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NAME: ___________________ CLASS: _____________ DATE:________

Narrative Writing Piece:

Due typed with evidence of writing process by Sept. 29th
**This will go in your 6th grade writing portfolio and is a requirement to pass
6th grade language arts**
You will be writing a short story about a person who faces a difficult
challenge or decision.
You may choose to write a true story or a made up story.
You will be guided in class through brainstorming, pre-writing, drafting,
and revision.
You MUST provide evidence of your writing process and thus you
should turn in as many steps and drafts as you can (if you turn in only
a good copy you will not get credit for the classwork leading up to the
good copy, SAVE IT).
The writing should be at least 1 typed page or 5-10 paragraphs (12inch font, 1 inch margins) The writing should not be longer than 3
pages. You can handwrite your paper IF you prefer.
o We will type in the lab at school 9/27 & 9/28* If you wish to
type at home that is your choice. Otherwise you will have up
to 2 class days to allow you to type.
Include these elements:
One or more well-developed characters
An interesting conflict or problem
A plot that moves in a natural sequence of events toward a
satisfactory conclusion.
A clear and accurate point of view or perspective
Concrete sensory language
Narrative techniques: dialogue and description

Effective use of transitions

Correct use of language conventions (grammar).

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