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TView - 3.

01 - Release notes
October 17, 2011
build number: 483

Table of Contents


KNOWN ISSUES...................................................................................................... 3


LOGIN PROXY NOT SUPPORTED ............................................................................... 3




WORKING WITH LP100, LP200, LP300 (LEGACY) APPLICATIONS ................................... 3


TVIEW VS. TWINSOFT ......................................................................................... 3


UPGRADE FROM TVIEW 1.00, 2.00, TO TVIEW 3.01 ................................................ 4


REFRESH OF VIEW WEBFORM DOES NOT WORK ......................................................... 4


TIME ZONE ........................................................................................................ 4

NEW FEATURES ...................................................................................................... 5


PERIODICAL BACKUP ............................................................................................ 5


EXPORT OF TAG COMMENT .................................................................................... 6

CORRECTIONS - IMPROVEMENTS OF TVIEW 3.01.483 .................................................. 7

TView 3.01 - Release notes


T uses Internet Explorer to display its views, as well on the Server side as for the
As of Internet Explorer 7.xx, it is now mandatory to declare the Trusted Sites (non
Internet sites) you want to access.
If not, you will not be able to display the Views (Alarms, Chart, WebForms, )
The configuration is accessed
from the main menu: Tools
Internet Options tab Security.

Select the zone Trusted Sites

On the TView Server PC, you

have to add localhost (default
local website)

On the Client PC, you have to

add either the name of the TView
PC or its IP address.

TView 3.01 - Release notes

1. Known issues
1.1. Login Proxy not supported
This issue is encountered when there is a Proxy between the Client and T Web Server.
The Login Proxy is required if a Client attempts to connect to T Web Server via a
Proxy Server. The TView Client does not support this kind of login. The Proxy Server has to be
configured to be transparent to communication between Client and T Web Server.

1.2. With French version, impossible to create an export

Avec la version franaise, lorsquon cre une destination dexport, T indique que
ce nest pas possible.
Cela est d un problme Windows. Nous navons pas encore trouv de solution pour y
En attendant, il faut crer la destination dexport en langue anglaise, puis repasser en
langue franaise.
La slection de la langue est accessible partir du menu Outils langues.
Cest le mme problme lorsquon veut synchroniser la base de donnes (Destination
dexport Outils). Il faut alors galement changer la langue de T pour langlais.

1.3. Working with LP100, LP200, LP300 (legacy) applications

If you have developed with TWinSoft 8.30 or smaller, applications for -LP100, -LP200, -LP300
(OS 2.xx), T will not be able to create the Tags properly, neither by dialing the RTU or
importing the TWinSoft document.
The solution is to save the application with TWinSoft 8.31 or higher. The TWinSoft document
can then be imported in T. You dont need to send the application to the RTU.
If you want also the source file to be updated in the RTU, that it can be used to configure a
T workstation by dialing the RTU, you need to send the application back.

1.4. TView vs. TWinSoft

As of version 2.50 of T, the TWinSoft document you import to create a station must be
of version 8.31 or higher.
From TWinSoft
If the documents have been developed with lower version of TWinSoft, open them with
TWinSoft 8.31 (or higher), change anything in the program (add / remove a Tag for instance)
and then save.
From TView
From T, re-import the document from the menu File Import TWinSoft document.
The Tags are then updated with their address and then available to be used in WebForm.

TView 3.01 - Release notes

1.5. Upgrade from TView 1.00, 2.00, to TView 3.01

Version 3.01 is compatible with older versions, down to version 1.00. There is nothing to modify
in the project.
1. To achieve update: change anything in the configuration of the project, for instance, go
to the Control panel, open the TMA Files collection menu and click OK.
2. If T synchronizes with TBox applications (sources in TBox), make sure it has
been developed with version 8.31 minimum (see 2.3 & 2.4 here above)
When opening a project with a newer version, it cannot be opened anymore
with an older version of T

1.6. Refresh of View WebForm does not work

Displaying Views, you have a refresh button available in the tool bar (identical to IE).
It is not active with WebForms.
To refresh the View, you have to quit the view and come back.
It concerns only objects on the WebForm; when online with a RTU, values are refreshed

1.7. Time zone

Some timestamp problems may be encountered, according to the use of the option daylight
saving, during winter period. The problem appears with a timestamp of datalogging with 1
hour ahead.
This has been recently discovered with Atlantic GMT -4.
Problem is related to Windows XPSP3 only. No problem with SP2 and with VISTA.
Lets hope a SP4 will fix the problem .

TView 3.01 - Release notes

2. New Features
2.1. Periodical Backup
The backup feature allows saving the historical data of TView into a backup file.
By default there is one backup file which keeps growing.
With the periodical backup, you have separate backup files, with a period of data
corresponding to the schedule for handling backup feature.
The files will be named with the date and time.


Daily schedule at 8:00:


The first periodical backup generated will contain all data since the last backup, then
potentially on a longer period than the schedule.

TView 3.01 - Release notes

2.2. Export of Tag Comment

Tag comments can now be exported to an external Data Base.
A new column COMMENT is created in the table TVIEWTAGS when editing the Export entry
and clicking OK or when doing a Synchronization from the Tools menu of Export

2.3. Sorting Option in List of Tags, Chronology

In the list of Tags and chronology view, possibility to sort the list by names, addresses,
timestamps, ascending and descending.

TView 3.01 - Release notes

Corrections - Improvements of TView 3.01.483

TView (ref. B-2733): Export

Issue exporting data to LINUX machine because of incoherent use of small and BIG letters,
since the export of COMMENT of Tags.

TView (ref. B-2732): DB Maintenance - Restore

In order to avoid concurrent access to TView DB, it is made impossible to do a restore while
backup is active.
It is also advised to deactivate data collection and download schedule while doing a restore.

TView (ref. B-2708): Export to MySQL

Under W7, 64 bits, export of alarms may fail exporting some unicode format messages.
MySQL connector/ODBC version 5.1 must be used.

TView (ref. B-2693): TMA.dll

With big TMA files, data collection may fail. Problem linked to unzip mechanism of TMA.dll.
Corrected in version

TView (ref. B-2602): Export

Export is blocked when encountering NAN value.

TView (ref. B-2578): WebForm

IP address format does not work anymore with TView 3.00.459.

TView (ref. B-2577): TCP/IP communication

Wrong handling of TCP ports when several stations have the same IP address but different
TCP ports.

TView 3.01 - Release notes

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