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Name: ___________________

Date: _____ / ______ / ______

Reading 30 points

Read the text. Then match A to B to make sentences. (10 points)

A teenager in modern - Russia

This week fifteen- year-old Anton Morozov from Moscow tells us about his
daily routine.
I always get up at half past seven. Then I have a shower and tidy my room. I
have breakfast with my parents at eight oclock. We usually have cereal, eggs
and bread but we sometimes have pancakes with honey (its called blini). Thats
my favourite breakfast! At a quarter to nine my grandmother arrives and my
parents go to work.
In Moscow students go to school in the morning or the afternoon. In the
morning I often do my homework. I play computer games twice a week. I also
listen to music, play the guitar and watch TV but I dont play football or ride
my bike. Its so cold outside. School starts at three oclock. Im never late.
At the end of the day, I leave school and go home at half past eight. After that, I
have dinner. Then I listen to music and download songs. My favourite band is
Foo Fighters. I go to bed at a quarter past ten and read magazines in bed.

1. Anton Morozov

a. in the morning or the afternoon.

2. In Moscow students go to school

b. at three oclock.

3. Antons school starts

c. is his favourite breakfast.

4. At half past eight

d. is a Russian student.

5. Blini

e. Anton leaves school and goes home.

Complete the sentences. (10 points)

1. Anton plays ................................... twice a week.
2. He doesnt ................................... or ................................ Its cold outside.
3. He ........................... gets up at ........................................
4. At a quarter to nine ...........................................................
5. His .............................. band is ..........................................

Complete the table. (10 points)



His grandmother


School starts

Name: ___________________
Date: _____ / ______ / ______

Vocabulary 20 points

Match the activities in A to their clues in B. (5 points)


1. do sports

a. I find an online page called www.

2. meet friends

b. to, jump, to run and to stretch.

3. surf the web

c. I introduce Sarah to my best friend, Richard.

4. talk on the phone.

d. Sales!! Where? I want T-shirts, a jacket and sports shoes.

5. go shopping.

e. My aunt says a lot of thing about her life in Ireland.

Choose the routine that is true about each clue. (7 points)

1. In the morning:
a. have dinner.

b. get dressed.

c. go to bed.

b. have breakfast.

c. go to school.

b. get up.

c. play computer games

b. sleep.

c. go shopping.

b. walk the dog.

c. meet friends.

b. play basketball.

c. have a shower.

b. stay at home.

c. tidy my room

2. At 20:30:
a. go home.
3. In my free time:
a. study with friends.
4. At the weekend:
a. do homework.
5. At 22:45:
a. read magazines.
6. Always:
a. download songs
7. In the evening:
a. get dressed.

Complete the sentences with the words below. (8 points)

send text messages play the piano meet friends read newspapers go home chat online ride my
1. I always finish my homework because I rarely ...............................................
2. My swimming course is ended. I ................................. at nine oclock.
3. I play tennis, football and badminton. I also ............................. at the weekend.
4. I sometimes ...................................... My favourite musicians are Bach and Mozart.
5. I talk on the phone and .......................................... to my family in Moscow.
6. I usually .................................. to make a party or make a school project.
7. In the evening I sometimes ....................................... like El Pas or El Mundo.
8 (Free) I always .................................................. in the morning.

Name: ___________________
Date: _____ / ______ / ______

Grammar 40 points

Complete the sentences. Use present simple verbs. (5 points)

1. We.................................... (not have) dinner at eight oclock. We ........................ (watch) TV series.
2. My sister never ........................ (talk) on the phone. She always ........................ (chat) online.
3. ........... he ........................ (get) dressed at half past seven? No, he ........................ (do)
4. They ........................(go) shopping but :( they ............................ (not meet) friends.
5. ........................ (tidy) your room? Yes, I ................... (do)

Complete the negative sentences. Then write questions. (5 points)

1. She ................................. sports every day.
2. Sonia and Fernando ................................. the web once a day.
3. Arnold ..................................with friends.
4. I ................................ the dog.
5. They .................................their bikes on Sunday.

Make sentences in English using adverbs of frequency. (6 points)

1. l / rara vez / ver la tele
2. Ustedes (vosotros) / usualmente / quedarse en casa
3. Yo / a menudo / escuchar msica / por las tardes
4. T / a veces / arreglar tu cuarto / dos veces a la semana.
5. Nosotros / nunca / ir de compras / por las maanas
6. Ella / siempre / bajar canciones

Name: ___________________
Date: _____ / ______ / ______

Grammar 40 points

Answer these questions about a survey from National Statistics Institute. (6 points)

What do you usually do on Sunday mornings?


2. How often do you chat online?

3. When do you have dinner?
4. How much pocket money do you get?
5. Do you download music?
6. Do you like shopping?

Tick these sentences True (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones. (4 points)

I play tennis but I doesnt swim.


2. Do they chats online? No, they dont. They studies with friends.
3. Maria doesnt talks on the phone. She send text messages to her family in York.
4. You do sports usually. You ride your bike sometimes. But never you eat salad.

Translate this text into your own language. (14 points)

Sam is fifteen. He likes school and hes a brilliant student. Sams mum works in a bank. She get ups at six
oclock every day. She prepares breakfast for Sam and then takes him to school. After that, she does sports
in a gym near home. She also rides her bike three times a week.

In the afternoon, Sam meets friends and they play computer games. How often do they play? Twice a week.
Then, he has dinner and goes to bed. He chats online on Whatsapp with his sister, who is twenty two.
Finally, he falls asleep at a quarter to eleven. Good dreams Sam!

Name: ___________________
Date: _____ / ______ / ______

Writing 20 points
Write a report about your routines and weekly activities . Include time ( oclock, half past, quarter to, quarter
past) and adverbs of frequency (never, rarely, sometimes, often, usually, always).
(60-80 words)


NOTA: Presta especial atencin a los prrafos 2,3 y 4 del ejercicio 1 del Reading.
Esto te servir de ayuda para hacer el writing.

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