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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)

Assignment: PGPM 12
Human Resource Management

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School Of Distance Education

National Institute of Construction
Management & Research Centre

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)

Assignment Title:
A project work for 3 KM long tunnel has been undertaken at a remote site which
takes 2 days of travel to reach nearest town. Supervisors, Technicians and skilled
workers are engaged in dangerous and hazardous work. Absenteeism due to
sickness, quarrels, drinking is adding to less output of work and chances of accident
on site are increasing. There is need to tackle this problem to increase the output of
the work.

Site conditions:
The site is located in a remote area and the nearest town to the construction for the
site is very far. The distance between the site and the town is less but it takes
approximately two days because of poor road condition and hilly terrain. The
workers have been involved in a dangerous and hazardous works which has to be
seriously looked upon. The situation has worsened due to lack of several basic
amenities. The output from the workers is less due which on time completion of the
project may be delayed, if not attended. In short, the project has lost both QUALITY
and TIME.
Planning for a tunnel in remote area involves very careful planning for the
The availability of raw material and its transportation and storage.
Power arrangement at the project site as tunnel making involves lot of heavy
equipment and thus need heavy power requirements.
Alternate arrangement of raw material supply, skilled and semi-skilled
manpower, their staying as such project period would be in few years.
Welfare and medical arrangement for the people working at site.

Table of Contents

Main problems and their reasons in site:..................................................................5

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)


Absenteeism of workers and machineries:.............................................................5


Accidents at site:.............................................................................................. 5


Technical problems in machineries:.....................................................................5


Work progress not meeting the schedule:..............................................................5


Improper safety measures:................................................................................. 5


Consumption of alcohol:.................................................................................... 6


Transportation and logistics problems:.................................................................6


Lack of medical and welfare arrangements:..........................................................6


Lack of motivation & safety:.............................................................................. 6

Needs & fulfillments on site:.................................................................................. 7


Safety to workers:............................................................................................ 7


Site tidiness:.................................................................................................... 7


Rest breaks:.................................................................................................... 8


Place for storage of Materials:............................................................................ 8


Social needs of workers:.................................................................................... 8


Methods for hygiene & motivational factors:..........................................................10


Stimulate the working site................................................................................ 10


Fulfilling Social needs of the persons..................................................................10


Developing interpersonal relationship................................................................10


Providing Opportunity for the Professional Growth..............................................11


Tangible rewards............................................................................................ 11


Senior management support & management assistance in problem solving................11


Cultivating strong skills in delegation:................................................................11


Suggestions/Recommendations to Management:......................................................13


Enriching the job:.......................................................................................... 13


Helping subordinates:..................................................................................... 13


Act of motivation:.......................................................................................... 13


Professional stimulation of work environment:....................................................14


Adopt a positive attitude among workers:...........................................................14


Fulfilling Social needs of the persons..................................................................14


Letting the people know why they are, where they are...........................................14


Placement of the right persons in right positions:.................................................15


Clearly convey how employee results contribute to organizational results..................15


Celebrate achievements:............................................................................... 15


Cultivate strong skills in delegation:...............................................................16

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)



Offering Tangible rewards:...........................................................................16

Bibliography:................................................................................................... 17

Main problems and their reasons in site:

1.1.Absenteeism of workers and machineries:
The absenteeism of workers and machineries has a major impact on productivity.
High rates of absenteeism are a concern. The other people have to carry extra
workloads to compensate for missing crew members. The low job satisfaction
resulted in high absence of workers and improper maintenance, lack of skilled labor
are the causes for malfunction and absence of machinery.

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)

1.2.Accidents at site:
In a construction site there are many accidents than incidents. A dangerous activity
can be performed hundred times before it results in an accident and management
should eliminate such potential dangers. Management cannot wait for human or
material damage before doing any activity. Such potential accidents occur due to
lack of knowledge and training.

1.3.Technical problems in machineries:

There must be lot of machineries involved in the construction of the tunnel. Hence
the machineries like TBM have to be properly maintained. They have to be
inspected in regular duration of time. Skilled and trained personnel have to operate
complicated and heavy machineries.

1.4.Work progress not meeting the schedule:

This occurs often due to unavailability and absenteeism of workers and machineries.
The solution to overcome this problem is to make proper schedule of work.

1.5.Improper safety measures:

Most of the accidents that occur in site are due to lack of safety measures.
Employees need to have a written safety policy for their enterprise, setting out the
safety and health standards. Safe methods or systems of work for hazardous
operations should be there.

1.6.Consumption of alcohol:
The excess consumption of alcohol will lead to lack of concentration on work,
quarrel with co-workers and accidents in sites. The only way to avoid over
consumption of alcohol is to avoid the availability of alcohol near the site so that the
labor cannot consume much alcohol and this problem is solved and the project may
continue smoothly.

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)

1.7.Transportation and logistics problems:

Proper transport facilities must be adopted for the transportation of construction
materials like sand, aggregate, cement, reinforcement materials etc. to the site. The
same has to be provided for workers and their family members.

1.8.Lack of medical and welfare arrangements:

Proper medical & welfare units are required for the families of the workers of the
project at the remote area with the onsite specialized doctors.

1.9.Lack of motivation & safety:

This is the most general problem from the management side. They fail to train and
motivate the workers which have greater impact on output and productivity. Safety
and healthy working conditions has to be provided for the workers. Special
systematic training programs have to be provided for the workers.


Needs & fulfillments on site:

The site is at a remote place and which takes the 2 days travels to the nearest town.
The work at the site is to construct the tunnel of 3 K.M. length which is in a very
dangerous and hazardous condition with the unpredictable weather.
It does have any necessary amenities for living. As it is very far from town it doesnt
have any communication at the site. So it is necessary to provide the basic things and
facility on the site which are as following:

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)

2.1.Safety to workers:
Every worker in the construction industry is very much concerned about their own
safety.The various types of occupational accident in the construction industry are
Exposure in the environmental conditions like temperature or contact with
potential harmful substances like dust etc.
Contact with electric current
Falling from height or at same level including slipping
Caught in machine or material etc.
In order to avoid accidents, several safety measures has to be taken like training the
workers, providing sign boards at hazardous zones, by managing by supervisors etc.

2.2.Site tidiness:
A major contribution to safe working conditions on site can be made by attention to
tidiness. There are many accidents due to tripping, slipping or falling over materials
and equipment which have been left lying around and stepping on nails which have
been left projecting from timber.
Below are the steps to control it Clean up as you go, do not leave scrap for the next person to clean
Clean up spilled oil and grease
Deposit waste material at a recognized disposal point.

2.3.Facilities for supplying food and drink:

Facilities for supplying food at construction work sites can be particularly important
when sites are located in remote areas. Remoteness together with inadequate
temporary housing which lacks cooking facilities may give rise to considerable
problems to workers.
To meet the needs of proper meals, a choice of facilities should be made available.
There should be accommodation with tables and seats protected from the weather
where one can eat in comfort, food brought from home or bought from vendors. It
should be situated away from workstations to minimize contact with dirt, dust or
dangerous substances.

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)

2.4.Rest breaks:
Construction workers begin work early. They start their day with full alert and high
productive but their activity level decreases as the day passes. Short breaks taken
frequently are much better than long breaks.
Productivity improves with frequent rest breaks. National law may prescribe the
length of a working day which includes a period or periods of breaks. At least one
ten minute break in the morning and one in the afternoon in addition to longer break
for lunch are essential.

2.5.Place for storage of Materials:

Storage of materials is also a major problem for such a big project and at remote
place materials will be at site well before start of project. So store rooms should be
properly built well in advance, so that it will not create a problem while execution of

2.6.Social needs of workers:

There should be emergency travel arrangement by which in case of any injury they
can reach at the nearest hospital within the time. Developing the hygiene conditions
on the site so that cases of the sickness on the site can decrease. Providing the
facility for recreation activities & enjoyment of the workers like movies, games, and
internet, participations in the various activities. Providing the good medical facility
on the work site with the lifesaving medicines.

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)


Methods for hygiene & motivational factors:

The following method can be used for improving the hygiene condition and to
motivate the workers at the site:

3.1.Stimulate the working site

The work site should be properly stimulated and the hygiene condition should be
developed at the site so that the persons at the site could get a better environment for
the work. The work place should be safe so that during the work, workers should not
get injured.
The housing arrangement and good food facilities and availability of basic amenities
could improve the working efficiency of the workers. Also providing a good medical
facility can reduce the cases of the sickness of the workers helping in the reducing
the absenteeism and the required team members for the work will be available

3.2.Fulfilling Social needs of the persons

The persons are not able to take their family to site, due to that they are not in
contact with them. They always thinks about them and the concentration on the work
will not be continued.
To fulfill these requirements of his attachment with the family and for social
responsibility they should get work off or leave to meet the family and for fulfilling
his social responsibilities.

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)

3.3.Developing interpersonal relationship

By training and organizing other events and competition, the interpersonal
relationship can develop between the workers. This can help in improving team
work, by that the output will increase than the output by the individual.
This can also help in developing a helpful environment for the workers. Creating
open communication between the workers can help in strengthening the
interpersonal relationship between the workers.

3.4.Providing Opportunity for the Professional Growth

By making then feel that after completing this project, the professional growth for
them will be much higher than the other who are engaged at another work place with
less difficulty. They may get a job security on the job and they can be promoted &
transferred on the basis of their performance.
Also technical training and on the job training can increases the level of the
knowledge, this could help in increasing the working efficiency of the workers.

3.5.Tangible rewards
By giving the tangible rewards for the better work performance on the site, this
could help in motivating the peoples for doing the better job. For that extra wages
and awards can give to increase their morale.

3.6.Senior management support & management assistance in problem

The continuous support by the management and assistance to the workers time to
time, increase the morale of the persons involved in the work at the site. If any
problem arises at the site which is beyond the authority of the supervisors the
management could take decision can solve the problem within time.
They must know that if anything happens the management can take care of them and
the problem could solve within the time effectively. Also if there any grievance
between the supervisory and workers level this could solve by the management so
that the working environment could be develop in an efficient work place.
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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)

The management can recognize and appraise their work of the god performance, this
help in increase the morale of the workers and faith in the organization.

3.7.Cultivating strong skills in delegation:

Delegation includes conveying responsibility and authority to supervisors and
workers so they can carry out certain tasks. However, leave it up to the workers and
supervisors to decide how they will carry out the tasks.
Skills in delegation can free up a great deal of time for managers and higher
management. It also allows them to take strong role in job, which usually means
more fulfillment and motivation in their job, as well.

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)


Suggestions/Recommendations to Management:
4.1.Enriching the job:
Enrichment of job is designing jobs that provide opportunity for achievement,
recognition, growth, responsibility, a greater variety of work content; requires a
higher level of knowledge and skills, give workers more autonomy and
responsibility in terms of planning, direction and controlling their work and provide
the opportunity for personal growth and meaningful work experience.
The workers job may be enriched by:
Giving workers more latitude in deciding about such things as work methods,
sequence and pace or by letting them make decision.
Encouraging the participation of subordinate and interaction between workers.
Giving workers a feeling of personal responsibility to their tasks.
Giving feedback on job performance.

4.2.Helping subordinates:
The management should help, understand and agree with the subordinates with
organizational purposes for better direction. They should develop teamwork, so that
everyones efforts are synchronized. Management should create conditions in which
people will have mutual trust, support and respect.

4.3.Act of motivation:
Motivating employees so that they feel secure on the job is not easy, especially since
a project has a finite lifetime. Also if a project is at such place where the basic
amenities are not available to live it become the more difficult to motivate the
employee to work at those site.
Since the project manager or management cannot motivate by promising material
gains, they must appeal to each persons pride. The project manager should take care
and give personal assistance to the supervisors, technicians, workers and the persons
whose are working under him for achieving the target.
According to Herzberg, the management should treat people as individuals, not as
supervisor, technician, foreman, mechanic, peon etc. The management should give
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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)

due respect to workers as dignified human beings who likes to be respect for their
worth. They should involve workers in taking decisions.

4.4.Professional stimulation of work environment:

The work conditions on the site are not so good and there is a lack of basic facilities
and amenities. The management should arrange the basic requirement of the persons
at the site like housing, food, recreation center, games.
Also management should make work site be safe so that anyone can work without
fear and give his best output. The management should provide a good medical
facility and the travel arrangement in the case of emergency.

4.5.Adopt a positive attitude among workers:

The management should adopt positive attitude towards the supervisors, technicians
and workers to complete the work on the time. The management shouldnt criticize
the works for their less output at the work place due to some unfavorable conditions
at the work place.
The management should always motivate them for the better work performance. The
management should give each person the attention which he requires.

4.6.Fulfilling Social needs of the persons

The persons are not able to take their family to site, due to that they are not in
contact with them. They always thinks about them and the concentration on the work
is not continued. To fulfill these requirements of his attachment with the family and
for social responsibility they should get leave to meet the family and for completing
his social responsibilities.

4.7.Letting the people know why they are, where they are
The people are engaged at work should know that they are there because they know
that how to do that work. How much they are important for the work and for the
organization. They should know that where they are and why, because this make
them feel as an important part for the organization.

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)

Making the individual feel that they belong where they are, Let the people know that
how their efforts fit into the big picture of the project and how this project will
benefits their future growth and career development.
Employee often feel strong fulfillment from realizing that they are actually making a
difference. This realization often requires clear communication about organizational
goal, employee progress towards those goal and celebration when the goals are met.
4.8. Placement of the right persons in right positions:
The every people have some level of knowledge and experience. Anybody cannot fit
into every work. The efficiency can be maximized if right people are in right place
in right numbers. The people at any level should have proper knowledge for that
position and properly trained.
By providing proper training to the persons at work place it could increase the work
progress. This will also help in further growth of the persons.
The persons placed at various positions should follow the hierarchy of the
management. They should follow the instruction given by the higher person, also the
higher person should consider the ideas of the lower persons.

4.9.Clearly convey how employee results contribute to organizational

Employees often feel strong fulfillment from realizing that they're actually making a
difference. This realization often requires clear communication about organizational
goals, employee progress toward those goals and celebration when the goals are met.

4.10. Celebrate achievements:

This critical step is often forgotten. New managers and supervisors are often focused
on a getting "work done". Experienced managers come to understand that
acknowledging and celebrating a solution to a problem can be every bit as important
as the solution itself.
Without ongoing acknowledgement of success, employees become frustrated,
skeptical and even cynical about efforts in the organization.

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Post Graduate Program in Project Management

Assignment PGPM 12 (Human Resource Management)

4.11. Cultivate strong skills in delegation:

Delegation includes conveying responsibility and authority to your employees so
they can carry out certain tasks. However, you leave it up to your employees to
decide how they will carry out the tasks.
Skills in delegation can free up a great deal of time for managers and supervisors. It
also allows employees to take a stronger role in their jobs, which usually means
more fulfillment and motivation in their jobs, as well.

4.12. Offering Tangible rewards:

By giving the tangible rewards for the better work performance on the site, this
could help in motivating the peoples for doing the better job. For that extra wages
and awards can give to increase their morale.


Koontz and Odoneal; Management in organization, McGraw Hill Publication.
Shamil Naoum; People and organization management in construction, Thomas
Telford Ltd.

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