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What makes us human?

I write here with a question, a question Ive been asking myself quite a number of
years now. What makes us human?
Human, a noun in which according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary means a bipedal
primate mammal also known as Homo sapiens. What makes us Human? Is it
religion? Money? Status? Fame? Does not having those make you any less human?
I put no stock in religion. By the word religion I have seen the lunacy of fanatics of
every denomination be called the will of God. Holiness is in right action and courage
on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves, and goodness. What God desires
is your mind and in your heart and what you decide to do every day, you will be a
good man - or not. Kingdom of Heaven All over the world various religion claims to
have the answer, an explanation as to why certain things happen, our point of origin
and the key to happiness.
Does it really matter who is right and who is wrong? Shouldnt it be about what is
right and what is wrong? Who defined what is right from what is wrong?
What makes us human? Is it our physiological capacities? Is it our higher order
thinking skills? What makes us any different from an animal that would savagely kill
for survival? Perhaps its our capacity to love. To be able to show kindness to
someone who has not earned it, which does not deserve it, to be able to give when
we do not have enough. To be scared and yet have the courage to face what scares
us anyway. To love even if we feel unloved. Perhaps we should not do things in order
to gain something in return; we should do it out of love, the very trait that makes us
We all have beliefs, religion, something that keeps us grounded in our faith, keeps
us in touch with our humanity, our identity as human beings and not as savage
beasts. It doesnt really matter what our religion is, what matters is the actions we
make and the purity of our intentions, our capacity to love, our ability to show
compassion, the small acts of kindness and the person we are when no one is
watching, that I think is what defines our humanity.
Most religions tell us what we should or we shouldnt do. They give us laws of what
is acceptable, they define what is good and what is evil, they define our morality,
they dictate what should come out of our conscience otherwise we are considered
unrighteous, immoral, or even evil. But shouldnt we be the ones doing that?
Because no matter what people tell us we should become, our soul is in our keeping
and it is in our hands to choose what kind of human being we will become.
If we cannot trust ourselves, our intuition, our own conscience to lead us to the path
of goodness then how can we trust other peoples to guide us towards humanity?

Would you kill for faith? Would you choose to save a brother or a sister over another
because of religion? Would you trample on someone for the sake of your salvation?
Would you do evil to create a greater good? Why is it that most people are
apathetic? Perhaps it is because they do not think that it is our responsibility and
obligation to help each other regardless of race, faith or belief. They do not realize
that as human beings co habiting a single planet that we are interrelated and that
we are one with nature.
Our actions affect each and every one of us regardless if we intend to or not. We
lack empathy because most of the time we do not care enough to actually pay
attention to what is happening around us. Most of us dont care as long as we are
not directly affected. We are too busy with ourselves to spare a moment with
others. We are foolish enough to think that we will thrive alone and that doing
whatever it takes to survive is the essence of life.
What an odd way to live! Would you rather live a meaningless life than die a
meaningful death? Death is certain it is only a matter of when and how, life however
is a matter of what, what do you live for? Living a life ruled by morality and guided
by our own conscience and not by fear of what awaits us in the afterlife if we chose
not to do the will most men claims to be Gods or to be compelled by the need to be
in Gods good graces for us to do something every human being should be obliged
to do to another.
I refuse to just believe every single thing I was raised to believe in without
question. I refuse to be a mindless conformist wanting the comfort of societys
acceptance. I refuse to have my faith grounded on convenience. I want to be the
kind of human being who is capable of thinking for myself, standing up for what I
believe in, liberated, a free thinker, an activist, a reformist, a revolutionist. I want to
have the kind of faith not grounded on religion nor societys standard of what is
morally right or acceptable but of my own conscience, my morality, love and that I
believe is what makes us human After all, What man is a man who does not make
the world better? Now, the question is what makes you human?

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