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1. What is the frequency of operation of Sonar MG 89?
a)20 Khz b)42 Khz
c)( Khz


2. What kinds of power is used in Hoisting Lowering mechanism of

Sonar Dome of SNMs
a) Electrical motor b)Electro hydraulic c)Manual


3. What is the purpose of TEM-3 divertor?

a) To maintain loop b) To maintain depth c)Indicator


4. What is GKT sweep?

a) magnetic sweep b)mechanical sweep


5. What is the length of Feeder cable?

a) 325 m
b)329 m

c) Acoustic sweep

c) 128m


6. What frequency is UWT of Sonar Ushus compatible with?

a) Russian sonars b) NATO frequency c)German Sonars


7. UWT Keltron is compatible with which of following: a)MG 35E

b) GI 732
c)Mg 15


8. Name the Beacon, which has replaced MGS 30 on EKM submarines?

a) SBE 1-06
b) MGS 33
c) DBE 1-08


9. On what pressure does the Sonar Dome HLU locking and unlocking operate on SNMs?
10. What is the maximum permissible current for TEM-3 pulsing?


11. What is the maximum permissible drag on AT-2 sweep?

b)2.7T c)1.5T


12. How many elements does ISMF(fwd) of Sonar Ushus have?

a)52 b)56
c) 28


13. What forms part of IS Aft in Sonar USHUS?

a)IS HF 3&4
b)IS LF, IS MF(aft) & IS HF-4


(c) IS HF-4 & IS LF

14. Which array of Sonar MGK 400 has Active array replaced?
a)1A b)1G


15. What material is dome of UWT made in Sonar Ushus

a)Titanium Gr 2
b)Titanium Gr 5


16. How many cabinets are there in Sonar HUMSA?

a)09 b)08
c) 07


17. Which cabinets of Sonar HUMSA are located in SCR?

a) 08 and 09
b) 07 and 08 c) 1 and 4


18. Where is CCB of Sonar Humsa located?

a) Station 5 b)station 6
c)station 7


19. How many L type JBs are used in Sonar Humsa?

a)05 b) 06
c) 07


20. What is the main power supply for Sonar Humsa onboard SNFs?
a) 440V, 60 Hz b)380V, 50Hz c) 110V, 50Hz


Short Answer Types


Draw the layout diagram of TEM-3 cable?


What is the composition of a Russian AT-2 cable?


550m main cable, 17m inboard pendent, 1.5m outboard pendent


Draw the pin configuration of the composition of Indian origin AT-2 cable


What is the purpose of adapters in Sonar Mg 89?


Describe the modification undertaken on adapters of Sonar Mg 89.


What are the ill effects of using GRP casing in UWT MG 35E?


How will use of SS casing prevent low insulation of Mg 35 transducer?


Describe the process of resleving


What sealants have been recommended for sealing of TEM-3 cable couplings and
what is the procedure?


What is the purpose of BITS in Sonar Mg 89?


What are the pre SATS checks of Sonar Mg 89?


Write down the mandatory checks for Sonar MG 89 in dry docks?

Ans: Insulation checks of transducer and underwater cables and visual inspection of all
under water hydraulic pipelines and cables

Describe the term Splicing?

What is the basic function of the Function generator QT 8200 available in Sonar
PCB repair facility?

What are the components of the Soldering and desoldering station?

Which all Sonars are PCB based?
Ans: Ushus, Humsa, keltron UWT, TOTED, XBT

Describe the special type of connector used in TOTED fish


What are the main components in TOTED system?

Ans: Hydraulic winch, Fish, special UW pressure cables, Main control unit, remote
control units 1&2


What kind of display is used in Sonar USHUS and what are its special features?


Water fall display. It retains the picture for 30 minutes continuously scan after scan


What is the difference between Ushus display and MGK 400 display?


what are the different sources of ambient noise in deep water?


Tides, seismic disturbances, oceanic turbulence, ship traffic, surface waves and
thermal noise.


What is meant by reverbation?


The reradiation of sound is called scattering and the sum total of the scattering
contributions from all the scatterers is called reverbation.


What is the cause of cavitation of transducer?


When power applied to sonar projector is increased, it is found that cavitation

bubbles begin to form on the face of the projector. These bubbles are caused due
to the rupture of water caused by the negative pressures of the generated sound


What is adaptive beam forming?


When a source of noise exists in a certain direction, a null can be placed in the
beam pattern to cancel out that noise. This is adaptive beam forming.


What is shading of transducer?


Shading is a method by which some degree of control can be exercised over the
pattern of an array having some particular geometry.


What types of shadings are possible?


Amplitude shading, binomial shading, phase shading.


What is a super directive array?

Ans: This is an extreme form of shading in which narrow beams may be obtained with
arrays of limited size. In this array, the elements are spaced less that quarter wavelength
apart with the signs of adjacent elements reversed.

What are the different types of transducers ?


magnetostrictive, piezoelectric, electrostrictive.


Explain a magnetostrictive material.

Ans: A magnetostrictive transducer material is one that changes dimensions when

placed in a magnetic field and conversely changes the magnetic field within and around it
when stressed.

Why is ceramic used as the most suitable material for transducer elements?


Due to the property of ceramic to be easily modified into any desirable shape.


Explain piezoelectric transducers.

Ans : Thse transducers acquire charge when placed under pressure and conversely
acquire stress when a voltage is placed across them.

Explain electrostrictive material.

Ans: Electrostrictive material when subjected to high electrostatic field, develop stress
and change its dimensions thus converting electrical energy into sound energy.

Define transmission loss.

Ans: The parameter transmission loss quantitatively describes the weakening of sound
between a point 1 yard distance from the source and a point at a distance in the sea.

Write the equation for transmission loss.

Ans: TL= 10Log I0/I1 where I0 and I1 are intensities at reference point near the source
(1 yard from it) and I1 is intensity at a distant point.

What is absorption loss?

Ans: The conversion of acoustic energy into heat energy during propogation is called
absorption loss.

Draw and explain the typical velocity profile of sound in sea.


What are the different layers of ddep sea which affect velocity of sound?


Surface layer, seasonal thermocline, main thermocline, ddep isothermal layer


What is shadow zone?

Ans: When a negative gradient exists just beneath the sea surface, a shadow is cast by
the surface in the sound field of a shallow source. A shadow zone is produced, in which
the intensity from the source is very low.

What are the various sources of radiated noise?

Ans: There are three different kinds of radiated noise. First is the machinery noise which
comprises that part of the total noise of the vessel caused by the ships machinery. Secon
is the hydrodynamic noise which is the radiated noise originating in the irregular flow of
water past the vessel moving through it and causing noise by a variety of hydrodynamic
processes. The third is the propeller noise caused by the vessels propellers.

What is the usual location of a cavitation meter and why?

Ans: Near the propellers.When a propeller rotates in water, regiosn of low or negative
pressure are created causing physical rupture of water and cavities in the form of minute
bubbles begin to appear . these bubbles collapse a short time later either in the turbulent
stream or up against the propeller itself and in doing so emit a sharp pulse of sound. To
measure this sharp pulse, cavitation meters are used.

1.Describe the following elements in Subunits BY of MG-200, Motor 363 A, LRT Techo
generator AT-231 ?
2.Draw the block diagram of transmitter channel of Sonar HUMSA
3.What are the factors effecting to own Doppler ? How can Doppler Nallification applied
in MGK-335 ?
(Space for diagram)

It serves to obtain the voltage changing in accordance with the linear low from the
angle of the rotor turn within the limits of +60* with respect to true zero. This is achieved
through the connection of the rotary transformer windings in a circuit shown in figure.
(Space for diagram)

It is generating a voltage provitional to the speed of the rotor rotation. this is

manufactured in the form of a two phase machine with a thin walled rotor made of a nonmagnetic material. Excitation winding 1 and 4 is placed on the stator and is supplied
from the mains of 110V/427c/s, winding 2-3 positioned normally to the equation winding
is arranged on the stator core placed in side the rotor. With the rotation of rotor, an EMF
is induced across the winding which is proportional to the rotor angular speed with a
high degree accuracy

oscillator. Sub units BK-1 and BK-2, which are ODN for all the operating frequencies in
BK-1 and BK-2, we have CKBT's. The input to CKBT is 600 Hz and for normal
radiation ship is stationery. We get 2 to 3 V supply for CKBT. So it gives output 600Hz.
But when the ship is moving due to log signal we get some
2.Draw the circuit diagram and explain how four groups of accoustic system are
connected to the three channel amplifier of MG-200 system ?
Explain with a radiation pattern operation of Sonar MGK-335 in Long Range Search
(LRS) ?

Ans: Four groups of accoustic system...........

During the reception of the noise and echo signals the accoustic sections are
connected into the respective reception groups by means of the input transformer of
three channel amplifier.
When determining the direction of the noise source in the horizontal plane, reception
group I is made up of sections 1 & 3,reception group II made up of sections 2 & 4, in
vertical plane reception group I is made up of section 1 & 2 and group II made up of
sections 3 & 4.
(space for diagram)
During the radiation in the echo ranging mode all the sections are parallely
connected and it is connected to the generator output.

3. Explain YCP-5 Magnetic amplifier amplifier with the help of block diagram and write
its specification ?
Explain the function of MGK-335 transducer ? How the groups are devided ? Explain
with the help of diagram ? explain the operation of Sonar MGK-335 in range
measurement mode with Automatic target tracking ?
Ans: YCP-5 Magnetic Amplifier........
(space for diagram)

Magnetic amplifier YCP-5 is designed to amplifie the control signals in voltage and
power to the valve required to control the ADP 363A motor which is fitted in the Unit-21A.
The magnetic amplfier consists of the following main assemblies.
a) Four Magnetic amplifying stages intended to amplify the voltage of control signals.
The 1st and 2nd stages are supplied with the control signals and the output of the
4th stage is connected to the control winding of actuating motor ADP-363A.
b) Phase sensitive rectifier intended for phase sensitive rectifications of the output
c) Correcting circuit ensuring a stable operations of the follow up system which includes
the amplifier.
d) Power supply transformer designed to reduce the supply voltage from 220V to 40V to
feed second, third stages and to 10V to feed 1st stage.
Basic specifications of Magnetic Amplifier YCP-5:
1) The amplifier input resistance for the Main input is not less than 10K ohms.
2) The output power consumption at the maximum control signal during operation of the
motor is 220VA.
3) Power consumption from in main at the maximum output is 270VA. and in the absence
of control signal not more than 100VA.
4) The maximum gain factor is 100
5) The amplifier time constant is about msec.
6) The amplifier has two adjusting potentiometers BALANCE and FEED BACK.

3 (c) Ans: Function of Sonar MGK-335

It is used to convert electrical energy into sound energy and vice versa. The
transducer used is of piezo ceramic material. There is a coating of barium titanate on
top of staves. There are total 36 in nos staves. In each stave have 12 nos elements of
piezo ceramic material, so total 432 No.s piezo ceramic rods. Each stave is having 4
groups. Each group is contain piezo ceramic rods. It is a solid cylindrical metal
casing one metre in diameter and one metre in hight.
(space for diagram)

Range measurement Mode: The range measurement mode is intended for measuring
the range to a target producing noise after determination of its azimuth by radiating a
main pulse in the direction to the target.
This mode is a combination of S1; ATT and T
II modes, in the RM mode a train of pulses is radiated in the direction to the target.
The radiation programme corresponds to the T II mode. The difference between RM
and T II modes is that after the radiation reception cycle. The cycle is not repeated any
more. If the RM button is depressed the system should bring back to the ATT mode. By
depressing the ATT button then the repeated range measurement can be performed by
depressing the RM button. The range recorder as the indicator in the RM mode.
4.Explain the control circuit for sector search and slowrate of of acoustic system of
MG-200 ?
What are the factors effecting the own Doppler ? How can Doppler Nallification applied
in MGK-335 ?

Ans: Control circuit for sector search.....

The sector search mode is intended to provide the search for a target is relative
bearing with in a sector of 30* to 290*. The sector direction varying with in the limits of 0
to 135* both port and star board side.
The circuit ensures a smooth change of search rate from 0 to 15*/sec this ensures
the phase and amplitude of the control signal.
This comprises the following
elements: Mechanical structor which allow for the setting of the sector width equal to 30290 and orientation of the sector direction within the limits of 0-135* both port and
starboard with the help of moving electronic contacts. The sector width is set by
adjusting the electric contacts.
The pointer contact secured to the axle of the
receiving selsyn is moving within the limits of the adjustable sector. The selsyn is
designed to control the operation of the sector search mechanism and is electrically
connected to the
Two relays ref.7 and 8 are switch over the phase of the sector
search controls when the accoustic system approaches the boundary of the pre-set
One relay ref.12 for the removing of control signals from search When
depressing switch slowing. Switch slewing ref.15 is designed to slow the accoustic
system at a rate of not less than 18*/sec in the required directions.

A relay ref.64 removal of control signal slewing from the input of main system with
the approach of the accoustic system to the boundary of the pre-set selector and with
switch slewing depressed.
Three potentio meters are given to provide for setting the
maximum search rate, smooth operation of search rate control signal and to set the
slewing rate.
4(c) Ans: Factors effecting the doppler...
The factors effecting the doppler are
1. Own ships speed
2. Tilt of beam
3. Transmission sector
4. Velocity of sound
When the ship is stationary we are able to transmit the actual operating frequencies
f1,f2,f3,f4,f5 and f6 of the system. When the ship is moving, frequencies f1 to f6
changes due to ships speed. Since our receivers of sonar MGK-335 are tuned only the
actual operating frequencies (f1 to f6). When the ship is moving we get the log signal
that comes to the device 2 master oscillator. Sub uits BK-1 and BK-2, which are ODN
for all the operating frequencies in BK-1 and BK-2, we have CKBT's. The input to
CKBT is 600 c/s and for normal radiation ship is stationary. We get 2 to 3 V supply for
CKBT. So it gives output 600c/s. But when the ship is moving due to log signal we get
some exitation voltage for CKBT depending on the speed. So it gives output 600 c/s
doppler frequency. To nullify doppler the exitation supply is applied to CKBT which
produced by log signal it changes to the speed of CKBT hence the frequency is changed.

5. Write the purpose and main Technical data of MG-200?

Ans:Purpose and technical data of MG-200:
The Sonar MG-200 is designed for:
a) Detection of Noise creating targets with in a sector of +145* with determination of
relative bearing.
b) Automatic tracking of selected noise creating targets in relative bearing.
c) Measurement of range to the tracked target in the echo ranging mode.
d) Transmission of target angle data to the torpedo fire control system.
e) Rotation of the accoustic system in vertical plane with in the sector of +10* relative
to the deck plane.
f) Detection and Tracking of Target in Sound listening mode 0-90 cables.
g) Detection of Target Range in echo ranging mode 35 to 40 cables.
h) Operating frequency range of the system 3 to 18 Kc/s.
i) Mean error of target angle data while carrying out ATT-0.2*.
j) Maximum error of the target angle in echo ranging mode not exceed 0.8*.

The Sonar system is supplied from the AC Mains of :

127 V +5% 50c/s +3%
220 V +2% 400/427/500c/s
170 V to 320 V DC
k) Noise level of the Rx channel not more than 0.25 micro volt.
l) The attenuation of echo signals reception at the Telephone output.
a) The working frequency of pulse generator 14.7 +04% and the wave form nearly
b) Power output of pulse generator not less than 5 KW.
c) Pulse width -------- 20m/sec +10% ; 60m/sec +10%
d) Pulse delay for----- 20m/sec -----2db; 60m/sec -----4db.
Time for one cycle of circular time base on the Main indicator - 907 +0.18 sec.
Turning of accoustic system in the horizontal plane +145* each side.
Turning of accoustic system in the vertical plane - 10*. Maximum speed of accoustic
system in search mode
Sensitivity of the accoustic system in the 3rd frequency band not less than - 20
micro volt cm2/dyne.
Directivity pattern of the Transducer in the received mode -6* to 8* at 0.7 level.
Directivity pattern in the radiation mode at 0.7 level - 5* to 7*.
Power consumption of the Sonar system:
127 V to 50 c/s 1500 VA
220 V 500 c/s 1000 VA
170 to 320 V DC - 1500 W
The Sonar system can operate continuously - 96 Hrs.
system operation - Four minutes.

Time required to make the

6.Draw the block diagram of Audio channel in SL mode of MG-200 and explain briefly ?
Ans: Audio Channel in SL mode of MG-200..
(space for diagram)

The noise signals arriving at the accoustic system are converted by the letter into
electric oscillations and via the switch gears unit 13A and 13 are applied to input
transformers 1 of the three channel amplifier.
In the sum channel transformer the noise voltages are added and in the difference
channel transformer the noise voltages are sub-tracted. The sum and the differece
voltages shifted by 90* with respect to each other are amplified and converted by the
receiving channel of the Sonar system. The noise voltages developed at the secondary
windings of the input sum and difference transformers pass through three identical
channels (two difference and sum channel) of YC. The noise signal is an amplified and
mixed with local oscillator frequency (64.5 to 74.5). Then output of mixer (59+ 2.5KHz)
is fed to the phase shift produced by the input transformers of the three channel amplifier.
From the output of the sum channel of the YC noise voltage with in the frequency
band of 56.5 to 61.5 KHz is applied to sub-unit YC-1 (channel seperates amplifier). The
signal voltage amplified, mixed with the local oscillator frequency (62.5 KHz) and
converted to AF (1-4 KHz). AF frequency signal voltage, through band pass filter
(frequency band of 1 to 4 KHz) and amplifying stage is applied to power amplifier in
YC-1. The output from power amplifier in YC-1 is fed to the loud speaker in unit 19A and
head phones.

7.Draw the block diagram and explain the passage of control signal in Automatic
target tracking in relative bearing (KY) of MG-200 ?
Ans: Automatic target tracking in relative bearing(KY)
(space for diagram)

In MG-200 sonar set, the automatic tracking of the target in bearing, the control signal
for the GCP drive is essentially a DC voltage arriving from the output of the phase
sensitive detector of the horizontal channle of sub unit YC1. this will arrive when
the set is in sound listening mode of operation, the output signal of the phase sensitive
detector of the horizontal channel of sub unit YC1 is applied to the inputs of the OKY
and BKY magnetic amplifer of unit-8.
The control signal arriving at the BKY magnetic
amplifier, is amplified and luminous line is fixed on the indicator scale and corresponds
to the direction of the signal arrives
One and the same principle is used with the
determination of direction, the characteristics of filters of the frequency meter carry out
the same functions that the directivity patterns of the accoustical system carry out. In the
regime of the frequency determination, the four filters of the frequency meter,

embracing the operating frequency range, are included in the amplifier channels, so that
the signal coming from any direction, arrives at inputs of all filters. Each filter has a
characteristic, the wave form of which is close to the sinusoidal (half period). The
indicator tube is furnished by an which the measuring frequencies are read off.

8.What is the purpose of unit-21A of MG 200 and explain what are the components
used ?
Ans: Unit 21A purpose..
The Unit 21 A is designed to control the relative bearing and elevation hydromotors
and is essentially a tank for suplying the hydraulic drive with the working liquid.
slide valve consisting of:
a) Two in No. Slide valves are to control the liquid flow from pump to the Ky and YH
hydromotors as well as for discharging the liquid from hydromotors.
b) Motors ADP-363A with two in capacitor serves as to operate the slide valve.
c) Two in No. Tachometer generator AT-231 for stabilising the follow-up system in KY
and YH.
d) Motor ADP-123B with capacitor is designed to ensure vibration of KY slide valve
in the manual and automatic target tracing mode.
e) Pressure relay in intended for indicating drop of pressure in the hydraulic
system below the required limit.
f) Pressure gauge MT-60 is designed to idicate pressure in the hydraulic pipe lines.
g) Filters are ment for to filter the working liquid.

9. Explain the function of three channel amplifier of MG 200?

Ans: The function of Three channel amplifier..
The three channel amplifier consists of Three identical channels employing a
super heterodyne circuit with local oscillator common to all the channels. The gain
factor of the channels is 1 * 102102102 times.

In the input transformer of the sum-channel all the inputs are summed up from the
four sections. In the difference channel of the horizontal route the sum of signals
comming from group 2 and 4 is sub-tracted from the sum of signals arriving from one
and three of transducer.
The output at the secondary winding of the input transformer are always shifted in 90*
phase shift with respect to the sum-channel. These outputs are feeding to the RC
amplifier stage and a band pass filter of low and upper frequency limits of the
operating frequency range, then it is going to the attenuator, which ensures gain control
of each channel by 60*+3db in steps of 6*+1db, then this signal is amplified by
resistance coupled amplifier. The output of the amplifier is fed to the mixer. The mixer is
consisting of bridge diode, converter. The mixer is supplied with signal voltage with a
frequency of 64.5 to 74.5KHz to all channels. For the normal operation of the circuit it is
necessary that the frequency and amplitude of the local oscillator voltage be higher
than those the signal voltage. The output of the mixer then fed to the band filter which is
56.5 - 61.5 KHz with central frequency of 59 KHz the output of band filter is fed to the
Phase shifting stage, this stage provides for the respective shift of the voltage phaser.
This signal is amplified by two resistors coupled stages. The final stage serves as a
cathode follower the linearity of the amplifier at its output is up to 12V. The out put is fed
to YC-1, NE and monitoring jacks of sum and difference channel gains.
10.Draw the block diagram of MG-200 and explain ?

Ans: MG-200
( space for diagram )
The interaction of Sonar MG-200 is as follows:

Listening Mode:
1. The following units operating in the listening mode.Unit-I, Unit-13, Unit-13A, Unit-4,
Unit-8, Unit-21A, Unit-23 and Unit-19.
In this mode the noise signal received and converted in to electric oscillations by
accoustic system is fed via Units-13A and 13 to YC of Unit-4.
The noise signal is amplified and converted in sub unit-YC of Unit-4. There upon it
is supplied to the sub-unit NE to the cathode ray target indicator KY and YN and sub-unit

YC1 to the sound channel of sub unit YC-1, the Audio frequency signals goes to the loud
speaker(19A) and Head phone.
4. The output of the phase sensitive detector of sub unit YC is fed to the sub unit NE to
the cathode ray target indicators for target mark during searching of noise creating
targets. The unit-8 magnetic amplifier is to control the electro hydraulic follow up drive
system druing automatic tracking of the target.
5. Echo Ranging Mode:
During radiation of a signal the following units and sub units will operate that is Unit22, 22A, 13A, 13 sub unit NE of Unit-4 or Unit-7 and sub unit PN of Unit-1 and during
reception of echo signals the following units will operate. The pulse transmission is
controlled either from Unit-7 or from sub unit NE of Unit-4. High voltage to generator
unit is supplied from unit 22 and 22A. In the course of radiation the electric pulses
shaped in sub unit GN and arrives at sub unit YC of Unit-2 where it is amplified and
fed to the accoustic system through the contacts of relays of Unit-13A. The pulse
transmission occurs after the accoustic system has been precisely directed towards the
target during the automatic tracking.
6. During the reception of echo signals the following units and sub units operate in the
system. That is accoustic system sub unit PN of Unit-1, Units 13A, 13, 4, 7, 19A and Head
7. The echo signal is received by the accoustic system in the same way and the noise
signal, after amplification. Sub unit YC of Unit-4 the signal applied to the YC-1. From the
output of YC-1 the signal is fed to the loud speakers, head phones, as well as sub unit YC
and range recorder unit-7.

11.Write the principle of phase differance method of direction finding of MG 200 ?

Ans: Principle of Phase difference method..
This method is used for visual determination of target bearing with the
comparison of maximum method of direction finding. It provides greater accuracy and
visual display of direction finding.
In the phase difference method the signals from the

receiver of the direction finding system are applied to the device where the signals
geometrically added and substracted.
(space for diagram)

Since the amplitudes of these signals are equal after their geometrically adding and
substracting the sum signal (CC) will always be shifted in phase with respect to the
difference signal (CP) by the angle +90* depending on the direction of the target (Right
or Left from the base)
Then the difference signal is additionally shifted in phase by 90*
more with respect to sum signal. As a result depending upon the arriving sound signals
the sum and difference signals either coincide or shifted in phase by 180*.
The sum
signal is applied to the vertical difflection plates and the difference signal is applied to
the horizontal difflection plates of the CRT. In this case the CRT screen
indicates a straight vertical line inclined to the right or left depending on the phase shift of
the received signals 0* or 180*. In this case if you rotate the base (C1 C2) towards the
side inclination therefore no signal at the output of coincidence circuit. This means the
what ever the oscillations received from the receivers are independent not correlated.
(space for diagram)

14.Write the purpose of two channel compensator in mg 10M and explain with the help of
block diagram ?
Ans: Purpose of two channel compensator..
The two channel compensator is designed for compensation of time difference at
which the sound oscillation arrive at various receivers of the accoustic system working
sector and for obtaining two groups of receivers to perform the phase method of
direction finding.
(space for diagram)

The signal for all 132 receivers after amplification by pre-amplifiers are applied to the
starter halves of the commutation transformers. the signals from the induction type
commutator are applied to two groups of identical deleing lines. Where which converts
electrically there courvelinear system to rectilinear system and simultaneously forms two
channels out of this system .
The delay circuit of the compensator consists mid shunt
low frequency filters (L,C and R) curcyut wgucg delays the signals passing through the
circuit. The duration of the delay depends up on the signal arrives at various receivers at
different times or to the compensator inputs. the drive sub unit performs to rotate the
two channel compensator rotor with the aim of turning the directivity characteristics of the
accoustic system when the system operates.

15. Explain the working of Phase sensitivity detector of MG 10M ?

Draw the simple block diagram and explain how screengrid supply to final amplifiers of
MG-312 transmitter ?
Ans: Working of Phase sensitivity.
The phase sensitive detector comes in MG-10M during automatic target tracking
mode of operation. This circuit serves for converting the alternating voltage
of difference channel in to direct voltage whose value is proportional to the value of
the difference channel voltage. This voltage is error voltage of the follow-up system two
channel compensator rotor in bearing. It controls the rotation of the compensator in
automatic mode of operation.
The reference voltage for the phase sensitive detector
is taken from sum channel. Both reference voltages from sum and difference channels
and detected voltage from difference channel are applied to the phase sensitive detector
through transformers. The diodes phase sensitive is applied to the diodes in the
forward direction. When the difference signal is nil the output of phase sensitive
detector will be equal to zero. When the difference signalis present, the of the psd will
be disturbed, as a result the DC voltage at the output of PSD will appear the direct
voltage from the output of phase sensitive is applied to the sub unit BY where it is
applied to the two channel drive control circuit. 15 (b) Ans: Screen grid supply to final
(space for diagram)

16.Expalin the procedure for general sensitivity of MG-10M

Draw the block diagram of temparature servo system of XBT and explain its operation ?
Explain the purpose of MG-89 Sonar and its Technical characteristics ?

Ans: Procedure for checking of general sensitivity MG-10M

The general sensitivity of the station in the mode super betrodyne amplification in
the frequency range of 5 to 9 Kc/s should be not less than 10V cm2/dyne.
Sensitivity of bearing rate indicator in the range IA should not less than 500 mm
The following test equipment are required for carry out sensitivity:
1. WGY- Noise radious generator with 6 -12 Kc/s Frequency
2. Hydrophone
3. Milli Volt meter B3-38
To carry out sensitivity checks the submarine is to be turned away from the jetty
trimmed and there should be open water on both sides of the submarine in the vicinity of
the accoustic system should be not less than 3 meters.
The projector of the noise generator WGY is to be immersed in water from a boat,
motor from the bow of the submarine to the centre of the accoustic system. the distance
of the oscillator from the centre of the accoustic system should be not less than 12.5
meters. Switch on noise generator a voltage to the projector at which the accoustic
pressure at the centre of the accoustic system is equal to 7 dyne/cm2. the radiation
should be in the bond of 5 to 11 Kc/s.
In order to determine the general sensitivity of the station proceed as follows.
Switch on the system connect milli voltmeter to the telephone jacks of sub unit
BY. Set the controls to the following positions. Two channel amplifier range switch
to position II sound- SHA switch to SHA position super hetrodyne amplifier tuning.
Position to division 5 in sub unit BY volume knob to the extreme clockwise position.
Determine the direction of the projector by manual mode and switch on automatic. In
this case the "GAIN" switch should be such a position at which the length of the trace in
BRI indicates form 1/3 to 2/3 of the screen height measure the length of line in BRI
Then change the selector swith gain to such a position at which the voltage
across telephone jacks between 0.3 V to 0.6V. Note the reading. the sensitivity of the set
in the super-het mode is determined by the formula.

= ................

Where V= The output voltage across telephone jacks

P= The accoustic pressure at the centre of the accoustic

system in Dynes/an2

SHA= Is the position of gain switch

The sensitivity of the BRI is caliculated by the formula.
BRI = L/P * 2...........
Where L= Length of the trace obtained in BRI
P= Accoustic pressure developed at the accoustic system
NBRI = Gain switch position in BY.

16 (b) Ans: Temperature servo system of XBT

The temperature servo consists of the following:
a) Servo amplifier
b) Servo motor
c) Stylus

d)Gear reduction

e) Servo

OPERATION: The output from the bridge circuit is fed to the input of servo amplifier,
the signal is converted to a 60 c/s square wave. Filtered, phase shifted and amplified
by servo amplifier and fed to the servo motor. the servo motor shaft is connected to the
stylus through a warm gear reducer and a drive wire. the servo motor is a two phase
motor. The reference winding connected to primary power and the control winding to the
servo amplifier output. The required 90* phase shift is generated by the servo
amplifier and its direction is depend upon the polarity of the error signal. If the probe
thermistor is higher as the temperature indicated by the stylus. the error signal is
positive and the amplifier output lags the reference signal by approximately 90*. This lag
drives the stylus towards the high temperature and if the thermistor temperature is lower
as the indication. the servo amplifier output leads the reference winding signal by
90* and the servo motor rotates in the proper direction to drive the stylus towards
the low temperature end of the scale. the servo potentiometer shaft is connected to the
low speed side of the worm gear reducer. the servo potentiometer produces a voltage
proportional to stylus position. It is energised by the same source that supplied the
reference voltage to the bridge circuit. The stylus is connected to low speed side of the
reducer through a fine stainless steel wire and is guided across the chart paper on
steel rails. the stylus assembly also carries a pointer to display temperature against the
indicator strip.
16(c) Ans: Purpose of MG-89
The purpose of MG-89 sonar is designed for search and detect Anchored/bottom

1. The Sonar provides a means for detection of anchored mines with an error factor of
0.8 for anchored mines and with an error of 0.6 to 0.8 for bottom mines at an sea depth of
150 mls, with a speed of 10 to 14 K nots.
2. The detection of co-ordinance of anchored mines and bottom mines with a mean
square error 1.5% in range scale and 1.5* in bearing.
3. The search sector for one operating cycle in horozontal plane is 57* + 3* and beam
pattern of a pressure level of 0.7 and 9* + 1*.
4 Training and tilting at a range of +60* and +5* to -55*.
5. Continuous operation of 96 hrs.
6. The main operating voltage 380V 3O 50 Hz.
7. Power consumption of Sonar MG-89 is 11.8 KW from ship mains.
8. Pulse width of 4 msec and 2 msec with frequency of 41 KHz.
9. Consisting of 54 db auto gain control.
10. Electrically connected with vertical gyro and gyro compass.
11. Range selection scale of 500 mts, 4000 mts and 2000 mts and a selection pass band
of 2 KHz or 5.5 KHz
12. Provided with self performance checks to detect units.

17.What are the subunits of unit 4 and write the purpose of each subunit of MG- 10M ?
Draw a functional diagram of a chart drive system of XBT and explain its operation ?
Explain briefly the function of Unit 4 with its block of Sonar MG-89 ?
Ans:Different sub units of Unit-4
The Unit-4 consists of :
1) Two channel amplifier YC-2
2) Indicator Unit
3) Control sub unit
4) Compensator sub unit KM
YC-2: The sub unit YC-2 is the basic amplifier of the phase difference and maximum
directon finding routs and also it accomodate phase sensitive detector for Auto tracking
The sub unit EA is for visual observation of all noise producing targets bearing
by circular and sector search route with in the coverage area of the station, apart from
this ATT mark on the screen also indicates observed targets bearing which is
automatically/manually tracked by the system

BY: The sub unit BY is designed for controlling the operation of

1.Phase difference direction finding
2.Automatic target tracking
3.Listening and maximum method of direction and feeding data
to TFCS.
17 (b) Ans: Chart drive system of XBT...
The chart drive of XBT consists of :
a) A chrona metric timing motor
b) A spur gear speed reducer
c) A drive roll with spocket for moving the chart paper.
d) A cam operated micro switch for sensing the paper position.
During the reload mode, the chart drive is stopped and the cam gear has closed
(cam gear driven by a speed reducer) the micro switch. When the reducer enters the
check/run mode the chart drive operates until the micro switch opens the recorder is
triggered into launch mode and the chart drive stops. When the recorder is triggered into
launch mode and the chart drive stops. When the recorder into the measure mode by a
probe enter into water. The chart drive stylus and operates for 88 sec. When the cam
gear closes the micro switch the recorder is advanced to the reload mode and chart drive
17 (c) Ans: Function of Unit-4 with MG-89:
Device unit-4 is intended for visual indication of the received echo signals,
determination of the target co ordinate and remote control of the transducer in relative
bearing and elevation besides, the device produces the pulses used to synchronise
the operation at the sonar.
Device 4 is incorporates the following units :
1. Synchronising and Sweep shaping (CH)
2. Electronic ray indication (EA)
3. Control unit (BY)
4. Co ordinate converter (PK-1)
CH: The synchronising and shaping unit is used to generate the ranges sweep voltage
range and line sweep retrace blanking pulses, electronic cursor blanking pulses, line
sweep triggr for units EA of unit-4 and EA-1 of unit-6 and sonar generate trigger pulses.

EA: Unit EA is designed for visual presentation of received echo signals and
determination of the target co ordinates(bearing and range) is consists of the following
units. KB, YC-13 and YC-4. The unit KB is channel shaping circuit. The YC=13 is the
range sweep para phase amplifier and YC-4 is channel fly over blanking pulse amplifier.
BY: Unit BY consists the components of the electric co ordinates converter which makes
part of the sonar transducer servo drive and stabilisation system. The control of
transducer position, control of pump unit. High voltage activation in device 2-1, 2-II and
2-III. Range band selection and the main amplifier manual gain control will be controllled
from control unit.PK-1: The PK-1 is a coordinate converter unit comprises four scale
synchro resolves, which are used to match voltage magnetides in the parallel lines
of the electric co ordinates converter circuit apart from SSR's the PK-1 accomodates
same transformer also to supply 40 V 427 Hz, 26 V 427 Hz and 110 V 50 Hz respectively.
BP-5: BP-5 is a power supply unit produces the power supply voltage of +300 V, -150
V and +150 V.

18.Explain the working principle of Coincidence circuit of MG-10M ?

Explain briefly the function of unit 4 with its blocks of Sonar MG-89 ?
Ans: Working principle of Coincidence circuit of MG-10M
This is used in MG-10M correlation method of direction finding. The coincidence
circuit should produce the output signal only when the signals are simultaneously
present at the inputs of all channels when they are coincide in time. If there is no
signal at the input of coincidence circuit should not produce any signal. This circuit
consists of Two six-channel coincidence stages. One of the stage is designed to select
the +ve half periods of pulses arriving from the amplifier limits and second stage serves
for selecting the negative half period of the pulses arriving from amplifier limits.
The coincidence stages are designed as a parallel diode circuit whose operates is
depends up on the drectifier properties of diodes.
The principle of operation of the two channel coincidence stage is shown in fig.
(space for diagram)

When there is no signal at the input of the stage, diodes D1 and D2 are made
conductive by supply source E.
If positive pulses V1 and V2 a resultant pulse of V1-V2
will act between the cathodes of the diodes. the +ve polarity of this pulse will be applied

to the cathode of D1.

The CP unit also ensures the adjustment and calibration of
correlater by switching an toggle switches provided in CP unit it self.
Since the diode D1 is connected in opposite direction for this pulses while the D2 is
connected direct direction. As a result this pulse will cut off diode D1, while diode D2
will remain conductive. As the resistance of the conductive diode is low, the voltage at
the anode of diode D2 with respective to the chasis will insignificantly differ for voltage at
its cathode with respective to the chasis which is equal to V2.
In the same way if that V2 greater than V1 and with an amplitude of V1 will
appear at the output of the stage under consideration.
18 (b) Ans: Function of Unit-4 with MG-89:
Device unit-4 is intended for visual indication of the received echo signals,
determination of the target co ordinate and remote control of the transducer in relative
bearing and elevation besides, the device produces the pulses used to synchronise
the operation at the sonar.
Device 4 is incorporates the following units :
1. Synchronising and Sweep shaping (CH)
2. Electronic ray indication (EA)
3. Control unit (BY)
4. Co ordinate converter (PK-1)
CH: The synchronising and shaping unit is used to generate the ranges sweep voltage
range and line sweep retrace blanking pulses, electronic cursor blanking pulses, line
sweep triggr for units EA of unit-4 and EA-1 of unit-6 and sonar generate trigger pulses.
EA: Unit EA is designed for visual presentation of received echo signals and
determination of the target co ordinates(bearing and range) is consists of the following
units. KB, YC-13 and YC-4. The unit KB is channel shaping circuit. The YC=13 is the
range sweep para phase amplifier and YC-4 is channel fly over blanking pulse amplifier.
BY: Unit BY consists the components of the electric co ordinates converter which makes
part of the sonar transducer servo drive and stabilisation system. The control of
transducer position, control of pump unit. High voltage activation in device 2-1, 2-II and
2-III. Range band selection and the main amplifier manual gain control will be controllled
from control unit.
PK-1: The PK-1 is a coordinate converter unit comprises four scale synchro resolves,
which are used to match voltage magnetides in the parallel lines of the electric co
ordinates converter circuit apart from SSR's the PK-1 accomodates same transformer
also to supply 40 V 427 Hz, 26 V 427 Hz and 110 V 50 Hz respectively.

BP-5: BP-5 is a power supply unit produces the power supply voltage of +300 V, -150
V and +150 V.

19.Expain in what principle distance measurement is carried out in MG 15 ?

Explain function of MG-89 Device 13 with its blocks ?
Ans: Principle of distance measurement in MG-15:
The distance measurement is based on the principle of the automatic signal retransmission.
This type of operation is carried out by two frequencies that is F1 and F2.
The interrogation signal is sent at F1 frequencies. The signal duration is 1.255 sec.
After communication is set up the function switch at interrogating ship is set to
distance interogation "Position" at responder the switch is set to Distance-Response
position. On the interogating ship the "Measuring Button is pressed to form F1
frequency by doing so the interrogation signals is transmitted through transducer, at the
same time distance indicator comes into operation.
The signal picked up by the responder according to the F1 1.25sec duration
automatically after amplification and selection switches on the generator and response
signal of F2 frequency is transmitted through accoustic system automatically. The
received response signal after the amplification and selection according to the F2
frequency and duration 1 second stops the distance indicator. The time is proportion to
the distance in cables.

19 (b) Ans: Device 13 of MG-89:

Device 13 is a trans receive switch used in conjunction with the pre amplifiers to
transfer the transducer from transmission to reception and to pre amplify the received
The device 13 consists of following sub blocks: 36 in No. of pre amplifiers YC,
YK-5 and YK-6 switching units of built in test systems and unit BP power supply unit.
Unit YC: Unit Yc incorporates the transmit switch selection and the preamplifier. Each
of transmit switch selection provides connection of the one selection of transducer to its
output of one of the generator channels during reception.
The pre amplifier designed
for direct amplification of the signals connecting from the transducer selection to a
value required for normal operation of the susequent system of the receiver.

Unit YK-5 and YK-6: The switching units YK-5 and YK-6 of the built in test system
includes the type of step selector switch K1 used for connection of output of the 36
generator channels to device 24 and output of the pre amplifiers to device 24.
Unit Bp: Which supplies the power to energise the pre amplifier tubes.

20.Draw the block diagram of Distance integration channel of

function ?

MG-15 ? Explain its

Ans: Distance integration channel.....

(space for diagram)

To find out the distance between two submarines in the interogation ship, the
function switch should be
distance "interrogation" position and in responder the
function switch on at "Distance response" position.,
The distance measuring requires
the joint operation of both receiving and transmission channels. By pressing the
"Measuring" push button switches on the trigger circuit a negative trigger pulses is
formed and passes to the delay circuit. Where the two second duration pulse formed.
The joints these pulses are differentiated. the leading edge of the pulse switches on
the operating pulse forming circuit. 1.125 sec positive pulse formes at the out put of the
pulse forming circuit which energiges the sleve relay. In so doing through one of the
contacts of relay the controls voltage applied to the generator driving stage and AGE
circuit. At the same time through other contacts of the relay R/T relay switched on, the
accoustic system is connected to the generator. Now the pulse voltage of the F1
frequency after power amplification is fed to transducers where it is converted and sent
as an accoustic interogation signals. The trailing ednge of the 2 sec pulse is differentiated
and switches on the electron relay. This relay connect the distance indicator through the
time mark generator from this movement the indicator distance reading.
transmission time the pre amplifier in put is shorted to prevent power full signal enterence

in the amplifier input. Besides that the negative voltage from the anti clutter gain
control )ACGC) is applied to the pre amplifier in put to keep the pre amplifier cut off. After
transmission over the accoustic system is connected to the pre amplifier input, in the
same time by ASCGE reduces gradually and the amplification co-efficient increases to
its normal value. The received response signal (F2 frequency) after amplification
and selection passes to the DI detector. The detector output of one second duration
negative pulse passes to the selector clipper. The selector clipper out put controls the
electron relay. Then pulse counter is switched off and the distance is read off.
20(b) Ans: YC-1A
( space for diagram )

YC1A is having two modes of operations. That is mode I and mode II. Operation in
Mode II:The mode II operation consists of double frequency converting network. When
the mode switch is put to mode II relay 1 de-energises and the output of sum channel of
YC 1 at 11 KHz +80 is fed to the mixer 3. The mixer 3 is also fed with 4.5 KHz from the
crystal oscillator. The mixer produces frequency voltages at various algebrical sums of
IF and 4.5 KHz out of these the filter and tuned plate amplifier selects IF + 4.5 KHz
i.e., 11 KHz + of + 4.5 KHz = 15.5 KHz + fo. This voltage is fed to the mixer 1 and 2.
Mixer 1 and 2 are also fed it the signal voltage from the sum and difference channels of
YC1 at 11KHz + fo. The output of the mixer 1 and 2 +15.5 KHz + fo (11 KHz + fo)=4.5
KHz is selected by the filters. The output from the filter is given to the mixer.
21.Explain the function of MG-23 with the help of block diagram ?
Ans: The function of MG-23..
(space for diagram)

DESCRIPTION: MG-23 equipment will permit measurements of sound velocity range

from 1400 to 1550 meters/sec and will read the depth upto 400 meters, with automatic
data logging on recording paper )the graph on recording paper will show sould velocity
versus depth in recorder unit)
Sound velocity measurements are based on the principal of comparing the phases
of accoustic oscillations taken at two points spaced at a fixed distance from one
another in the direction of sound wave propagation.
Depth measurements taken on the principal of measuring the hydrostatic pressure
and converting into electrical signals.
Metering pannel Unit 4 transmitting section
produces high frequency oscillations and sending them to the transducer (Unit1) radiator
part. And receiving section receive signal from receiving part of transducer array.
10KHz signals from both transmitting and receiving section are applied to the 1st and
2nd channels of Phase metering Net work. Resultant flip-flop out put is fed to milli
ammeter in Unit-4, and to the sound velocity channel in Unit-7, for depth readings.
Sea water pressure is applied to the Depth sensor (Unit-3) monometric pipe which is
electrically coupled. Hydrostatic pressure converted into electrical signals in sensor
assembly and amplified in amplifier assembly and applied to the Depth channel of Unit-7,
for depth readings.
Unit-7 recorder's sound velocity channel amplifier (SU YC) out put
and Depth channel amplifier (SU YC1) out put are applied to the recorder mechanical
assembly (SU PC). The recorder records the sound velocity versus Depth
readings in the rectangular system of co-ordination on graph paper. The sound
velocity can be read from 1400 to 1550 meters/sec. The depth readings can be read in
two scales i.e., from 0 to 100 and 0 to 400 meters.
It can also be observed the sound
velocity readings on Unit-4 milliammeter, which is designed to read the sound velocity
readings from 1400 to 1550 meters/sec. The milliammeter and the recorder are
incorporated each other.
22.What are the modes of MGK-400 and explain ?
Ans: The modes of MGK-400...
The sonar MGK-400 is consisting of four modes and the system is designed to perform
the following functions:

Detecting and tracking of noise producing objects and measuring their bearing.
Echo ranging of the target and to determining the radial velocity.
Establishing voice and CW communication with friendly ships and submarines.
Detection of sound signals with their frequency and bearing.
Providing the data to TFCS.

1. Sound listening (SL or HE)

2. Echo-ranging or Range measurement (RM)

3. Voice and CW communication (TLPH & TLG)
4. Sound signal detection (SSD/frequency analyser)
1.SOUND LISTENING(SL): This mode provides the detection of noise producing targets
in circular scanning with tracking of two
targets out of three with their bearing. This data can be given to TFCS.
2.RANGE MEASUREMENT(RM): In this mode the distance or range and the radial
velocity of the target can be measured, which being tracked automatically.
3.COMMUNICATION(TLPH & TLG): In this mode of operation provides communication
of voice/CW operating on HF and LF bands. It provides short range HF and long
range LF communication with own ship and submarine fitted with some system.
4. SOUND SIGNAL DETECTION (SSD): In this mode provides the detection of
sound signal with a frequency range of 0.35 to 30 KHz at a range of 150km. This mode
also provides the relation bearing.

23.Explain about the HF mode in track I in MGK-400 ?

Ans: HF mode in Track I in MGK-400
The track stands for detection of Noise making targets, bearing determination and
their classification with the help of the analysers and ...eller noise. The track provided
for Auto tracking of a signalled out target and its bearing can be fed to the TFCS. This
has 3 indipendent tracks, which are identical each track when operational, consists of the
following units and blocks.
Unit I : Main transducer array.
Unit 8 : 62 Blocks preamplifiers
Unit 18: Compensator unit
Unit 8A: Which consisting of the following sub units:
a. Block KE-13
b. Block BK-101
c. 2 channel amplifiers (BK-102,YC-10) and Fl-105 and
d. Block BK-104 - Multiplier No. 1
e. Block BK-105 - Multiplier No. 2
Unit 22: Synchronisers storage unit
Unit 4: Block Indicator - II (EE-11) Circular Search Indicator
Unit 6: Remote Indicator Unit
Unit 7: Recorder Unit
Unit 8b & 26 : Amplifier electro-mechanical and error correction Unit.


23 (b) Ans: Switching device circuit ......

(space for diagram)

The six groups of the transducer staves A,B,C,D,E,F are connected in series with
the switching transformer primaries p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 and p6 of switching transformers
1,2,3,4,5 and 6.The two such transducer elements are connected in parallel. The RF
pulse and polarisation current are fed to the transducer in series and three such groups
in paralle. therefore all the transducer segments can be considered to be
energised simultaneously and acoustic pulse transmission takes place.
In order to
increase the transducer efficiency in converting electrical pulses to acoustic pulses
during transmission capacitors are introduced in parallel with the transducer
segments in order to form a parallel with resonance circuit. These capacitors are
connected by relay contacts during transmission. This relay operates prior to the
arrival of polarisation pulse and de-energise after the end of RF pulse.

24.Write short notes on Propagation of sound in sea ?

Sound waves can propogate in straight lines only in a homogeneous medium.
Sea water is not homogeneous for the reason that upper and lower layers differ in
temperature and salinity, so that the velocity of sound waves propagation in upper and
lower is different. In travelling from a layer of a certain temperature and salinity to a
layer of a different temperature and salinity, sound rays are refracted and reflected.
When the sound ray strikes the surface of the sea. it experiences total internal
reflection. This is why sound ray transmitted in to sea water practically never travesl in a
straight line.
For a given area of the sea, the salinity gradient (rate at which a variable
grantity increases or decreases) with depth is nearly constant through out the year,
while the temperature gradient varies over broad limits during a year and even a day.
Therefore the sound ray path is most of all affected by variation in temperature with depth.
25.What are the Sonar parameters determined by the equipment the medium and the
Target ? and write active Sonar and passive Sonar equations ?
Ans: The sonar parameters are
1. Figure of merit 2. Echo level 3.Noise working level 4.Echo excess 5.Performance
1.Figure of merit: It signifies the performance of sonar. It is designed as the maximum
allovable two way loss in active sonar or one way loss passive sonar.

i.e., (SL-NL-DI + DT)

2.Echo level: The intensity of the Echo as measured in water at the hydrophone
3.Noise making level: NL-DI-DT also called minimum reductable echo signal
4.Echo excess: SL-2TL+TS-(NL-DI-DT)
5.Performance figure: It is defined as the difference between
the source level and the noise level measured at the hydrophone
terminals SL-(NL-DI)
Active sonar equation: The equation for an active sonar is as
Passive sonar equation: SL-TL = (NL-DI-DT)


26.What is meant by Sonar ? How they are classified ?

Ans: Sonar is the name applied to under water systems utilising the principle of
accoustics for the observation and detection of submarines, mines and other under water
targets. SONAR is the acronym for Sound Navigation And Ranging.
During world war II the system were called ASDIC sets which is an acronym for Anti
Submarine Division, ICS from the name of the group which worked on under water
detection. The suffix `ICS' has the same significance as in "Physics" "Accoustics" etc.
The Sonar system are broadly classified as:
a) Active Sonars
b) Passive Sonars
The set is termed active when sound is pruposely generated by the transducer. The
sound waves generated by the transducer level through the sea to the target and are
returned as sonar echos to a hydrophone which converts sound into electricity. the
active sonars give both range and bearing of targets within the operating range of the
In case of a passive set the sound radiated by the target is utilised. Here
only one way transmission was through the sea is involved. Passive Sonar normally
given only the bearing of the sound producing targets. Complicated signal processing
is required to be employed to determine range.
27.What is the function of Trancducer ? and explain
(a) Principle of Piezo electric effect (b) Magnetisation effect
Ans: The function of any transducer is to convert energy from one form to another. As
applied to sonars the transducer converts sound energy into electrical energy when
operating as a hydrophone and electrical energy to sound energy when operating as a
projector. A transducer can perform both the functions if so designed.
PIEZO ELECTRIC EFFECT:Some crystals such as quartz, solt, amoni dihydrozen
phosphate(ADP) and others develop electric charge on their faces when compressed or
pulled and produce mechanical variation when an electric field is applied.

MAGNETOSTRICTIVE EFFECT:It is a phenomenon in which a piece of magnetised

ferromagnetic material such as Nickel or Steel is compressed or pulled when its
magnetic induction changed and conversely a change in magnetic induction cause it to
contrast or elongate.

28.Explain the Doppler effect ?

Ans: The doppler effect is defined as the change in the frequency of sound when an
observer moves relative to sound source. When the observer moves towards a sound
source, the frequency of sound increases. Conversely, when the observer moves away
from a sound source, the frequency of sound decreases.

29.State the factors on which the velocity of sound depends ?

Ans:The velocity of sound in sea depends on:
a) Temperature
b) Depth or pressure
c) Salinity
The velocity of sound in sea increases with all the above parameters. The velocity
of sound in sea is found by use of either
a) Bathy thermograph
b) Velocity meter
The variation of sound velocity with depth is termed the "Velocity Profile"
30.Draw the typical velocity profile existing in Sea ?
Ans: (space for diagram)

The various layers are :

a) Surface layer
b) Seasonal Thermocline
c) Main thermocline
d) Deep Isothermal layer

SURFACE LAYER: The surface layer occurs just below the sea surface and the
velocity of sound changes on a daily basis depending upon changes in heating, cooling
and wind action. A mixed layer of isothermal water is formed by the action of wind. In
calm weather the isothermal layer is replaced by water in which temperature decreases
with depth.
SEASONAL THERMOCLINE: Below the surface layer lies the seasonal thermocline.
Thermocline denotes a layer in which the temperature changes with depth. The
seasonal thermocline is characterised by a negative temperature gradient that varies
with seasons.
MAIN THERMOCLINE: It lies below the seasonal thermocline which is only slightly
effected by seasonal changes.
DEEP ISOTHERMAL LAYER: It lies below the main thermocline and extends to the
bottom of the sea. it has an almost constant temperature of around 30*F. The velocity
of sound increases with depth because of the effect of pressure on sound velocity.
The occurance and thickness of these layers vary with latitude, season, time of the
day and metrological conditions.

31.Define transmission loss and state the various components of the above loss ?
Ans: Transmission Loss (TL) quantitatively describes the weakening of sound
between a point 1 Yd. From the source and a point at a distance in the sea.
If Io is the intensity at the reference point located 1 Yd, from the "accoustic centre" of
the source and I1 is the intensity at a distance point is
TL = 10 log X Io/I1
Transmission loss may be considered to be the sum of (a) loss due to spreading and
a (b) loss due to attenuation.
a) Spreading Loss: It is a geometrical effect representing the regular weakening of a
sound signal as it spreads outward from the sound source. The spreading may be
i) Spherical or (TL = 20 log V2 ; V = range)
ii) Cylinderical (TL = 10 log V ; V = range)
Attenuation loss includes the effects of absorption, scattering and leakage out of
sound channels.

32.Define source level ?

Ans: The source level specifies the amount of sound radiated by a projector. It is defined
as the intensity of the radiated sound in decibles relative to the intensity of a plane
wave of ms pressure---------------- refered to a point 1 Yd, from the accoustic centre
of the projector is the direction of the target.

33.Explain with the help of a diagram how the range of a target is determined ?
Ans: A signal produced by transducer A, is propogated through water as a sound wave,
which reaches an underwater target B and reflected back to the transducer as an echo.
The distance covered in between transducer and a target is BA.
The Range R of the target is,
R = Ct/2
Where T = time interval in sec between the transmission and reception of a sound
signal by the transducer.
C = velocity of sound in water, taken here 1450 to 1500 m/sec

34.What is the law which determines the propagation of Sound waves in Sea ? State
the same ?
Ans: Snell's law determines the propagation of the sound rays in sea. The snell`s law
relates the angle of incidence of the rays at layer boundaries and the velocity of sound in
each layer.
The above equation is the basic of Ray computations used in Sonic Ray Plotter.

35. What are the external factors which determines the operating 10 & 5
sonar ?

range of any

Ans: The factors are

a) The conditions for and the mode of propagation of sound waves in a given water
medium and
b) Back ground noise which make echoes and target noise, there by interfering with
the detection of targets.
The conditions of sound wave propagation in sea water limit the operating range of the
sonar on two counts:

a) The path of the sound waves bend depending on the temperature variation,
depth and salinity and
b) Absorption and scattering of sound energy by various in homogeneous that occur
along the sound path.
36.Define the following :
(a) Directivity (b) Salinity (c) Beam pattern

(d) Shadow zone

(e) gain

a)Directivity: The transmitting directivity index of a projector is the difference measured
at a point on the axis of the beam pattern between the level of sound generated by the
projector and the level that would be produced by a non directional projector radiating
the same total acoustic power.Fig. shows the beam pattern of directional and nondirectional projector radiating the same accoustic power.
Mathematically transmitting directivity index DI is given by:
DI = 10 log * ID/Inon D
Whre ID is intensity represented by the directional pattern along its axis.
Inon D is intensity represented by the non directional pattern.
b) Salinity: The density of sea water depends up on the salt contants, which is varies
from depth depth and place to place.
c) Beam pattern: The beam pattern specifies the response of a transducer, with respect
to its acoustic axis. This property of directivity is highly desirable for it enables the
direction of arrival of a signal to be determined and enables closely adjecent signals to be
resolved. At the same time directionality reduces noise, relative to the signal arriving
from other directions. During transmission, directivity serves to concentrate the
emitted sound in a desired direction. Directionality while receiving results from the fact
that sinusoidal signals arriving in some one direction tend to be in phase at all the
elements where as the noise background is out of phase.
e)Array Gain: Array gain gives a measure of the improvement in the signal to noise ratio
whn using a hydrophone array as against a signal element. It is stated:
AG = 10 log * (S/N) array/(S/N) one element
Where the numerator is the signal to noise ratio at the array terminals, and the
denominator is the signal to noise ratio at a single element of the array.
37.What limits the more power being applied to a transformer ?Explain brief what do
you understand by beam pattern of the TDR?

Ans: The maximum power is limited by

a) Cavitation
b) Interaction effects.
The beam pattern specifies the response of a transducer, with respect to its
accoustic axis. This property of directivity is highly desirable for it enables the direction of
arrival of a signal to be determined and enables closely adjecent signals to be resolved.
At the same time directionality reduces noise, relative to the signal arriving from other
directions. During transmission, directivity serves to concentrate the emitted sound
in a desired direction.
Directionality while receiving results from the fact that
sinusoidal signals arriving in some one direction tend to be in case at all the elements
where as the noise background is out of phase.
38. Explain with the help of a diagram Tx direction Index ? What do you understand by
shading of a TDR ?
Ans: (space for diagram)
The transmitting directivity index of a projector is the difference measured at a point
on the axis of the beam pattern between the level of sound generated by the projector
and the level that would be produced by a non directional projector radiating the
same total accoustic power. Fig shows the beam pattern of directional and non
directional projector radiating the same accoustic power.
Mathematically transmitting directivity Index DI is given by:
DI 10 log * ID/InonD
Where ID is intensity represented by the directional pattern along its axis.
I non D is intensity represented by the non directional pattern.
Shading is a method by which some degree of control can be exercised over the
pattern of an array having some particular geometry.
There are two types of shadings.
a) Amplitude shading
b) Phase shading
Amplitude shading is extensively employed and involved adjusting the responses
of array elements to provide most desirable patterns. Most of the times the array in
shadded with maximum response at various types of shading possible are:
a) End weighted

b) Centre weighted

c) Binomial

d) Depth chebyshev

Phase shading is normally not used for under water applications.

39. What do you understand by array of Hydrophone or Projector ?What are its
advantages ?

Ans: Array consists of a number of elements either piezo electric or magnetostrictive. The
number of elements varies according to the size of the transducer required based on
design considerating like frequency, power output, size of the ship etc. The
advantages of any array over a single elements are as follows:
a) The array is more sensitive, since a number of elements will generate more voltage if
connected in series or more current if connected in parallel than a single element
imposed to the same sound field.
b) The array possessess directional properties that enable it to discriminates between
sounds arriving from different directions.
c) The array has an improved signal to noise ratio over a single hydrophone element
since it discriminates against isotropic or quasi isotropic noise in favour of a signal
arriving in the direction that the array is pointing.
40.Differenciate between Echo and Reverberations ?
Ans: An echo is a reflection of sound waves from an obstruction which may occur in
their propagation path like surface, ships, submarines, mines of the ship, fish, sea
animals etc,. One type of target may be told from another by the appearance of the echo
eg., a trained operator can differentiate an echo received from a submarine and surface
ship. Reverberation on the other hand is the sum total of all scattered energy due to
re-radiation of transmitted power by in homogenetics in the sea like bubbles, maximum
life, sea surface and bottom etc, which are present throughout Reverberation can be
heard as a long, slowly decaying tone blast flowing the transmission. The intensity
of recerberation increases with the duration of pulse width.
41.Explain the following :
(a) SCR

(c) Cathode follower

a) S C R : The Silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) os more useful then a four layer diode.
Because it is having amn extra lead connected to the base of the NPN section. SCR
breakover voltage from 50 v to more than 500 volts. Most are designed for trigger
closing and low current opening. In other words SCR will open until trigger will hit the
gate. Triggering the normal way to close on SCR because the breakover voltage is
usually much greater than typical supply voltages. The only way to open the Selicon
controlled Rectifier is by low current drop. The SCR will not open by reverse bias or
Trigger .
(space for diagram)
b)Modulator: Modulation is a process in which the quantity is varied in accordance with
the quantity Y. Modulator is a device in which the process of modulation is taken place.

For example in amplitude modulator, the amplitude of the carrier is varied in accordance
with the amplitude modulations.
1) Amplitude modulation 2)Frequency modulation 3)Phase modulation.
c) Cathode follower: The cathode follower is an inverse feed back amplifier, since the
output voltage appears in the input in opposite place to the grid signal voltage. The
name cathode follower is derive from the facts that the output voltage is in place in with
input voltage. Input voltage is applied between grid and ground. Offers high input
impedance and low output impedance. Gain is approximately unity. It is normally used
as 1:1 transformer.
42.Define the following :
(a) Sensitivity of receiver
(b) Selectivity of a Receiver
(c) Signal to Noise ratio
a) Sensitivity of a Receiver: Sensitivity of a receiver is measure of the ability to
receive weak signals. In this regard, the receiver functions very much like an
ordinary amplifier.
The sensitivity of a receiver is defined quantitatively as input carrier voltage with
standard modulation that must be supplied by signal generator in order to develop
a standard value of test output with all gain control set maximum
b) Selectivity of a Receiver: A receiver, if it is to be useful, must to select the
signals to which it is tuned, and reject signals of other frequencies. Selectivity is
expressed in form of a curve that gives carries signal strength with standard
modulation that is required to produce the standard test output, plotted as function
of cycles off resonance of test signal very commonly the carries signal strength at
the resonance frequency of the receiver is used as reference as shown in figure.
(space for diagram)
c)Signal to Noise ratio: The output of sensitivity recevier alsyas contains certain
amount of noise. Some of this noise may be randomly varying electro magnetic waves or
station received by the antenna. The remaining noise arises in tubes and circuit of the
receiver. It can be evaluated in terms of receiver noise figure.
The signal to noise voltage ratio at the receiver output can be expressed in terms of En
according to relation S to N ratio.

Mo Eo / En where Eo, Mo are the carrier amplitude and degree of modulation

respectively, of the signal applied to the receiver input for which the signal to noise ratio is
En = MES Pn / Ps
Pn = Noise output when unmodulated carrier is applied
Ps = With modulated wave applied to set same value and Pn at certain degree of

43.Explain voltage tripler with the help of a diagram?

Ans: (space for diagram)

When a +ve voltage comes D1 conducts mean while C1 charges, while that instance
D3 also conducts when a -ve voltage comes the charges voltage, and the input voltage
are added then the summed voltages are applied to the D2, then D2 also conducts the
summed voltage (i.e., 150 + 150) Consequently the doubled DC output is available
across R11. This instance D3 has no effect means it acts like a open switch.
44.How many types of coupling amplifiers are there ? Explain any one ?
Ans: There are four types of coupling amplifiers.
1. Resistance capacitance coupling (RC coupling)
2. Impedance capacitance coupling (IC coupling)
3. Transformer capacitance coupling(TC coupling)
4. Direct DC coupling
RC coupling:
(space for diagram)
In this circuit coupling capcaitor CC serves (1) To block the Direct current passing
from plate of one stage to the grid of next stage to avoid instability operation. (2) To
couple the AC output of one stage to the input of next stage. The value of CC kept high
so tat its reactance even at the lowest operating frequency is uch smaller than the
resistance of the gridleak resistance Rg This will ensure that the output of total output
voltage developed across the Rg to be fed to the input of next stage. Also CC provides
no DC current flows from plate of one tube to one grid of next tube.

combination of resistor Rk and capacitor Ck in cathode circuit provides self bias because
Ck has a large capacity (25 or 50) so that it effectively by pass AC component of plate
current at the lowest Frequency of signal used.
The grid leak resistor serves (1) A DC path from cathode to grid to enable the cathode
bias voltage to reach the grid (2) In case of grid current flows the Rg inconjunction with
the coupling capacitor CC provides the grid leak bias.
Advantages: 1. Stable in operation.
2. Good frequency response.
3. Excellent fidelity.
4. Cheaper in price.

45.Explain what is NAND gate and NOT gate ? Write truth table ?
NAND gate is an AND gate followed by NOT circuit. Some times it is called as an
NOT AND gate.
(space for diagram)
| A | B | Y |
| 0 | 0 | 1 |
| 1 | 0 | 1 |
| 0 | 1 | 1 |
| 1 | 1 | 0 |
The NOT gate has one input one output. The function of the gate is to invert
the input signal. If the input is high out put is low and if the input is low the output is
When the input voltage is high or `1' enough the transistor Q saturates, therefore
output is low or `0'. When the input is low `0' the transistor cuts off and the output voltage
is high.
When the input A = 0 Output Y = 1

When the input A = 1 Output Y = 0

(space for diagram)

| 0
| 1
| 1
| 0

46.Write short notes on the following :

(a) Doppler effect
(b) Descriminator

(c) Feed back

(d) Resonance

a) Doppler effect: The Doppler effect is defined as the change in the frequency of
sound when an observer moves relative to sound source. When the observer moves
towards a sound source, the frequency of sound increases. Conversely, when the
observer moves away from a sound source, the frequency of sound decreases.
b) Discriminator: The descriminator in an FM receiver performed the same functions as
the second detector in an AM receiver. The descriminator converse the frequency
modulators IF signal to an amplitude modulated signal. This later signal is then detected
to provide an AF output like that of an AM detector. Modern types of descriminators
are ratio detectors where we do not require seperate limited circuits.
c) Feed back: (space for diagram)

It is a cathode biased resistance coupled amplifier. In this by pass capacitor is

eliminated the feed back voltage across Rk is out of phase with the input signal. This will
be called as current feed back circuit because the feed back voltage ef is proportional
to the plate current of the tube rather than output voltage.
B = Rf / Rj + Rf
1. Decreases distortion.
2. Increases plate resistance.
3. Improves high frequency response.

d)Resonance: In any AC circuit the resistance become minimum at particular frequency.

This state is called resonance. For example: An LCR circuit the resonance will occur
when inductive reactance is exactly equal to the capacitive reactance. So at that time
the impedance of the circuit is only the resistance R (which is minimum).
47.How transistor acts as regulator ? Explain Briefly with the help of circuit ?
Ans: (space for diagram)

The transistor is in series with the supply. The base is held at the fixed reference
voltage supplied by Zener diode regulator.
The output voltage of the supply
establishes the emitter voltage, and the difference between the base and emitter
voltages provdes the base emitter bias. With the -ve voltage supply the output voltage
at the emitter is made slightly less -ve than the base because of PNP transistor. So if the
output voltage goes up the emitter goes more -ve and there is less base-emitter bias.
The resistance of the transistor then goes up to drop the output voltage back to
48.Explain about class A, class B, and class C amplifier ?
amplification ?

What are their typical

Ans: There are three types of amplifiers

They are 1) ClassA amplifier 2)ClassB amplifier 3)ClassC amplifier.
ClassA amplifier: In classA amplifier the signal voltage and grid bias re adjusted so that
the plate current flows throughout the entire cycle of the applied input voltage. ClassA
amplifiers have an excellent fidelity, relatively low distortion and low power output.
(space for diagram)
ClassB amplifier: In classB amplifier is adjusted so that the grid bias is equal to the
plate current cutoff value and hence plate current flows only for one half of the each
input voltage cycle. A ClassB amplifier has higher distortion than classA amplifirs.
Intermediate power output and efficiency.
(space for diagram)
ClassC amplifier: In classC amplifier the grid bias is adjusted to be greater than the
plate current cutoff value so that the plate current in each tube flows for less than half of

each input cycle. ClassC amplifiers have high power output and efficiency together with
high distortion and for latter reason are not used as audio amplifiers.
(space for diagram)

49.Define the following :

(a) Gate control switch
(b) Silicon control switch
(c) Zener diode
(d) Regulation
(e) A G C
Ans: a) Gate Control Switch:
(space for diagram)
The Gate Control Switch is useful in counting circuits. Digital circuits and other
circuits where a -ve trigger is available for turn off. The Gate Control Switch is closed by
+ve trigger and opened by -ve trigger or very low current drop out.
b) Silicon control Switch: (space for diagraM)
The Silicon Control Switch (SCS) is a low powered device compared to the SCR. It
is having two gates, the Anode gate and Cathode gate. The SCS holds current in milli
amps rather than amps. It is mostly used as pulse generator. The Silicon Control Switch
will be closed by +ve trigger on Cathode or -ve trigger at Anode gate. The SCS will be
opened by low current drop out.
c) Zener Diode:
(space for diagram)
It is simular in appearence to the normal rectifying diodes. Most often made up
with silicon. Hence a very high back resistance. When reverse voltage applied virtually
no current flows. Unless it reaches break down region or point. At break down point
back resistance drop to a very low value. And current increase. This effect is known as
Zener effect. Rapid increase of current with a rapid decrease in resistance provides
constant voltage. It can be used as an Voltage Regulators.

Uses of Zeners:
1. Adequate power dessipation
2. Silicon diode from several volts to 100's of volts.
3. Power rating will be 50 watts.
4. Sharp breakdown.
Variation of DC output voltage as a function of DC load current is called regulation.
Percentage of Regulation =

Voltage no load - Voltage full load

-------------------------------------Voltage full load

e) A G C : The automatic gain control circuit is designed to protect the amplifier from
being over loaded by noise. When the noise level is increased the part of the out put of
the amplifier is converted as negative bias and fed to the input circuit to prevent from
over load.

50. What is ripple voltage and how do you minimise it ?

Ans: The AC companants which are present in the rectified output is called ripple voltage.
This can be minimised by using filter circuits. The filter circuits are consists of
capacitors, inductors or resistors. The capacitors are used to by pass the AC components
in the circuit and inductors are to allow DC components.


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