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Stop Procrastinating

Instructions for Listening

About Subliminal Messages
"Subliminal" means below the threshold of conscious perception. The
messages are embedded in the waves, just below your hearing level.
Because you're not aware of the subliminal programming underlying the
waves the repetition of positive suggestions -- you can't put up barriers
against it. Over time, your subconscious accepts the suggestions as true, and
your behavior changes accordingly.
Track 1 Listen to track one anytime throughout
throughout the day as often as you wish.
Its perfect to listen to while driving, walking, or even while at the office.
This track contains the relaxing sounds of ocean waves, and hidden
subliminal messages (listed below).
Track 2 Listen to track two with headphones
headphones for 30 minutes a day, while in a
calm quiet place where you will not be disturbed. It contains the same
subliminal messages, with theta waves. Theta waves will slow down your
brain activity into a peaceful and receptive state, similar to the twilight
twilight state
normally experience between waking and sleep. In this hyper suggestible
state, your subconscious is very receptive to subliminal affirmations. Listen
to this track while falling asleep or any time during the day as a meditation selfself-hypnosis session.
Try these tips in conjunction with this subliminal program.
Pick a few of the affirmations listed below and repeat them aloud or
silently to yourself throughout the day.
Dont look at the totality of the task that needs to be done; instead,
break it down into manageable steps and take them one by one until
youre done.
If you feel like taking a break- try to do at least one more step of work
than you think you can.
Brain Sync Corp 2010
P O Box 3120, Ashland, OR 97520

Stop Procrastination Affirmations

Im eager to get started, finishing things.

All the waiting is over. Im moving forward now.
My life is important and meaningful.
Now Im making progress.
The more I get done, the better I feel. I love getting things done.
I get chores out of the way, quickly and easily.
One step at a time, everything gets done.
The best choices are obvious. All I need to know comes to me.
I keep agreements. Integrity and honesty are important to me.
I act with clarity, focus and intention.
Now is better than later.
Im inspired. Momentum moves me.
I move forward with passion, power and certainty.
Im vibrant, alive and filled with positive energy.
Im productive. I follow through.
Great and powerful changes are happening right now.
The right use of my energy is crystal clear.
I clear away all clutter. I like clarity instead.
Sequencing is natural for me. My priorities are clear.
I know what is right for me. I know what to do next.
My path is opening. I am ready to begin.

Brain Sync Corp 2010

P O Box 3120, Ashland, OR 97520

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