhere / not anywhere The compounds someone / anyone, etc. follow the same rules as any and some. Is there anybody in the kitchen? Yes, there is somebody in the kitchen but there is nobody in the bedroom and there is not anybody in the living room either. ‘A: What can you see? What can you see now? Can you see my keys B: | can see .. .90IMEONE. : lcan see a at the door, but there's ‘on the table but there isn't. B: No, | can't. They are 90. ONG. at the . onthe inthe window. (no chair. (something/anything) _kitchen! (nowhere, one/someone) anywhere) 34 Indefinite Pronouns e @ Choose the correct item. 1 Isthere...... new in your class? 5 Look! There is ...... in the bag. It's empty. A someone B noone ()anyone A someone B nothing © anything 2 | don't want to go ...... this weekend. 6 Put this money ... Safe. Don't lose it. A somewhere B nowhere C anywhere | A somewhere B nowhere © anywhere 3 I'mthirsty. I want ...... to drink, 7. The house is empty. There is ...... here A something B nothing © anything A someone B noone € anyone 4 Can you see my pen ......? 8 I'mhungry but there isn't ...... to eat A somewhere B nowhere C anywhere A something B nothing C anything @ Fill in the gaps with someone, no one, something, nothing, nowhere or somewhere. 1A: Idon't like living in the city. It's so crowded | 4 A: Oh no! We're lost! and busy, B: Don't worry. We can ask . B: Oh, | know and there is .. Nowhere. for help. to park 5 A: The library is very quiet today. 2 A I'm thirsty. B: That's because there is ... B: Would you like .............. to drink? else here. 3 A: lwanttogo.............. warmformy | 6 A: I'm so bored. There's . to holidays. do. B: Me too! B: Well, we can go to the cinema @ Read the telephone conversation between Frank and his mum. Then fill in the gaps with something, nothing or anything. Mum: Hello, Frank! Where are you? | need yout * Mum: No, there's 4) .....e.0+eee..+ on the help. | can't find my glasses anywhere i and can't see 1)... aaything...! ‘on the chair. Frank Im at the library, Mum. 1 can't do Franke Ate they there? Broa to help you right ium: No. I's only Rex sleeping. Wait, | can feel now. Try looking in the kitchen. You 8 ... on my head, usually spend lots of time there, Frank: Please don't tell me your glasses are on Mum: OK. Oh, wait! | can feel 3) . your head! On the table. Never mind, i's just an : ium: Yes, here they are. How silly of me! apple. Frank: Oh, Mum! Frank: What about the cooker? 4=b Indefinite Pronouns In teams, listen to your teacher and make a simple sentence with . the word you hear. Each correct sentence gets a point. Teacher: Something. Team A, Student A: There's something on the table. Teacher: Correct! You get a point. Anyone. Team B, Student A: There isn't anyone at the park, etc. ® Fill in the gaps with no one, somewhere, anywhere, anything or nothing. eee Hi Joanne, Are you doing 1) .. a'iy/Phini .. today? I'm so bored and there is 2) at home. My’ parents are at my grandparents’ house and my sister is at the mall. I'm all alone and there's ce « todo here. I really want to go 4) .......- Would you like to hang out? We can go to the cinema or 5) . «+. else you like. Well, | hope you get this email soon Give me a call as soon as you can. Writing Activity Look at the picture below. Write about it using the prompts and something, nothing, anything, someone, anyone or no one. je on/bed / desk / chair © under / bed © in / bookcase © on / wall in front of / wardrobe © next to / bed © on / floor Inthe picture, there is someone on the chair. It's a young boy. There is nothing under the bed. HiBil, Thanks for your 1) .. =. . email. Your new aes bedroom sounds great. Well, | have big bedroom, too but I share it . Diego, my brother. Let me tell you about it. 5) -..--. walls in my room are light blue and 6) ...... carpet is grey. We have got7)...... Tvand8) ...--- CD player in ‘urroom. 9) ...... TVis big because we love watching films. ve also got 10) ..... . amazing collection of DVDs. Well, that’s all for now. Write back and tell me about your hobbies. Ficardo @ Fill in the gaps with a, an or the. 1 A: . The. fridge is empty! 3 A: Have you got ...... B: Don't worry. I can goto ...... B: Yes, | have. I've got supermarket today rw e+. beautiful cat. | . man standing in the corer over 2 A Weneed...... onion and ...... there is Kate's father. tomato for the recipe. B: Yes, | know. He is ...... Art teacher. B: OK! @ Fill in the gaps with a fot of, much or many. 1 There are .. 4 !0¢.0f.. apples in the bow. 7 There are... .. people on the bus 2 Ihaven't got money in my purse. today. 3 Farimahas got .. ss friends. 8 Isthere += Sugar in the jar? J 4 There aren't .........0.. bananas inthe | 9 Are there .........0.. children in the fruit bow. classroom? 5 There is milk in the bottle. 10 We are late. We haven't got . 6 Are there . - pears on the tree? time, Hurry up Aae-k ae How mat a There aren't. many. Q - 5 2 (cola) + 6 (bread) 1. (tomatoes) 5 (milk) 3 (strawberries) 7 (butter) 4 (apples) 8 (cheese) @® Fill in the gaps with some, any or no. Mitsuko: I'm going to the supermarket to buy 1) . .20/%1A.. things. There's 2) {ridge and we haven't got 3) coffee. Do you need anything? Julie: Can you get 4) biscuits, please? Mitsuko: Yes, of course. Anything else? Julie: Oh, and) ......... flour because | want to make 6) cakes this afternoon and there isn't enough. Mitsuko: Aren'tthere 7) ........- cakes in the fridge? Julie: No. There are 8) cakes in the fridge. | Progress Chec 5 J 6 Fill in the gaps with something (x2), anything, somewhere, nowhere or someone. 1 A: Let's get ... 2arething, ... to eat. 4. A: That man over there looks like B: Good idea! oo eeieieoes SMU 2 A: Where do you want to go on holiday? B: Are you sure? B: | want to go ; =. warm! 5 A: Let's go shopping! and sunny. B: Oh, | can't right now because I'm doing | 3 A: What's that noise? else B: Idon't hear .. * 6 A: This café is so crowded. 1 B: | know. There's ...... aereees tO Sil. | ® undertine the correct item. New Message Hi Caroline, How are you? | am emailing you about our shopping plans for today. The fridge is almost empty, so we need to buy 1) much /a lot of things forthe party. We need 2) lots of / much bottles of cola and 3) much / some bole of lemonade. We also have to get 4) no / alot of pizzas and 5) some / much burgers. We haven't got 6) some / any bread, so can you get 7) much / some on your way home? | want to make sandwiches but there is 8) any / no cheese, so we have to buy 9) some / many. We also neec! 10) lots of / any plastic plates and cups because we haven't got 11) any /1no. Oh! almost forgot. We need to buy 12) any / some decorations Email me when you can, Cynthia rete Listen and draw lines. we SU ST) oy @ Listen and repeat. Then act out. They say, an apple a day keeps the \ doctor away. Ie that true, Phil? ‘And, what does \ain ontion do, Philgy rain —— ail Affirmative Negative Inte i | | | | Long form Short form Hak do not tak I don't talk Do talk? You talk Youdonottak | Youdon'ttak | Do you talk? He talks He does not talk He doesn't talk Does he talk? She talks | Stedoes nottak | She doesnt ik | Does she tak? ittalks Itdoes not ak | doesnt ik Does i talk? We tak We donot tak | We don't tak | Do we talk? You talk You do nottak — | You don't talk Do you talk? They tak They do nottalk | They don'ttalk | Do they talk? We use the present simple for permanent states or habitual actions. Spelling verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -ch, -x,-o —> -es | watch — he watches | verbs ending in consonant + y —> + -ies | study — he studies BUT I buy- he buys Ij Time expressions used with the present simple: | neers a every day every morning —_| every year at night inthe afternoon | in the evening always usually often never rarely sometimes, etc. Questions and short answers ~ Questions Short answers Do lwe/youlthey ike cherries? | Yes, welyouthey do. 7 No, ime\oulthey dont Doo he/shert tke cheries? | Yes, hejhelt does. 7 No elste/t doesnt 4h Present Simple @ @ Write the verbs in the third person singular. 1 Ifly-it. lee, 4 Iplay-she . 7 Ido-he ...... 2 yourun—he......... 5 wehury-he . 8 yousee-he . 3 wecatch—she ........ 6 youstay-she .. 9 they take ~ he Pronunciation @ ©) Put the verbs in the correct column in the third person singular. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. work play come walk swim visit ride speak watch talk laugh fish wash close. == open sit. go dance drive sleep stay know teach buy e Circle the correct form of the verb. 1 Chice watch /(watches)TV every evening. : 7 Weilive /lives in a big house 2 Our teacher read / reads lots of books. 8 The boys hate / hates fish 3 Dad. go/goes to work by bus every morning. . 9 My mum wear / wears a uniform to work 4 | drink / drinks lots of water. 10 Heride /rides his bike to school every morning, 5 Paul fly/ flies his kite on windy days. 11 usually fish / fishes in the river near my house. 6 The children play / plays in the park on 12. They are from Italy. They speak / speaks Saturdays. italian. 4 Complete the sentences. | Long Form Short Form 1 She ..... 4062... not like apples. = ADGEN Ecce like apples. 2 We ........... not work on Sundays. work on Sundays. 3 He .. - Not help me. -- help me. 4 They not drive fast « drive fast. +++ Not fly. DD Present Simple & Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. My friend Cathy 1) .. 4 ---» (have) a horse. It 2). sss++ (be) a beautiful animal with big eyes anda long tall Its name 3)..... . (be) Bella and ia eenee...-- ~ (ove) people 165) -.c+se-o tliat (notice) or bite 16) - (be) very friendly Beau: gust - .« (e20 applesand hay butlly EZ aa cess seccs. (notfeat) meat. Horses 9). Sa «is, (notllike) meat. Since it 10) « «++ (fain) a lot in England, Bella Miss. srdilees.-a.+ac60-~...adGleeplin astable Cathy 12) e002 2e. - (ride) her horse every day after school. She 13) ... (not/ride) into the town because there 14) ........ ssceesses (be) a lot of traffic on the roads. There 15) ..........--+ <<... (notibe) many cars in the country, so any 16) (take) Bella there. | It17).. - (not/be) easy looking after a horse but Cathy 18) .. (enjoy) it very much! 8 Look at Ex. 5 again. Then mark the sentences as true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences. 1 Cathy has a dog ae eet t. have A dod. 4 Bella doesn't eat meat A 5 Cathy takes Bella to the country. 2 Bella loves people. 6 Horses sleep in a house 3 Bella eats carrots. @ Ask and answer questions with your partner as in the example: ' 1 getup early 4 like sweets 7 watch TV | 2 like pop music 5 gotobed late 8 drink milk 3 tidy your room 6 ike fruit 2k you like - aClock B: Ni rt. | Ith Kk mugic. etcll ; Anh Present Simple @ ® Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the list. like (x2) live be travel += make ~— sing read. go This is Michael Johnson. He 1). ../.... a famous rock star. He 2)......... in America, He 3) all around the world and 4) «in rock concerts. He 5) -....-+.. his songs and 6) ......... his own video clips. In his free time, he 7) staying at home listening to his CDs. At weekends, he usually 8) ......... to expensive restaurants with his friends. He also9)-........ alot of books about strange things. | can’t wait to see him perform live. 110)... him so much. go Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple. A day in the life of a farmer John Fields 1) .../2... (be) a farmer. He 2) (get up) at 5 o'clock in the morning. He 3 (wash), 4) (get) dressed and 5) (have) breakfast. He 6 (put on) his coat and 7) (go) outside. He 8) (milk) the cows early in the morning. His wife and children 9) (not/get up) so eariy. They 10) (get up) at 7 o'clock. His wife 11) (feed) the chickens and then she 12) (make) some tea for herself. The children 13) (not/like) tea. They 1a). (drink) milk. At 7:30 am, John 15) (take) the children to school. His wife 16) . . (help) John on the farm and then she 17) (do) the housework. At 4 o'clock. the children 18) (come) home from school. Mrs Fields 19) (cook) dinner. John 20) (not/help) his wife with the cooking because he can't cook. In the evening, John and his wife 21) (wateh) TV or 2 {listen} to the radio. The children 23) (not/watch) TV. They 24) (do) their homework, They all 5) (go) to bed at 9:00 pm. @ Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency Adverbs of frequency go after the verbs ‘to be’ and ‘can,’ but before the main verbs. sometimes always She | often | reads books. He is | rarely late, usually never 10) Tick (/) the right box. 1. She [_Jis(ZJ late [for work, (never) 5 Wel_]spend[]the summer [Jin France. 2 Diego[Jeats[_]meat(_]. (usually) (always) 3. You[_}can [see [_]foxes in this forest. 6 Tom and James|_]are [] very busy on (sometimes) Mondays |]. (often) 4, Does [Tim] go [to schoo! by bus? 7 My dog{_Jis{_jangry (1). (rarely) (usually) 8 Alice{_}doesn't[] go] swimming, (often) @® Write sentences using the adverbs in brackets as in the example: 1 Tony / be / rude (never) 5 Aya/ help / her mum (often) any, (.never. rude. iets ageinees 3 ere 2 The children / play / tennis (Sometimes) 6 You / do / your homework (always) 3. 1/go/ to the beach (often) 7 The boys / watch / films (sometimes) 4 We /eat / breakfast / before school (always) 8 Josh and1I/ tidy / our rooms (always) 12) Use the words and adverbs of frequency to make true sentences about yourself. 1 wake up at 7:30 am 4 go jogging Jalwaye. wake, up ab. ZO0 at... RE ATES 2 be late for schoo! 5 go to bed at 10 o'clock 3 play computer games 6 tidy my room a-h Present Simple @ ® Look at the table, This is what the people do on Sundays. Write the questions and answers. Then ask your partner questions to fill in the table about him/her. Pete md pore er bys aiag usually sometimes never cffen never often sometimes usually often never usually sometimes 1 Luigi / watch TV 6 Nadia / swim Does Luigi wat aperiterg 2 he does. He usually watches Mar ee siete « ° 2 Oliver and Sara / go to the cinema 7 Oliver and Sara / watch TV we) 3. Oliver and Sara / listen to music 8 Luigi / swim ot wv 4 Nadia / go to the cinema 9 Nadia / watch TV Oliver and Sara / swim MEMORY GAME Look at the table in Ex. 13 for 2 minutes. Then close your books. In teams, answer your teacher's questions. Each correct answer gets a point. Teacher: Does Luigi watch TV on Sundays? Team A, Student A: Yes, he usually watches TV on Sundays. Teacher: Correct. Team A you get a point. A«h @ Present Simple 4 Read and complete the text. Then put the pictures in the correct order. watch leave catch do read = meet return have get ‘start be James 1) ...i5... astudent. He 2) ........ up early every morning and 3) ........ breakfast with his family. Then he 4) <<... for school. James 5) .........-. the bus to school because his school is far from his home. He 6) his friends at schoo! before he 7) ... lessons. After school, he 8) home and 9) his homework. in the evening, he usually 10) ........ TVor 11) a book Look at Ex. 14. In pairs, ask each other questions and fill in the table below about James. Then ask each other questions to fill in the table about yourselves. eGR get up, have breakfast, AFTERNOON acy James You Student A; What does James do in the moming? Student B: He gets up and has breakfast. Writing Activity Use your answers from the Speaking Activity above to write a short paragraph about your daily routine. Use Ex. 14 as a model. 8 ( Listen and repeat. Then act out. Waiter! This meat ie too mae eae vale . Why I r hard. Why Is that? cutting the platel Affirmative : Long form ‘Short form Short form Jam talking / Fmtalking “Jampnotiaiking im not talking You are talking You're talking You are not talking You aren't talking | He is talking He's talking “Hels notiaking He isn’t talking She is taking | She's talking | She is not talking She isnt taking itis talking it's talking itis not talking Ieisn't talking We are talking We're talking We are not talking | We aren't talking You are talking | You're talking You are not talking | You aren't talking They are talking | They're talking They are not talking | They aren't talking We use the present continuous for temporary actions or for actions happening at the time of speaking. Time expressions used with the present continuous: ‘row | at the moment | at present Spelling ‘When verbs end in one stressed vowel swim — swimming walk ~ walking between two consonants, we double the it - sitting BUT wait- waiting consonant and add -ing. Look at the spelling of these verbs: -+ _lie ~ lying, etc write — writing, ete Questions and short answers Questions | Short answers 1 Am | listening? | Yes,!am. / No, | 'm not. Are welyoulthey listering? Yes, welyoulthey are. / No, welyou/they aren't. Is he/shejit listening? Yes, he/she/it is. / No, he/she/tt isn't. ® Present Continuous (aN @ (2s) Add -ing to the verbs and put them in the correct column. Listen and repeat. drink make sit begin fly cut bake take drop He hit shave play die sleep meet — type. =—water TT ete making, @ Complete the sentences. Long Form Short Form 1 He.. feeding the dog. ... feeding the dog 2 They .....e..+-.+-+ reading, They reading, 3 It flying Te cua ee. flying 4 We.... not cleaning the floor. We .......... cleaning the floor. -- crying casas not crying @« Write the questions and answers. 1 (laugh?) I.¢he. laughir Na. she. isn't She's crying. (eat?) . [ eating?.. Ld YES. 161. Ite eating. Present Continuous 8 4’ Look at the picture and correct the sentences. The man. on the. rock ig 1 The man on the rock is eating a sandwich. . 't.eating a gandwich, He’ fishing. 2 The two boys on the beach are pire 3 The woman under the umbrella is playing with the sand, Bre ren créer the uricela ts varia) some juice. 6 The two gis are fishing 3 Look at the picture and the list of verbs. Then complete the text using the present continuous. cook play look = snow = stay drink = sit’— listen sleep _sing id the week. |) .2r.eGting. in Dear Diary, i's Sunday, my favourite day of te living room and 12) -...s05-+* . at my big happy family. Mur) <<+---. +++» tea, Mydad 4) .».+..2---+-» dinner. At The boys 6) ---.s-2002 5 with the karaoke machine. 4 Grandmother 6) ...++-~-»++++ tothe boys singing but grandfather 7) The girls 8) ..-..--.00+258 ee itis very cold, to) -- . outside, so we 10). - at home tonight. It's OK, though, because we heave lots oftun together. love my big noisy family S0 much ——_ 49 ® Present Continuous 6 Read the email. Then choose the right words and write them on the lines. Here is 1) 4. picture of my family. | hope you like it. My brother, my sister and | cigs: - a snowman. My brother, Ben, is wearing a red hat and a yellow scart. Ben is putting a black hat on the snowman. We are laughing 3) . -.. the snowman 4) /teees funny, My mu, fi, e standing by the door end sh ie wetcing al of Us. She is drinking a5) .............. of coffee. My dad, John, is cleaning the snow off the car. We also6) - two dogs. As you can see, they are playing in the snow. Please send 7) ... photo of your family soon. Take care, Gina i Aa B an C the 5 A jug B cup © carton 2A make B making C aremaking | 6 A having B has C have 3A and —B because © but 7 Ame B my © mine 4 A looks B look C is looking In groups, put the cards your teacher gives you in the right order to form sentences. Present Simple vs Present Continuous ism seem ‘My sister usually watches TV in the evening and | play computer games. m4 — It’s my sloter’s birthday today. Were having a party. Present Simple vs Present Continuous We use the present simple for permanent states and repeated or habitual actions. Time expressions used with the present simple: every day / week / month / year, usually, often, always, rarely, never, sometimes, in the moming / evening | afternoon, at night, etc We use the present continuous for temporary states or actions, or for actions happening at the moment of _ speaking. Time expressions used with the present continuous: now, at present, at the moment, today, tonight Some verbs are usually only used in the simple tenses. understand, want, etc. is used in the continuous tenses as well. (D circle the correct form of the verb. { Mum eleans /(is cleaning}the kitchen at the moment. 2 We always do / are doing our homework 3 My fiends play / are playing football now 4 Julie usually walks / is walking to school. 5 | wear / am wearing my new T-shirt today. 6 don't know /*m not knowing his name. 7 Ethan loves / is loving rock music. believe, belong, decide, forget, hate, hear, know, live, ike, love, need, remember, smell, see, think, The verb have is only used in the simple tenses when it means possess. Otherwise, it {have two cars at present. BUT Sheis having a bath now. 8 | sometimes meet / are meeting my friends after school. 9. Sara works / is working hard these days. 10 Ivan doesn't want / isn't wanting to do his homework. 11. This bag is mine. tis belonging / belongs to me. 4° bh ® Present Simple vs Present Continuous 8 Write sentences as in the example: Usually @® Choose the correct item. 1 Look at him! He .....« a horse. 5 He ...... comic books every day. A rides B riding is riding A read — B isreading C reads 2 Heusually ...... tennis in the afternoon. | 6 Be quiet! The baby .. A plays B play C is playing Asleep B sleeps _—C is sleeping 3. What ...... inthe kitchen, Mum? 7 ..20+. he like exercising? A doyou B areyoudoing © youdo A Do B Does Cis 4 She ...... dinner now. 8 Look! The dog ...... with the ball A isn't having B doesn't have A plays B isplaying Care playing © don't have so Present Simple vs Present Continuous B@ 0) Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. Explain why. 1 He often G2¢2.... (go) tothe cinema. , 4 Dad ... sees habitual action (lie) on the sofa now. eras 2 They {notiwatch) 5 Ciaire .. (notlike) pizza TV atthe moment. .... . 6 eee eeeeeeee see 3 John is outside. He ........... 3 (you/steep) early on weekdays? (wash) the car. 2... ®@ Underline the correct time expression. 1 Igo to school every morning / at the 5 |.am having an English lesson now / every moment. day. 2 My parents never / now go to work on 6 My parents are working on Saturdays / at Sundays, the moment 3 Igo skiing today / every winter waich TV tonight / in the evenings 4 Jat present / always domy homework.|'m 8 |usually /at present go out with my a very good student, friends on Sundays. oe ® Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. a ey | Dear Katy, - Here 11) . (be) in Mykonos, Greece. The weather Se }2. . (be) fantastic. We 3) .......0...0e (have) a wonderful time. Aithe moment, 14) . pool with my brother, James. | 6) A (sunbathe) and James 6) . (drink) lemonade. We7) « (sunbathe) and 8) ......... . (swim) every day. At night, we usually 9) . (eat) at a restaurant and then we 10) - (dance) at one of the fantastic discos on the island, «+ (love) it here and | (notiwant) to \eave! (lie) by the swimming] __ Miss S. Jones, ..., | 38 Dean Park, Peebles Border Region EH45 8DD Scotland UK. 3B Present Simple vs Present Continuous 13 Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. IE)». cose ae (be) very cold today and it 2) (snow). It always 3) (snow) here in December Peter 4) -+-+ (Swim) in the sea now. He 5) cisae (like) fish and he 6) (love) cold weather Peter's friend 7) .....200..5 (watch) him. Peter always 8) se cceeee (bring) his friend a fish. His friend 9) (wait) for his fish. Peter 10) . (not/cook) his fish, he 11) (eat) it in the sea This 12) . (not/be) strange because Peter is a penguin! Speaking Activity Close your eyes. Imagine that you are on your dream holiday. Your partner is trying to find out what you and your family are doing right now. Student A: Im on an exotic istand, Student A: I'm sunbathing right now Student B: What are you doing? Student B: Whats your mather doing? eto.) Parts Write an email to your friend about your dream holiday. Say where you are and what you and your family are doing right now. Use Ex. 12 as a model. Im on holiday ..........eee eee frie f -- fight now. ira a & os cay co, || eee Ht ‘(eemeen) (aeuna “along | | across from ..t0 towards /to/ in, “the direction of 1 Where are Layla’s and Olivia's bikes? 2 Where's the garage? 3 Where are they walking? 4 Where are they holding the bouquets of flowers? 5 Where's their mother standing? 4-m 2 Prepositions of Place - Movement - Time @® Look and read. Write yes or no. Then describe the picture. police officer is walking across the street. He is walking around the bank. Two women are coming out of the bank. ‘Aman is going into the café. A boy is standing in front of the toy shop A toy aeroplane is flying over the boy's head, Two gitis are running across the street Abus is going around the comer. @vonnhona Fill in the gaps with at, beside, in, behind, on, opposite, from ... to, above or in front of. Rania is 1) ....2%... the airport. She's waiting for | herfight 2)... Athens «+... London. There's a man sitting 3) her. He's got a| CAP 4) oc eeesee his head. There are some suitcases §) . -. them. An old woman is sleeping 6) .......... the seat 7) .. oes Rania there's a security guard. He's got a mobile phone 9) his hand, The information board is 10) .......... him. Prepositions of Place - Movement - Time @ @ Fill in the gaps with opposite, on, inside, along or under. 1 A: It's cold outside! 4 A: Can you tell me how to get to the B: I know. Let's go. .iNgiAe.. the house. supermarket? B: Just walk .. Main Street and 2 A: Hey Jane! What are you doing? take the first tuning on the right B: I'm sitting .. .. my bed and I'm listening to music. 5 A: Where is the park? 3A: Why's Rocky hiding .......... yourbed? B:it's.......... my house. B: Because he is scared of loud noises @ Circle the correct item. Then describe your bedroom to your partner. Hi Nikos, | am writing to tell you about my bedroom 1) new house. I's just perfect! Everything is the way | want it. There is a small rug 2) on / over the floor. My desk is 3) at / between the bookcase and the wardrobe and there is a computer 4) on / ‘over my desk. I've got lots of books 5) in / on my bookcase because | love reading, Well, that’s all for now. Come over soon and see our new house. Your friend, Anmed Guess Where Look at the picture. In teams, hide your favourite CD somewhere in the room. The other team asks questions to find out where it is. Team A: Is it under the table? Team B: No, it isn’t. Team A: Is it ..? etc. e@ Prepositions of Place - Movement - Time Study these prepositional phrases: by car (BUT: in my car) by air {90 to work (BUT: go on holiday) by helicopter (BUT: in ahelicopter) —byship -—_in Athens (BUT: at Athens airport) by train (BUT: on a train) by boat on achair (BUT: in an armchair) by plane (BUT: on a plane) bysea _at the bus stop by taxi (BUT: in a tax) on foot by bus (BUT: on / ina bus) in danger © Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. ft... holiday in the north of Scotland when she Katie is 1) essage from her fiend, Victoria. "Please, return t0 mi ; eae and wait 2) - the lobby for my next i | message. Your life is 3) danger.” Katie is very scared, so she decides to return to the hotel 4) taxi instead of going 6) «--c-ss-+ foot Sheis 6)--vevose- the _- achair when she gets Victoria's hotel lobby siting 7) ; ext message. “Goto your room immediately!” Kate walks uP the stars to her room, When she opens the door, she sees that an armohair laughing. “Surprise! train,” she says. “Happy Birthday!” Victorias sitting 8) .- | just arrived 9) @ Look at the picture and - — complete the email with | ‘Kim! > , eside, in, on, behing, | HO #e You? Heres a picture from my sisters bithday patty, | promised. This is our living room. There is a long table 1) ..eai¢/@.. the wall with lots of food and drinks 2) . it.) .......... ft there isa sign which says "Happy Birthday! next to or above. A BAIAT The two boys standing 4).......... the table wih glassed = PN 5). « their hands are my sisters friends. The girls who) Tae re are dancing 6).......... the middle of the room are our cousins, Jessie and Betty. My sister is wearing her new skirt anda party hat 7).......... her head. Can you see her? My dad is also in the picture. He is standing right 8) ...... and he is holding a present) .......... his hands. What abou you? What do you do on your birthday? Write soon! Elisha Prepositions of Place - Movement - Time @ e Listen and repeat. Then act out. Ihave to be in London at 30 in the evening. How long does it take to fiy there? at 8 o'clock (on Fridays at the moment | on Wednesdays at present on Thursday (days), etc at noon on January 27th (dates) in summer (seasons) | at night ‘on Monday morning in 1992 (years) | at midnight on a cold day in the twentieth century | at the weekend on a summer night a Fill in the gaps with at, on or in. 1 We usually go on holiday ...(7... July. 7 Its hot....... ‘summer. 2 IWscold ........ winter. 8 Heneverwakes up late ........ the morning. 3 lalways haveanap ........ the afternoon. 9 Ihave computer class ........ noon, 4 Mybirthday is ........ October 2nd. 10 We usually don't go out ........ Mondays. 5 She usually sleeps late ........ night 41 It's windy ........ autumn 6 Youssef's party is ..... 4 oclock ...... | 12 Herbirthday is ........ August 2nd. Friday. ® Write at, on or in. Peter likes spending time with his family 1) ....2¢:... the weekend. 2) ......+... Saturday mornings, Peter and his sister go far a walk with their dog. 3) .......... the attemoons, the family usually go to the cinema. Then 4) . about 8 o'clock they go to a restaurant for dinner. §).. ‘Sundays, they get up late. They sometimes go for a drive in the countryside or visit their Grandparents. 6) .......... the evenings, they all watch TV and then they go to bed Weekends are really special for Peter and his family, Aok @ Preposi 10, Fill in the gaps with at, on or in. ns of Place - Movement - Time ns e My e My favourite season is summer because the weather is warm and there's Favourite /somuchyou cando. Seas®n School finishes 1) ..(7.. June, sol can go to bed late 2) ...... rights By Danie! Jones and wake up 3) . . around ten o'clock 4) ........ the mornings. B)lart a0. weekdays, | usually play video games with my brother and 6) ...... the afternoons, | meet my friends at the park near my house. We play football there and we enjoy the beautiful weather, 7) ...... the everings, I take my dog out for a walk and then my family and | watch DVDs. Weekends are always fun 8) ...... summer, 100.9) ...... Salurdays, | always go to the beach with my family and 10) ...... ‘Sundays, | visit my grandparents and spend the day with them. ‘Summers are just perfect! —————_—s«—s =: Speaking Activity In pairs, ask and answer questions to find out about each other's favourite season. Make sure to use the prepositions at, in or on. What / be / your / favourite season? Student A: What is your favourite season? What time / go / to bed / night? ‘Student B: My favourite season is winter. What time / get up / morning? ‘Student A: What time do you usually go to What / do / morning / afternoon / evening? bed at night? What / do / Saturday / Sunday? Student B: I usually go to bed...., etc. Now, write an article about your favourite season. Use Ex. 10 as a model. Make sure to use the prepositions of time. My Favourite Season by........... Progress Check 3 (Units 7-9) / @ Look at the table. First, write about what Ann does on Saturdays. Then write about yourself. v | v | v v v @ Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the present continuous. 1 A: Hey Stacey! Where . A@ YOU. gaing.. | 3. A: What ...........--. (you/eook), Mum? (youlgo)? BoD eccccccececsceeeee (ry) anew recipe. PRION ST PET. (go) to its an Italian dish, the supermerket, Mum cant go today A: Well.t. because she .. (work) © | can't wait to taste it! Sea 4B bec - (go) to the shops now. A: That's a good idea. The fridge .......... canialypin ae (Beyielmost empty. Belavea cesses (Want) to come but | 2 A What..........-.. (you/do) right now? lean't.1. ba ae (need) to | Bid ..seceeeees (Study) for the History test. study for my exams. Aes (you/want) to take A: No problem | ... ~ (smell) delicious break? We can have some tea and then (understand) you can continue. B: OK! That oo... ecco (sound) good ® Look at the picture and fill in the gaps with on, opposite, beside, under, above, in or at. me Ye his desk. . the wall. 1 Dimitris is sitting . ...2% 2 There is a poster . 3 There are some bookshelves . 4 The table is . the door. 5 There is aug . the table. 6 Dimitris is holding a piece of paper . 7 Dimitris’s schoolbag is on the floor . . the small table. his hand. ® Fill in the gaps with on, at or in. 4)... 119... November, my family and | often travel to London for two days to celebrate Bonfire Night, 2) ........ the Sth of November, we usually fly to London Gatwick airport early 3) .... the morning. 4) ......- the afternoon, we have a traditional meal of baked potatoes and toffee apples and) ....... the evening, we gather around the bonfire and watch the fireworks display 6) ..--.-.. midnight, we go to bed. The next day, 7) ........ around 12 o'clock, we visit my aunt and uncle and have a big lunch with them. | love spending Bonfire Night with my family! Progress Check 3 , ® What do these people do on Thursday evenings? Write the questions and answers. eo wa ae hthe | play computer library Mbeladha lt) Cees Wo ‘sometimes never often often sometimes usually 4 Ethan and Jamie / wash the dishes library.on Thureday.evenings?, Yes, Pascoe sa casaunnaean They. uaually, ao.te.the likrary.en. | 5 Lly/ read comics Thursday. eveninge, 2 Lily / go to the library ES BE nce 6 Ethan and Jamie / play computer games 3 Ethan and Jamie / read comics 7. Lily /wash the dishes @ 28) What does Peter do every week? Listen and draw a line from the day to the correct picture. Oh, yesl It was delicious! They were the beet fried eqgs and chips | have tastedl No, they weren't Brat was Past simple of the verb ‘to be’ Affirmative Negative Interrogative | Long form ——Shortform was | was not “wasn't Was |? You were Youwere not You weren't Were you? He was He was not | He wasn't | Was he? She was ‘She was not | She wasn't | Was she? itwas it was not itwasn't ‘Was it? We were We were not We weren't ‘Were we? You were Youwerenot You weren't Were you? They were They were not They weren't | Were they? @ Fill in the gaps with am, is, are, was or were. Dear Diary, ¥ ( My family and!) ..... 4 just back from an amazing holiday in the | Bahamas. We had a great time! The weather 2) .............. fantastic; | ane... . really hot and sunny. My family and | 4) so happy there. I know it 5) -. «+. not that long ago but | : 6. .... already missing the sun and the sea, especially toy) because the weather 7)... ++. cold here. On the other hand, ofcourse, it) ........... nice to be back home with all my friends. Past Simple 40) © Listen and repeat. Then act out. Repeat after me, please. | walked, You walked, He walked .. f | did not stay | You did not stay He did not stay He didn't stay She did not stay She didn't stay | Itdid not stay it didn't stay We did not stay | We didn't stay You did not stay | You didn't stay They did not stay | They didn't stay Spelling etd one stressed vowel + consonant | consonant + y —> double consonant + -ed ASEM rea? || NMEA YR ed like — liked prefer - preferred carry — caniied play - played hate — hated stop - stopped study — studied enjoy ~ enjoyed Questions and short answers Questions I Short answers | Did l/you/he/shefitiwelyoulthey Yes, liyoulhe/she/itiweiyourthey did. | go to the party? No, liyoulhe/she/it)we/you'they didn’t. @ Write the past simple of the following verbs. 4 open ..operied.. | 5 regret po mar cty 13. stay 2 love . 6 quarrel ......... $10 fy see 14 travel 3 plan 7 lop ..eseceevee / 11 arrive . 15 close 4 empty ......... | 8 die wee /12 play .. 116 tidy .. 65 Pronunciation ® LS : | Add -ed to the verbs and put them in the correct column. Listen and check. Listen and repeat. } count arrive close regret push wait laugh kiss hurry watch tob start travel post open look cook add end tidy change ) Boma GQUNEA,. 2... ceeeeeee. | KIBSEA Ppened,. Irregular verbs have a special past form. ® Look at the list of irregular verbs at the back of the book and complete the table. Infinitive | Past 1 ss did 2 leave 3 shine betes became ery] 94-5

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