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How gender and ethnicity is represented in our girl.

The TV shows our girl is about the life as a militant. This story revolves around
the main protagonist Georgie. She is represented as a strong, independent
woman who is in the armed forces. Compared to stereotype, she is nothing like
it. The usually stereotype of a woman is someone who relies on men. Also, it is
not normal to see a woman in army uniform because stereotypically, it is usually
men who are in the army. The women are shows as strong, brave and smart, but
men are shown as leading and dangerous. The reason men are presented as
dangerous is because they are shown with guns. Georgie is a counter stereotype
because she is shown as strong, brave and smart. This is shown when she is
trapped in a cell, held captive by terrorists and she works her way out. Her being
in the military is a counter stereotype because it is usually men who are in the
military. She meets the gender stereotype because in one scene, she is stuck
and a male militant helps her escape. This scene shows that a male is more
empowering and more leading than the female. The is stereotypical because
men are shown as more powerful and stronger than females.
Ethnicity is presented through the Muslim belief. They are presented as
dangerous and stereotypically, they own Ak-47s and wear balaclavas. This is a
stereotype that the media and the news has placed on us. Muslims are peaceful
and it is only a slim minority which are terrorists. The creatures of our girl have
captivated the real life in the military. Including a white British male who
worships Allah puts the ethnicity on edge about all terrorists being from the
middle east. With him being a white British male from London breaks the natural
stereotype for terrorists.

The area she is in is

derelict which
makes the
attraction fall on
her because there is
nothing that really
stands out.
With the area
looking derelict and
the clothing she is
wearing makes her
a counter
stereotype because
it is not usually for a
woman to be in
military uniform.

At first glance, you

would think it was a
man with the way
she is sitting, with
her clothing and
how short her hair
is. Her rolled up
sleeves makes her
look hard and
She is wearing
military clothes and
women arent in the
army because they
are portrayed as
weak whereas men
are shown as the
dominant gender

There are different camera angles during the last 5 minutes of Our Girl. An
establishing shot is used to show a wide angle and to show the landscape. This
shows that the scenery is derelict and is in a different country. Preferably Syria or
Afghanistan. A point of view shot is used to create tension and to connect with
the audience, feeling like your there at the moment of the shooting. This is when
a close up occurs and we can see the terrorists and what they look like. A low
angle shot is used on the terrorists to show that they are inferior at the time, and
to show they are powerful. Whilst getting Georgie out of the car, a shallow shot is
used on the antagonist. This blurs out the landscape around him and he is the
only one in focus so all the attention is on him.
Diegetic and non-diegetic sound it used throughout the scene. The ambulance
speeding and the shouting inside of the ambulance creates tension. Georgies
screams show that she is the victim which is stereotypical for a woman to be
dominated by a male. Non-diegetic sound is used to create tension when the
soundtrack kicks in. The slow drum beat and the dramatic music makes the
audience tense, along with Georgies screams and the terrorists shouting.
Fast paced editing is used to show the scene is going quickly. There are three
camera shots back to back creates tension and action which shows that life in
the military isnt all that great.

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