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Dejsa: Where were you yesterday? We had to go to the cinema.

Why didnt you come?
Gesida: Im really sorry Dejs, but unfortunately I argued with my
dad and he didnt allow me to meet you.
Dejsa: Again?! I bet that the reason is the same one as usual.
Gesida: Yeah!!! They continue to not understand that we live in a
digital world nowadays.
Dejsa: Id better say you continue to not understand that you
shouldnt spend so much time in front of the computer.
Gesida: But this is something that all the teens do, isnt it?
Dejsa: Of course it is. But what makes you different is that you
dont use the technology sensibly. You are so hooked on
videogames, computers, MP3 players that you spend three hours
a day in front of them.
Gesida: In fact, yesterday I stayed awake until 3 in the morning.
Ive started chatting with a boy from Tirana, who is very
Dejsa: I think you shouldnt trust him.
Gesida: Why? Have you ever experienced something the same?
Dejsa: Yes, unfortunately. And this story makes me feel very
Gesida: Why? What happened?
Dejsa: I dont want to rememberit.
Gesida: Come on! Were friends.

Dejsa: WellIt all started a month ago. A boy wrote me on FB and

I decided to answer him. Soon we became friends.
Gesida: Well, this is something that happens to a lot of teens. I
mean Theres nothing special here.
Dejsa: In fact, there is. As he was really friendly, polite and
handsome; I decided to meet him.
Gesida: What?! Are you out of your mind??? What happened next?
Dejsa: This is the worst part of the story. When I met him I learned
he wasnt a teen but a 35 year old man.
Gesida: OMG! Did you have any problem?
Dejsa: Luckily, no. I acted out I wasnt Dejsa. Fortunately, he
hasnt written me ever since.

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