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Differences and Similarities Hyogo and Sendai

The difference between Sendai and Hyogo framework- Sendai

focuses on disaster risks and Hyogo focuses on disaster losses.
Disaster risks put more efforts to reduce size of disasters and disaster
losses focuses more on minimizing the impacts of disasters. Sendai
focuses more on the means of implementation the how like how are
we going to stop or prevent those natural hazard issues. For Hyogo, it
is the what, to understanding the risks and what can be done in
response to these risks. Sendai and Hyogo call for collaboration of
people at local level, fostering partnership with technological and
private sector to share good practices and support globally. They both
focus on reducing the global disaster mortality. Multi-stakeholders and
inclusive approach is also what Sendai and Hyogo focus on for natural
Technically Hyogo and Sendai have the same goals and to emphasize
on this Sendai added 7 Global targets to measure DRR (Disaster Risk
Reduction) in its framework. Sendai framework uses some parts of
Hyogo framework as basis and patterned most of its work for Sendai
Framework 2015-2030. Disaster Risk Reduction is the concept and
practice of reducing disaster through systematic efforts to analyze the
exposures of disasters.

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