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VIETN HEAD UNIT SERIES COM245R CD MP3 PLAYER / FM AM RECEIVER Safety Information PRECAUTIONS + Use only in a 12-vot DC negativeground electrical system. + Disconnect the vehicle's negative battery terminal while mounting and connecting the unit + When replacing the fuse, be sure to use one with an identical amperage raing, Using a fuse with 2 higher amperage rating may cause serous damage tothe unit “DO NOT attempt to disassemble the unt Laser beams trom te optical pickup ae dangerous to the eyes, “Make sure that pins o other objects do nct get inside the unit they may cause malfintons, ‘or create safety hazards such as electrical shock or laser beam exposure. «Ifyou have parked the car for long te in hot or cold weather, wait untl the temperature in the car become normal before operating the unit «Keep the volume ata level at which you can hear outside warning sounds (hom sirens, etc) CD Notes 7 + Playing a defective or dusty CD can cause dropouts in sound. [Ai + Hold CDs as ilustrated, ( “DO NOT touch the unlabeled sce. DO NOT attach any seal, label or data protection cheeto ether ede of dice DO NOT expose a CD to direc sunlight or excessive heat + Wipe a dirty CD trom the center outward with a cleaning loth - Never use solvents such as benzine o alcohol. 8 «This unit cannot play inch (8em ) CDs, a “NEVER insert a inch CD contained in the adapter or an irregularly shaped CD. « ‘The unit may not be abe io eject esuting in @ malfunction Before operation + DO NOT raise the volume level to much, as this wil beck outside sounds, making driving dangerous. + Stop the car before performing any complicated operation CAUTION ‘DO NOT open covers and do not repair by yourself. Consul the dealer or an experianced technician for heb Contents ‘Safety Information Pnel Controls Button Ts [MP3 Playback (MP3 Overview RDS RDS Menu Function Electial Connections Installation Guide ‘Ant-Theft System “rouble Shocting Specifications * In adciton to ordinary COs, tis unit can play back a CD-R or CD-RW, Panel Controls wor on: press any button onthe panel except @ totum onthe unit ‘rset ene MUS ype st cel ae SPEED 7 ai — aan espa | Tease Taeuae Mos (BecEcriow sqatvunetevt J] m fo - Tatesmoreanee Patinesvaos # Lier Tenvnorsete || reer) = se ‘era ee i 0 [ ries ye | ean) Taare) rack Ranr (Fatem aioe (irae 5B (Co Button Tips AMS : Auto Memory Store Press briefly to scan the preset station (-© for 5 seconds each, Hold more than 2 seconds, the 6 strongest avaiable station willbe automatically saved in the memory of preset button -@ Radio: Press briefly either side ofthe button to tune inthe station that you have known its frequency. Hold it more than 2 seconds, tuning wil automatically activate and slop when signals of the next station are received Disc playback : Press briefly either side of the button to go tothe next or previous track Hold it to fast forward or reverse back the track. SET CLOCK Press DISP button, ime displays. Press again more than 2 seconds, time display blinks, Rotate the knob clockwise to set hours. Rotate the knob anticlockwise to set minutes. MP3 Playback | ONLY YOU displayed on the LCD display. ‘While playing MPS disc, the foldeifie name and ID3 tag(Song ttle, Album and Artist) can entirely scroll Eapeed playing ine & Track urber-+Flder name & numer ~ Frame & number ~ Song te-+ Abum ie + Att nme MP3 Track search Press AMS bution o select TRACK SCH" mode. Press the knob and LCD cispay wil show "00 TRK SCH IF your desired track number is less than 100, rotate the knob to select the first cgi and press it nce again and rotate set the tenth digit ofthe track number. 001 Press the knob again more than 0.5 second to ply te track IF your desired track numbers more then 100, rotate the knob to selec the frst digit and press it to confirm, rotate the knob to select te tenth digit and press it to confirm, “Ifthe track number you enter is rotate the knob to select the hundredth digit and press ito confirm, beyond the maximum fle number Press the knob again to play the track last song willbe played. MP3 File search Press AMS button twice to select "FILE SCH" mode, Press the knob to enter. Rotate the knob to select folder. FILE SCH IF you just want to play songs of this folder, press the knob ‘more than 0.5 second to play the first track ofthe folder. IF you want to play desired track ofthe folder, press the knob and rotate to select the track you want Press the knob again to play the track, MP3 Overview Note on MP3: + MP3 is shot for MPEG Auth Layer 3 and refers to an auc compression technology standard + This produc allows playback of MPS fles cn CD-ROM, CO-R or CD-RW discs + The unt can read MP3 files wren in tho format compliant with ISO 0680, However it does not suppor the MP3 data writen by the method of packet write + The unt can not ead an MP3 fle that has a fle extension other than * mp3" + Ifyou play a non-MP fe that has the m3" extenson you may hear some nose “In this manual, we refer o what are called ‘MP3 fle" and folder’ in PC terminology as ‘rack’ and Album’ respectively. + Maximum number of directory levels 8, including the root cretory Maximum rumber of fles and folders pr disc is 256, ‘The unt may not play tracks in the order of Track numbers +The unit pays only the audio Tracks if disc contains both audi tracks and MPS fes. + Whon playing a ie of k bps or VBR, the elapsed paying time in the diplay window wil not be core ad alco the into play may not function propery VBR Variable Bt Rate Note on creating your own CD-Rs or CD-RWs containing MPS files + To enjoy high qualty sound, we recommend converting to NP3 ies wth a sampling frequency of 44.1 kHz and a fed bt rate of 128 Kops. + DO NOT store more than 286 MPS les per disc + For 180 9660-complant format, the maximum allowable depth of nested folders is 8, including the root directory olde). + When CD-R lsc is used, playback is possible ony for discs which have been finalized «Make sure that wnen MP3 CO-R is burned tat its formatted as a data dsc anc NOT as an audio dis. + You should not wrtenon-MP3 fle or unneeded folders along with MPS fles on the CD-R othenwise it takes along time ntl the unt stars to play MP3 files. + With some CO-R media, data may not be property writen depending on their manufacturing quality Inthis case, data may not be reproduced corecty, High qualty CO-R disc is recommended, + Upto 16 characters are csplayedfr the name ofan Album or a Track. IDSTAG version 1x is required, + Note tha the unit may not play Tracks inthe order that you wrote tem to the dis. RDS ( Radio Data System ) RDS service availabilty varies with areas, Please understand if RDS service is not avaliable in you area, the following service is not avaiable, either. The folowing functions are available when receiving ROS stations, RDS Basics ‘AF Alternative Frequency lst ) When reception is poor, an RDS station broadcasting the same program is tuned in automatically. PS Display ( Program Service name ) The name of station is displayed instead of frequency. [AF Mode : Press AF button less than { second to switch AF mode on and oft BBC R4 {AF incication on LCD wil ash until RDS informations received REG Mode: Press AF butun moe than secondo sich REG mae nan of REG ON The frequency is changed only for programs within the region The frequency is changed alsofor programs outside the region. REG OFF During FM mode when AF is on, radio seek, scan and AMS functions can only receive and save RDS program. CT Service ( Clock Time ) When receiving an ROS station, the CT ( Clock Time ) service automatically adjusts the time. NO CT NO CTs displayed in areas where CT service is not available. RDS (continued ) Traffic Announcements Some RDS FM stations periodically ‘TP ( Traffice Program Identification) TA Traffic Announcements Identification provide traffic information Broadcasting of traffic information Radio announcements on traffic conditions ‘TA Mode: Press TA bution totum on/of TA. TRAF INF When TA made is on and TA indicater on LCD is displayed. When traffic announcement is transmitted regardless of the mode, reception will begin at volume leve! 20 if volume level is below 20 ‘After the traffic announcement is over, i will return to previous mode and volume level When TA is turned on, SEEK. SCAN, AMS function can be received or saved when traffic program identfication (TP) code is received, EON ( Enhanced Other Networks ) When EON data is received, the EON indicator gts and the TA and AF functionsare expanded as follows, ‘TA Traffic information from the current and other network stations can be received. AF: The frequency ist of preset ROS stations is undated by EON data. EON enables the radio to make fuller use of RDS information Itconstantly updates the AF list of preset stations, including that currently tuned into If you preset a station for from home, ‘you wil later be able to receive the same station at an altemative frequency, or any other station serving the same program, EON also keeps track of locally available TP stations for quick receptions. RDS (continued ) PTY Reception ( Program Type ) RDS FM stations provide a program type identification signal, Example: news, rock, nf, spor, ee. PTY Mode: press PTY bution totum PTY on, previons PTY type is displayed and searched i no bution is pressed for 2 seconds. if theres no conespond program type. NO PTY is csplayed NEWS PTY Type Pr reset Press PTY once to enter MUSIC type or press PTY twice to enter SPEECH type, Then use buttons (7) Program type. © toselect the desired RDS Menu Function Press the button more than 2 seconds to enter menu mode , then each press changes the mode as folows > TAmode -+ MASK mode —+ DSP mode —+ LOUD ON/OFF mode —+ BEEP ON/ OFF. —— ee y VOL mode — LOCAL/ DX mode + ST/ MO mode + SEEK‘/2 mode (only in tuner mode) TAmode: Rotate the knob to choose TAALARM or TA SEEK mode, When TA s tumed on and no trafic program identification code has been received during the specified time, no TAVTP is displayed and according to the MENU SELECT, alarm is set off, orTASEEK is activated TAALARM mode : NO TA/TP is displayed and alarm is set off TA SEEK mode: TA SEEK is activated TA ALARM TA SEEK MASK mode: MASK DPI mode rotate the knob Cnty the AF which has diferent program identification is masked. | MASK DPT im tochoose MASK DPI tack alt made OrMASKALL mode, The AF which has different program identfication and NO RDS MASK ALL signal with high field strength is masked. RDS Menu Function (continued ) [DSP made: Rotate the knob to choose DSP sound effect: POP -+ ROCK CLASSIC-* FLAT-+ DSP OFF LOUD mode: Retate the knob to choose loud on or of, §§ (_——__________} BEEP ON/OFF mode: Rotate the knob to choose button beep sound on or off ‘SEEK 1/2 mode: Rotate the knob to choose radio seek mode 1 or 2 ‘SEEK 1: searching station will stop when next station is received, SEEK 1 ‘SEEK 2: searching station wil stop when »»1 or we button is released and next station is received LLOIDX mode: Rotate the knob to choose tuner sensitivity local or distant. ‘STIMO mode: Rotate the knob to choose FM stereo or mono. VOL LAST / ADJUST MODE Press knob to choose VOL LAST: the tum-on volume VOL LAST level is the volume level of latest power of. fj Rotate knob to choose VOL ADA, then rotate the knob to set the turn-on volume level VOL ADJ Electrical Connections Ih Wiring Diagram ante ete a neo — ‘oi FORCTION Taian x z fi ear Rai) Fue 2 Tae aa) = Pui Be Se 2 Fron Rat) | sata fave] [Fr igh = Gry ack Se = Ao Fer Frnt Lf - Wh 6 Fes) Whee sac Spe 7 ete Res ats) Geen 2 Gere FearLet Geen Bock Spe Installation Guide I rstalation Procedures Insert mounting collar int the dashboard, and Frst complete etal comecions ard ten check them forcorecmess. -@)_—_bendthe mounting tabs outwith a serewaver. Make sure that lock levers fush with the WE Reset —— ‘mounting colar. (not projecting outward) Press the Reeet button with a pointed obec oreeat the unito the orginal status. on | Nie Pese te RESET tan il tat sets ese eone shi e Ih instalation Opening f Mounting tot pos © secure the ea ofthe ut = ‘After fixing mounting bolt and power connector, fc the rear of This untcan be isan ay eshbvard the unto the carbedy by nba cushion having an opening as shown above, The dashboard should be 4 75mm 556mm thick in order tobe able to suppocthe unt Insert trim plate Anti-Theft System ‘This units equipped with a detachable panel Removing this panel makes the radio totally inoperable. Place the Detachable Panel into Case 1Suitch of the power ofthe unit 2.Remove the detachable panel, 3.Gently press the button ofthe case and open the cover. Pace the panel into the case and take it with you when you leave the car, Install Detachable panel “Foc right part of face plate inthe right part of panel slot of the unit. 2.Press down the lft side of the face piate until if clicks into the pane! slot ofthe unit Remove the unit, ‘Switch of the power of the unit, 41. Remove the panel and the trimplate. 2. Insert bath T-Keys into the hole on the front of the set until they lock. 3. Pull outthe unt. Trouble shooting If You Suspect Something Wrong Immediately switch power off. Do not use the unit in abnormal condition, for example without sound, or with ‘smoke or foul smell, can cause fire or electric shock. Immediately stop using it and cal the store where you purchased it. Never ty to repair the unit yourself be cause it is dangerous to do so, I General i Radio ars engine sich not on ‘Much noise in Slaton is to a, of signals are too weak “Turn your ears key © ACC or ON iat Selecteer stations of highr signal oveL No power or Cable isnot corey connected rere Check connection. aa Battery ele isnot corecty connected.) Fuse is but. Replace fuse. ‘Connect the battery cable to the terminal Check volume or mut on ot ‘nreset thatis aways ive 3 i Disc I Error Display Messages: i Dice not cD arcmin o MPa es) fi Dist i upside down: This eek Place disc in the corect cretion, ‘and the label side up, — isc is dirty oF damat Be | Gee co cargo USED (wrewecnese Be (sess... Doers sacar In cae that the disc can rotbe ejected ae ina no by es [a btn rssh ESET Nour te unt eer wih the ee sich and ress he (a |buten aga {mung Hato con or dear Specifications I General Power supply “Maximum power output Continuous power output Suitable speaker impedance: ro-Amp ouput votage: Fuse: DimensionsWtxD) Weight: AuxinLevet Il FM Stereo Radio Frequency range: Usable senstiviy. uieting sensitivity (Sik Frequency response: Stereo separation: Image response ratio: IF response ratio: Signalncse ratio 08) s2vD0(11V-16v) Test vollage 14 4V, negative ground 25/4 channels 15Wed channels (4 10%THD) 480hm 2Vx2 (CD play mode: tkHe, 0 48, 10 K load) 158 ‘178xS0x155mm, 17g 00m 875-1080 MHz (EUROPEMODEL ) 875-107 9MHz (USAMODEL ) 808 1268 30H2-15H2 ‘0 aB(tkt2) 5048 7048 $548 I MWAM) Radio Frequency range: Usable sensitivity (SIN=2068) I Disc Player System Frequency response: Signatinose ratio: Total harmenic distorbon iow and fut: Channel separation: I Components Noung coor Topping screws MSxGrm Seung bot (SO) Wie connector Removable face plate case Tim plate Tey Operating rsirictons Rubber cushion Note: Specifications andthe design ae subject to change without notice dv to improvements in technology. 522-1620 KHz (EUROPE MODEL ) 530-1710 KHz (USAMODEL } 3048 Disc digital audio system 20H2 204H2 286.08 Less than 0.20% (*kta) Below measurable its 26008 VIETA ETA AUDIOS. Mar Caribe, 3 (Po hd La Torre dt Reto (08130 ia Perpenun de MogoceBaresione +34 096 428 773, F +94 086603 214 ‘SPAIN Amersham, Buckinghsmstire,HPE SEL

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