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Word Count: 472 Approx Pages: 2

Knowledge is Power, but knowledge does not always come with power.
Knowledge is the state of awareness or understanding gained from experience or
studylearning specic information about something. This means a person has the
resourcefulness to obtain and criticize useful and informative information in order to
become well informed citizens who can make intelligent decisions based upon their
understanding and awareness of everyday situations. Does this make them
powerful? Is a question that creeps into ones mind? Well, power is said to be the
ability or capacity to act or perform e ectively. Without knowledge, how can this
ability to perform e ectively, be possible? Indeed, it cannot. This proves that
knowledge is very much a necessity to gain Power.
Education is the key to success is one of the sayings that one hears
throughout their college life. It is invariably true that every person who is
knowledgeable leads a successful life. Education plays an important role in
promoting a nations economic growth, as well.
When you look at Americas rise to power during the past war era it is easy as




well as trivial to attribute it to the abundance of natural resources and surplus

number of new inventions. But, really we must consider how those inventions came
about and how those natural resources were utilized to a productive end. More
importantly than what made America the most powerful country in the world is why
it became the most powerful country. It wasnt luck, or coincidence or the fact that
they had abundant resources but because they laid a rm foundation for their
people by educating them and making them valuable members of the society who
could meet the demands of the competing world.
Investment in higher education is worthwhile because how much you spend
on it right now denitely will make up for the amount it makes you gain later in life. It
is said When you learn more, you earn more

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