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Ministerul Educatiei din Republica Moldova

Universitatea Tehnica din Moldova

Facultatea Calculatoare, Informatica si Microelectronica
Filiera Anglofona

Lucrare de Laborator nr. 2
Analiza si Modelarea Sistemelor Informationale

A efectuat: FAF-131

Plugaru Tudor

A verificat:
lect. sup.

Melnic Radu

Chisinau 2015

Topic: Introduction to Enterprise Architect

When you first open up Enterprise architect, a create new model window appears, from this
model you can load up a model with predefined elements. (Fig.1)

Figure 1: Windows main screen

The application window consists of the title bar, menu, toolbar, browser, documentation,
log view, and the diagram window. (Fig.2)

Figure 2: Enterprise Architect

The menu consists of 11 elements, which allow the user to execute some specific actions
from specific component. (Fig.3)

Figure 3: Menu
File: provides options to create, open, close and save projects, and also to perform print
Edit: provides a range of functions to apply to diagram elements for the currently open
diagram (copy, paste, undo, redo).
View: you can set local user preferences, including which toolbars or windows are hidden or visible.
Project: provides options to add package, add diagram, element.
Diagram: provides options to edit the proprieties of diagram.
Element: provides options to add tagged values, source code engineering and other
Tools: allows us to check for spell check the current project.
Add-Ins: if you have installed Add-In on your system, it provides you to connect to,
display information on, work and manage the Add-Ins.
Settings: provides access to various actions related to current project.
Windows: provides access to various actions related to configuring open windows.
Help: provides access to the Enterprise Architect help files, the Read Me file, the Enterprise Architect End User License Agreement and various features.

The standard toolbar is displayed under the menu bar and is used to perform basic tasks
in Enterprise Architect.(Fig.4)

Figure 4: Standard toolbar

It Provides quick access to the most commonly used actions as: new model, open model,
save model, edit options, help, browse different types of diagrams, zoom in and zoom out.

The browser window works much like a tree view browser in windows explorer. The browser
allows you to Create new folders (packages), actors, use cases, classes, files, URLs, and diagrams
in a hierarchical structure. Each object is represented by a unique icon to show the type of
each object. (Fig. 5)

Figure 5: Browser

Diagram Window
The diagram windows are the main form of interaction a user will deal with. Diagram
windows are used to visually represent objects and elements of the model. Diagram windows
give the user full control over the design, layout, properties, etc of model objects and how those
objects interact with each other. Multiple objects can appear on one diagram window and all
objects can each appear on multiple diagram windows.

Figure 6: Diagram Windows

Documentation Window
The documentation window is used to describe model elements or relationships. The description can include such information as the roles, keys, constraints, purpose, and essential
behavior of the element. You can type information either here or through the documentation
field of a specification.

Figure 7: Documentation Windows

Comparing to Enterprise Architect has a simpler construction and user interface structure. The
functional part has to be discovering during practical tasks.

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