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Physical Chemistry for Engineers 1 (REVIEW 1)

Cebu Institute of Technology University

SEPT 2015

1. An ideal gas is made up of molecules that have these properties except:

a. attract or repel each other on the wall of the container
c. are points in space in time
b. collide with the walls of the container without loss of energy
d. have mass and velocity
2. How much change in elevation must a mass of 1 kg undergo to change its potential energy by 1 kJ?
a. 1 m
b. 102 m
c. 9.8 m
d. 0.01 m
3. Liquid water at 180oC and 1,002.7 kPa has an internal energy of 762 kJ/kg and a specific volume of 1.128 cm3/g.
Calculate the enthalpy of water at this state.
a. 6.78 kJ/mol
b. 763.13 kJ/kg
c. 828,656 J/mol
d. 842.6 kJ/kg
4. If a given gas has a compressibility factor, z>1, this means that:
a. attractive forces
b. repulsive forces
c. no force of attraction

d. exist between the molecules of gases

5. A decomposition reaction is carried out in a piston and cylinder setup that has a constant cross-section area of 50
cm2. During the reaction the piston is raised by 15 cm against a constant external pressure of 121 kPa. Calculate the
work done by the system.
a. 72 J
b. 6.5 kJ
c. 91 J
d. 9.7 kJ
6. 650 Btu is equal to:
a. 245 k cal

b. 423 dm klbf

c. 2.25x1011 ft dyne

d. none of the above

7. A mass of 500g of gaseous ammonia is contained in a 30,000 cm3 tank immersed in a constant temperature bath at
65oC. Calculate the pressure of the gas.
a. 27.5 bar
b. 42.3 atm
c. 48.6 mmHg
d. 456.2 psi
8. 2 mol ideal gas initially at 277 K and 111 kPa is sealed in a gas tank. Calculate the amount of heat flow needed to
raise its pressure to 143 kPa. Assume Cv of the gas to be independent of temperature and equal to 2.5R.
a. 19,578 J
b. 13,400 J
c. 9.7 kJ
d. 3.28 kJ
9. The first law of thermodynamics states that the internal energy of an isolated system is:
a. zero
b. constant
c. unity
d. infinite
10. The change in enthalpy is equal to the heat supplied to a system, if the system is/has:
a. adiabatic
b. no work
c. isochoric

d. isobaric

11. Determine the heat evolved if 4 mol propane at 30oC and 5bar is to be compressed isothermally to 20bar.
a. -11.5 kJ
b. -14 kJ
c. -2.7 kJ
d. -32 kJ
12. 4g of Nitrogen gas occupies a volume of 3.5L at a pressure of 1 bar at 25oC. If the gas is heated to 150oC at
10 bar, the volume would be compressed to 0.5L. Calculate the b coefficient of the van der Waals equation of
state of the Nitrogen gas.
a. 3.74x10-2 L/mol
b. 0.06281 L/mol
c. 0.03913 L/mol
d. 4.53x10-2 L/mol
13. Calculate the change in internal energy of the water if it is fitted with a stirrer that is turned by a 35 kg weight that
falls slowly through a height of 10 m.
a. 3500 J
b. 32.4 kJ
c. 245,690 J
d. 3.43 kJ
14. Which of the following is not a gas constant?

Physical Chemistry for Engineers 1 (REVIEW 1)

Cebu Institute of Technology University
a. 10.73 ft3psia/lbmol R
b. 82.06 ft3atm/lbmol R

c. 8.314


SEPT 2015
d. 1.987 cal/mol K

15. In the van der Waals equation for non ideal gases, p 2 V nb nRT . It is not true that

a. 2 correct for intermolecular forces
b. nb correct for the volume occupied by the gas molecules
c. at high densities, the operation reduces to the ideal gas law
d. all of the above are correct
16. 1gmol of an ideal gas at 25oC and 1 bar is to be compressed isothermally to 10 bar. Calculate the heat required for
this process. Assume Cp of ideal gas to be 38 J/mol K.
a. 3.7 kJ/mol
b. 6.8 kJ/mol
c. 5.7 kJ/mol
d. 4.5 kJ/mol
17. For ideal gas possessing only translational energy, the following relationship are valid except
a. Cp=2.5 R
b. Cp=Cv-R
c. Cv=1.5 R
d. Cp/Cv = 1.67
18. The second law of thermodynamics states that every process proceeds in such a direction that the total entropy
change is positive. The limiting value being zero is achieved only when the process is
a. isothermal
b. reversible
c. adiabatic
d. entropic

19. Van der Waals parameters in terms of critical temperature and pressure can be reduced to p r

3Vr 1 8Tr .

Where Pr , Vr , and Tr are the reduced pressure, volume, and temperature respectively. Find the reduced volume of
oxygen it would have at Tr =3/2 and Pr =3.
a. 1
b. 1.5
c. 0.2
d. 3
20. Determine the entropy change of 34 mol of liquid ethanol if it is heated from 25oC to 50oC. Heat capacity of ethanol
at this temperature range is constant at 2.44 kJ/kg K.
a. 318 kJ
b. 324 kJ
c. 304 kJ
d. 309 kJ
21. Entropy is one of the most difficult concepts in thermodynamics for many to grasp as it is intangible and cannot
be measured calorimetrically or any other way. Which of the following statements in NOT true for the
interpretation of Entropy?
a. When a system passes in a reversible way from one state to another state, at a constant absolute
temperature, its change in entropy is equal to the heat it absorbs, divided by temperature.
b. Entropy is an intrinsic property of matter so defined that an increase in the unavailability of the total
energy of a system is quantitatively expressed by a corresponding increase in its entropy.
c. The entropy (denoted by the symbol S) is a state function.
d. In a system in which there are flows of both heat and work across the system boundaries, the heat flow,
but not the work flow, causes a change in the entropy of the system.
e. Entropy is a measure of unavailability of internal energy, thus any degradation of this energy to heat or
any other form of energy obviously does not affect entropy.
f. None of the above.
22. Calculate the temperature of 1gmol ideal gas if it is to be compressed adiabatically to 10 bar from an initial state of
25oC and 1 bar. Assume Cp of ideal gas to be 38 J/mol K.
a. 493.4 K
b. 356.8 K
c. 534.9 K
d. 642.7 K

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