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After a brief studio logo, the first shot of the trailer is a panning shot of some frozen tundra to

establish what is going on and to show off the quality provided by the 70mm film that was one of
the selling points of this film.

This is followed by a shot of some trees and then birds leaving those trees combined with an
ominous low pitched string instrument sound to foreshadow upcoming events.

There is then a shot of a fence protruding from the snow which quickly cuts to a different angle of
the fence this time with a man in the frame, silhouetted against the white sky for the effect of
making him appear mysterious thus suggesting the themes of mystery present in this film. There is
then narration provided by Samuel L Jackson talking about how only a foolish man would go out in
this blizzard, thereby creating more enigma codes as to what the man would be doing out there that
encourage the viewers to watch the film for answers.

Next there is a shot of a man riding a horse drawn carriage to suggest a change in location before
cutting to a shot of the outside of a cabin where the man who was walking through the blizzard is
walking menacingly forwards with an axe briefly before a gunshot and an overhead shot of a man
falling dead. This serves to establish the premise of the film and begins to set it up as a murder
mystery. There in then a shot of two men carrying the body to the carriage (which is again used

show movement) and dump him in the snow, thus cementing the nature of the mystery that serves
to drive the plot.

There is then a shot of Samuel L Jackson in a cabin, this shot if comparatively brightly lit to suggest
that this is a safer place than previously. The camera lingers on his face while his narration finishes
before a flurry of shots of horses to again show a change in location accompanied with fast drum
music, a shot of two men in black entering the cabin who are shown only from the knees down to
suggest that they are the murderers from earlier as they were also wearing black before another
series of shots of various people entering the cabin culminating in a gunshot to further establish the
nature of the murder mystery. There is then a mid-shot of Samuel L Jackson in the same location he
was in previously again addressing the audience directly, commenting on the audiences implicit
desire to want to watch the film.

There is then an inter-title in a western font to make it apparent that he film is a western if it is not
already evident from the clothing worn by the characters, the inter title also serves to inform the
viewer that this is a film directed by Quentin Tarantino who has an avid fan base that will watch
anything he makes so by putting his name so prominently in the trailer (as director credits are
normally left until the end of a trailer if included at all) more people will be persuaded to watch the

The next shot is of a carriage pulling up in front of Samuel L Jacksons character to represent his
character as powerful, he then calmly responds to having a gun pointed at him before getting in the
carriage and traveling to the shack. This furthers the murder mystery styling of the film by showing
that there will be a heavy focus on interactions between characters as everyone is going to the
shack. This is further confirmed when they burst through the door and see the other characters from
before and the man from the carriage comments on how he wont share a roof with people he
doesnt know. Then begins a montage of character cards of the eight people to show some brief
characterisation. After the montage the man who owns the carriage states the initial premise of the
film to the other people in the shack to create investment from the audience in what is going on
they all react in ways that show a bit of their character.

There is then a sequence of inter-titles to the effect of trust no one interspersed with shots of
characters arguing to further show the dynamics between them. The trailer then breaks out into
another montage of travel and action shots before lingering on a shot of a boot with bullet casings
on the floor to reinforce the mystery elements present before other shots of characters loading guns
before showing a release date via inter-title. There is then another montage of arguments travel and
gunshots before showing the title.

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