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A newsletter of the First United Presbyterian Church

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
June 2010

Congratulations to our 2010 graduating senior!!

Yawa Patience Zewou , who began attending First United with her family in 2004-5, will graduate from
Troy High School on Sunday, June 27. Patience has been an active participant in the work and worship of
First United for several years, joining the church with the 2007 confirmation class. Serving two terms on
Session as a youth elder, she was a member of the worship committee and rang the deep bass bells as a
member of the 2009 bell choir.
At school, her favorite subjects are history and English. Patience has been a member of the French
Club, a soprano in the Concert Choir, a ribbon twirler with the marching band, a peer leadership captain,
and she attended the Rensselaer County Youth Summit. She participated in the STEP (Science Technology
Entry Program) Program at the University at Albany, and competed in the Science Bowl. She was also
selected for the Sponsor-A-Scholar program, working with a mentor, taking specially arranged field trips,
and receiving scholarship assistance for college textbook purchases.
Asked about what has meant the most to her at First United, she replied, “I didn’t think I was going to
love it as much as I do. Getting to know the people, I kind of fell in love with the church. It felt so
welcoming and comfortable – like a second home.”
Reflecting on her experience of emigrating to the United States, she said, “Growing up in the U.S.A.,
I realized what kind of power I have as a young woman. I believe in myself more. I believe in my intelli-
gence. I wouldn’t have had the same opportunities in Togo.” She wishes there was a way to bring a
measure of the freedom and opportunity we have here over there.
Patience applied to and was accepted at a number of colleges and universities. She will attend SUNY,
New Paltz, and will major either in International Relations or International Business with a minor in
French. She definitely wants to continue for a master’s degree and would like to get a Ph.D. She has also
thought about possibly going to law school.
We will celebrate Patience’s high school graduation with her and her family, parents Victor and
Julienne, older sister Hope, and twin brothers Serge and Sergio, at the 10 a.m. service of worship on

Sunday, June 6
during and after the service of worship recognizing those who learned and taught in our faith education
classes this program year.

Come for food and fun with your family of faith!

A Pastoral Note As together we move through the various
transitions that are ongoing here at First United,
from Alexandra there is one other Scripture text that is always at
the center of my thoughts each day. “I thank my
Dear First United friends, God every time I remember you, constantly pray-
ing with joy in every one of my prayers for all of
As we prepare to send out this June edition you because of your sharing in the gospel from
of First United’s newsletter, there are many
the first day until now.”
among us dealing with major transitions. Some of
them are joyous: graduation from high school or Love, grace, prayers, and blessings from a
college, completion of the confirmation process, fellow pilgrim and grateful pastor.
celebrating the baptism of an infant daughter. Oth-
ers elicit mixed feelings of anticipation and regret:
moving from a longtime residence to a different
and more manageable living space, reduction Worship Schedule
of hours in the church office, staff searches and June and First Sunday of July 2010
departures. Then there is the most difficult transi- Date Special Event Scripture
tion of all, living through the grave illness of a be-
June 6 Faith Education Proverbs 3: 1 - 6
loved member who has served this congregation Year-End Celebration Matthew 7: 24-29
so faithfully, an experience which brings tears to Teacher Recognition
our eyes and deep sadness to our hearts. June 13 Welcome of New Active Members Luke 7: 36—8:3

A little book by author William Bridges, Transi- June 20 Service of Confirmation TBA
tions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes has been June 27 Recognition of Graduating Senior 2 Kings 2: 1 -2,
very helpful for me in dealing with the changes – Patience Zewou 6 - 14
July 4 Independence Day Psalm 146
that are an ongoing part of life. Bridges identifies 1 Peter 2: 13 - 17
three phases of transition. He talks about the
ordeal of endings and the difficulty of letting go;
examines the fears and sense of emptiness that
2010 Troy Larger Parish
accompany what he names ‘the neutral zone’, that Summer Worship
in-between time when we feel disconnected from
people and things in our past; and highlights the
‘inner realignment’, the rebirth and renewal of en- ♦ July 11 (communion Sunday), 18, and 25
ergy that signals the emergence of new begin-
nings. In times of major change, I also always Services at Oakwood Avenue at 9:30 a.m.
turn to Scripture and prayer and find great
reassurance and support in passages like Psalm ♦ August 1 (communion Sunday) and 8
27’s resoundingly confident statement: “the Lord is Services at First United at 9:30 a.m.
my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?” ;
Isaiah 43: 2: ‘When you pass through the waters, ♦ August 15 and 22
I will be with you …when you walk through fire you Services at Cornerstone Community Church,
shall not be burned” ; and in Romans 8 ‘s great Lansingburgh at 9:30 a.m.
affirmation that nothing we experience or encoun-
ter in all of God’s creation “will be able to sepa- ♦ August 29
rate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our
Lord.” Worship In Frear Park at 9:30 a.m.

♦ September 5
Congregations return to individual
sanctuaries and worship times.
Ministry of Music News
from Maury Castro
Did you know that First United has count of 872
anthems in its choral library? When I
arrived a couple of years ago, this music was Sunday, June 13th
scattered all over the campus; some meticu-
lously filed in different ways, others simply in Washington Park, Albany
boxes! Since then, with the tireless efforts of
Diana Loeffel and Rebecca Rector, we have Would you like to be in the Pride Parade on
been coalescing, organizing, throwing out illegal Sunday, June 13, in Albany? Each year, Presbyte-
copies, and most importantly, computerizing the rian Rainbow sponsors a float and marchers from
database. This last aspect makes it possible Albany Presbytery churches to witness to our
for me to search for any word that might go well welcome to the gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans-
with a given Sunday’s theme, or search for a gender folks in our community. You do not need
specific text, or a liturgical season, and immedi- to be a GLBT person or family member to partici-
ately I know exactly what is in our library! We pate, but you do need to be able to walk for a
still have many more anthems to add, and half hour at a moderate pace. You will find it an
much more work to finish organizing the uplifting and fun experience. People will cheer
library into a truly usable system, but I’m you and thank you for showing up, and there’s a
celebrating where we are. great festival in the park as well.
Thanks to Diana and Rebecca
If you can get to First Presbyterian
for making a difference!
Church of Albany at State & Willett St.
On another note, we say farewell this month to across from Washington Park by 11:45
our assistant children’s choir director intern, a.m., you can be in the parade. Come
who has served faithfully and diligently since earlier at 9:30 and you can help decorate
September of 2009 with our children’s choir. the float and then join the parade groups
Carolynn Mackey has fulfilled everything that
assembling in the park. If you wish,
we had hoped for this position and so much
more. Her musicianship, her rapport with the
you can worship at First Presbyterian
students, her command of the classroom, her at 8:30 or 10:45 a.m.
creativity, and her sensitive attention to each
child has made her a presence that will be If you are interested, please call or e-mail
sorely missed next year. She has completed Judy Moyer: (283-7663,
her graduate certificate program at The College or Margaret Zettle (439-1431,
of St. Rose, and is now seeking full-time em- They will be delighted to answer questions, pro-
ployment as a music teacher. vide more details, and help you to connect with
the parade group.
Thank you Carolynn ~
we’ve been blessed by your work here!
‘Care-A-Van’ for Fondwa, Haiti
donate through mid-June, 2010 ~ organized by the Commission on Peace &
Justice, Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany
Fondwa is one of the 750 rural townships in Haiti. Although the peasants pay taxes, even before the earthquake on
January 12th the government provided no goods or services, such as roads, water, schools or technical assistance for
the care of animals and farming on steep mountainsides. In 1988 the Association of Peasants of Fondwa (APF) was
organized by Father Joseph Philippe so the residents could improve their lives.
Given their deep poverty, APF’s achievements are remarkable: K-12 school of 650 students, radio station, clinic,
orphanage with 65 children, a center with a large meeting room and accommodations for up to 25 international visi-
tors, restaurant, carpentry shop, road built by hand, credit union, University of Fondwa: offering bachelor’s degrees
in agriculture, veterinary medicine and management to young Haitians who otherwise would migrate to the con-
gested cities in search of work. All of the structures were destroyed - most completely, a few partially, but still un-
safe. With our continued solidarity, they are determined to rebuild.
Please note that the need for building materials and tools listed below is a priority.

Dona tions needed for Fondwa - clean, and in good

condition - to fill a 40’ car go container
Please contact the Commission on Peace and Justice before sending underlined items, as only a few are needed: or (518)453-6695
Plywood, 2 x 4s, wood for benches (Haiti is deforested, so lumber is precious), corrugated tin, crusher to
grind rubble to the size of reusable gravel; Carpenter’s, mechanic’s and farmer’s hand tools: scaffolding,
hammers, saws, screw drivers, pliers, hoes, shovels, pick axes, wheelbarrows; Hardware: nails, screws,
hinges, large padlocks, doorknobs, sockets, switches, solar flashlights, AA, B, C, D alkaline batteries; Walkie-
talkies that can be used at a distance of at least 2 miles (rechargeable or solar), security flashlights & wand
metal detectors for watchmen; Laptop and desktop computers, flash drives, office supplies (including toner),
2 photocopiers; Backpacks, spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, erasers, rulers, colored pen-
cils, drawing paper, colored paper, school scissors, paste, chalk and chalkboards, world/western hemisphere
maps, soccer balls, basketballs and hoops; Rice, dried beans, cooking oil, spaghetti, tuna, sardines, tomato
paste, sugar, flour, peanut butter, powdered milk, infant formula for orphans; Cooking pots, pans, utensils
(not non-stick), can openers, large bowls; stainless steel eating utensils; Vegetable seeds: soybean, okra,
eggplant, kale, carrots, beets, squash, lettuce, tomato (esp. Roma), green beans, cabbage, broccoli, cauli-
flower; Buckets, 5-gallon water jugs, empty drums, plastic totes with lids for storage; Cots, sheets, blankets,
pillow cases, towels, washcloths, umbrellas, plastic ponchos, rubber boots (not winter), work gloves, tents,
tarps; Children, teen and adult summer clothing (women: dresses, skirts, tops; men: shirts, trousers, jeans),
sneakers, shoes, flip-flops, underwear, light sweaters; Bar soap (not hotel or sample sizes), shampoo,
toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, feminine products, powdered detergent; Antibiotics, vitamins, enteric
aspirin, ibuprophen, peroxide, iodine, sterile gauze & bandages, adhesive tape, scissors, disposable gloves,
digital thermometers, crutches, youth wheelchair, stretcher, ambulance, pickup truck, motorbikes.
Please consider donating or raising $1 for every pound you send to cover shipping cost. We need $3,600 to
purchase the cargo container, which will be modified to be used as a classroom or housing after it arrives in
Fondwa; shipping cost is additional. Make checks payable to “Catholic Charities” designated “Care-A-Van;”
mail to: Barbara DiTommaso, Commission on Peace and Justice, 40 North Main Ave., Albany, NY 12203.
Thank you for helping!

Collection location in Troy, New York: Rosa House, Troy Catholic Worker, 2251 Old Sixth Avenue
(between Jacob & Hutton Sts.)
Please call ahead (518) 272-1468 for directions, to be sure someone is available to accept donations (weekdays, evenings, Saturdays)
Discussed roof repair needs for the
Session Notes central part of the church complex
from Chandlee Gill
Clerk of Session Approved application to NY Land-
marks Conservancy of Robert
Wilson Sacred Sites Challenge
The Session met in Stated Meeting on
Grant for roof repair
May 24, 2010
Discussed the relocation of the LVA
Received four new active members
offices so that the roof above the
Meredith Best, Babette Loucks
Wheeler room can be repaired
and Fran Oakes by reaffirmation of
faith and Twila Mattson by letter of Discussed the need for a capital
transfer from the Oakwood Avenue campaign to fund the roof repair
Presbyterian Church Named John Buckley as an additional
Approved plans for a community signer for the church financial
children’s chorus accounts
Approved a request to solicit funds Named John Buckley as commis-
for partial purchase of anthems in sioner to the June 8 Presbytery
honor of individuals or groups meeting at Bay Road
Agreed to join NY Interfaith Power
and Light. Their mission is to sup- Next Session meeting is June 21
port congregations of all faiths in
their actions to curb global warm-
ing and protect the sacredness of
the earth.
Received the 2008 Financial Review
Heard plans for Membercare and Volunteer Needed
Thirty minutes a month to change letters on
Approved job descriptions for the the courtyard sign. To volunteer or for more
20 hr Administrative Assistant information, contact Maury Castro.
position and a temporary sexton
Discussed alternatives for configur-
ing the tasks of cleaning and
repairing the church building
Prayers of the People … for Victor Zewou and family, as he continues his
recovery from surgery for a fractured ankle
Prayers of joy Prayers of thanksgiving
… at the news of Florence Parmelee’s graduation … from Debbie Brown, for the congregation’s
from Hudson Valley Community College with an caring and support during her recuperation from
Associate’s degree in Human Services. surgery for a fractured ankle
… at the news of the marriage of Kerry Welcome’s Prayers for the healing of creation
brother, Kevin, and fiancée Tara in Geneva,
New York, on May 22 …as the environmental damage from the oil rig
explosion grows ever more catastrophic along the
… at the graduation of Jonathan Simon, Alexandra’s Gulf Coast
younger son, from a violin repair course and his
receipt of a summer internship with a violin maker

Healing prayers June Birthdays

… for Alice Kirstein, following a recent
hospitalization for breathing problems 2 Michael Schwendeman
Barbara Duggan
… for Randy Shuster’s father, Marion, who had
surgery for two abdominal aneurysms and for 6 Charlotte Glennie
Randy’s mother, Faith, during this time of transition
John Husson
and uncertainty
Phong Thach
… for Kelly Rogalo, assistant to the Stated Clerk of
Albany Presbytery, as she recovers from recent 14 Michael Warman, Jr.
surgery 17 Diana Loeffel
… for Harry Heintz, pastor of the Brunswick Church, Eleanor McCauley
and his spouse, Rachel, as Harry prepares to have a
pacemaker put in
22 Betty Bliss
23 Bob Harrington
Prayers of support and care
27 Shirley Bowes
… for Randy Shuster’s son, Zach, in Marine training
in Oklahoma as he awaits news about his John Eadie
deployment Earl Turner, Jr.
… for Bonnie McCaig, Don Newell, Courtney 29 Catherine Hyatt
Savaria and Kiera Hovey, and their
… for Fran Oakes and family
… for Trudi Wybourn’s sister and brother-in-law, A very happy birthday to you all!
Cynthia and Jerry Loft.
… for Dana Crobok, Gavin and Breanne
… for Bonnie Kerr, Rachel, and Kylie
June 2010
Sunday Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5
As of June 1 Joani is on vacation AA Group
the church office will
6:30 Joseph’s House
be open Bell Ringers Meal Prep
Monday thru Friday 3 to 5
9 to 1 Children’s 7 to 8:30
Choir Chancel Choir
6 7 8 9 10 6:00 11 12
Communion MMC Music
Sub-Comm AA Group
10:00 Worship 3:15 to 6:30 9:30 a.m
Roxbury FUPC Staff Last
Farm Meeting
Faith Education 7 to 8:30
Chancel Choir
Celebration 6 to 7 7 p.m. Faith
Music 3 to 5 Ed Search
NA Group Together Children’s Committee
13 14 15 Newsletter 16 17 18 19
10:00 Worship MMC Deadline
2:00 AA Group
11:00 3:15 to 6:30
Roxbury Eddy
Refreshments 7:00 Worship Noon—Special
Farm Session Meeting
Personnel 3 to 5
5:30 MLMT with
Children’s Confirmation
6 to 7 Choir 6:30Choir
Music 5:30 TMDC Party Candidates
NA Group Together Mtg.
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
10:00 Worship MMC
9:30 a.m AA Group
Confirmation 3:15 to 6:30
6:30 Roxbury FUPC Staff
Children’s Choir Session Farm Meeting
11:00 Birthday
Refreshments 6 to 7
NA Group Together

27 28 29 30
10:00 Worship
Troy Music Day Camp
Refreshments Unity House Summer Camp Program Begins
Vacation Bible School
6 to 7 3:15 to 6:30
Music Roxbury
NA Group Together Farm
Open Minds, Open Hearts, Open Doors:
Where People with Differences Unite in Christ

First United Presbyterian Church

1915 Fifth Avenue
Troy, New York 12180

In this issue: June, July and August worship schedule

Vacation Bible School News
May 24 Session Notes
Pride Parade and more . . .

First United Presbyterian Church Officers for 2010

Vision Newsletter is published 11 times a year by
The Session
Moderator - The Reverend Alexandra Lusak First United Presbyterian Church, Troy, New York
Class of 2010: Karen Harpe, Bonnie McCaig, Member of the Troy Larger Parish
Peggy Savchik, Robin Wheeler Alexandra S. Lusak Pastor
Class of 2011: Don Bowes, Debbie Brown, Maury A. Castro Minister of Music
Sue Steele Carlie D’Annunzio Financial Analyst
Class of 2012: John Buckley, Pat Carlson, Peg Drew,
Joani Jameson Administrative Assistant
Chandlee Gill
Lynne Stevens Housekeeper
The Board of Deacons
To Contact Us: you may call 518-272-2771
Class of 2010: Betsy Belle Eadie, Kathleen Roe, you may write to us at
Dan Rogers, Shirley Street
Class of 2011: Martha Juenger, Don Lutz, 1915 Fifth Avenue Troy, New York 12180
Marsha Mintz-Botsford, Pat Rudebush
or you may email us at
Class 2012: Bob Harrington, Bonnie Kerr,
Courtney Savaria, Claudia Schwendeman Visit our website:

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