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The trailer starts with a panning helicopter shot of Rome which begins to showcase the high budget

nature of this film. The camera then cuts to what we assume to be the tower in the centre of the
previous shot in which a man in a suit bursts from a trap door in the floor, accompanied with fast
electronic music, he proceeds to run to the edge of the tower, where he is confronted by a pursuer
who questions him, before ultimately jumping off of the tower.

This sequence sets the high action tone for the film, this is further shown by the use of slow motion
for the mans fall from the tower. Furthermore the fact that he is being questioned begins to create
enigma codes in the viewers which serve to simultaneously make the viewer want to watch the film
to find out more and establishing this film as part of the mystery genre.

After a fade to black and some studio logos, Tom Hanks walks through some ornate doors into a
house where he is asked for help regarding the man who jumped from the tower in the previous
scene, his casting in this film is a further testament to its high budget.

There is then a helicopter shot of a train going through green countryside which is a further
testament to the visuals provided by this films high budget nature where Tom Hanks conversation is
continued, this serves to establish the premise of the film. An inter-title then appears that reads the
worlds greatest mind which serves to further establish the film as part of the mystery genre by
promising intellectual themes.

There is then a cut to Tom Hanks in a lab where he projects a depiction of hell onto the wall and
then exclaims about how it is Dantes inferno. The people in the room discuss how the layers of hell
have been rearranged, this is interspersed with close ups of part of the image to create an unsettling
tone. The debate being had by the characters about what is going on cements this further as part of
the mystery genre. There is then another inter-title before Tom Hanks announces that they need to
find Dantes death mask, the use of a character making a revelation without explaining the reasoning
to the audience for the effect of creating suspense is a troupe of the mystery genre.

There are more high budget helicopter shots to show travel before another inter-title this time
announcing that this film is based on a best-selling novel to encourage fans of the book to watch the

The electronic music becomes more prominent as Tom Hanks askes about Dantes death mask
before a dramatic pan to show that it isnt there before the man he was talking to announces it was
stolen. There is then a shot showing Tom Hanks character stealing on a CCTV feed, other characters
remark about this which serves to add another layer of mystery and thereby creates more intrigue
for prospective viewers. Characters remark further about this revelation before Tom Hanks
announces I want to know what Im involved in thus creating more intrigue in the viewer. There
are then a flurry of action shots involving car chases and police shootouts to further cement this as
an action film, this sequence is then interrupted when Tom Hanks character says everything is out
of focus while the camera focuses in on him to visually represent the turmoil he is feeling, when the
camera becomes focused the music lowers and someone asks him is he is having visions.

The next few shots use hellish imagery to illustrate this point and create more intrigue and cause the
audience to question which parts of the trailer so far have been real. They are then back in the room
with the projection where they uncover new information, which in itself is a feature of the mystery
genre, revealing that the image is a prophecy, they then use his to deduce that someone has created
a plague which serves to create more enigma codes for the viewers. Another inter title appears to
allow the audience to this about the revelation and to also inform them that his film is from
academy award winning director Ron Howard. There are then various scenes of the characters
investigating various artefacts interspersed with shots of the effect of the plague, inter-titles to
create excitement about the mystery and hellish imagery that we have come to associate with
hallucinations due to the previous scene all the while the plague is being discussed. Finally a title
appears which is followed by some credits and a release date to create excitement for the film.

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