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Creating Inspection Lots for Raw
in SAP

BIS 458s MW 2pm-3:15pm

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

Table of Contents
Individual Project Funtional Design Report..................................2
Creating Quality Management View for Material......................3
Change Quality Management View for Material.......................5
Create Inspection Plan..............................................................9
Maintain Quality Management Settings at Plant Level...........13
Create Routing for Materials...................................................17
Goods Issue............................................................................19
Record Inspection Results......................................................22

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Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

Individual Project Functional Design Report

Prepared By: Maxwell Macqueen
Status: Not Functioning

Date Prepared: 4/26/16

Version: 1

Functional Design

The functionality of this project is to set up an inspection lot for

our raw materials Barrel, Clip, Cap, Band and Cartridge. The
inspection lot will allow us to thoroughly inspect the materials
that we buy to make sure that we are not paying for materials
that could result creating a faulty finished product.

Open Issues

Unsure how to set-up Inspection Characteristics for raw

material rather than finished products
Could not manually create the inspection lot with reference
to order number because it would assume the inspection for
production was for Epen113 and not my raw materials that I
was issuing into production.
Rather than having my inspection at the point of production
it may have been an easier project to have my inspection
point during my goods receipt phase rather than the
production phase or doing my project about strictly setting
up ESET.

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Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project


To start things off, were going to create a quality management view for our
raw materials. Since we will be creating an inspection plan for our EPEN,
we will go ahead and create an inspection plan for our raw materials as

Functional Flow

Logistics > Materials Management > Material > Create (Special) > Raw

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

In order to create an
Inspection plan we will need
to create a Quality
Management view for
Barrel113, Clip113,
Cap113, Band113 and
Cartridge113. For the
purpose of this project I will
show how to do these steps
for only one material.
Make sure that you
create a view for each

Click the shaded box to the

left of where Quality
Management view is. Once
you have completed this
the text field should be
highlighted, click the

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project



Once were in the Quality Management view, there are a variety of options
that are available to choose depending on the details of your material such
as How long the Goods Receipt process takes for an order of that type of
raw material or how many days it would take to fully inspect an order of
that material. For the purpose of this project we will add in made up
numbers to certain fields while leaving most of them blank.
Logistics > Material Master > Material > Change >

The 2 fields I have entered in are GR Processing Time and QM material auth. These
2 fields are important because it tells you how long the Goods Receipt process will
take with the inspection and it also tells us who will authorize the goods after the
inspection has been completed. After filling in the necessary fields we will then

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

After Selecting
it will bring you to this screen.
This screen will show you the type of inspection that you would like
to use for your product. Once we are here we will select
to set up the type of inspection we will want to use.

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

For the inspection Type (InspType) we will be using 03. This will indicate
that we will inspect the materials during our production process our
finished product from a production order. When we are ready to fill out a
production order we will inspect the Raw Materials for flaws before putting
them into production. For the purpose of this project after entering our
inspection type we will check both of the boxes under PreferredInsType
and Active, after doing these steps click
to proceed.

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

After clicking on the

you will come across this screen, here you add
different details to your inspection. For this project we are going to add a
check to the 100% inspection checkbox to ensure that we inspect the
whole lot of the materials that are going into production. If for instance that
we were ordering parts by the thousands we may change this so we dont
have to inspect every part that comes though the factory. We will also select
Skips allowed. This will allow us to override certain inspection stages for
circumstances that would not be necessary. Ensure that the rest of the
indicated fields are not checked. Once you have verified your changes click

Bis 458s


Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

Once we have created the views necessary for our inspection now we go in
and create our inspection and the plan for how we are going to execute our
Logistics > Quality Management > Quality Planning >
Inspection Planning > Inspection Plan > Create


Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

In this screen you will enter the material and the plant for which we are
creating the plan. I will continue to use Barrel113 as my example but I
will also be creating a similar plan for the rest of my raw materials.
After entering the material of choice and your plant click

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

This table is designed to add details to your inspection plan. For this project we
will be filling in the required fields usage and status. The Planning work center
is the work center that is in charge of the inspection plan so we will be filling in
that field as well. The usage field indicated when the inspection plan will be
used. Since we are working with raw material we will plan on inspecting them
during the production phase so we will use 1. Once we have finished the
inspection the status field should indicate that the order is released and you
are clear for production, so we will use 4 for that field. When you are ready
at the top of the header

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

Here is the part of the inspection plan that gets more into detail about what
sort of processes you require out of your inspection. First we must define where
your inspection takes place and the work center that is in charge of the inspection
so you can keep track of how much time and money it will take you to perform
your inspection. For this project I will use a Work Center and Plant that I have
already defined within my system.
Next we will create a description of what processes we will have within our
inspection. I chose 2 simple processes that will visually inspect each part that
comes in and give a durability test. These two test should be enough to point out
any defects that I may have within my raw materials.
After providing descriptions we will assign each task a time of how long it
takes to set up and inspect each material that comes through. Since these tests
are meant for inspecting every material we will make them very short to save time
and money. I put my value that it will take roughly 6 seconds to visually inspect it
and 3 seconds to test the durability. If I were expecting shipments of over 1000
raw materials I may consider creating a faster inspection plan or inspection plan
that would test fewer parts. But for the purpose of this project we will go ahead

Bis 458s



Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

Now that we have created the characteristics for our

inspection plan. We have to go into customizing and
activate our quality management view for our plan. I will
post screenshots for copying the information to use as a
reference to creating the Plant-Dependent QM Settings for
a new plant. I will provide information about certain code
indicators and briefly describe the actions that each view

Functional Flow > Tools > Customizing > Execute Project

> Quality Management >Basic
> Maintain Settings at Plant Level

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

After selecting maintain settings at plant level you will come across
this screen. To add a plant to the QM setting we will select the

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

Insp. Lot Creation

InspTypeForInspStock: 0800
Insp. Lot with Insp. Stock at QM
Order type: Independent
Ql02: Item Settlement
Order type: Collective settlement
QL01: Collectve settlement
These settlement rules apply to
when you are settling costs that
are associated with completing a
production order.

Results Recording
InsPt. Field combination:
Freely-defined inspection
In the Results
Recording view, you record
and process results for
inspection characteristics.
The inspection lot is the
reference in Results

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

InsLot Completion
Stor.loc. for reserves:
(20) Quality Inventory
This view serves as what
happens when the
inspection is completed and
automatic decision

there are very few actions you
have to do. In Basic Data you have to ensure that both of the
boxes present are unselected and in general settings you are given
the option of how many days back that you want to review
previous data. You can insert any number you want. I chose to
enter 100 so I could track back as far as the last quarter plus
some. When you are done click
to save your changes.

Bis 458s



Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

In order for the inspection plan to execute we must create a

routing for each raw material. A routing is a description of
which operations and the order in which they are carried
out. Routings also contain details about the work centers,
labor time, machining time, setup time, and components
assigned at each operation.
Logistics > Production > Master Data > Routings >
Routings > Standard Routings > Create

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

Just as a Note the

routing will look
almost identical
to your inspection
plan page. Copy
all of the
information from
page 9 -11

Bis 458s



Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

Now it is time to test our inspection plan to make sure that everything is in
working order. To do this we will first create a production order.For the
purpose of this project we will assume that we already know how to create
a production order. Once you done creating a production order that uses
Raw Materials that we made an inspection plan for, we will move to
the Goods Reciept for Production Order and create our point of inspection
before we issue our Raw Materials into production.

Logistics > Production > Shop Floor Control >Goods

Movement > Goods Issue

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

Once you reach this window enter the following information.

Document Date: current date
Movement Type: 261 (goods issue to consumption for order from warehouse)
Plant: your specified plant
Storage location: where you keep your raw materials (30)
When you are done filling this information out we select
of our screen.

at the top

Bis 458s

Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

Enter your order number from the production order that you created and select
after you have hit the button click on
to accept the details for each material.
Once you are finished click on
to post the materials into production.

Bis 458s



Maxwell Macqueens
Individual Project

Now that we have issued our goods into production it goes

into a quarantine until an inspection has been completed.
Once the inspection has been completed you will have to
make a decision if you are going to pass the inspection and
continue on with the production process or if you are going
to fail the inspection and reorder more parts. Depending on
the companies procedures there are many different
outcomes that could result out of an inspection.
Logistics > Quality Management > Quality Inspection >
Inspection Lot > Usage Decision > Record

An inspection lot should generate for your Raw Materials. Hit enter to proceed if
it does. If it does not you can manually search for it by clicking on the icon to the
right of the text field.

At the bottom where it says Ud code is where you indicate the outcome of the
inspection plan. In this window you can look at the defects what you may have
occurred while the inspection was taking place. Click on the UD code input
textbox and hit F4 where you will then see the screen on the next page.

Here are some of the usage decisions that you can choose from
that will determine the outcome of your inspection plan. We will
be choosing A0 which will indicate that we will accept our
materials into production. Once we select A0 hit
to successfully complete your inspection.

Kumar, K. (2014, January 7). In process inspection in Production at regular intervals.
Retrieved from
Processing of Inspection Characteristics. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Tracy, S. (2016, January). Unit 3 Exercises.
Tracy, S. (2016, January). Unit 4 Exercises.

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