ESSAY (Water Pollution) (Revision Revision)

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Pollution of Citarum River

By : Afri Yenni Lubis

The main role of water is very important in humans life. Water is an element which consists
of hydrogen and oxygen, and it impacts every single aspect of our life. Nowadays, the existence of
water gradually disappears. Whereas we know that 71 % of the earths surface is covered by water.
We also can find water in every side of the earth such as sea (salty water), river, and icebergs in the
north pole or at the peak of a mountain. Indonesia has many mountains and sea bodies outstretched
from Sabang to Merauke. It proves that Indonesia is a huge country with a lot of water resources. As
an archipelago country, Indonesia is not just rich of seas but also clean water. Indonesia has clean
water reserves in the Asian Pacific as much as 6% to 21%. When we talk about natural resources,
almost no other country can break our record. As a tropical country with many forests, it is easy for us
to get rain water and we are accomodated by lakes, rivers, and water inside the soil. Most of the water
in lakes or rivers are insipid water, which can be used to become a source of clean water. For example,
Toba lake in North Sumatera as a largest lake with area more than 110.000 hectares 3. Cavity of water
in Indonesia approximately has a total volume of 308 million cubic metre.
Based on the facts above, we can conclude that with many clean water resources in Indonesia,
Indonesia stays strong even with a water crisis. But the grisly reality we face in this country is based
upon one United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 2007 report which mentioned
that almost every city in Indonesia is contaminated by E.Coli and Coliform 100%. It is really tragical
and Indonesia must admit it. Besides that, water pollution still occurs and make all of rivers in
Indonesia polluted like Citarum River in East Java, Indonesia. Citarum river became the category of 9
polluted places in the world from American site last 2010. Last 2013,
Citarum river became the worst polluted and as we know there are 25 million inhabitants who live
there, and they also need Citarum water for consumption. Have you ever imagined that kind of
situation? We exactly know what is going to happen with this condition. Now weve come to the
question. What causes this to happen?
Until now, water pollution still occurs and one of the cause is factory waste and rubbish. They
are the main cause why Citarum river is polluted. Along Citarum river, there are 500 factories which
compete to fill it with the wastes from those factories. The waste from the factories are really
poisonous and dangerous such as liquid waste B3 which come from textile factories. The other wastes
come from 217 textile factories, which is 60 % liquid waste, and it is directly discarded to Citarum
river. Other factory wastes and household mix by 10 tons rubbish per day. Based on Greenpeace
Indonesia, around 2800 tons poisonous chemical subtances enter Citarum river every year. It causes
the pH of the river to increase, becoming 14 whereas the general pH for water is 6. More than 100
tons of feces enter this river. Citarum contributes an income of 20 % GDP (Gross Domestic Product)
toward Indonesias economy with more than 217 industry factories along the river. Here, GDP is the
value of products or merits from various products in a country, and it will increase together with
costumers demand. We can imagine if more than 217 that factories accepted all of costumer demands
and those factories will manufacture the products everyday, it is good that it increase our GDP and
countrys income. But, have we ever thought about the waste products thrown by the factories without
any filtering? What will happen next if we just let it be?
Will we let 28 millions humans who live along this river die? No, of course not. Last 2008,
Asian Development Bank has mentioned that the financial loss because of water pollution is 45
billion and it includes healthiness expense, clean water providing expense, bad tourism, and
increasing the demise of babies. That is why we have to keep our river clean, also the sea and sources
of water. How can we keep it clean? By using water wisely, do not throw waste in river or sea, sorting

every kind of wastes from factories, do not use too many plastics (unorganic substance). With those
little things action actually we save clean water for 10, 20,30 years later for our future son, daughter
and grandchild.
We dont inherit this earth from our great-grandmother, but we borrow it from our child, grandchild
and return it with intact

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